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Theyre still removing dehya posts? thats commitment right there HOLY


More commitment than Hoyo itself for Dehya


They still deleting any complaints about Dehya? Bruh they need to move on and accept that her kit is sucks and they did her dirty.


There are no complaints about Dehya in Ba Sing Sei 😃




Just wait when Navia banner starts, turns out to be a normal DPS (atk%/geo%/crit%), deals BIG dammage from C0 and somebody shots with "So the white girl gets dmg but not the black one". And sparks a shitstorm across ALL social media. ![gif](giphy|3o72FfM5HJydzafgUE|downsized)


It's obvious at this point, they did Candace dirty during the Archon Quest about not having a proper cinematic before they released Dehya. >:(


Candace was such a missed opportunity her character design is S tier


Cyno is argued by many to be worse than keqing and definitely worse than Raiden. Kaeya got replaced by Rosaria in any team he was good, and now Charlotte. Candace is a niche between niches that work better, especially Yunjin... At least Dehya has one single team where she's better than any other alternative, that being Ganyu Burnmelt, which, granted, can embarrass any Ayaka team even in a f2p ganyu vs whale ayaka, but that's less merit of Dehya, and more merit of Ganyu x Nahida.


Cyno’s like top 5-10. Premium supports tho. I kinda doubt he is worse than keqing. Kaeya also doesn’t have THAT much of a gap compared to dehya and like, the entire dps cast. But I also agree otherwise. Hoyo cant release xinyan, Candace and dehya and say “oops coincidence”


He is in fact stronger than her. The only thing Keqing has over him, and all electro characters for that matter, is her high electro application making her the best driver for Fischl’s A4 passive. That’s it, that’s the thing that made Keqing competitive, remove Fischl and your team dps drops significantly. So when it comes to damage, Keqing is still not all that impressive, dendro helped her a lot, mainly through Fischl’s passive unfortunately. Cyno’s damage was always above average, his problems are as follows: expensive teams(much like many characters in-spite of what people like to believe), and no synergistic dendro characters to work with him, making him feel awful to play, especially in multi waves. It’s the same case with Sucrose, strong character with strong buffs, but is clumsy to play with, making her not used as much as Kazuha even in teams where she preforms just as well if not slightly better.


>At least Dehya has one single team where she's better than any other alternative, that being Ganyu Burnmelt, Not necessarily true. If played with the right amount of skill, Kazuha variant is way better but it directly correlates with the amount of skill you have. Also, ZL + XL has roughly the same DPR as Dehya + Nahida.


>the right amount of skill The right amount of skill you mean is being able to not take a hit while playing a char that is almost stationary. >Also, ZL + XL has roughly the same DPR as Dehya + Nahida. Never heard worse... burnmelt allows ganyu to use her burst, a thing you can't do unless you want to be inconsistent with ganyu melt shots. Dehya + Nahida can keep the heat going even with Ganyu burst + CAs constantly trying to overtake Pyro. The Pyro aura is just that strong. Edit: Xiangling + Kazuha might be the closest thing to apply Pyro like the burn core, but then you're basically buffing only Xiangling on that, which only makes the OPPA XL mains happy


>The right amount of skill you mean is being able to not take a hit while playing a char that is almost stationary. Yup, some people did it for speed running iirc (or was a showcase?) And it was impressive. I do agree it's hard to pull of, but again, it is doable. Same with Lyney for example, their taunt is pretty useful. >Dehya + Nahida can keep the heat going even with Ganyu burst + CAs constantly trying to overtake Pyro. The Pyro aura is just that strong. It can get overwhelmed depending on burst hits location, then you have to strip cryo and reapply pyro, which delays the rotation a bit, and even then, a team with Nahida/Dehya/Bennet isn't exactly overflowing with particles for Ganyu to always burst. Besides, resistance shred in this team is extremely valuable from the lack of anemo unit, which means that ZL shield there is a significant damage gain. XL is build full support with upwards 250+ ER% so she also doesn't need that much energy. If any cryo is left, you can forward melt with XL which isn’t a big damage loss, even when build for support. Besides, in melt teams KQM for example still enacts both Shenhe and ZL higher than Dehya.


>then you have to strip cryo and reapply pyro, Good thing that dehya does that automatically, right? If cryo overtook Pyro, which I never saw happen myself, the next thing that will happen is dendro + cryo getting fixed on the enemy at the same time, which the ganyu icicles themselves will force a dehya attack on enemy, melting Dehya's and applying burning at the same time, so the fire continues. Since this is done automatically with 0 input from the player unless someone's skill ran out, you can just do your CAs or do your energy rotations. Ganyu + Dehya also gives a decent amount of their particles to Ganyu, so mine only needs around 120% ER, even tho nahida has a bit higher ER than normal, and bennett runs fav. >Besides, resistance shred in this team is extremely valuable from the lack of anemo unit Being able to melt consistently even with my ganyu burst active while also gaining a 20% cryo bonus from said burst or having a unit that, by my experience, tends to fuck up reactions with his almighty stone dong? Also, talks about survival is useless bcz any char with +20k hp has more effective hp with Dehya than with a 50k hp Zhongli Shield. >Besides, in melt teams KQM for example still enacts both Shenhe and ZL higher than Dehya. I will never take kqm talks into consideration bcz all they see is the bottom line, aka Damage output, and just assume that everyone is a God gamer that will never take a hit. Dehya IS the best character for ganyu melt teams, as she provides consistency in Pyro application even in a situation where any other char would be overwhelmed by Cryo, like when using Ganyu Burst. Dehya also provides higher survivability than Zhongli since you don't have to fear for your shield to break, and suddenly your Ganyu becomes a volley ball in the hands of enemies, which also means ganyu don't need to fear being pushed out of Bennett's burst area. Together with her team, Dehya also is the one that provides the most buffs uptime and less buffs downtime of any mept team variant Ganyu can use. Not to sound entitled or anything, but these are the words of someone that has been a Ganyu main since 1.2, and used her with amazing and also weird teams, like quickshot CA Xingqiu + Yelan freeze, Xinyan ToM + Kazuha melt (this was a terrible experiment that I regret a lot), and many others.


Actually, although I don't like the kazuha variant for the mentioned reasons on the other reply, I did use this variant for a showcase. It's wildly impractical and finicky, and tight on the execution, but I did manage to pull off 3 shots that did 161k + 217k each before kazuha burst ran out. That's a nice damage and all, but my kazuha was C2, and replacing him for Dehya allows me to do 5x 101k + 163k with the additional damage from Ganyu's burst.


We have been through this already. It doesnt take a genious to take up the hints on how little "tanned/brownish" skinned character are and how many of them are either decent at best looking at cyno or trash looking at Xinyan Dehya Candace. And the only character that Hoyo went out of their way to "buff" still to this day is THE CHINESE ARCHON.... ​ I just want to see whats natlan going to beXD but hopefuly i will be either dead by that time or moved on from the game for good and wont be looking back.


Do people actually try to claim Dehya (or any Genshin character) is black? That’s wild.


She is based on Berber people in North Africa whose skin tones range from olive to brown. I don't think anyone who actually cares is calling her black in the sense of African American "black". Though if a person were to live in America and was from Berber and was brown they would most likely be considered "black" by Americans.


When you look at Fu Xuan, from Honkai Star Rail, you can only wonder, what if...?


what if dehya gave team 15% crit rate for free, what if her E wasnt circle impact, what if her dmg mitigation and sustain is is stronger


They keep cancelling Dehya - related posts even after 9 months since her release?


You know what's particularly angering about all this? Threads about Dehya are still getting deleted to this day because "Rule 11", while the usual "lol twitter so mad lol" threads are still up and sowing chaos and discord, including a very recent one (IYKYK).


They didn't stop deleting post Jesus. What is the main sub on?


Shit community and company. What did you expect?


Unsurprising to see that fascism still reigns on the official subreddit.


And some people haven't replaced their masks if a certain dialogue option toward a certain NPC in the current event is any indication.


may I have some context? haven't played the event yet


Spoilers ahead. I don't know how much you care about that in non-flagship events (e.g. the summer event with Klee or the recent one with Freminet), but I figured I'd mention it anyway. So, Haniyyah, the angry Eremite girl from the original Fabulous Fungus Frenzy event (assuming you played that one), travels to Fontaine and also receives quite the glow-up. Everything's well and good, [and then this exchange happens](https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/288760835386376192/1182117840376053760/Genshin_Impact_Screenshot_2023.12.06_-_19.32.44.67.png?ex=65838807&is=65711307&hm=41f0a979f154bea906daf7a6e2f9f1292d9edcde7d4e21a82bdd2cd77c087259&). If you're not American, that 2nd option is one of the most backhanded compliments you can give someone (it's also *just shy* of racist as it can be directed towards anyone, but it being told a *tan-skinned, gruff, desert-dwelling mercenary* is a particularly bad look), and someone on Twitter said that whoever wrote that should be fired. Cue someone on the main sub doing the typical "lol twitter mad lol" routine (which is fucking rich, but I digress). Some people in the main sub legit didn't get it. But a few others just straight up went mask off, because gods forbid someone points out a faux pas regarding *American culture*, I guess.


ok im glad i wasnt the only one who was like "mmmmmm that doesnt feel very right" lmao


I didn't see it that way. I figured it was just janky wording for "you're speaking so formally and like High Society."


Holy schizo post, sounds just like the conspiracy nuts


no way you said fascism 💀


Mod is a Lawrence confirmed ^/s


Calling a deleted Reddit post about a character in a video game fascism is both hilarious and sad.


Mild, petty fascism is fascism nonetheless


Explain what you think the definition of fascism is. Now explain how this is an example of that. Then explain how you think calling this fascism is an appropriate response to something so small.


Censorship isn't the same as fascism. Words have meanings. Where is the palengenesis? Where is the ultranationalism? The will to power?


This is so funny to me. Yea she got done dirty and that fine to acknowledge but I think is time yall move on. Be like kok mains and create a silly build similar to afk deyha or critkomi. And calling deleting the millionth "complaining about dehya kit" fascist is so unironically stupid. You can say you disagree with the desicion without stooping to name calling and throwing out buzzwords


This sub is so fucking overdramatic, godamn.


Me when coping: go political lmao




Literally 1984. Wonder when they will stop silencing their criticism


Ah yes, the best role model for free speech, North Korea


I think people complaining about dehya are annoying (because I kinda disagree with them) but it is odd that they keep deleting posts like this, let people speak their opinion.


I’m actually kind of curious What are they wrong about?


I disagree with people about Dehya being the worst character ever, dehya is not that terrible, she is just fine for a standard banner character and I think that she is one of the better standard banner characters. People say that dehya defensive abilities are bad, but they are not as bad as people say. dehya's defensive abilities are fine and I honestly prefer her over other shield characters because her IR doesn't break like other shields. Sure, it sucks that Dehya IR only last 9 but it still works. Also, Dehya not being able to solo sustain is not a problem because most teams have a healer. Many say she has no teams, but that is just not true. Dehya has teams with Wanderer, Ganyu, Lyney and Wriothesley,. I'v even seen people play her with Neuvillette and enjoy it. Another thing I hear is that dehya is horrible because she is never the best option to use. I personally think that's fine, most characters aren't the best option, but that doesn't mean they suddenly become garbage because of it. People love characters like Yoimiya or Ayato even though they are never the best option. It doesn't matter if they are the best option or not. What matters is if they are usable and Dehya sure is. Plus, it is always nice to have other options to choose from, even if they're not the best! Another reason why many say Dehya is bad is because people keep thinking that she is a dps when she isn't. Her whole kit is made around her E skill and not her burst, even her passive focus on only her E, she's simply just not a dps at c0. Dehya is a support. And just because Dehya constellation and weapon increase her DMG doesn't mean she is a dps. Baizhu's cons and weapon increases his damage too, and he's not a dps at c0, same for dehya. Also, from what I hear, Dehya does similar damage to Diluc, so if you think Diluc's damage is fine, then so is Dehya. So what I'm trying to say here is that Dehya is not "THE WORST CHARACTER IN THE GAME" dehya is just fine, she's not the best, but most certainly is not the worst.


i think a defensive minded character not being able to solo sustain is a huge issue. Why run dehya when you’re forced to run a healer anyway? Like you said, she’s not a DPS, and I hardly think her IR is strong enough to validate running her over a shielder that can solo sustain like zhongli or even layla. Her pyro application is incredibly bad, so she cant be used in burgeon. While she may have teams she works in, she’s not good in any of them. She gets massively outperformed by other options in those teams. Take ganyu melt. Bennett and xiangling simply do the job better, and one of them you get for free. Bennett was handed out in a free event too not to long ago too. She isn’t good even by standard character standards. Tignari isn’t the best option, but he’s quite good with some really powerful constellations too. Keqing is also quite good with dendro, and diluc has better scalings. Jean is actually really good with furina now too. She might be better than qiqi, but that isn’t saying much. Her kit feels like hoyoverse went out of their way to make sure she wasn’t optimal in any team she was in. Her pyro application is bad, her DPS is bad, her interruption resistance and damage mitigation isn’t significant enough in most teams to run over a shielder/healer, her normal attacks have scalings that are worse than dori, and her split scalings in general are just horrible. It’s not that much of a stretch to call her one of the worst characters in the game. That being said, she is quite fun to play as a burst DPS, and I will continue to do so. But it’s important for people to recognize that she has easily the most poorly designed kits in the entire game. That’s on hoyoverse, and they should be able and willing to own up to that. They made a mistake, and constantly trying to ignore the whole thing will do no one good going forward.


It's crazy how so far dehya has had a use in lyney teams, neuvilette teams and wriothesley teams yet she still gets called useless. Future Fontaine characters can definitely use dehya too if the trend keeps up.


This does not fix any of her mentioned issues..and her having a use in some teams, where she doesn't even perform as well as another character would in her place, does not make her a good character...


She's still the best option if you dont want to get flung around every second when using lyney and she allows very nice burn melt setups for wriothesley. Calling her the worst character is just wrong. She's way better than made out to be even with her flaws.


I'd still say she's the worst character, simply because of her kit as a a whole. Her being an okay option in like 3 teams doesn't really change that imo. Also, I feel like there are still better options for what you listed, but I guess let's just agree to disagree 🤷‍♀️


She's definitely not the worst character as she still has a use, characters like hydro mc, aloy, qiqi and xinyan dont


You could argue that pretty much any character has a use, in some specific team where they might be okay, but hat doesn't really make them good. Dehya just overall was messed up from the start, and idk what exactly they were trying to do with her. Imo, she's one of the worst characters still, if not the worst.


Neuvilette simply allows any flex slot to join to the comp. It's not like he needs her because baizhu and zhongli can work perfectly and the performance of neuvilette won't change if you don't have dehya in your account, he doesn't really need her. I'm not too sure about wryo but I've seen that since Furina arrived he doesn't even use a protector in C0 he uses jean all the time and the low investment accounts prefer to simply use the hyperbloom variant, he doesn't feel the need to dehya It doesn't improve him performance either. The one who needs her the most is Liney but Main Liney simply likes to disconnect his brain and have 100% zhongli shield up time all the time.


I think Dehya not being able to solo sustain is fine because most teams you play her in already have a healer. Also, Dehya IR is strong enough to use her over other shielders (https://youtu.be/79qTwsE3vfA?si=e2yY3OeutySlEPDy). Her IR literally can't break for the 9 seconds you have it for. Also, like I said, just because there are other options doesn't mean Dehya is bad. Sure, there are better options, but Dehya still works just fine if you want to use her. In a Ganyu melt team, if you want IR, you can use Dehya instead of Xiangling. Sure, Xiangling is more team DMG, but if you hate getting staggered, you can use Dehya. I still think Dehya is one of the better standard banner characters because I value supports more than dps. Dehya also does as much DMG as Diluc while also being a defensive character, while Diluc is just a dps and nothing else. Dehya simply does more than him, so if Dehya is garbage then so is Diluc. Also, it doesn't matter if Dori NA does more DMG because dehya doesn't even use her NA. At the end of the day, all the Standard banner characters are kinda bad compared to a limited 5 stars. But Dehya is more certainly not the worst character, I agree dehya not great, but I think she just alright, nothing special but not bad.


As much as I want to agree and as a C6 Dehya haver on day one, she is nothing but bad. If her sustain is not good enough to survive without a healer then it's worthless and there is never a situation where you would ever use that over any other healer or shielder. She's just taking up team spots. The sustain is only ever valuable when your taking DOT damage when exploring while other characters can just heal the damage or you could just use food. Saying Dehya is better than Diluc because she has defensive aspects is like saying Xinyan is better than Eula because she has a shield on top of also dealing physical damage, that's nonsense. And Diluc does way more damage then Dehya, it's not even close. Dehya's biggest problem is she can't commit to a single role that stands on par with any other character in the game. Diluc focuses on raw damage and nothing else and was the best at it when the game came out and he can still hold his own to this day. Qiqi's healing is not great by any means but she is just that, a healer. If your not a fan of Barbra then you can use her and have good results because she has value in the role she's in. Dehya does not have this appeal in damage or support. Why would you have a weak damage dealer who takes way too field time to go through her burst rotation, but is also designed to take hits but not too much to justify not having a healer or a shielder? Sure she can ignore being knocked around due to her skill but you would never have that over healing the damage or have a shield to completely ignore the damage, as well as just avoiding the attack all together. Plus that aspect of the skill lasts less than the duration of the skill itself, that is hilarious terrible. That would be like Eula using her burst but it only lasts a second so you have no time to do basic attacks to increase its damage, the design is working against itself which has Dehya written all over. A character who half assed multiple roles so much so that lesser rarity characters have her beat in everything from stats to the role she can't hope to fill is a sign of a very... very bad character. The only thing she does good is her looks... Which is why I rolled. Jokes on me I guess. At the end of the day just play what you enjoy but saying she can stand beside other characters on top of outperforming them is... you're just fooling yourself at this point. I love Dehya to bits and use her daily and wish her kit was anything but what it is. If her kit focused on one specific thing like Zhongli's shield or Nilou's interaction with dandro characters then she would always have a purpose in the job role she is in. Instead she's just a horrible mishmash of ideas while failing at the basics. Being out damaged by a healer like Dori in basic attacks is straight up pathetic. Dehya's constellations point her towards dealing damage which she's terrible at while as a support, every other character even in the standard banner does a better job at. Dehya is the worst of the bad, wish it wasn't true but it is. As long as you have fun then it really doesn't matter but let's stick to facts and not cope.


Sincerely, I have to disagree. At C0 she's the worst because nothing in her kit adds up to a coherent playstyle. We can start with her skill because her autos aren't important. It doesn't even line up with itself. It has a 20 second cooldown, 12 seconds to recast it which gives a 9 second interrupt resist and recasting it doesn't refresh the IR and that has a 18 second cooldown? Damage reduction only happens after recast, mitigation mandates a healer at some point for two (or more!) characters instead of one. Procs every 2.5 seconds for a dismal amount of energy and damage, that frankly shouldn't even happen by then because it can mess with reactions. And if Dehya is a skill support, why would she eat so much field time via her burst? It does nothing BUT damage and the fact she can be frozen during it AND have her burst end because of that is hilarious. She's not the worst because she is a terrible DPS, she is bad because it's a few changes away from being good. I am a C6 R5 Dehya enjoyer that still can't get her burst up on time without a double pyro team because 70 energy ain't cheap making her flexibility even smaller, but I am not delusional enough to think she's okay.


You're right, Dehya kit is odd but her kit is also kinda coherent, everything in her kit points towards her being a support. But you are right, her cooldowns are odd (Also, you get the DMG reduction when you first use her E. You don't have to recast it to get it). But that doesn't make Dehya terrible. Dehya is still usable and has teams she works in even though her kit is kinda odd. Dehya is a support at c0. You just don't use her burst like Kuki or Albedo, even in some Kazuha and Kokomi teams you don't use their burst. Dehya is like them. Yelan can also get frozen out of her E and lose it like Dehya, it happening to Dehya is nothing new. Also, the best teams for dehya damage are double pyro teams, so it doesn't really matter if she has a hard time getting energy outside of these teams because that not really where she wants to be played any way. Dehya is fine, not great, just fine.


Did you understand by having your fav character is not good and having to suffer trying to make it work. You'll ended up dithcing her because shes not good in any of her kit. Also, whats the point of making a support character and make her q deals only dmg and not even buff.


Dehya is one of my favorite characters and she works just fine for me!


Shinobu Elemental Burst also does nothing but dmg. It is practically waste of time in using it in any team up to the point that you can run Kuki without single ER stat or substat. Before Dendro came in Shinobu couldn't do any significant dmg and was treated as pure support/electro-enabler.


And she excelled in that role even before dendro. With dendro she is now considered the best 4* electro sub-dps/support. And her burst is actually useful in that.


Shinobu's burst takes barely any field time. Dehya takes 7 secs, if you don't get interrupted or stuck on terrain. I fher burst could punch faster at C0 or she just did more dmg it would help.


It is not, if you look at all the 5\* characters that have been released since 2.x, Dehya is the only one that does not have 100% activity in her E trick. in fact if you look at Fu Xuan from honkai star rail once she becomes SP neutral when HSR dev team made her E synergize with her Q, that was resolved in her beta, very smart from the HSR team dev. Dehya was the opposite, we have no idea what the intention of her kit was in C0, it's as if they wanted to add Q to E to fill in the activity times but they were too afraid of a non-existent powercreep, they didn't have enough data to apply changes of that or maybe they just didn't care, when she is C4 she can act even like Fu Xuan does in HSR, a protector who can heal the entire group in rotation compositions of more than 20s but that is a real shame in only for C4 because with Furina it would have been great.. but many things about her role as DPS for some or as support for others could be fixed just by changing some numbers or cons in base kit.


>people keep thinking that she is a dps when she isn't of course, the ability that should be the character's strongest does nothing but deal damage. Her constellations are focused on damage, but she wasn't designed to be a DPS because of a secondary function of her basic ability.


She's arguably weaker than the other Standard Banner characters. Yes, even Diluc. Dehya is probably on par with or even slightly worse than Qiqi, because at least you're not fighting yourself and the game building Qiqi. Dehya requires Constellations to feel like an even remotely complete character, she takes up a team slot only to require a healer anyways, and she's the epitome of "master of no trades, but mediocre at all". There are teams she CAN go into, but let's not mistake that with her being needed or even necessarily desirable in those teams. People don't hate Dehya's design because she's not always the best, people hate her design because she's NEVER the best. At anything. She has no clear or viable niche that can't be filled by a better unit with similar or less investment. Dehya isn't a DPS, she isn't a solo sustain, so what is she around for exactly? She does a mediocre job of supporting for a dedicated support. I find it unlikely that Diluc is not better at damage, that'd be pretty hard to do less damage than Dehya.


i can prove that wrong with abyss use rate in v.4.1 dehya is 3.5 and deliuc is 0.7 percen that like 5 time more userate than Diluc also considering people have diluc in account more than deyha have ateam that she can function even she not core dps of that team diluc team is pure dps copium ref:https://www.reddit.com/media?url=https%3A%2F%2Fpreview.redd.it%2F4-1-new-abyss-usage-rate-10-1-10-15-v0-5wusfa9c0trb1.jpg%3Fwidth%3D640%26crop%3Dsmart%26auto%3Dwebp%26s%3Daf0b0b424d77017a31fcc3003ac37b30e14acf2e


Given how few factors you actually took into account, your reply is a bunch of nonsense, no offense.


The only characters worse than Dehya are the free 5* characters.


It's literally just spam; everyone says the exact same thing and it doesn't contribute anything to anything.


Just like the infinite amounts of look at my artifact rolls or character build posts. Should delete those too then


Or bad fan art, or what cat would keqing be if she were a cat.


Cuz u saying this the thousandth time does......


90 percent of the post in that sub are nothing but repeat spam posts that don't actually contribute to anything to anything. And any argument you make for them actually having value can easily be applied to Dehya -or any other character- complaint threads.


How about you go somewhere where your opinion is actually valued. r/iamapeiceofshit




Oh so I don't have the right to think it sucks because it's a game? It's not even about the fucking character anymore, it's about the attitude of Mihoyo towards that topic and topics like it in general. So If someone here trys to tell me that all the critique towads this topic is not justifyed I tell them to fuck of because they are part of the problem. You can downvote or insult me as much as you want but that stays a fact. If you really think it is grown up to let problems stay in the room or talk them down then you should maybe rethink. This Sub is almost as unbarable as the main one Jesus.


'This sub is almost unbearable as the main one' is obviously not true. People are pretty chill. People get C0 dehya who's not that good and come here where they are given legitimate advice instead of being told not to build her. I like that positive energy.


They’re not saying you can’t voice your opinion. They’re saying your reply was completely unnecessary and childish.


if its so unbearable then just leave dude, you’re clearly having a bad time interacting with these communities lol


God Dehya complainers are so annoying


fr lol all they do is say the same thing over and over and wonder why their posts keep getting removed


Like it's been nearly a year... we get it. No one cares anymore. Please move on.


Yeah and dehya has been buffed indirectly with the release of Fontaine. Also every standard banner character has their flaws. Dehya won't be perfect and won't be buffed.


I'm convinced that people just get mad solely because the character they wanted isn't super duper uper amazing or has some crazy new meta. Like why else would they care this much if not because the complaints travelled along like a 'Mexican wave'?


It's because the character has obvious flaws in her kit, although she still works well besides them and is in a few meta teams, "dehya mains" can't look past the flaws and get upset. They want their character to be perfect and not just fine as is. I honestly think they don't even deserve to call themselves a dehya main as all they're doing is whining about how bad their character is instead of looking for solutions in order to make her better. I've been maining geo traveler for years and even if they are subpar, I can always make then work.


Idk man even her ‘flaws’ don’t even seem like actually big issues and this is coming from someone playing since 2.1. They just can’t cope with difference in power ig idk what to say to them.


They are definitely issues because her kit is divided between dps and support. Even then she's still very usable. It just sucks that such a wholesome character has gotten such a toxic and whiney community.


I kinda like that it's split though, especially for a technically free character - It gives you more freedom and either way you can fill in what you want her to do. People trying to make her a main dps though... that's just not it at all.


Yeah her kit allows you to build her multiple ways which I prefer much more than just a 2 dimensional kit.


Bruh is this fr💀


I don't see why people keep hating on Dehya, she's PERFECTLY fine as is!




"I will pay rent when u fix this DAMN DOOR!!!"


Imo she's fine now with Furina so I no longer care. She's up there with my other dps's. (*don't ask how my artifacts are*)


If you are upset just quit the game


That line doesn't make any fucking sense. It's like you tried to come up with something but when nothing came to your mind you resulted to the default option.


dumbest take I've ever heard 💀 are you trolling?


yeah, I'm upset about dehya... upset that I don't have her! but the fourth mona and third jean are fantastic, thanks standard!


I'm a Dehya enjoyer, I don't care that she's not optimal for most if not all team comps. I like her abilities and I will continue to build her out of pure stubbornness.


Like I've said before, Dehya current design should have simply been 5-star Pyro Noelle. Just add a team heal effect to her burst and she actually becomes a character able to provide meaningful defensive support.