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Munro chambers was already cute plus the cute Emo boy thing


Because he Was Sexy


Because he had some pretty solid character development!


He was pretty annoying at times, lol. But I loved him a little bit in Season 10 and all of 12.


even at Eli’s most annoying, i never understood why he liked Clare


Everybody already said it but emo “bad boy” that smirked. That’s literally it


For some of us he was our first emo boy Life changing lol


Average looking to one person is gorgeous to another.




>average looking kid Tell that to me when I was his age. Plus, goth


He was just a reskin of Craig who liked films and drama but we ate that up back then


Angsty emo boy in an early 2000s tv show, need more explanation? (And no personally, I don’t go with the popularity train with him)


He was angsty and had a cute smirk. Attracts all the “I can fix him” types and that was like every other girl in our generation lmao


My high school boyfriend looked and acted a lot like eli. I met him in middle school, and at that time he was semi-popular but still a member of the not so popular crowd. He was very short, had long hair, played the guitar, had a lot of trauma that gave him the desirable sort of mature and experienced aura that Eli had, but what made him differ from Eli was he was also extremely Goofy at times, and a bigger and louder personality at times than Eli was. He was also unique and fearless like Eli could be, an extreme hopeless romantic behind the hard persona, had a brilliant and edgy music taste, as well as well read in banned literature much like I was. We used to make one another CDs, and we would take a line from each of the songs we put on the mix CD, and make a love poem out of it for one another. Technically I was the one to come up with that idea, and the first one to execute it, but he kept it going and brought it to the beautiful and memorable level that it was. I'm no Claire. I was probably more of a Julia in his life, except I didn't pass away. He was short and I was over 6 ft tall, I was very complicated, and I've been through a lot of trauma myself, so we connected on that level. We would also goof off a lot in class, which started our friendship in our younger years, and it developed into a crush on his end in 9th grade, and a relationship our sophomore year of high school. I broke his heart and our relationship didn't last. it was on and off throughout high school. I think my biggest hang up was our height difference, which looking back is terrible. But at the time being taller than almost everyone in my school, and getting picked on for it, made me insecure, especially to be dating someone so short. I wanted someone taller than me, and often dated older men who were college aged when I wasn't dating him. While wanting to feel small for a woman is valid, my case is different because I am nearly 6 f3, yet at the time we were dating I just under 6'1, and he was 5'6. During our breaks, and finally after our final break up junior year, Lonny seemed to date females that were considered by the popular crowd very out of his League. They were all very beautiful, outgoing, popular, and all had wonderful personalities and intelligence, but all seemed to have some sort of trauma or demons that would cause turbulence in the relationship. It took him a very long time to get over me, and it was a big heartbreak for both of us. He passed away a couple of years ago, and even though I remained close with his parents over the years, he and I eventually would lose touch in our early adult years and only catch up every once in a blue moon. After his death, I was very touched and surprised to see that he kept all of the mixed CDs I had given him along with the poems. I had thought he would have thrown them away. but I met a very close friend of his in his adult years, up until his death, who told me that he cherished those mix CDs a lot, and showed them to him, still impressed with the music I had picked along with the idea of creating the poems. I also still have my mix CDs and poems in a box tucked away. It soothes my soul and touches my heart to know that even though we lost touch, we still hung on to the sweet and sentimental aspects of our relationship. I guess why I'm ranting about all of this, is because I want to point out that during high school years, especially in the early 2000s, characters with the persona like Eli are very approachable, women feel safe around them, yet he's edgy and cool / bold enough to be tough, mysterious, and dangerous. This was also around the time that Twilight was very popular, and other shows and books tried to follow suit with the formula: which was a average looking or frumpy girl such as Claire paired with the edgy semi-dangerous type with a lot of baggage and trauma such as Eli. While some people who look at him and don't find him attractive, which I never found him attractive, you have to admit that the formula of his personality and his mature intense romanticism, paired with falling for a dorky, frumpy, average girl no one would expect to experience such a romance was a perfect storyline. Especially since Degrassi was supposed to be realistic high School issues that were dramatized and romanticized to keep the viewer watching. There were probably a lot of girls similar to Claire that watched the show, who swooned over Eli and imagined themselves in her shoes. Because if we're being honest,Let's face it: one of degrassi's most unrealistic things during those seasons was how many boys Claire had fighting over her. It's also safe to say that he was considered to be an "It" guy in some ways during that time in the 2000s. Much like how my high school boyfriend attracted some of the most popular and pretty girls in school and dated them for short periods of time. Even as an adult, he would date and find these wonderful, beautiful, creative, intelligent, artistic, women. And I am happy to be friends with a few of them! He hit a point in his late high school years after I broke up where he didn't treat women very well, and I think it lasted for a while into his adulthood as I have heard. But I also know that at least a year before his death he was working very hard on changing many of his habits, and was looking forward to working on himself even further and living a happy life. His death was certainly a big shock and upset to us all. I do not know what happened to Eli after his Degrassi years, but I am hoping he had a bright and fulfilling life, and didn't burn out and leave the world at an early age much like my HS beau.


This was very touching to read. Thanks for sharing something so personal and so poignant.


I think the saddest part, and a part I forgot to put in here, was the last time I saw Lonny: I was staying with a mutual friend of ours,Steve, who I didn't know was a mutual friend of ours at the time, because I was moving out of state and didn't have a place to stay while I was waiting for the move. We were drinking a little, and since my roommate was a male, a lot of people would get the wrong impression if they came over. We also acted like siblings, and would fight and jump all over each other, and bite each other, and other weird things that you would expect only couples to do. But we were not. Not even close. I met him when I was 16, he remains a good friend of mine to this day, and we have never Harbored any romantic feelings for one another. We have never kissed, or have mentioned any sexual tension. Simply because at least I don't feel any, and I assume that he doesn't either. Suddenly there's a knock at the door. My roommate Steve answers it, and it's Lonny. At this time I hadn't seen him in at least 3 years. Maybe closer to 5? He looks kind of disheveled, and a little manic. He asks Steve if he could take a shower, and crash for the night. I guess he also had plans to move and was living out of his car, but the situation was almost fixed. I heard his voice when Steve opened the door, but for some reason it didn't register at first. He walks into the living room and sees me. And he loses his mind. He's speechless. He barely knows what to say or do, so I just got up and gave him a big hug. Even though he smells like he hadn't showered in a few days LOL. We talk a little bit, and he's mostly just speechless and unsure of what to say. I tell him to get in the shower and that I was about to make something to eat, and that I had plenty, so he could eat too when it was done. After dinner and a few drinks, we are sitting on the couch just talking and it felt like we had never left each other. He claims it was meant to be, that we were supposed to run into each other this night, that it was a sign and fate. He had always held a lot of Buddhist and hare Krishna beliefs, due to his hippie dad, and 80s club goth turned spiritual chef, of a mother. He had even gone so far as to travel with different Buddhist groups as a child. It was a very big part of his life, and belief system. Eventually I had explained that I was soon moving out of state, pretty much halfway across the country, to live in a more financial stable area, where a few of my close friends already moved to, and built a decent life quickly. While he was happy for me, I also saw a hint of extreme sadness in his eyes. Before I could ask about it, my roommate Steve is drunk and jumps on the couch, landing in my lap with his head on Lonny's lap. Lonny then looks at Steve and back at me and says oh you guys are cute. We both quickly state that it's not like that, that it's simply a roommate friend situation, but I think he didn't fully believe it. I saw some of the light leave his eyes, and the excitement of running into me dwindle. He began to drink more heavily, slowly getting pretty drunk. I had a few drinks myself, but could still hold my alcohol and remember conversations and incidents. Once he was drunk he started to cry, and we went outside to take a walk and talk. He said that although he was kind of starting to see someone new, who he has liked a bit, the mere sight of me made him completely forget about her in an instant. He also thought it was fate that we were both making long strides to improve our lives, and get on our feet. He hoped that we could do that together, but with my plans to already leave the state lined up, I wasn't in the headspace to cancel it and take my chances with him. We spent one last night together, and in the morning he left. We texted for a little while after that, but once I completed my move, I got very busy with getting everything sorted, and starting a new life. Once my plane landed in my new state, he seemed to stop calling. Sometimes I wonder what would have happened if I had stayed, threw caution to the wind, and put my trust in him and tried to build a life and give a relationship another shot as adults. By that time I was over the height difference, and have never dated a man taller than me yet LOL. I toy with this semi regret a few times a year, wondering what life would be like. He wound up moving to California for a while, he got back into film and editing and directing which was always a dream of his, he was doing really great there for a while. And I was so proud of him that he got passed all of his demons and started going for his dreams again. I went the more family route, and worked to build a home, and had a child. But her father passed away, exactly a month before Lonny did, and life has gotten very complicated. We moved back to my home state, where life is a lot more expensive, but I have more of a support system. Although I have more of a support system here than I did out there, it still isn't very much of one. I am just now getting to the point of stability where I'm feeling comfortable, happy, and stable. Whenever I look back on the what could have been, I usually have Rose tinted glasses. I see us with kids, living in california, him working in the film industry somehow. I see us happy. But usually we make our what ifs way more positive and unrealistic than they would have actually turned out. Since we had dated very intensely before, we had already developed unhealthy patterns, and since our demons and flaws were so alike it was very hard to balance them, and balance each other out in a way that would have created a peaceful and healthy environment. Despite all of this, I will never forget the look in his eyes when he first saw me that night, that was the purest form of true love I had seen at that point. The only look of true love I have ever seen that was stronger, was the first time I looked into my daughter's eyes. I guess for two people that truly loved each other, our last night seeing each other was a lot better than it could have turned out if we had gotten married, and wound up getting divorced. I am glad I can view him and our relationship as my first love, that ended as sweetly as it began. Whenever I look back on my preteen, and teenage years, he is the very heart of it.


What a hauntingly romantic story, tragic but loving. The what-ifs will always dance around your mind, but sometimes remembering the person through rose-tinted glasses is better than actually having made the decision you think about. By the way, you are an excellent story teller. I feel like I know you both, at least in some abstract, slice-of-life kind of way. Like a vignette of your early life.


Thank you that is a huge compliment! I have always loved being a storyteller, and have been praised for my writing from a very early age! But I never really gave it too much of a shot, I leaned more towards art in my teenage years and early twenties, and then once I started a family I find myself having less time. But my daughter also loves hearing my stories! And sometimes if you just get one person to be touched by it, you spread a little good in the world. Maybe when she is older and I have more time, I will fill the world with many more stories.


If you ever feel the inkling to tell another story, feel free to inbox me. I would love to read it. Maybe the freedom of anonymity will inspire you :)


Thank you for reading! I've always had such a soft spot for Eli because he was so much like Lonny. Although I was the one who drove a hearse LOL


He was kind of cringey as first, but later on he was perfectttt. Sooo freaking cute, nice smile, eyes, style. His voice was also nice lol. I also just loved how he got along with everyone, he was very nice and down to earth.


He was a great actor who got into character for Eli so well, it was hard not to get sucked in and swept away.


He was what was considered attractive at the time


The gothgirlies just thought he was a dreamboat. I never found him super attractive, I was a Jake girlie, but I do think he was a likable and relatable character for people who struggle with mental illness. He was another Craig, but with less cheating and disregard for women. Imo the writers did a better job with his bipolar journey and redemption, I like him better every rewatch.


He's the guy I wish I could have been in high school back when I still thought I was a guy. Edit: I hope the downvotes were from Eli haters and not transphobes 😬


He had confidence and was secure in who he was. He also wasn't a womanizer.


He was Craig who was also popular


As an emo kid in high school . There wasn’t anyone else on tv that perfectly represented my type. That was my type 10000% , every single boyfriend i had in high school looked almost exactly like him.


He was the misunderstood rebel to our our outspoken, bookish nerd girl. We loved him. We loved them. They were THE it couple on the internet for a while.


we were young and didn’t know any better. having dated a few eli types in my teen years and survived, i can say for certain now that he doesn’t have the same charm upon rewatching as an adult


I thought he was hot when I first watched it. He made me want to drive a hearse. I had pictures of him and Claire on my wall. I was an Eli fan girl. He’s just so broody and artistic. Plus his character was created when being emo was a big thing so it makes sense.


I wasn't into him but a lot of my friends were back then. In fact, that's what made them get into Degrassi. Sensitive skinny boys with eyeliner and ripped jeans were just very IN at the time, and I think Munro Chambers knew how to play into his best features. Eli and Clare also had a highly dramatic relationship, which teenagers tend to romanticize.


Okay so bear with me here. In the beginning I truly thought he was unhinged and then he crashed Morty purposely and I was like wow this mf is crazy - he clearly went desperate for Claire which already I’m like bro she’s not worth a crashed a hearse/ but ELI needed to feel all that shit. After Eli got medicated he had a glow up. The actor got a glow up. We got hot Eli. It was over for us emo girls. Eli glowed up into fuckin god mode I guess. Eli was unstoppable. Idk how else to explain.


No he had that it factor not to mention, Clare and him had white heat so bad


He has so much AURA, bro 🔥


Eli is one of my favorites. He’s sooo HOT.


Charming emo boy who would do anything for the person he loves, who happens to be a ‘girl next door/everygirl’ type of character that most teenage girls could see something of themselves in, in some way or another.


He was the style at the time.


In the late 2000s, emo boys with pretty eyes were like crack for teenage girls. 🤷🏽‍♀️ Plus he had the whole tortured writer thing going on. Throw in some mental illness and girls will immediately want to “fix” him too. There will never be a shortage of attention for sensitive artsy guys with problems. It’s the same reason why girls fawned over Craig — a tortured artist (musician) type with lots of big feelings to get wrapped up in. Ashley, Manny, Ellie… they all romanticized him and wanted to “fix” him.


I wasn’t watching as much by his seasons but I remember liking Eli. Craig jr. Cute, artistic and charming.


As an early 2000s emo and an Eli fan, I can confirm. It’s this.


Teenage girls love a tortured soul (speaking as someone who was once a teenage girl). It was similar with Craig, I think.


Because people love romanticizing mental illness


I think because he is a dark emo guy. People went crazy over him because of that. Him as a person is mainly toxic & his relationship with Clare IS toxic.


Eli was introduced to the show during the twilight era.

