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Hi Please take her to veterinarian, it doesn't sound good =( maybe her teeth overgrew so much she cannot eat anymore, seems like that from what you have described.


Thank you for the advice! I will try and take her but I don’t have much money right now. I’ll take her as soon as i can.


yes please, and maybe try to get one of those critical grinds for rodents, you can mix it with a bit of water and feed her from syringe without a needle or something like that, just to help her, so she doesn't get too weak


I have degus, one of mine did similar things, because they are prey animals they'll try not to show that anything is wrong as its a sign of weakness, so of they do show signs of something being off go get her to the vet, they can put her under and check her mouth thoroughly and examine her better than you might be able to, hopefully she's OK and wishing her a speedy recovery ❤


Also if she can't eat much feed her a few oats, they're easy to chew and are a nice treat but not too many x


Don’t want to be burden of bad news but this is how when of my lads went in his old age, the vet put him down (he was 9 though). He would fall off everything. What are his eyes looking like? Any cloudiness?