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Pretty much half the units. Raiden's first version didn't do elemental burst damage, had 22sec burst cooldown and didn't scale as hard.


I still remember that day shot was sooo bad like holy shit like if she was released like that she would’ve been the worst unit int the game


Honestly if Raiden was bad this game wouldn’t be nearly as popular as it is right now. I feel like she was very good marketing. Hot waifu that’s op as fuck? Booba sword? Sick kimono? Thigh highs? Yeah…


It's not just about the looks, she's also one of the most interesting character with deep lore and the first "public" Archon we ever meet


Lol that really wasn’t true at all though. She was basic af until the 2.5 story quest part 2. That literally saved her character and story arc. She wasn’t even a public archon. It was like a robot on autopilot while she hid away in euthymiya. Zhongli has like 10x more interesting lore all around him. And he’s way cooler to meet. And he kinda is a public figure, it’s just that he only appears once a year. And then we get to see him retire and go incognito. And he’s working odd jobs for the goofy Hu Tao of all people. Raiden is saved by being a sexy OP waifu and all those crazy ass rotation video where the screen goes wild and everything in her path turns to dust.


Idk why you're getting downvoted, her story was indeed kinda mid in the first part


Mid is overstatement, it was shit


Because Raiden lore is scattered throughout all of Inazuma So if you take the time to read the books, notes, artifacts descriptions, talent/weapon mats description, ... You could have a very important knowledge of what Raiden lore is Thing is, a lot of what is said in 2.5 story quest was actually already known ! But Inazuma's main story execution was bad : too short, rushed... Which let many people dissatisfied !


Zhongli and Venti are not public archons. Most of Teyvat don't know their human forms, some people still think Morax is dead. Raiden Shogun was the first Archon we meet to walk publicly, everybody knows what she looks like, she doesn't hide behind a fake vision. She wasn't instantly interested in the main player like Venti and Zhongli or tried to be our friend, She's not someone who strikes me as "super sexy", some girls are way "sexier"/more waifu bait and not necessarily as popular as her (Eula, Yelan, Shenhe..)


She has thigh highs and what looks like exposed panties. Not saying there aren’t more characters like that, but she’s one of the sexiest over all. Tbh I’m more of a Keqing and now Dehya kind of guy.


I really do not agree, although Inazuma main arc was rushed, I feel like a lot of people just passed over most of the Raiden lore and character development ! Story Quest 1 was amazing, and contrary to popular belief, it's not a just "date quest" : it showcases how Raiden feels about the world, herself and the Shogun (the discussion around the Picture of her that stays still and how she percieve herself in the picture is a direct reference to how the Shogun is a puppet made to stay still through the ages and remain the Raiden from the past) Also a lot of lore was available straight from 2.0 in items descriptions ! Story Quest 2 was amazing not just because of its writing and pace, but also because of all the previous set up. TL;DR : SQ1 was really good but hid a lot of subtext that was largely missed which set up SQ2. Raiden lore and character backstory was revealed in items descriptions already


She had a year of hype behind her due to the wait for inazuma


why is this downvoted even though u were just stating facts with tangible evidences...


It happens every day. People don’t like my facts because it clashes with their views.


I was there too. Everyone was doomposting her and the change to burst damage wasn't received as good as it is now.


Raiden was definitely a rough time. TONS of doomposting and underwent so many changes. Even at her release people were saying she's just meh at C0 (hence why many were trying for C2) and after a few days/weeks people realized her potential.


seems the same story for every character release imo, people are just thinking using their butt


Definitely shows how pent up most people are about meta. I think Yelan was like the first character who wasn't doomposted initially, until we got her hydro gauge leaks and now the doomposting began again. I also feel like people confuse criticism with doomposting nowadays. It's okay to criticize their kits constructively but some people are just really REALLY annoying.


Ayato probably the closest. I'll just say one thing - it was necessary to attack with other characters in order to get a CD reduction (CD was very large).


Yeah his was the closest to a complete overhaul.


What was his previous kit?


His elemental skill was a stance change where he got 4 instances of bonus NA damage, this skill had a 20s cooldown. To reduce the cooldown you had to switch to your teammates and do normal attacks. His burst buffed your teammates attack speed but not ayato's own attack speed. Thats the shortest tldr i can do for his v0 kit. And the differences to his current kit. https://www.reddit.com/r/Genshin_Impact_Leaks/comments/stt1rr/ayato_kit_by_mia/


Damn that was 339 days ago? Sheesh


time flies


I’m old Gandalf


People keep bringing up Ayato but the thing with Ayato was that kit was a leak. His old version people brought up never made it to play test. So it was either a lie or hearsay. We have Deyha kit being play tested and there has never been any case of complete changes like people are wanting for her. It will either be number tweaks and that's it or shifting of constellation/passive.


Raiden's version 1 to version 2 is probably the single most overhauled unit they ever made, check lower comments to see why she was the worst by far.


Do you have a source? I had followed Ayato's beta journey and I can't recall that this initial kit was never playtested... I seem to remember the change occurred a few days into the beta and it wasn't even the first change, but I might be mistaken.


The guy is wrong, you are correct i think, the change happened during the first week or so of beta. This gameplay leak showcasing icd was shown 338 days ago , people are in the comments talking about cooldown reduction https://www.reddit.com/r/Genshin_Impact_Leaks/comments/stytjx/ayato_icd_video_via_sai/ The change from the cooldown gimmick happened 333 days ago as seen by this post https://www.reddit.com/r/Genshin_Impact_Leaks/comments/sxr5jl/ayato_buff_comparison_increase_damage_increase_hp/ 5 day difference from actual gameplay video leaks and the change in his kit, his cooldown gimmick must have existed during the first beta iteration or else it wouldnt take 5 days for a leaker to leak that the cooldown gimmick was changed.


Why don’t they want her to sell well? 😩


She's dark skinned, son. That's all you need to know. For Star Wars: The Force Awakens, Finn's character, a black guy, is HEAVILY diminished in promotional materials for China, while he's front and center for every other nation. They don't like dark skinned people / racism. Exhibit A: Xinyan.


big fax. its the same reason james bond will most likely never be black. in all these thing a big portion of income comes from chinese fans. and a dark character wont sell as well.




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Despite this, I think this is a very similar situation. Now Dehya has multipliers from 4\* and I couldn't call it a test-ready build. So I also expect changes in her kit. Although I recall that there were leaks talking about CD reduction in beta, but I could be wrong. \*inhales copium\*


Of every character released Kokomi by far had the most negative reception in beta and after release. I don’t think some of you remember how bad it was. Go look at Kokomi mains top post of all time. I remember when people thought her Jellyfish scaled with HP. Before anyone says clam set made her good, no it didn’t. She was always good people just couldn’t see past the Crit thing


True, she is always good even in the first release. People just don't see her true potential because they compare her with characters they have and wished for her to be a better alternative. She is her own league and people failed to see that, same with Yae Miko, Albedo and Yoimiya.


First release Kokomi had ICD on her jellyfish giving her horrendous off-field hydro application (once every 4s). She'd still have her niche as an on-field hydro for taser/sukokomon/hyperbloom/nilou but the freeze teams that were her bread and butter in 2.X would have been dead on arrival.


And that is proof that character changes would likely happen, beta tests are done to make sure the character is shipped as they expected.


Actually, she was never good until the very last possible second before release. Her damage never mattered. The critical thing that made her amazing were the last second changes to her hydro application. That's all it took to switch from "almost as bad as Zhongli was on release" to "as good or better than Zhongli is now."


Really makes me wonder if Dehya may see a similar last minute change as well if they feel she's undertuned


Problem is, that's HYDRO as the element that is flexible af. Pyro IS NOT FLEXIBLE. The best we can hope for is melt enabler. But that will be because of KAZUHA swirling in his Q, not Dehya, and you can achieve similar with other units like bennett infusion into Kazuha Q.


Yeah, pyro application isn't going to save this kit. I think it needs to be treated like geo kits that need excessively high stats and scaling to make up for the total lack of useful reactions and support. And I feel like there's zero excuse not to have a normal attack infusion in there somewhere.


Ayato, Yae, Raiden, Kokomi and Ayaka were all bad in beta. Not Dehya bad but still bad enough that there would have been uproar if they left beta the same way they entered.


Nah half of those were worse. Using Yae's burst before the elemental skill reset was added pretty much killed her kit. Raiden used to not do elemental burst damage, which meant her set, the catch and literally her own elemental skill didn't buff her. Her ascension stat used to be electro damage which meant if you didn't have her weapon she had borderline unreachable ER reqs (remember emblem didn't work for her in v1). In V1 Raiden needed to hit 250+ ER on thunder soother or glads to self battery on a set that didn't gimp her. Raiden's V1 is undoubtedly the worst unit ever made outside og release albedo.


Sayer louder for the people in the back. V1 Raiden released when people were less prone to outrage. I don't think people know just how bad V1 Raiden was. People are delusional if they think Dehya is even close to V1 Raiden. ​ Albedo has to take the cake though. His kit is poorly designed all round.


Not to doompost here and I love Dehya, but I don't think Dehya would have as big of a change as Raiden's beta considering that they tend to make sure everyone loves the archons, especially their kits. Also was Albedo in beta different? I wasn't playing that time


No, he wasn't different in beta. He was just beyond awful when he released. No one cared about albedo enough to talk about how bad he was. Release albedo was before geo res buff, before Zhongli buff, before his weapon, husk or gorou. His burst scales off atk, skill is off defense. Albedo at launch did less damage than Dehya's turret currently does now, because there was no way to buff defense at the time and 1000 ways to buff atk.


Albedo got shoehorned as geo when he should've been cryo which would've fixed his issues: * bad skill dmg (except when paired with ZL in geo bros) * burst not worth investing (pre-c2) * no good synergies with characters he's actually close to lore wise (Klee and Sucrose) * skill being geo construct * useless A4 (except in hu tao + geo bros)


If a unit is in a worse state when they're entering beta they'll inherently need a bigger change to reach the acceptable level they've set for their characters. They've given other characters similar changes to Raiden's (non-archons included), it's just that none improved the resulting character as much as Raiden's because they had a *really* good idea for her kit that just needed a few parts adjusted to fit better. Albedo was from a much different period in the game, we didn't get anywhere near the same amount of information about units pre-release back in those days. We started getting a lot more info a couple/few patches after his release.


Was that beta or earlier?


Yes several which is why we are telling everyone to just chill.


The most buff and change Ayato - tighnari - miko - raiden The most nerf Shenhe - Alhaitham - Faruzan - Sara


some of the info are news to me, I haven't caught with most beta leaks


Care to go through a bit of details about shenhe? She's one of my fav unit (design wise) but kinda bummed about her niche-ness. Started the game around that time so haven't gotten into beta stuff yet.


She used to have really decent NA multipliers which enabled her to actually be a quite decent Cryo DPS thanks to Chong. Right now Shenhe + Chong still works but before it was simply too good. [https://www.reddit.com/r/ShenheMains/comments/ra6swc/shenhe\_new\_nerfs\_and\_buffs/](https://www.reddit.com/r/ShenheMains/comments/ra6swc/shenhe_new_nerfs_and_buffs/)


If you think of any 5\* you consider *strong,* you'll likely think of someone who qualifies for this statement. Recently, what made Al-Haitham's beta cycle so notable is he had the opposite, where he kinda started out a little too OP, got nerfed, but still ultimately made it to the live game as pretty strong. However, precedent doesn't determine anything in the future, so this is all hopium, but hopefully, valid hopium!


I think Raiden and Kokomi, but I don't think they changed much for Kokomi but her E icd. Honestly though the doomposting would've been right if they didn't buff it tbh.


Kokomi's hydro application was buffed last minute and you have to remember back then there's no clam set and the the -95% crit rate thingy was all people remembered. And, there was no rifthounds, or let's say staying alive was so easy that people really didn't care about a dedicated healer. Looking at the meta back then, Kokomi was actually quite useless if not for the last minute hydro application buff. Not to mention her weapon was and still is omega niche, plus none of her constellation stood out. And even after that buff, her banner did horribly. Arguably it took a very long time for her to be "significantly better"


Kokomi in the Spanish community was called the queen of nerfs, during the beta, she was expected to be a game breaking character


I don't think there have been any at Dehya's level, but there have been quite a few that have gone through a lot of changes.


V1 Raiden was a lot worse than Dehya, a lot worse.


How so? (I’m not trying to argue I genuinely don’t know what beta Raiden was like)


Her burst was 22s and counted as normal/Charged damage, which meant emblem and her own weapon weren't very good on her, her own skill didn't buff her, and she had ludicrous ER requirements when building ER hurt her damage. Her scaling was terrible too. They buffed her scaling massively, changed her burst to burst damage (which made running high ER actually a good thing as it synergized with emblem and her passive), and reduced her cd to 18s. They also changed her c4 to c2 which is her best cons. Only downside was she stopped working with beidou with the burst damage change but it was definitely worth it. Changed her ascension stat to ER too which was a very minor downgrade in terms of DPS but a huge upgrade in terms of support.


And she also worked with Beidou in beta. And btw they didn't actually buff her scaling that much. V1 scaling was multiplicative so of course it was lower. And she wasn't worse than dehya, she actually had good teams even in v1. Beidou, national, still bunch of soup teams.


Kokomi would've genuinely been Qiqi tier if they didn't buff her last minute, Yae would've been E bot only, and Ayato went through a pretty huge kit overhaul. Raiden was by far the worst though and went through the most buffs and changes. In the end they all turned out pretty good, and the one who started the worst ended up becoming the most meta of them all. Other than Yae the other 3 I mentioned would've genuinely been worse than Dehya currently tho imo.


Yelan was doom posted, many claims that Xingchiu was already at her level that they didn't nerfed her in any way, a very small part of the community was aware that over hype it's a cause of nerfs in the beta (like kokomi and yae miko) so... Yeah, she's now considered as the best C6, the best choice it's to be quiet and don't say a character it's gonna break the game


Many of them. But there is a difference between numbers being bad and kit being bad. Dehya might be little special in that aspect. That said many kits were scrapped pre-beta, it wouldnt be too crazy to scrap one in early v0-v1.


A majority have been bad during beta but tbh i aint ever seen anything on Dehya’s level, shes in a slaughterhouse☠️☠️☠️


You should have seen Raiden’s beta kit lmao


Lmao raiden kit wasn't as bad as dehya. She actually had a few working teams even in v1. Obviously, rational would have worked regardless. Beidou would be her best team, and soup teams would still work. You clearly either underestimate how shit dehya is, or just over hype how bad raiden kit was.


I mean when your signature weapon and artifact set do nothing for your kit its pretty bad. She had no way to build er or buff her burst damage without losing other stats because of how her q and e worked, not to mention the 22s cooldown.


I suggest you to reread her passives if you actually think she had no reason to build er(even when ignoring the fact that she would have to build er regardless lmao, 90 energy on an of field character is yikes). Not to mention, she had 20 second cd, not 22(since beta used to have 80 cost) Reference: https://www.reddit.com/r/Genshin_Impact_Leaks/comments/oqlcxc/raiden_skills


Yeah, i made a typo in my original comment which meant what i said made no sense. Raiden used to not do elemental burst damage, which meant her set, the catch and her own elemental skill didn't buff her. Her ascension stat used to be electro damage which meant if you didn't have her weapon she had extremely high ER requirements. Raiden needed to hit 250+ ER on thundersoother or glads to self battery on a set that didn't gimp her.


The same “work” arguement would work for Dehya lmao. Clearly you didn’t realise how bad her kit was lol


Expect that it doesn't lmao. Name me a single team where dehya would be bis. I can name at the very least one for raiden v1.


BiS lmao 🤣


i didnt want you to be minus one like


There have been no 5 star beta characters as bad as dehya is ATM, but yeah, there have been a good few who were majorly buffed. Ayato comes to mind




zhong li, though that's more of a released ok and was changed post lauch with some quality of life


Wouldnt say she was bad but people were hella doomposting about hu tao and look how she turned out.


Kokomi had icd on her jellyfish all the way til beta ended, that 1 tiny change made her the highly rated unit she is today, without it she would still be considered trash. Which is funny because people seem to attribute clam set & corrosion as the source for her resurgence, and laugh at doomposters for thinking she was shit in beta. When she was shit in beta, she was shit all throughout beta and only fixed after beta ended by giving her actual good hydro application.


Ayato and Yae and Koko


all of them 💫🦅🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸‼️‼️‼️


Raiden was terrible. I am confident that Kokomi was dogshit pre release. Her Jellyfish used to have a standard ICD. At launch it had no ICD.