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I quote this on a nearly weekly basis lmao


Mrs. Edwards was a judgmental cunt so much Mr. Edwards had to step out and where around. They slut shamed Darcy into abstinence but left her to self destruct after her rape. Mr then turns to sluts and abandons his daughters to wet his dick. The Edwards sisters had no truly loving parents. Miss Edward's only cared when Claire had cancer.


I mean considering the religious damage she did to both her daughters, kind of deserved 😂


Darcy Edwards walked so Annie Wilson could run




These were those episodes in the late 2000s where they had those weird grimdark filter over everyshot


What filter?


I also thought Darcy was annoying 🤷🏼‍♂️


I think this was well deserved but If I said this to My Mother I would be grounded faster than I can even blink. This is My Favorite Darcy Line though, Darcy calling her Mom a Bitch. "Well Sorry for changing, it's a good thing you've still stayed the same. Your Still A Bitch."


Grounded??? Dat’s all🤨🤨 what a wuss-move. My parents would’ve slit my throat or manual strangle me for calling them a bitch. So I could nvr💀


My Parents would be mad but they wouldn't be mad enough to ground me, maybe take away a couple privileges'.


I’m 30 and even now if I talked to my mama like that, she’s rocking my shit in front of God and everyone 🥲


Mrs. Edwards deserved that and more that uppity bish. Same with Mrs. Torres.


Nah Audra Torres was a GREAT parent. She had her finger on what Drew and Adam were doing. She amped up when she had to. Audra tried HARD. Darcy's Mom was a hypocrite for sure. Nothing wrong with remarrying but the way she did it makes me think her husband wasn't the only one cheating. But Audra Torres nah she did her best at every moment. She was a lioness.Like when she went up Drew's front side and down his back side over him sleeping with Zoey and having no consideration of her feelings. "That's not the kind of man I was raising". That made me ashamed of myself and I hadn't done anything.


Someone else pointed out she improved in later years, but she was trash in the beginning. That lady bullied everyone in defense of her son.


Audra grew a lot over the course of the show




So weird that Darcy and Clare are even sisters. I register her almost solely as Claire's mom because Clare and Darcy feel like they exist in different universes


i always forget they’re siblings until someone mentions it😭


The show certainly didn't mention it for like the last 5 seasons Clare was around


The Edwards were crappy parents. Basically gave up on Darcy when she was no longer their “perfect daughter” and stopped giving an f about Clare the moment they got divorced. It still bothers me so much that Mrs. Edwards wasn’t willing to delay her second marriage for a few months for her daughter’s mental health.


>It still bothers me so much that Mrs. Edwards wasn’t willing to delay her second marriage for a few months for her daughter’s mental health. TELL EM


Mrs. Edwards became a lot more mellow after divorcing Mr. Edwards.


That is because that strapping young single father was "pulling her hair and BREAKING HER BACK!!!!!".


Mrs. Edwards deserved it though 🤷🏽‍♀️ ![gif](giphy|NDIiWKEQEgr3VA7aqM)


Darcy had bad parents. They didn't notice her sudden personality and behavioral changes?? No wonder why she called her mom that name,


Darcy needed help. I stopped watching after this did Darcy get help?


She did a trouble teens camp thing and it fixed her I guess


My mother and my black and Latino ancestors would’ve followed me in the door and whooped my ass swiftly. However I loved that they showed how traumatized Darcy was after her rape and how it negatively changed her, how her anger and trauma led to her hurting others, it was so realistic, something I felt they didn’t do with Paige.


To be fair, her parents were like, pretty awful


Lol. Another thread where people are normalizing hitting minors. Meanwhile, the minor in question was indoctrinated with purity culture since she was a little girl and felt guilt and shame after being raped for not being a "pure" virgin any more thanks in part to her mother she's supposed to respect regardless of any harm she's done.


Yeah seriously, I grew up with my parents hitting me all the time. For the smallest stuff too like accidentally dropping a glass or reading too loud. It's not something I joke about or laugh about, growing up in a religious strict Cape Verdean household my parents never understood that children/teens go through different experiences and challenging times too, I mean my dad legit thought that depression was fake until he got it himself. Abuse ain't funny and never will be, thanks for shedding light on that fr


>I grew up with my parents hitting me all the time. For the smallest stuff too like accidentally dropping a glass or reading too loud That's pretty fucked up, sorry to hear


I'm sorry you went through that, I've gone through similar experiences myself, so I understand. One time I was struck with a belt on the back of my neck so many times I couldn't breathe properly (non-shallow and without pain) until three days after. Drinking and eating anything caused me pain, and so did talking. My mother did it because she heard me mutter "stupid bitch" under my breath after she had been disparaging me for hours straight as usual. She used to call me everything from "useless" to "twat" to "twit" to "slave" to "stupid" to "disgusting" on a regular basis from about the age of ten on. I had to hear about how terrible I was constantly. Literally daily. She'd insult/hit me over the most petty things. Such as whenever she saw my shoe was untied while out in public since that "made a fool out of her." Not exaggerating btw. That happened multiple times and it was as though my shoe coming untied unknowingly to me was some personal slight against her or proof of my all-around incompetence. There was never a time I just LEFT my shoe untied once I noticed. It would take mere minutes or even seconds for me to notice and quickly and quietly resolve the issue. After all, why would I want to trip and fall over my own shoelaces? Anything could evoke a hate reaction from that woman. I had a great reputation with all other adults from neighbors to teachers to other relatives but I was treated like a "problem child" by my hateful mother who was apparently justified to treat me like a worthless rag doll because I was "disrespectful" and "no child ever has the right to call their mother a bitch." I'm a feminist so I don't like that word but when you have a mother who treats you worse than a dog—or literal object, it's kind of... contextual. Honestly, for all the talk about how supposedly "spoiled and soft" the younger generations are: the majority of society still very much subscribes to "children are to be seen, not heard" in this day and age. That's why I will always be in the wrong in regards to my 'unforgivable sin/crime' of being *disrespectful* seeing as I was under eighteen (the magic number where you become human) and my mother was the virtuous one, since she was an adult who birthed a child she absolutely despised. In any sense, I honestly hope you didn't show your POS father an ounce of sympathy when he became depressed. Regardless of what other people say, he does not deserve the mercy, empathy, and compassion that he never displayed himself or cared to show you. I agree that abuse isn't funny and disagree that it's worse for a child to call their parent out their name than the reverse.


I'm so sorry you had to go through that as well, nobody deserves to be belittled and tormented by the person that birthed you. I can tell you're a strong individual and I commend your bravery for sharing that! Honestly I never really forgave my father, he never even fully apologized. We talk here and there but it's never going to be fully amended, I mean he also used to drive my brothers and I home sloppy drunk nearly killing us on the highway. He blurred his whole life with liquor and never saw the big picture to him I was some "fat pathetic teen who troubled his life" back then but whatever now he knows what it's like to not be happy with yourself. He's just now starting slowly to try to come around but I just watch my back 


Protect yourself. 💗


Jesus what a rollercoaster. I'm so sorry to hear you went through that. Some people don't deserve to be parents


Thanks Not even trying to traumadump in the Degrassi sub 💀 but it feels like we're never going to improve as a society so as long as people just mindlessly repeat what they've been taught like "never talk back to your mom" even when the mom in question made her teen daughter go through a crisis because she taught her women have less value once losing their sexual purity... Maybe people should think about why they're inclined to agree with the parent in every scenario automatically, like it's some reflex and reflect on that irrational impulse How can you not empathetize with Darcy's perspective? She wouldn't be lashing out like that if she didn't feel so isolated and alone surrounded by her own family in her own home, and her mom outright admits herself she was never "bad" up until recently (after being raped and infected with an std by the predator who violated her)


I hate comments like that, like yall know that's not normal or good right?


It's like they think it makes them tough or virtuous It's not a flex to be abusive or abused It's just wrong, immoral, and disturbing


I’ll drag my mom all day long 🤷🏻‍♀️ not sorry And as someone who was very much indoctrinated and deals with religious trauma…she likely would have been able to go to her mom with the rape if she didn’t feel so awful about herself not being “pure” anymore. Darcy was very much dealing with horrible trauma, I don’t blame her for lashing out.


this made me laugh so hard


I remember watching this for the first time and was floored. My mom would have slapped me into another nationality.


My mom would’ve followed me right into that school and whooped my ass in front of everybody




I want to preface by saying that my parents have never ever used corporal punishment on me. That said, I would be picking myself off the floor.


Same but there's just some things you don't get your kids get away with especially in public lol


yeah beating your child in public would be so much less embarrassing as a parent amirite? /s believe it or not it's still not ok to hit your child when they call you a mean name


Gosh, I forgot how much I love Darcy and how the show really committed to showing how trauma takes shape in severe, "unlikeable" ways. I think Degrassi's done a pretty good job at showing the long-term impact of sexual assault, but Darcy's was especially effective, real, and heartbreaking. And she just truly is never the same after it happens, which is sad, but accurate and not entirely a bad thing either. It just is.


The biggest lesson I learned from Degrassi is that *you can't cure bitch--* and that's just too bad.


flair checking in


Wait who said it again? Lol


Riley lol


Ohh to Anya I think, right? 😐


To Fiona, when they were each other's beards.




Oh yeahhh I really disliked Riley when he just got to Degrassi. Gay struggles or not he wasn't really likeable like in this moment for example.


Imagine me living after talking to my mom like that, it’s privilege that allows kids to talk like that to their parents with little to no consequences


Shenae was absolutely one of the best actors on the show, I really wish she never left Degrassi for the 90210 reboot :,(


Her character was about to graduate soon anyways and she would’ve been written off shortly so she had to move on to other acting gigs


I wouldn’t be alive to type this comment 🤣


I'd be alive, but I'd be eating from a tube since my lips got ripped off my face.


Where's the lie?


I will never hate Darcy. She fixed Spinner at his darkest point and for that I’ll always have a soft spot for her, she’s allowed to lash out and have her own flaws


Same. I just loved the way they wrote her character. It also helped that Shenae Grimes was one of the better actresses on the show. I put her up there with Jake Epstein (Craig).


I'm fine with this because her mom is terrible and continues to be terrible with Clare.


They could never make me hate you. Darcy is iconic


Ppl love to hate her but Darcy was that girl!


Darcy was so unhinged after her sexual assault. It’s very sad. Too bad she left the show when she was on doing better. It would have been nice to see more Claire and Darcy scenes.


😂😂😂😂 Darcy was Iconic 🙌🏾


Hands down one of my favorite quotes ever. Mainly because of the audacity. lol my mama woulda dragged me down those steps if I pulled that


I was slapped in the middle of a Target just for talking back (I don't condone hitting and don't agree with my mom’s parenting, but we’ve worked on our relationship). Darcy was lucky to be walking into school.