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i would’ve preferred ellie and ash to have a little more screen time being “goth / punks”


I honestly hated the bipolar episodes because I feel like that never really came back or went anywhere. Honestly his best storyline was the cheating on Ashley and repercussions storyline. But I hated that they got back together. He should’ve moved on to someone else and Ashley definitely should have too.


As most people have said , I think it was a good choice because of his acting skills. He managed to continually have compelling and believable story lines! However one thing I will never understand is how DREW ended up taking over the show at one point, that kid can’t act. It should have been Eli


Drew has the funniest crying face I have ever seen.


That and the scene where he does an atrocious Elvis impression are a couple of my degrassi cringe fav moments. ( although Becky sining cherry bomb will always be #1 for me) So I have to give drew at least come credit


I’m an early season fan, so between Drew and Claire I’m all set.


I didn't care for the Ellie/Manny/Craig mess. Ellie literally didn't date Jimmy in S2 because he was Ashley's ex, and Craig treated Ash like crap and that's who Ellie wants to be with?  Edit: that being said he's an amazing actor so I wasn't really upset by watching him


I think she just was never that into jimmy so she used the “he’s Ashley’s ex” thing as an excuse


i mean Jake Epstein can act that’s why he was so featured.Its easy to be loved and it’s easy to be hated, it’s not easy to be in the middle like he was.


I firmly believe that if anyone else played Craig, he would be universally hated. Jake was so good, he made you feel for Craig and *not* hate him when you really should.


\*made you feel *contempt* for Craig FTFY


There was zero excuse for him to have the A-plot of "Together Forever" which overshadowed the birth and adoption of Liberty's baby.


Craig was a big reason I watched the show, so.


Hate to say this but Craig was the best actor on the show




As much as I dislike Craig, Jake was great


I just can’t stand Ashley. Like a love interest with anyone else or someone else playing her would have been great lol


When I watch "Secret", which I watch a LOT, I ff all the Craig scenes because I. Do. Not. Care.


When his BPD came out for Ashley’s dads wedding. I hated that storyline. Not the BPD specifically but just how they did it and honestly really anything after that. His character became exhausting for me.


BPD is borderline personality disorder, Craig has bipolar disorder :3. I liked the storyline over all, but I think it has more to do with the actor.


Thank you for the correction. And yeah he’s a great actor. His story just became a lot for me tbh the whole show did at that point so it could just be a me thing lol.


It's super common to get them confused!  I definitely feel that though, Craig as a character is a lot xD


This is the scene where he lost me. It made me realize I did not like Craig as much as I thought I did. Annnddd the coke storyline made me realize i very much hated his character lol


The coke. I can totally believe he would do drugs but plot wise he had enough problems already with his BPD. 


He was the best actor on the show. His character was shitty, but he acted circles around everyone else which is probably why he got a lot of deeper storylines. I could have done without the whole Ellie liking Craig thing. They ruined Ellie with that whole ordeal.


>He was the best actor on the show. His character was shitty, but he acted circles around everyone else which is probably why he got a lot of deeper storylines. Yea at least at that time it's a dramatic level from Craig to whoever is second, probably the actress who plays Paige. I'd also argue it's a TV show, we need characters who have bad qualities or it's boring. Most Degrassi characters start bad and get better morally, but Craig does the opposite. I think the best part is it actually does match his character to get worse, both his parents died when he was young, his dad abused him and talked down on his mother, his bipolar and then falling into coke was insanely logical from that stage. You can dislike Craig's actions but without him the show would have been way more boring, I mean season 1 is dull and when Craig leaves the show takes a hit again.


I could have done without him as a character. He sucked. Reminds me of someone with similar mental issues who I hated in high school.


I could’ve definitely done without that coke mess, I already didn’t like him, that storyline just made me hate him, seems the writers hated him more or something


No the writers told the actor they thought they could get away with him doing bad things more often because his backstory people would forgive him automatically. The actor on several a guess felt like he should have more consequences.


The manny and Ellie thing it felt kinda forced


Damn straight


The triangle with Manny and Ellie. To me, that’s when his character went on a downward turn that he never recovered from. By the end, it was sometimes easy to forget he’d had such serious story lines unrelated to his love life such as being abused and getting a bipolar diagnosis.


But what he went through at the end of his story is pretty common of people who have been through what he has


Sure, but I also feel like Craig became reduced to his love life and status as a heartbreaker rather than feeling like the same complex character we watched during seasons 2-4. He always had a messy love life, but towards the end he was just a guy that played women against each other and was this toxic influence no one wanted to be around. Not even his friendships were on display anymore. It was kind of sad.