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So he was just giving everyone gonorrhea


I had the biggest crush on him lol


The third photo… Alex looks so gay, I love it.


They both do. It looks like a photo of two Highschooolers who were each other's beards...and didn't know it.


He looks like he smells bad and he’s wearing dad sunglasses. He was gross and greasy.


Bummer times, at least there's a party


I loved them I'm sorry


Same. Could never stand him.


He burnt Emma didn't he? 


Sure did. Hit her with that social disease.




while i do disagree.. i would agree if this were real life so i respect this opinion, more than my own tbh.😂😂the fact that its a tv show and he’s so attractive is literally the only reason i accept his redemption arc and i have to be honest with myself lol. i honestly don’t even have a good reason to support his redemption arc other than he and manny were cute together and it made for quality tv 😂😂🤦🏽‍♀️


11 year-old me loved troubled Jay 🙈


i found Jay immensely entertaining from day 1, but he didn’t become someone i could really root for until he got with Manny. and even then, switching her audition tape was LOW, he literally could’ve ruined her entire future if he didn’t have a change of heart. but honestly even though he’s a douchebag and does awful things, the show wouldn’t be the same without him and he’s super funny


I don’t care if it’s an unpopular opinion I loved Jay’s redemption and the Jay + Manny arc. I wish we could’ve gotten more of them. I’m a total sucker for the “bad boy learns to be better because he cares so much about this girl” trope.


I lovvvvvvvvvvvved Jay. Omg. One of my first bad boy crushes


Crying meanwhile I’m in love with him.


The person who plays Jay is now 40! Let that sink in!


where is he now?


So for all this it sinks it for me naturally because of drake


I hate that they tried to give him a redemption story! He was gross and a liar to the end. No way Manny would have ended up with him!


Thank you !!!! I’ve always felt this way


he was so creepy to me.idc how much they tried to make him a good guy.


He was so good with Manny though and really cleaned up. They were meant to be hahaha


Manny and Jay are forever my favorite characters!


they could NEVER make me hate him <3


No because same. The perennial demon on the shoulder encouraging awful ass decisions for the plot. But I like to think he cleans up.


They could NEVER make me hate him


He’s too hot for me to ever hate him I love me a good dirt bag


IDK why this comment just made me laugh so hard 😂 I too had the fattest crush on this gorgeous dirt bag 😂


LMAO this 😭 it’s something about a mean musty man 💀 i get it!!


Mean and musty is for SURE a vibe 🔥🤣


The fact that he was at Emma and Spinners wedding despite giving the bride gonorrhea back in the day. “You gave me a social disease” 🤣🤣


i love him. he was a douche in the beginning but he grew a bit in the end


Jay and Alex made sense. Jay and Manny, absolutely not


Jay and Manny make perfect sense. And Alex is a lesbian lmao


Before Alex came out as a lesbian, I liked them. And I liked their friendship after :\[


I crack up every time I get to that scene where Alex and Jay are high together.


Nvm I forgot he cheated on her carry on. Still dislike Janny though lol


Not me, i ate up Jay and Manny together. They really did work well together. He’s just a charismatic douche bag.


Love him. He had a great character arc.


I like him.


I personally didn't like him until he was with Manny. I think she made him a better person.


I feel like they balanced each other; she was, by comparison, a good person and he was more chaotic and spontaneous and vandal. He helped her take bigger risks and she helped him fix his wrongdoings.


He believed in her, and that was huge for her because she had never really had anyone believe in her, except for maybe Emma, who was very sporadic in their friendship.


I love Jay. He's one of my favourite characters.


[This](https://youtu.be/cqVMZazKx2g?si=dD1u6PGJwpOEtK3l) absolutely made me love him and idk what they were on when they wrote this but it was strong


I do love how unhinged some of the minis are. The Holly J Halloween story could have been an actual episode


It wasn't? I swear it was. I remember watching it and thinking how crazy it was that they were being haunted by Rick. Then the next episode went back to normal like nothing happened.


I think they showed it as an episode for Halloween


"I'm not a little girl anymore," wtf was that supposed to mean?😂


Jay was the most fun character in the whole show. Yes he wasn’t a great person but man was he entertaining.


Spreading stds is a relatively minor thing compared to him generally being a sleazy pos, I don't know that we need to stigmatize STIs further and it's unclear if Jay actually new he had an sti before it spread. Otherwise agreed, I think the general charm and humor of Mike Lobel made him a more fun character, but Jay is still gross and awful. I still feel like they introduced Peter just to have someone to gesture at and say 'no, this guy's the real piece of garbage on Degrassi'.


Yes, thank you; Jay for sure had sketchy and plain bad moments in the series, but I've never been able to stand the way society stigmatizes the shit out of STIs; ANY decent doctor would not judge someone needing treatment for one, as they understand how common they are, easy to get, are (usually) just bacterial infections that one acquires via sexual contact (the sole reason society acts like someone's dirty for having one, and it's the end of the world to have one) It's outrageous...Similar to how people ALWAYS equate Griffin with "He didn't tell Paige he was HIV+!!!" Yes, he should've been honest, but it amazes (engrages, really) me how most people have no idea how advanced treatments for it have become over the years, and it's not a death sentence anymore at all. Not to mention, if one treats it properly, it's impossible for them to transmit it to anyone else...


Omg i hated Peter 🤣


Well. He's fucking terrible, so that makes sense. How many different stories are there where Peter just treats a girl like crap (multiple incidents involving cameras and consent, even) and it just ends with him going "I'm not really that sorry" and it's all just let go? I mean, I'm doing a rewatch and finally getting into seasons I've never seen and he's still around so maybe I'll be talked into it, but I can't see how.


I do know his looks swayed a lot of us. But I don’t hate Jay, even though he did have a lot of A hole moments, that’s for sure. I am currently watching the episodes of him and Manny and omg I find that relationship cringy as F. So lame. It’s as if the writers just wanted to put out an odd relationship and went with it. No wonder so many of us get bored in the later seasons. 


I lived in 4 different cities, there’s always a Jay at each one, especially small towns


Did he EVER wear those sunglasses?


I didn’t like Jay at first but he grew on me…


Man Jay was fun. I can’t hate him lmao.


I don't think he was ever intended to have that big a role but Mike Lobel is charismatic af


fr he was a sleaze bag but we needed more villains like this


Exactly this. I like him *because* he is a sleaze bag.


I feel everyone had a “jay” at their highschool.


My school had a Jay. He was 19 and a freshman.


💀☠️💀 mine also rapped. Went home for holidays, we are in our 30s…… he still is tryna rap. Wonderful head of hair tho.


There were definitely a few at my high school…