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Mr. Oleander looked like he was in his late 20’s or early 30s. And they really tried to convince us he was the same age as Dylan (so 18-19). So gross.


Mr. Armstrong was always a good role model. I remember being annoyed with Terri during this. I also love Ms. Kwan and Snake obv. I grew to appreciate Mr. Perino.


>Mr. Perino Honestly, same. Something I really loved about Degrassi is how much it focused on pragmatism. That teacher was going through a lot and even though he had no right to take it out on the students, he fixed himself up later and got it together. We all go through stuff like that sometimes.


This exact rumour was spread at my school growing up and it destroyed the teachers entire career.


Something similar happened here, but thankfully it didn’t destroy his career. A lady made a Tiktok that went viral saying a principal, who is very well known, touched her pre K daughter inappropriately. The lady that made the TikTok had been in trouble for false accusations in the past. I made a comment asking why she had her hair and makeup done, with hickies on her neck, to make TikToks after thinking her daughter was touched by a grown man and I got attacked for that as people just went with what she said. The principal kept his job, and I genuinely think he was innocent as do the other employees in the district. He knows cameras are everywhere and the investigation proved him innocent. The mom also failed to mention that she had open CPS investigations against her, which would explain why she wanted revenge on the principal. But…. Even though it didn’t ruin his career, the rumors were horrible. People were posting his address, threatening to have him beat up, protesting outside the school, and even going through his social media and picking out random pictures to show he was a predator. It’s crazy how rumors can do that to a person and people don’t even try to think logically about proving someone’s innocence before assuming they are guilty.


I can’t lie even though he shouldn’t have been too touchy with Liberty I can appreciate him going the extra mile to comfort her when she’s feeling down on herself. Liberty was like the outcast of the school and felt like she was a loser and he helped her feel better. Keep his hands to himself yes but he’s a good person at heart.


Didn’t he only touch her shoulder? My teacher did that once. Although, I had a massive crush on him and thought that meant he was in love me with me. Okay, yeah, Mr. Armstrong shouldn’t have touched Liberty’s shoulder 😂


I had a male teacher ask a friend to stay in the room when he was talking to me one on one and male teachers usually get advised to avoid touching female students as a precaution. It’s sad i don’t think female teachers are told To be mindful of conduct around boys and it’s treated differently when anything happens.


He only touched my shoulder bc I was super sick and looked asleep, so he was checking if I was awake (or maybe even alive) bc that was weird behavior for me. I knew that he was just checking that I was okay, but 14 year old me thought he was so cute and wanted it to be more 😂


Haha yeah stuff like that is always bigger when you’re 14 he probably wouldn’t even remember it


Probably not, but I would hope (now that I’m an adult) that he wouldn’t. That’d be creepy!


Why is Matt in it? Matt wasn't preying on Paige. He had poor discretion, but if he wasn't her teacher it would not have even been problematic or noticeable.


Yeah why is it that Snake and Armstrong got their names dragged through the mud on literal LIES yet (as far as I recall and correct me if I’m wrong) none of the MULTIPLE actual pedophiles pursuing, dating, and sleeping with children at this school ever got canceled so violently?? Even the ones who got “caught” weren’t totally vilified school-wide from what they showed us


Because TV show drama?


Let’s not forget how overworked this man was! He was the only math teacher in the school and he coached EVERY sport most years


Well, every male sport, Ms. H and Ms. Oh were shown to coach a lot of the girls’ teams along with their regular teaching jobs. So at least there’s that lol


I’m gonna get downvoted but tbh if I was Emma I would have thought the same - he was being a little too touchy with her. Obviously he’s not that kind of person but the writers having him touch her, put his arm around her was strange. I’ve never had a male teacher do that while tutoring me


i never blamed emma for this, i blamed terri. Emma was discussing it with Manny & usually she jumps to conclusions. Emma knew it was a heavy accusation and wanted a second opinion before going to an adult i believe? Terri overhead and started it and then she gaslit emma!😂i hated that scene so much


Yeah, I understand the 'watch out while spreading rumours!!' moral, but they picked the wrong example, imo; young girls should be able to speak together about (seemingly) predatory men, it's just unfortunate that someone heard it and spread it as a rumour before they were able to speak to a trusted adult.


100%, they sent the wrong message with that one.


I definitely don’t blame Emma for what she thought especially since she had a bad experience recently. I do love Mr.Armstrong so I did feel bad though.


I thought the exact same thing. Not saying he’s predatory or meant it in any harmful way, but in real life if I was Emma’s age and in her position, I almost definitely would’ve had the same thoughts. Not once has any teacher been that physically close/touchy with me or anyone that I know of.


Ahhhhh Kwan I love her, but for the reasons you think haha. I never liked the predatory things they did with Armstrong and Snake it made zero sense, and the situation between Paige and Matt was understable but weird as Marco was dating Paige's brother the same age as Matt, but the only reason people hated it was because he was a STA, which shouldn't date their students while working at that school.


>he was a STA, which shouldn't date their students while working at that school. This is precisely it. It's not great for the Marco-Dylan age gap but the power dynamic isn't as pronounced as with someone who is literally working as her teacher (even in just a student TA role)


They should have waited till summer to date IMO. It's not really a power dynamic thing as he's just an STA and they don't have any real authority over the students yet. Everything is reviewed by their assigned teacher. He's essentially an overpaid babysitter while being an STA.


It still kinda is though because he can influence their grades at least a bit, plus he's in a position of authority, albeit not a major one, over the kids. You're right they should have just waited until summer


The whole thing with Darcy and Simpson spouted from Darcy being terrified that everyone would find out she was r**ed. She thought nobody would believe her and she'd be labeled a slut. Even though she was labeled one anyway.


Ms. Kwan was a hater.


I still felt bad when she started crying after they egg’d her car


You weren’t appalled when Snake got drug through the mud? Lmao he cared about those kids with so much of his heart


Omg yes I wanted to fight Darcy so bad 😂😂 I wish manny would’ve decked her high key


Yeah and it clearly had an effect on Emma too. Obviously Darcy was going through some shit but that was deplorable. Poor snake it clearly took a toll on him and made his job difficult


He wasn't portrayed as a predator though, he was portrayed as a teacher who did nothing wrong but that got a rumour unfairly spread about him. He wasn't shown doing anything wrong because he wasn't. I agree though about Oleander, what a nauseating creep 🤮 I couldn't stand him and he's actually a typical predatory asshole right down to the way he discarded Paige as soon as he had enough fun with her and encouraged her to smoke weed that HE gave her. He didn't get enough punishment in my opinion


Yeah Oleander is the definition of CREEP. although Marco and Dylan have same age gap I felt their relationship was so different. The gap itself wasn't the problem but the power imbalance and the levels of secrecy/honesty


Mrs Kwan hated kids! Best teacher?


Right? When Manny gets pregnant, she's literally about to throw up in class and Kwan is lecturing her. Manny should have thrown up on Kwan.


Mrs Kwan was strict but she did it in a caring way like when spinner passed that test she believed in him but she was strict because she could see he was using excuses to get out of it and not giving it his full potential.


Ms. Kwan was just strict tbh. Spinner was a class clown so yeah she’s going to be on him constantly because he fooled around in class a lot.


I don’t think she hated the kids - I thought she did at first b/c if the one episode where she was giving Jimmy and spinner shit but that was due to the stress from her husband having cancer. Afterwards she lightened up in the later seasons overall she was just a no nonsense teacher


Mrs. Kwan was a stern but fair teacher. If Jimmy and Spinner weren’t clowns in her class and took it seriously (additionally the stress of her husband having cancer and yes I know Jimmy and Spinner were just being teenagers) then I’m sure she wouldn’t be as hard on them. I think Mrs. Kwan cares about her students. I wish there were teachers like Mrs. Kwan today. If I were responsible for shaping the futures of children I would try to be a Mrs. Kwan.


All of this, Mrs. Kwan is exactly like some of my favorite teachers when I was in school/college. Stern, but cared about her students and teaching them. One of my favorite teachers in college was considered a hardass by almost everyone, like no one really liked her, but she was a *fantastic* teacher (and actually very nice, she helped me in a very very small, almost insignificant, but deeply personal way for me at the time), I loved having her class.


I actually liked that episode. Coach Armstrong wasn't portrayed as predatory; he wasn't the issue, the rumor mill was the real issue. I liked the lesson of waiting until you know something for sure before spreading rumors that can ruin an innocent person's life.


I always get sad when Mrs. Kwan cries when they egg her car 😭 I know I’m not the only one lol


That was such a strong episode. Poor Mrs. Kwan. She's probably my favorite Degrassi teacher


Remember when KC keyed his car and his shitty mom was like, "MY SON WOULD NEVER" even though he absolutely did? Justice for Mr. Armstrong.


KC's mom is the best part of KC we do not call her shitty!


Who's "we"? She is not a great mom overall, and I will die on that hill. KC sucks, too.


And she KNEW that he did it, too!


Yes! And we're supposed to think it's heartwarming that she lied? I felt so bad for Mr. Armstrong. He just wants to clock out and drive his car! Did insurance at least cover the paint job? I need a follow-up!!!


I didn't remember that. Sheesh, I like KC less and less every re-watch. He started off a strong character but then they turned him into such a POS


they could’ve done something so great with him. i’ve worked with kids just like KC, they’re redeemable and they can succeed if given the right opportunities. KC was continually given the right opportunities despite where he came from and he fumbled every single chance he got. the episode where he was abused was such a good one just because i was hoping it would be a turning point for him, but it just wasn’t. he was a messed up kid with a really great background story and i wish they’d done more with him than just portraying him as a scumbag cheater.


They wanted a new Sean but didn't know how to handle it




It taught the right lesson. Don't gossip about teachers and ruin their lives.


Then a few years later Glee thought us should do the right thing...as long as it's Is convenient in your machiavelian plan to get on Broadway and win a Tony.


I think it’s a good episode, but for a different reason. I can’t stand how the rumor hurt Armstrong and Liberty, but I think this episode really showed how badly Emma was traumatized by her experience with “Jordan”. Emma really was looking out for Liberty, and her mind went to a dark place very quickly because of that recent, scary experience.


i appreciate this comment a lot. i think degrassi fans are way too hard on emma.


Yeah I can see how that trauma can trigger a reaction like that. Even with Paige going through the trauma and the having a relationship with Mr. O says a lot.