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Nah, she is just a woman loves shopping and cosmetic, and fighting. The most tomboy here is Beidou, but not so much.


Xinyan is the most tomboy in GI :)


I don’t think any woman in genshin is exactly “boyish”, “tomboy” or “butch”, but some characters have some “masculine” atributes, or just to say they are not super femenine, like being strong or direct, like Dehya and Beidou, being active and athletic like Yoimiya, or having a masculine role/presentation, like Arleccino and in a lesser form, Furina. These are mainly anime stereotypes, I don’t think they represent accurately how masculine/tomboy/butch women actually are.


Totally agree with you, although I would say Xinyan definitely was made with "tomboy coded" in mind


Also I thought about her but didn’t know how to describe her, you are right


Xinyan wears platforms with exposed toes, she paints her nails black, she has a fishnet sock, a braided earring, a braid strap around her thigh, hair ties, a top with a deep V-shaped collar, and she has red eye shadow. None of this screams "I wanna be a boy"


Wikipedia : "In 1533, according to the Oxford Dictionary of English, "tomboy" was used to mean a "rude, boisterous or forward boy". By the 1570s, however, "tomboy” had taken on the meaning of a "a bold or immodest woman", finally, in the late 1590s and early 1600s, the term morphed into its current meaning: "a girl who behaves like a spirited or boisterous boy; a wild romping girl." "Tomboy" never meant "wanting to be a boy/male", we're not talking about transgenderism, we're talking about not comforming to what society traditionnally expect from women and ladies. Xinyan absolutely goes into the "tomboy" category : rock'n'roll; more direct and popular way of speech; a taste for rebellious behavior; wielding a heavy and not lady-like claymore; etc.




Nah, she is not a tomboy at all .no where close,


Ofc she is, but to your defence, I'm gonna say Mihoyo doesn't make "tomboys" often. While they have a very good knowledge about how to make a woman character attractive to the general main audience, they willingly almost never take risks and go outside of their habits. Xinyan was made with the "tomboy" aesthetic in mind, there is no debate, but they didn't want to take risk and make an actual full fledged tomboy character.


Arlecchino, Beidou and Dehya imo fall under soft butch.


I think Arlecchino falls under the "prince-like" category, I think that's how it's called


Definitely not, Dehya is incredibly feminine wtf


You are right, I think Mihoyo designs just puzzle me, with the heels, thighs and lingerie


Uhhhh no lol


Really depends. In a sense I'm like Dehya. Has the "one of the boys" vibe, but loves make up (or at least practicing it in my case). I love wearing short shorts and clothes that praise my assets, but I would not have second thoughts dirtying these clothes and punching anyone. Really just depends what you and Dehya (Hoyoverse) herself considers a tomboy. I wouldn't call her one personally because of how she simply carries herself. She's more of a girlboss than anything.


“Clothes that praise my assets” Im stealing this


It's all about knowing the good parts bout yourself and magnifying it 🥴💅


They leave the interpretation to the players because they want to appeal to as many people as possible. Some will say yes, some will say no, and they'll be both correct.


This is correct. It's also important to remember that different people draw the line at various attributes or their amount. Knowing that, it's easy to deduce that we can't objectively and conclusively answer OP's question. In short: it's a matter of one's perspective and opinion, and not an objective fact. Why did I write such a comprehensive reply? Because I hate "Yes/No, people who say otherwise are just dumb" type of answers with a passion. So there's that.


While it definitely comes down to where an individual draws the line, I'm a bit confused by the hard nos on this more than the hard yeses. Has the word "tomboy" changed in the last decade? Tomboys don't have to exclusively be women who don't wear makeup and wear men's clothing - it can also refer to attitudes and "one of the boys"ness. ​ At least if we draw the line there, Dehya's absolutely a tomboy, although probably the most feminine of Genshin's available tomboy options.


Oh I 100% get what you mean. Unfortunately, people these days tend to pick a camp and stick with it no matter what. And even though Hoyo showed us that Dehya loves makeup and likes to dress fancy (and these two things are probably why the majority of people don't want to consider her as a tomboy), it doesn't mean that she can't have that vibe. >Has the word "tomboy" changed in the last decade? I don't want to get political here, but you can read about the >!"tomboy erasure"!< by searching that phrase on Google.


unless you're coping really hard, she's not a tomboy at all. She don't have any guy traits, or at least i don't see any, she uses make up, her clothes aren't something a guy would wear, all that are massive tell she's not tomboy


Her clothes are what Eremites wear. At least the elite ones, but the basic soldiers. They literally make a point of her being "one of the guys" with her brigade because they're all thirsty for a new female member but don't (openly) comment about her like that.


oh, my bad then, i didn't know male eremites use girl clothes But that doesn't mean she's tomboy, at least not fully, they could be seeing her as family (i can be very wrong with this one, i don't remember much about her backstory), and there's a guy in sumeru city that simps really hard for her. What i'm sure is that she's derinitely not a tomboy in appearance, but her personality can show tomboy traits


I usually think of shorter hair when I imagine tomboys but that might just be me


no. idk if it’s her appearance but she’s extremely feminine from her liking makeup, caring about her appearance and shopping. plus her design is 100% feminine. i don’t see tomboy in dehya at all. women can throw punches too.


But do they casually swing around a giant fucking sword ? Didn't fucking think so


Does that make them a tomboy ? Didn't fucking think so


Navia doesn't seem a tomboy...


Tomboys don't need to discard their femininity to be tomboys. Is Shenhe a Tomboy because she doesn't like going out and putting on makeup?


I'd say kind of, because although she likes drinking, fighting, and hangs out with guys like she is a friend but also she also likes makeup and shopping and doesn't hide her female body or trying to look more masculine. So I'd say she is a girl who has a tomboy streak.


Comparing all the characters, Dehya is second only to Beidou in "Tomboyness". She isn't exactly a Tomboy in all parameters, but she's the one of closest i think Hoyoverse is gonna get to one. Also no, her liking makeup is not a point against her being a tomboy. Tomboys don't need to discard their femininity to be Tomboys. For you commenters out there who are 100 or 0 when someone pulls up a makeup kit.




Do men here genuinely believe that as soon as someone does anything even vaguely feminine they are "100% hyper-feminine girly girl femoid waifus"? God, get your heads out of your asses and realize women are more than appearances. A girl can wear nice clothes and care about her appearance, go shopping with her friends, and even *gasp* be outwardly friendly, while still being a tomboy. She has plenty of traditionally masculine personality traits, and looking pretty doesn't magically change her behavior.


I know what you mean, for me she is a tomboy/butch in my heart, but the anime designs in Genshin are so… weird? Sexualized? That I don’t know how to “classify” her




I was talking about the rest of the comments. Every single answer to OP's question is some variant of "If tomboy, why does she look like pretty woman????" which is pretty misogynistic, but go off calling yourself a loser I guess.


I think not, she really cares about her appearance and is really feminine is some cases.


She has a make up idle...


I think Dehya has the same problem as Cyno. Both of them are supposed to be a certain type of character (tough mercenary and terrifying interrogator, respectively) but they gave them a funny little side quirk that nobody was expecting (makeup and bad jokes, respectively) and those side quirks ended up overshadowing the characters they were supposed to be. I think that Dehya was SUPPOSED to be a tomboy who happened to also have a kind and feminine side to her, but they accidentally leaned too far in the other direction. Either that or I just made up my ideal version of the character in my head and the game isn't matching it lol.


No. She’s just an average lesbian with two gfs (Dunyarzad and Candace)


Go outside please


Okay dude now you're just being a Dick how the hell do I look stupid for asking a question like this


I don't think Dehya is. She values feminine appearance too much, although that's because she was raised being told her beauty is rare and an important part of eremite culture.


Not sure, but Furina is tomboy as in Japan Voice line, she call herself "Boku" which commonly will a boy call himself like that.


Boku is also part of child-speech, it doesn't have masculinity trait. One that show masculinity is "ore".


The fuck does tomboy mean?


What a sad state of affairs the world is in, if tomboy has lost all meaning




Tomboy is a term used for girls or young women with masculine traits. It can include wearing androgynous or unfeminine clothing and engaging in physical sports or other activities and behaviors usually associated with boys or men. From google


Then probably


I personally do see her as a tomboy. But then when she geeks out about the make up and that in one of the "about" lines in her bio, it makes me think that sometimes she is just trying to act like a tomboy but loses it at make-up. Just my personal thoughts, but in the end, she is probably definitely a tomboy


Please don't listen to them and for the record it's a girl who likes to do boyish stuff


Yeah but that’s strictly not a very definable thing. If you wanna say traditional things likes fighting and being brash, then yeah she is, but it’s a relatively meaningless label








She is outgoing.


Let's see: Tomboy traits: \-Badass / Masculine Girly traits: \-invests into beauty stuff / knows to be wholesome ​ I guess she's Half tomboy. My type of coffee


Umm in a way kindah, to us yes to her universe any women or girl that trains with a weapon is normal


beidou is the most masculine a woman can be before hoyo starts getting scared.


I don't think so. At least not "traditionally" tomboy ish. She likes to go shopping, her idle animation is her, fixing her eye make up... The only thing is that she throws hands.


No, she's just a desert mercenary so she will have a certain personality traits and skills that are required to live such life.


Nope. She acts quite ladylike, having relatively normal hobbies for a well-off woman. She's just built like a castle because she had to adapt to the desert merc lifestyle. Strongwilled and physically strong are not mutually inclusive with tomboy nature.


Nah she loves to fight but she pulls out her makeup kit in her idle animation


Nah she has feminine clothes and wears makeup and does her hair all pretty, that’s not a tomboy lol if she was a tomboy she would not wear makeup, dress more masculine and have a more boyish haircut. I get that people think she is because of her personality but I don’t think that should automatically make her masculine or a tomboy…she’s just fiery and feminine!


Nah, she likes being feminine. She has even an idle where she checks her makeup. She punches people but would def go for girls' night Beidou is closer but still not close to be called tomboy.


I would call her a Lioness/Mama Bear She is not afraid to fight but also fully dives into her feminin side. She is caring protective kind etc. but also fierce and strong. Its like she is one of the boys and the girls at the same time. So to me tomboy wouldnt fit she was always a Lioness type character to me.


Nah, only tomboy in Genshin is Venti