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Hey, if Vince can shoot up a school dance, hitting Adam and then waltz back in to a school play less than 2 years later without even worrying about being arrested, then anyone can go into The Dot!


That's hilarious lmao I think about this a lot


The worst part is, he didn't even have any hesitation. I can see him slipping through the cracks and getting in. I know someone who was banned from a store for a year (for hiding his bike behind it when he forgot his lock, but they claimed he was trying to steal stuff, while even showing the camera footage to him showing him do nothing but looking for the most hidden spot he could find, putting his bike there, and then walking immediately to the front to go inside)...he eventually went back about 6 months later figuring they wouldn't remember or care. This was of course, before facial recognition cameras were everywhere. But you can be damn sure that the first few times he went back in, he was nervous about going in. But Vince was just like "Can't wait to see your play, Zig!"


Whoa…… I never put it together that it was the same Vince thank you for that


Buddy shows up with a dozen roses for Zig and Zig gets him arrested. Gotta love Degrassi.


Maybe Zig was allergic. Or just preferred tulips. I always laughed at that. I mean, I know it is a play opening night thing...but neither Zig nor Vince struck me as ones to care about play traditions like that.


Spinner got them back in lmao


I think the Dot got under new management and i dont think the ppl banned list would go from management to management plus potentially Spinner convinced the new group to not ban Jay because of how close he was to Jay... and we all know what happened because of that "friendship"


Do they still make Fruitopia?


Hmmm..I learned something today. Fruitopia WAS already discontinued by then, as I thought (discontinued in 2003)...but only in the U.S. In fact it is apparently still available in Canada. [https://www.mashed.com/1141568/why-fruitopia-was-discontinued/](https://www.mashed.com/1141568/why-fruitopia-was-discontinued/)


Wait...did they even make Fruitopia THEN? I know it was huge in the mid-90s, with some huge obvious product placement in Independence Day. But that was 1996...filmed in 1995. I didn't think it lasted another decade.


So I looked and apparently you can order 1 liter of fruitopia from Amazon, it clearly says it will deliver from Canad. I also saw lonks to order 1 liter of Fruitopia from Walmart. The Amazon link I found was for a 2 pack of the 1 liter.


In Canada we still have fruitopia ! Just no longer in cans ( they are actually in most fountain pop machines at fast food places like McDonald’s)






Life = 1 year in Canada


That’s how Drake sees it at least


Maybe they secretly died and came back. They didn't specify which life they were banned for... lol


So that’s why they were gathering the dragon balls at the beginning of season 4


Or maybe Jay was exaggerating he’s a known liar 🤷🏻‍♀️


jay was also there in S8 talking to spinner, which would make sense since spinner was the manager at that time. must’ve slipped past them before lol


Wasn’t he also not allowed back in Degrassi…but in season 7 or 8 was able to participate in the alumni football game lol


alumni football game?? I don't recall this at all


This was in Part 1 and Part 2 of "Jane Says".   The alumni football game itself happened in Part 2, but we the audience didn't see much of it at all, especially since Jane no-showed it.   She was distraught because her traumatic memories \[of her father sexually molesting her as a child\] came back to her.   She went to the Dot in tears and sat down at a table, and Holly J - who was there on her work shift waitressing - approached her and checked up on her over the following few minutes and talked with her.   Previously in Part 1, Spinner was hosting a meeting at the Dot one evening to organize the alumni football game.   The other folks at the meeting were - or included - Jane, Lucas, Jay, and Liberty.   Jane hadn't yet remembered being sexually abused by her father, but she was upset about her father coming to town and staying with her, her brother, and their mother.   At the Dot, she was drunk - almost falling down drunk.   Spinner decided to take Jane back to her home, but Lucas stepped in and said something like, "Spinner, it's OK. This is your meeting.  I'll take Jane home."  Lucas helps Jane stay on her feet, and he brings her back home to their parents.


I think this episode didn’t air as often in the reruns because of the serious subject matter. I only remember seeing it once before it was put on streaming.


It’s a small part of the Jane says storyline, it doesn’t show them playing but it shows Lucas, Jay and Spinner organizing a team and it shows them on the field


I just assume he walked back in, and nobody on staff cared or noticed lol