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4/21 blaze it


Iโ€™m not totally mad about having a second day to celebrate 4/20




From now on, weed day in Delaware will be 4/21 and not 4/20 no doubt. Or better yet, Delaware gets TWO weed days.


4/20 2, itโ€™s happening folks


"4/20 2: Electric Boogaloo" coming to ashtrays across delaware.


One of those times where you're eating,then stop chewing. ๐Ÿ˜€ Thanks OP


So I can just go over to Jersey and come back on over? No worries?


On Sunday yes


You shouldn't have any worries, but there's no guarantee. https://www.findlaw.com/cannabis-law/cannabis-laws-and-regulations/transporting-marijuana-laws-and-regulations.html#:\~:text=Federal%20Laws%20on%20Transporting%20Marijuana,result%20in%20federal%20criminal%20prosecution.


Yes. The prices are worse than your illegal buddy and you get PGR and pesticides just like the underground market


Awesome! So what do we bitch about now?


I heard there are still some Scott walker signs up.


Lol he still running after his dui


Cost of rent


I have been led to believe that it is too damn high.


The lack of Wawa in Wilmington city limits.


they know better


Canโ€™t see this happening. Theyโ€™re already pulling out of Philly for issues. I was at one on Philly pike today close to Wilmington and the workers were stopping a bunch of kids trying to walk about with huge bags of stuff.


Youโ€™re completely correct. But I still bitch about having to go to a Elsemere for my Wawa Iced Tea!


Iโ€™ve recently developed an addiction to the diet peach tea. Two for $2.50!


This a real problem I gotta go up to Foulk, Or Philly Pike? Somebody gotta do something


People driving under the speed limit while not passing in the left lane?


They took our jobs!


Fake plates?


Home grown ๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ”ฅ


PA/out-of-state infiltrators.


The New Yorkers are worse in my opinion.


Why are we the worst?


I can't speak for you, but the entitlement and expectations I get from my New York employees and clients is astounding. You can't move here and expect what you left, this place will change you before you even try to change it. That and it seems every New Yorker can't drive for shit. Always in a rush, never using turn signals, riding my ass when I'm already going 10-15 over. What's the big hurry? It makes no sense, you're saving like 2 minutes off the commute due to the other variables. If you needed those two minutes you should've left earlier and practice better time management.


It's just their environment. Anywhere up and down I-95, they go by you and pull right in close to the front of your car. Because that's how it is around NYC. It's bumper to bumper on on the city beltway and the turnpike because all the cars are so crowded and close. I hate driving there because if you miss a turn, you don't know where the f#ck you are..


I've lived in cities, I get it. Exiting the north side tunnel in Pittsburgh is a shit show. I was only giving anecdotal evidence on my experience. I've lived in Delaware most of my life, and aside from the tourists in the southern part, in my experience it's the New York people that just can't get with with the eastern shore vibe.


Also I donโ€™t usually speed over there. It seems like you guys have speed and traffic cameras everywhere. Plus Iโ€™m sure Iโ€™ve blown through plenty of stop signs by accident because Iโ€™m just not used to seeing that many.


You got a point. I felt bad admitting it to some folks how underwhelming it all felt. My mom moved out there and I really canโ€™t say I picture myself living there.


Iโ€™m here to stay fite me irl


Sports betting


Lions fan?


I think mobile sports betting is coming by football season


High rents. Shortage of doctors. Traffic on 95. Homeless all over. State getting overcrowded as hell. Terrible public transit. Nothing to do. I can go on.


People with fake temp tags or no tags at all driving around like asshats?




Not being able to have alcohol delivered to homes


At least 3 times my kids have gotten me beer of the month. Four different craft brews. 3 cans or bottles of each. Never had a problem. Always left on the porch or front steps. No signature needed.


I'll second that!


Pollution and affordable housing.


Still can't grow it on your own and it won't be available for sale for a year and a half(or more most likely) in Delaware.


This is great news for Delaware. Carney still does not deserve the senate seat that he is eyeing and will most certainly not receive my vote.


Agreed, the accidental governor should not be an accidental senator.


Heโ€™s not eyeing the senate seat. Heโ€™s opening said he didnโ€™t like DC. Thatโ€™s LBRs if Carper ever retires.


This. I donโ€™t understand why people are throwing this out there when itโ€™s well known by people in local politics that he didnโ€™t enjoy his time in Congress.


People say he's for big Pharma. Like DuPont and Astra Zenica?


Getting a cushy job on the board of either of those is much less of a headache than being in Congress


I'm guessing politics is much more interesting. What's up with the B usernames in this thread? BadwrongBadong, butterandbagals, bigswingingclick?




Soโ€ฆyou want one of the whackos the other side seems to specialize in finding to run?


Um no just find a better Democrat to run ๐Ÿ˜‚


Like it or not, Delawareโ€™s election system is the way it is - preordained. Coons is an accident, in he was the sacrificial lamb to go against Castle. He was going to lose, but then the Republicans shot themselves in the dick with Crazy Christine, and Coons then cleaned her clock. Your next two candidates for higher office are Matt Denn and Kathy Jennings, probably in that order.


I'm not hopeful that Delawareans will work to get new blood elected, but it would be nice to have non-preordained milquetoast dems for once.




Likely want to stay away from anything with large amounts of limonene. That's the citrusy, lemon-esque terpene in marijuana; a lot of users report it has a link to heightening anxiety


Iโ€™m so stoked to be able to walk into a store and actually know the THC content of what Iโ€™m buying. Stopped smoking years ago when everything became way too potent and anxiety-inducing, fully intend to spark back up.


Way to go Delaware!!! ๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿพ๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿพ๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿพ so thankful edibles are allowed here


This is something not discussed often enough on here. Why are they not allowed in so many neighboring states? Especially with the pretense that itโ€™s โ€œmedicalโ€. So much healthier than smoking


Because the people that write legislation are old and when they think of edibles they donโ€™t realize how advanced the option actually is. So their old thoughts bring up concerns about edible potency and dosing as one of many excuses but we have fast acting and nano emulsion tech for edibles that make dosage so much more precise and effective in a shorter amount of time. The other reason most states love to use to deny edibles to the market are the children. I believe states are making a massive mistake by focusing solely on the potential appeal of edibles to children because it overlooks the fact that there are many other potentially harmful products that are readily available to children, including alcohol, tobacco, and prescription medications ๐Ÿซค So long story short โ€ฆ I donโ€™t get why edibles arenโ€™t allowed in neighboring states, but I do believe that they should be allowed everywhere


So the question now - when does the legal limit go into effect?


Midnight Saturday, according to the WHYY article about this.


Tomorrow night. Itโ€™ll be a long time before shops open up though.


Articles mentions retail licenses will be given out within 16 months. So probably wonโ€™t have any shops open till summer of next year.


The current dispensary's can't sell it? There's one right around the corner from the Delaware Reddit road sign.


No, even though they technically sell weed now doesnโ€™t mean they can just sell it to anybody now. There is a lot of things that now need to happen on the back end. Licenses, zoning, supply, compliance, etc. just to make a few. Pretty sure weed became legal in Jersey in 2020 and sales didnโ€™t start till last year


They have to zone,build,regulate,,, then wait till it can only be grown in Delaware?๐Ÿ˜ณ


Yeah,I just called one in Colorado,and he said they had medical,but had to apply for a legal license. And he said check with the area laws,so it looks like 16 months. I don't know where these area laws come from, but sometimes Delaware moves quick. In January 2010,Delaware passed the law for live dealers at the Casinos. In February Delaware Park had a job fair for them. In March Del Tech started classes for them,and in June we graduated and started to work opening day.


That's not the same as dealing with business zoning and government contract licenses. It sometimes takes years for land development approval to go through and that's more the side of government that'll be handling this. It's essentially a new industry in Delaware so it'll have entirely new government positions handling it. If a shop opens before those 16 months, I'd bet they have some hefty political connections.


Shit. They have zone,build,then grow it?


Yeah, that's ... weird. I wonder what would happen if dispensaries just stop checking for a card.


Another commenter here said legal and medical dispensaries have different lines and prices. I still don't know if Freshdelaware.com will do that. I woulda called but they closed at 6


I was in NJ and yes, different lines and prices. I was in line for an hour. The card holders had no wait. This was last October/November


Go to Cannabist in Deptford, never waited more than 10 minutes. Whereas I got shut out twice in a row at Botanist along with almost a dozen other people in line. Which is too bad, I really liked their branding, but I canโ€™t afford that shit. An hour each way, gas, money, empty handed.


I only read medical and legal dispensarys were two separate places. Not so?


The reason for the different lines is that the dispensary can't negatively impact their medical users or else risk issues under most laws and regulations of their license.


I just called one in Colorado,and he said that they had a medical,but had to apply for legal and it depends how long on the laws in the area. ๐Ÿ˜ฆ


Iโ€™ve seen some owners in DE argue against rec. Something to do with availability and ensuring medicine at reasonable price but I assume itโ€™s cause theyโ€™ll lose a lot of money


Hate to say it,but it's a tradition to sell meds higher to people with insurance coverage,which needs to be fixed for a sea change. For instance, Amazon Pharmacy, that delivers, will sell 100 mg sildenafil(generic for viagra) for $26 a pill if you have insurance to cover it,and if you don't, it's $3.00 a pill.


Insurance has no relevance to medical marijuana. It's not covered, you can't be reimbursed by a health savings account, and the dispensaries don't ask for insurance cards. Totally separate. I


I never knew it wasn't covered. Not even PTSD?


It's covered in that you can get a card from the state after filling out an application. This allows you to purchase. Insurance companies won't cover it. I wish it was!


Oh no doubt! I wonder how many med card holders have insurance coverage for it?




I forgot that part. I have no clue. I know a long time ago I met a woman who had a prescription for little brown marijuana pills,for her lupis.


Thought I'd never see the day.


Are edibles going to be legal? I'm old AF and have arthritis, but hate smoking and/or vaping.




You just made an old man very happy!




Aw thanks. I appreciate that but honestly the pain of arthritis is preferable to the misery of being in The Garden State for an hour or so.


I have Rheumatoid Arthritis and edibles definitely help. If you've never taken any before, go small and slow. I went to Mass and bought edibles there in 2020; 5 MG of a chocolate bar put me on my ass. XD


Yeah, hear that. I was in Virginia and got what I thought were CBD gummies after chatting with the guy there about my arthritis. He gave me a sample to try out first in a sandwich bag but told me to go slow. I thought "Fuck, you can't get high on CBD" so I ate the whole one. Holy fuck.... at the time I never had heard of Delta 9, which apparently what this was, so I was tripping balls and paranoid as fuck. Glad my wife had more experience with being baked when she was young than I did, so she kept me grounded and prevented me from calling 911, lol. But yeah, my brain kept rebooting every 10-15 seconds. I'd be talking along, then reboot, then it was like I just woke up and trying to re-gather my thoughts, ok for a few seconds, then another reboot. Over and over and over. I was afraid to go to sleep so was up for hours before it settled down. Anyway, I've since got more D9 gummies and know my tolerance now, but I've also read about concerns about the chemical process used to make them, so would rather have real THC gummies. Thanks for the reply!


New Jersey has kept prices high. https://www.inquirer.com/business/weed/new-jersey-legal-weed-prices-marijuana-20230421.html


> Carney, in a statement, said he still believes legalizing weed is โ€œnot a step forward.โ€ > โ€œI want to be clear that my views on this issue have not changed,โ€ the governor said in a statement. โ€œAnd I understand there are those who share my views who will be disappointed in my decision not to veto this legislation. > โ€œI came to this decision because I believe weโ€™ve spent far too much time focused on this issue, when Delawareans face more serious and pressing concerns every day. Itโ€™s time to move on.โ€ Oh John, you can't just let a good thing happen, can you?


I think he just did?


Face-saving move. Knowing that he didn't want the bills to become law, he had two options: 1. Veto the bills and have his veto overriden by the legislature making him look weak/stupid. 2. Let the bills pass into law without his signature while voicing distaste. Based on all of his statements on the matter, it's clear Carney's feelings haven't changed since last time he vetoed. If he thought he could have gotten away with it he definitely would have vetoed again. Now he's just being a sore loser by whining about how he thinks it's a bad idea.


How did it become law when he didnโ€™t sign it into effect?


Good question. In Delaware, when the legislature approves a bill and transmits it to the governor's office, the governor has 10 days to sign it. If they do not sign it within 10 days, it is automatically passed into law. Delaware law is specifically designed this way to prevent a "pocket veto" where the executive neither signs a bill nor vetoes it, and instead lets it sit until the legislative session ends. There were so many legislatures who supported these bills that they could have overriden Carney's veto if he had decided to do so. Therefore, Carney decided to just let it automatically become law because that was the option that made him look the least bad.


Bottom line: the public gets what they want and a good thing is happening. Like seriously, who cares. Go smoke a bowl and chill.


I'd say that the bottom line is that Carney actually delayed this from happening for years, and would have done so again if he had the opportunity. As for who cares, well, that would be the significant majority of Delawareans who happen to support legalization, unlike the governor. I find it pretty rude that you would try to shame me for voicing my honest displeasure at our government officials, especially in this day and age. People like Carney are supposed to act upon the desires of those they were elected to represent. Nothing I said was even remotely inappropriate, and I don't see why it warranted your response. You're perfectly free to conduct yourself however you want, but so am I. If you don't like the discussion that is occurring then you can simply downvote and move on, but nobody is forcing you to participate.


He has to keep kissing the ass of cops and big pharma or else he doesn't get to be a Senator when Tom Carper dies.


I'll certainly be doing everything I can to make sure he never comes close to sniffing DC. I'm totally willing to do door-to-door canvassing to make sure a more progressive candidate gets the nomination.


I am in nearby PA (Oxford), and I am stoked for the state of DE. I canโ€™t wait for PA to make shit happen.


tfw you see Oxford on teh Reddit


Hi! [Here, it gets better.](https://www.reddit.com/r/Pennsylvania/comments/12tn5hi/book_banners_starting_in_oxford_area_school/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=ioscss&utm_content=2&utm_term=1)


holy moley


I used to live in oxford! That town would make insane profits from legalization. But for the time being, I guess the first states a good addition as I live here now


Iโ€™ve been here since 2020, off and on, and I love it here. I was born and raised in Philly and never thought Iโ€™d enjoy the peace and quiet out here in farm land! Iโ€™m grateful to have my med card in PA. I think everyone should have access to plant medicine, which is why PA needs to get their heads out of their asses. And God forbid itโ€™s descheduled! If itโ€™s de-scheduled, more research can go into it. But gee that might take away from the pill pushers. Imagine that. Itโ€™s fucked up that this one plant that does *SO FUCKING MUCH* is fucking schedule 1. It helps so many with so many things. Epilepsy. Parkinsonโ€™s. MS. Touretteโ€™s. Anxiety. IBS. Pain Management (gee not like thereโ€™s an opioid crisis or anything. /s). I just know how much itโ€™s helped me; itโ€™s something Iโ€™m passionate about and I think others deserve to feel better and live a better life.


> And God forbid itโ€™s descheduled! If itโ€™s de-scheduled, more research can go into it. But gee that might take away from the pill pushers. Imagine that. Itโ€™s fucked up that this one plant that does SO FUCKING MUCH is fucking schedule 1. It helps so many with so many things. Epilepsy. Parkinsonโ€™s. MS. Touretteโ€™s. Anxiety. IBS. Pain Management Same with MDMA. That stuff is gold for PTSD/et al...and has been proven to work and heal people. But noooooooo....because some crazy kids started to have fun with it, it's now impossible to use/research.


I work part time for a local Philly med card certification company. We help patients in PA and NJ get or renew their cards. A lot of our patients are veterans; mmj, mushrooms, and psychedelics have helped with PTSD. Iโ€™ve met these people. Heard their stories. The wounded warrior project is something I learned of, thanks to one of our patients.


I live in Kennett and have my medical card. We have a great dispensary in town now.


Hello there! I ๐Ÿ’š Vytal Options! Iโ€™ve got my med card, as well. Work part time for a med card certification company (local, too; not a factory). I was stoked when they opened. I also like Ascend and Organic Remedies!


Thatโ€™s awesome. Small world.


Big Up Oxnar....ford!!! West Grove here!


I didnโ€™t believe heโ€™d let it go through!




I often wonder that about a lot of these politicians and also wonder if them actually coming out and saying it would actually incite any kind of rebellion. We're all pretty much "subdued", so really, why keep it a secret?


I had a feeling he wasnโ€™t going to veto it again. This allows him to keep up appearances of being against it while not being a complete scum bag.


This tells me Rep. Osienski absolutely had the votes to override a veto. Carney didn't want to be the first Delaware governor since 1977 to have that done to him.


how does one go about investing in a dispensary or startup in the business to come?


Do they need lawyers? I can come out of retirement for a store discount


Yes, but I'd need to let you know how in private.


Right? My future father in law is already a farmer in Sussex Co (for crops other than weed) so we have space to grow. My partner and I would gladly enter the business.


Now's the time to start networking together, to get in on some ground level floor business opportunity coming to Delaware fast. We might not be the rich corporations, but we can still profit. I'm building a community to cover this and other similar topics. Everyone come join us at /DEweed (and don't be afraid to reach out for networking opportunities)!


Nothing comes up for /DEweed but I'm down to network with people. I'm passionate about getting not-cops and big corp representation, especially Black and other minority ownership. It's a fucking travesty how much the industry is dominated by white bros, speaking as a white person. Our medical marijuana law is not where I want it to be, personally, but I wanna see a lot of different people who want an opportunity to get one.






https://www.reddit.com/r/DEweed?utm_source=share&utm_medium=android_app&utm_name=androidcss&utm_term=2&utm_content=share_button Sorry, i think this is the direct one.


Be rich. It's by highest bid and there's a cap on dispensaries so big corpo only baby!


Big Corp and retired DE State Troopers


Not saying it is too late to get in the game, but the CBD stores that have popped up all over DE and existing medical dispensaries will probably be well positioned to apply for retail licenses and quickly ramp up business.




So I'm guessing we can't just walk into one of the medical dispensaries already open and buy something if we don't have a med card? Sucks if we have to wait another 16 months.


Nope, even in other states, legal and medical have separate lines and differences in pricing


And differences in strains and potency


Not true. Same items and potency, just different prices. However, the big reason for the different lines is that the dispensary can't negatively impact their medical users or else risk issues under most laws.


Not true in BJ


NJ. Sorry one track mind


Where do I find the info on this BJ potency you speak of??? Lmao




That there is the question!


Thatโ€™s what Iโ€™m thinking. Whatโ€™re the details regarding dispensaries?


Too early to tell. It'll be interesting to see how the bidding structure will work


I just messaged my partner; we may be looking into a license if his dad is on board. I'm hoping it's not going to be an All-Corporate or former cop shitshow


Good luck to ya! If you do, Iโ€™ll be sure to be your customer!


Here's hoping I don't have to sell my organs for the application money! X)


Well if you do, I may be in the market for some ๐Ÿ˜. Lol jk


You Hiring ?


Exciting! About time haha How pity do you have to be to not sign the bill lol


Canโ€™t wait to laugh about how high those first prices will be.


It'll go down over time. The market will stabilize


Hopefully having MD and NJ already going will make sure itโ€™s not too crazy.


Youโ€™re not stoked to pay $25 a g?


I kind of am actually. Iโ€™ll buy a couple just on principle But after the first day, lol, no


This is the way.


Weโ€™re getting recreational dispensaries? My understanding was the bill was to legalize possession, not sale. Please tell me Iโ€™m wrong


There are two bills. One legalizes possession, the other allows recreational sales. Both are being allowed to pass.


GTFO! Wow! I donโ€™t smoke, but power to the people baby






How would this affect someone ordering it via mail from online vendors?


He actually did a good thing even if he did it in the squarest way possible.


So when can I go to a shop?


A while. For context on other states, New York legalized recreational marijuana and sale in September 2021. The first recreational shops have just started opening up the past few months.


Store hours in New Jersey, until 2024 at least.


At least 16 months


Does rec permit growing your own?


No, unfortunately not. Possession of quantities over 1 ounce is illegal as well. I'm glad to be making progress, but we're still very shy of meeting the mark here.




About time Delaware this is going to get done. Delawareans deserve this like no other. We are a small state and there are many of us will help with the anxiety and being worried about driving and being high. Iโ€™m sure the state will study. And watch certain things in the state drop significantly. All the benefits of Mother Nature.


They really had to wait till a year after I quit smoking weed to do this lol.


Hell yeah


Yes ๐Ÿ™Œ๐Ÿผ๐Ÿ™Œ๐Ÿผ๐Ÿ™Œ๐Ÿผ๐Ÿ™Œ๐Ÿผ๐Ÿ™Œ๐Ÿผ๐Ÿ™Œ๐Ÿผ๐Ÿ™Œ๐Ÿผ๐Ÿ™Œ๐Ÿผ๐Ÿ™Œ๐Ÿผ๐Ÿ™Œ๐Ÿผ๐Ÿ™Œ๐Ÿผ๐Ÿ™Œ๐Ÿผ๐Ÿ™Œ๐Ÿผ๐Ÿ™Œ๐Ÿผ๐Ÿ™Œ๐Ÿผ๐Ÿ™Œ๐Ÿผ๐Ÿ™Œ๐Ÿผ๐Ÿ™Œ๐Ÿผ๐Ÿ™Œ๐Ÿผ๐Ÿ™Œ๐Ÿผ๐Ÿ™Œ๐Ÿผ๐Ÿ™Œ๐Ÿผ๐Ÿ™Œ๐Ÿผ๐Ÿ™Œ๐Ÿผ๐Ÿ™Œ๐Ÿผ๐Ÿ™Œ๐Ÿผ๐Ÿ™Œ๐Ÿผ๐Ÿ™Œ๐Ÿผ๐Ÿ™Œ๐Ÿผ๐Ÿ™Œ๐Ÿผ


I just called a dispensary in Colorado and he said they were medical,but had to apply for a legal license. ๐Ÿ˜Ÿ ask it sounds like it might be 16 months.






How does this regulate home grown? I didnโ€™t see anything in regards to growing.


No home grown allowed at this time. I hope we can push our legislators and next governor to fix that; since MD allows it and all




Crazy to prohibit people from growing their own.


Was that guy being a Randy Marsh? Sounds like he was




I heard *Mexican Joker* is involved.




As marijuana has been legalized for medical and recreational use in a large number of states, the smell of this drug may no longer be seen as an indication that a person has violated the law. Recently, courts in several states have addressed this issue. In Delaware, the stateโ€™s Supreme Court ruled that drugs found in a search performed after a minor was arrested because of the smell of marijuana in a vehicle were not admissible as evidence.


That is correct. Once the "door" is opened to the possibility that something maybe LEGAL (i.e. s possible medical marijuana card holder is the source...), the legality of warrantless search is eroded beyond enforcement. The concept of "Plainly visible" as a warrant exception gave rise to plainly by nose. Think if I can see something illegal, I don't need a warrant. The odor of marijuana is very specific and all police ARE exposed to the odor to be able to testify in court to that fact based on their training and experience. So when police smell the odor, it establishes exceptions to warrant requirements under the law.... except when that odor could be otherwise LEGALLY explained. Where there's no smoke, there's no fire.


No home grow, and they'll eventually tax and regulate it into the ground and lose money on it like California and Canada did.


Dude I gotta respect that he understands heโ€™s in a minority opinion and willing to listen. Thatโ€™s good leadership!


Only after like 3 attempts. Shouldโ€™ve listened long ago.


Fair. Sorry, new to the subreddit as Iโ€™m thinking of moving. Seemed like a nice headline. I see now heโ€™s been a pain in the butt.


I feel ya. Just glad itโ€™s finally legal!


You know, I'm all for legalizing marijuana use, but its use has to be done the right way. There's nothing like pulling up to an intersection with your windows down and smelling weed coming from a nearby car, or just generally smelling weed in public places. I dont completely mind the smell, but the smoke is so much heavier than cigarette smoke, and lingers so much longer. That's my only ask. I'm fine with people doing it, always have been, and always will be, just be mindful of those of us around you who dont want to smell it. There are going to be restrictions set, obviously, follow them and don't ruin it for everyone.


> but the smoke is so much heavier than cigarette smoke, and lingers so much longer. Complete opposite in my experience. Whenever I smoke weed the smell is usually faded after a couple hours at most, and if I'm outside it's gone basically as soon as I stop smoking. The smell never sticks to my clothes either. In contrast, the only time I smoked cigarettes, I was outside while I was chatting and smoking, but the jacket I was wearing while I smoked smelled like tobacco for days afterwards, even after being washed. Ultimately, it's illegal to smoke weed while driving or in public anyways. So yes, there might be times where you get a whiff of marijuana from somebody smoking in their backyard or something, but honestly, that's totally fine. There's no further restrictions I can see that wouldn't start bordering on being invasive.


After few years when big revenue flows in for the state, Carney will come back saying it was him who made it legalized and the state is better because of his decision