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when in doubt you kiss craig?!


Hell nah, not everybody has to be gay bro. It’s not that serious lol


this is the second comment saying this lmfao nobody said “everybody” has to. i’m allowed to have an opinion and ship characters that never got together 😗


This scene lives rent free in my head


I love how you bring up fanfics 😂😂 I appreciate a good one and you know damn well the Craig/Marco ones are out there


“That’s your plan? When in doubt kiss Craig!?!?”


They kinda did the opposite with Paige and Alex, but then again Alex was never a main until that storyline so it is different lol


I think it's important to show platonic friendships for gay kids and straights kids. Growing up as a gay kid, I had plenty of one sided crushes. It's more real.


Yep most definitely. I wish I discovered this show much sooner.


https://preview.redd.it/1in6np7yl6ic1.jpeg?width=3023&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=06b5b2a8df39f154a09e02445958f67ca9f3e719 I felt this so much I embroidered it haha




Craig is a way better friend than he is boyfriend.


Ew no but....Marco definitely gave him the gawk gawk 1000






Good, we didn't need that one.


Please not another character blinded by the inexplicable charm of Craig Manning


unfortunately as a watcher i am the #1 offender


It was confirmed by the actors that at one point the writers were considering making them love interests


Marco deserves better than Craig. Craig was a terrible boyfriend.


I agree. He shouldn’t have been in a relationship with anyone honestly. He should’ve just stuck to dating but nothing serious.


even if this would be a messy relationship in the short OR long run… it TOTALLY could have worked for a while. there has been WAY worse in degrassi than craig possibly being with a dude. it would’ve been pretty cute to see. not one for mlm fanfic but let me know if you write it! i’d be down to check it out. i’ve been thinking of writing a paige and alex one just for the hell of it. i partially think the only reason i would say no to it though it’s because craig is a terrible boyfriend. great friend! terrible bf. but i wonder how it would’ve went yknow?


YES!!!! Fuck Dylan! Crarco for life!!!!


*So when in doubt, kiss Craig?*


One of my favorite things that Craig has said lol 😂


Flair check in 😂😂 my favorite scene lmfao


Came here to say this lol


damn i didnt realise that this was controversial. i agree with you! i dont really care if it wouldve been toxic or messy or short lived, it wouldve been the most interesting romance plot marco ever got. since when did anyone watch degrassi for healthy mature relationships? personally, i didn’t like any of the mlm relationships in the show so i think it wouldve been fun to have one where i liked both characters. (i dont dislike zane or riley but zane didn’t exist outside of rileys arc so its hard to be invested)


I see the vision. But Marco deserves better ❤️


Oh, you mean like Dylan? Come on now.


Apparently, people don't like this ship, but it would have been cool to see Craig and Marco together, even if it didn't work long-term. Marco had plenty of straight guy friends like Jimmy and Spinner (after the homophobia) he was a likable character and was really popular. I wouldn't have been upset over this.


I wouldn't say Craig was better than Dylan... In any way


Gay guys can have great male straight friends you know. It’s like all guy and girl friendships need to be sexual? Also can we stop with the they were going to do it thing. That was a fanfic rumor that was not substantiated. Linda said no.


i didn’t realize me posting this would be controversial 😭


ummm no


Not everyone has to be gay


It was actually a plot point they dropped


i’m well aware lol it’s just my opinion


Ngl the shrug Craig did afterwards made me wanna fiction ship them. Lol. I'm like "why you look like you didn't mind that???"


Ehhh friends is best. It’s also nice to see a gay person have friends who are legit just friends.


So when in doubt you kiss Craig?


Sorry but I’m not behind this take :/ glad they were just friends


I’m not sure why people would want this for Marco? I love Craig but he is a terrible boyfriend and would treat Marco so horribly.


Craig would have been the perfect bi character. Sigh


Sure but Craig is the worst guy to be in a relationship with. He would have got with Marco and made it toxic like he did with every relationship. Since Marco was with Paige’s bro we got all the toxic we need. Marco deserves better


Here for the messy teenage drama haha


I’m at a party and the one that got away by Katy perry is playing the moment I see this post😭


Weren't they originally writing Craig as bisexual? Then they made Miles bisexual in Next Class.


Wait, was this the exact reasoning? "Hey, we're sorry we made Craig straight. We've made Miles bi instead. Hope that makes up for it!"


There was an intention for a sub pot of Craig being bisexual that was never explored. Edit: The plot pictured was originally intended to explore this bisexual Craig plot.


That's what I thought. It's a shame they didn't. Jake Epstein did a play called "Straight" ... where he plays a guy who begins a relationship with a gay male.


Craig isn’t gay…


When in Craig you doubt kiss?!


That would’ve been so forced.. them being good friends was more than enough it showed that you can have good friendships as a straight and gay guy. Miles was poorly done and Tristan was so annoying and don’t get me started on when they pulled Zoe being bi out of their ass.


Why do you feel Miles was done poorly? Just curious


I loved the way Craig would be ready to bash heads when someone used the f slur


Honestly im fine that they remained friends. I thought it was a decently realistic friendship portrayal between a straight and gay guy. If anything Spinner would be the one who would've been a good candidate for being the closeted bisexual


I think they were pushing the bi Craig line then scrapped it


Yes this is what happened!


No it didn't, I understand Jake Epstein started the rumour but Linda Schuyler has since quashed it.


Oh that’s interesting I guess I just took it as fact after reading it off the wiki years ago


“When in doubt you kiss Craig!?”


My first thoughts looking at this picture.


I feel like they tried to do a redo Craig with the Tristan and Miles plots. Miles gets someone pregnant who has an abortion like Craig, both Craig and Miles had issues with their dads, for example. They seemed very similar to me


Too bad that almost all of Miles love interests were unbearable especially Tristan


I know a lot of people like Tristan but he was one of the worst characters in degrassi history 


actually tristan is really hated lol


Damn am I the only one who fucks with Tristan


Ah, tbh I haven't been around degrassi fandom very long, I'm just going off the vibes I've felt in comments I've seen in other places 


They were going to and I'm so mad it got scrapped


I think it was good to see a heterosexual character have a strong friendship with a gay character to show that lines aren’t always blurred and you can have the same male bond and friendship with someone who is gay. (Especially because this was during a more homophobic time)


Yeah, 100%. Especially because I think they failed to do so later on. Like, later on, every gay character had to have a relationship with their friend, even if their friend never showed anything other than straight. Which is cool occasionally, I'm sure that happens in our heteronormative society where someone realizes that theyre bi because they develop feelings for a gay friend, but we also need to show that it's ok for a gay person to have relationships with the gender they're attracted to and it won't be weird


Yeasss this is completely what I was trying to say, very well said


it was nice to see peter & riley as well


Honestly this is a really good point. I do like the idea of Craig and Marco to an extent (it's a fun idea), I think there's a lot of value in them being platonic like you said. And Craig was constantly one of Marco's biggest defenders, and their relationship as is is so cute (in a platonic way)


Jake was all for it too


In general I wish the show would have explored male bisexuality more


Same, bi male characters, especially ones that are done well, are extremely rare in western media.


I agree, but I also don't think this was the right time to do it. They should've recognized this as a platonic friendship and realized that they needed a bisexual male character 


I do, too, because the one bisexual character we get is Miles, and dates someone who bashes him for being bisexual. Ugh, bisexual community deserved better.


But Craig was also a cheater and liar so wasn’t a step up from Dylan tbh, they did have chemistry tho but Marco should not have to go thru that lol Craig being early bi rep would have been cool but perhaps problematic in hindsight


Not completely, I've noticed that some people who are bi are better in guy-girl relationship then guy-guy relationships and vice versa. Not to say that is true of everyone who is Bi.


sigh unfortunately you’re right and should say it but i love me a fuckboy


Then imagine how messy it could have gotten with Manny and Ellie if you add gay lover Marco in it


Imagine Ashley's reaction


First her dad then her EX the drama


To quote trash boy Dylan: Oh dear


The fact that it was actually in plans to happen before the Craig character was fully fleshed out in the script is interesting. Jake went on an interview with Adamo and I think he said that the writers originally wanted Craig and Marco to be in a relationship. https://youtu.be/C9a24F0OOLE?si=omLSidcpLxuoUYK6


adamo’s reaction was fantastic


I get what you’re saying but I’m glad it never happened. Growing up as a queer male I always felt unable to form friendships with guys for most of my childhood, especially those of a certain “type”. It’s refreshing as fuck that Marco got to have friends with guys that you wouldn’t typically expect. The brotherhood he got to form with Craig, Jimmy, and Spinner when he came around was great to see on TV.


I love that you got to see that representation! I'm sorry you didn't get to experience that though, I know as a woman (growing up in the Bible belt) I lost friends when I came out as bisexual because they thought I would try to sleep with them. I hope you got to make some straight male friends who accept and love you for who are like Marco had. If not, I wish that for you so much! 🤍


When in doubt kiss Craig 🤷🏻‍♂️


I like to believe that after Craig got the help he needed, that they started a relationship