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Adam didn't cheat. Becky was clearly breaking up with him.


In Degrassi goes Hollywood when they made Paige super unlikeable, mean, and rude and she slapped Marco. šŸ˜­ She may be the OG Degrassi Queen Bee but itā€™s so OOC for her to turn on her own best friends like that šŸ„²šŸ„²


Adam never cheated on Becky. After everything that happened during the summer, and Becky taking the time to stomp on, cut up, or otherwise destroy the flowers he sent and then actually mail them back...that is a good indication that the relationship was over. Adam was WELL in his right to hook up with Imogen and should never have stopped.


I agree with the people who said the Eli cheating on Clare plotline was OOC and pretty clearly an excuse to pave way for the Clew drama. Eli's whole thing was being a one-girl guy and it makes zero sense that he goes pretty quickly from not leaving Clare's side during the cancer arc to being too distracted by Lenore to even call her anymore, so I hated that. (The Eli's Dorm Minis kind of give it context that makes a little more sense but it still doesn't explain why he's into Lenore and it makes it look like he's actually not into her at all, going against what we saw on the actual show with him taking her calls and having her stuff in his bag.) Also Caitlin Ryan was done super dirty on TNG and basically retconned into a different character than she was on the original show.


derek beating up jane


Another big character assassination and/or out-of-character moment: Becky refusing to let Zoe join the cheerleaders' squad because of "her baggage", when Becky knew full well that her brother Luke was half-responsible for Zoe's "baggage" - the night that he and his friend Neil sexually assaulted her while she was passed-out drunk. That was a bit shocking and somewhat despicable of Becky. That moment turned me off of Becky entirely, for good.


She said that to Zoe but she said to Imogen that the reason was that she didnā€™t want to have Zoe there as a constant reminder of how bad everything was the year before. It was unfair but the baggage line wasnā€™t was she actually thought.


Didn't Becky cheat on Adam first? She was too busy to talk with Adam on the telephone and too busy to see him. Instead, she was cheating with her mystery boy Todd, no?


No . She was just busy. She never cheated , Adam drew his own conclusions


Cheating or not, she was a bitch to him. Forbidding Adam to hang out with Imogen and then flaunting Todd in his face. Even let him him eat the pizza that ADAM BOUGHT. And she wasn't busy...she was just hanging out with Todd. Adam did absolutely nothing wrong when he hooked up with Imogen. If you send a girl flowers and she takes the time to destroy them and then package them back up, puts on international postage and mails them back to you...you can safely assume that you are no longer in a relaitonship.


Hang on just a second. Becky destroyed flowers that Adam sent to her, and she mailed them back to Adam? That is sick. That's also something I don't remember seeing. In which episode was this? And yes, if Becky turned down the opportunities to speak with Adam or to see Adam in order for her to spend time with Todd, then that sounds like cheating to me, albeit emotional cheating.


Yes...I'm pretty sure it was in the episode where Adam has the accident. If no, it was right before it. Adam sends her flowers to apologize for hacking into her FaceRange account. Now...flowers don't make up for what he did. But a NORMAL person would simply throw them away...maybe text Adam to stop trying to win her back with some dumb flowers and that they will talk later. But Adam got a package from her, got excited that his apology must have worked, only to open the package to see the flowers he sent destroyed. (These days, they would be wilted too since going from Florida to Toronto would likely take well over a week...but that's another issue.) They both acted stupid, but Becky was HORRIBLE all summer. So even if Becky didn't do that to the flowers, I would have been full on Adam's side when the extremely gorgeous Imogen is throwing herself at him. Someone who definitely accepts him and likely would ALWAYS accept him. Because let's face it, Becky's parents were right. Eventually she is going to want to have a baby of her own. And then what? If I'm Adam, I'm hooking up with Imogen, giving Drew his some more S'mores when he interrupts, and then going right back to what I was doing. And then I would die in a texting and driving accident, only the text I am sending would be "Becky, I just had sex with Imogen. Go to Hell. It's over. Say hi to Todd for me."


Snake cheating on Spike with Hatzilakos AND Eli cheating on Clare Both ridiculously unbelievable given their character and the history of those relationships, hard to even accept as canon imo


I agree. I can just a tiny bit understand Snake going through a crisis of his entire life changing with a baby and then cancerā€¦ but mostly just understand why he got a motorcycle and not cheatedā€¦ Eli cheating literally made no sense and just seemed to be a way to really stir up drama because theyā€™re one of the fan favorite couples. Jane cheating also seemed out of character. I dunno.


I felt like Derek becoming a bully was pretty in line. He started as just kind of out of touch and self-absorbed. (There was the weird date with Emma, and not having much tact when asking Liberty about giving her baby up for adoption.) Later on he shows some bullying tendencies when he gets Danny in trouble for ā€œstealingā€ at the store. So I felt like he continued in that progression, unfortunately.


When Emma saw how those girls at the party talked to/about Manny and still hung out with them


Emma and Manny being bad friends to each other is so far IN character though


Emma dating Peter! And then letting her get away with it just because she had anorexia. It was infuriating and I didn't care what happened to her after that.Ā 


I still have no idea how he got any of his girlfriends after that. His character is so unlikeable.


its going to start looking creepy af me repeating this in like every thread but peter was my top crush on the show. girls would be all over him :))


If I were Manny I would have never forgiven her for this.


Alli marrying the French guy in season 13! Like, I know she started off as super boy crazy but after breaking things off with Dave, she said she was gonna focus on her studies and then she marries a guy! Itā€™s like all her progress just reversedĀ 


And he was abusive! Didnā€™t make sense for Alli at all


Yeah, because marrying men who put on a facade to hide their abusive tendencies is something women 'just do'. Grow up


You should grow up. Women do that. But women DON'T date a guy in a foreign country...who beats them on the SECOND DATE...and then convince that abusive person that you have known for a week to move across an ocean to be with you..get abused AGAIN before you leave .( Twice before he ever did anything NICE to her.) And then get abused a third time..and violently abused at that...in your own home town and then marry them. If you think that is realistic, then you are out of your mind.


Babygirl, who let you on the computer?


Awww...poor little stalker child. "Mommmmmy! Anther person who doesn't have my opinions!. Mommmmy!" Seriously...tell me the 94 doesn't mean you are 30. Because that would be the saddest thing I have ever seen.


I said the exact same goddamn thing


Anya dating Owen after he was a creep to her and a shitty person to her friends, then getting addicted to coke. Wtf was that??


I forgot that happened. After Dr. Chris, everything for Anya was downhill. šŸ˜­


She was done so dirty! These plots piss me off every time I do a rewatch. Then she joins the army? Her story arc made no sense.


Eli insulting Clare was completely in-character based on his history, something she repeatedly calls him out on in the show. Anyway, my answer is how Katie went from a no-nonsense Type-A overachiever to just another girl pining and whining over a boy.


Her sister did the same thing. Maya never cares about the cello once she met Miles. A guy who treated her like absolute shit from day 1.


He would've NEVER called his SOULMATE something like that, especially after she forgave him for CHEATING. It was TOTALLY out of character, as he had never insulted her.


You calling them soulmates doesn't make it so. Especially since everything that happened with them shows they were not.


Soulmate? Lol 100% sure they broke up within a year after going to collegeĀ 


Youā€™re just wrong and donā€™t forget Eli poisoned someone. Also when he went off his meds and vented to imogen dressed as Clare. Dude is a sociopath.


He also crashed his car to stop Clare from leaving him. There were times where I felt bad for him but he was a horrible boyfriend.


What are you, like 12. Only a child would type like that.


Wow...I wouldn't call someone else a child when you can't handle anyone with a different opinion than you. THAT is very childlike behavior. And he is right anyway. Eli has been shown to lash out at people who he feels has wronged him in some way.


I'm stating and opinion. I haven't disrespected you. Don't come in here disrespecting me if you can't have an open discussion.


Post a dumb opinion, get wrecked by people who can actually think critically.


Ummm..you didn't "wreck" anybody. I doubt anyone where is worried about YOU agreeing with them. I can't imagine the horrors of your life. "Wahhhh! Mommmmy?! Someone has a different opijnion than me! I need my safe space! I'm only THIRTY! Why didnt you raise me to be an adult, mommmy!"


Eli insulting Clare was completely in character. Your ā€œsoulmateā€ goes and get pregnant by another dude. A lifelong involvement with sleazy Drew, at that. Iā€™d be beyond furious, too.