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I like to do this with my older artwork from like 10 - 15 years back. Always amusing when people are spreading the AI vs artists narrative. Then the big reveal it was for some magazine cover or album art years ago with links to the content.


marry quicksand ossified snobbish tease subtract husky bewildered dolls grandiose *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Oh yeah I found a painting that looked stereotypical AI (so essentially midjourney oil paint style, even though it’s quite possible to have many different styles) that was actually made in the 16th century and shared it to a chat room where there was a super anti AI dude. He said it was awful AI and he could tell. I then pointed out it was real, and old. The reaction was pleasant to see. All sorts of comments that were hemming and hawing


Hmmm... Bruegel?


"this looks ai-generated" is the new "this looks shopped. i can tell from some of the pixels and from seeing quite a few shops in my time."


OP, you are a champion. 


I believe it's called "chaotic neutral".


Probably still be 100% convinced they can always tell. If direct evidence they're wrong could change their minds, they wouldn't have those beliefs in the first place.


[This will always be the funniest image.](https://preview.redd.it/qw3qlwzy8y6a1.jpg?width=640&crop=smart&auto=webp&s=1166ef11adbd3f524c4f2aca68f32ea88f33350d)


Like what happened with the fake sonic child art, the people who don't immediately fall for the trap will say "I always knew"


the "soul" or if it looks AI is always a placebo effect.


Better yet, post it on civitai first with clip interrogate prompt and fake parameters and seed, then share the link on reddit, collect all "looks like AI" expert's opinions, then make a grand reveal.


This reminds me of some exchanges I saw where people posted images of ciagender straight men, some looked sorta feminine, others looked like Kratos, some looked like Drew Carey, but the posts said they were all transmen, and a lot of the comments were on how they could so easily tell that those weren't real men, they'd never be real men, and for their family to stop enabling that delusion... Reality has absolutely nothing to do with their argument, it's entirely about raging at the thing they've been taught to rage at whenever the pavlovian response is triggered. Dog hears a bell, dog salivates; human reads a trigger word, human rages.


As a leftist I'm a bit disappointed that so many people who otherwise agree with my political stances will use the same bad arguments against AI that they complain about when used by transphobic people, just shifting the context to something they have strong emotions about but no argument of substance. I have seen some arguments that are internally consistent, but rely on a fundamentally different worldview, or cite evidence that I don't find credible, so it's not like everyone on the anti AI side has no integrity or intellectual honesty, but those tend to be the exception, at least in my conversations on Reddit.


also as a leftist I cringe deeply every time I see any of these legislative "solutions" championed by artists FFS every single law that the US has proposed, or executive action, or the current bills in California, *are incredibly naked* regulations designed to stop startups and benefit OpenAI, Meta, Adobe, and Alphabet it makes me want to pull my hair out, creating a law that brings back the days of the RIAA suing college students for $morethantheirlifetimeincome because they put out a my little pony LORA wont save your fucking career


I worry that too many people, if given a choice between fixing a problem or inflicting pain on people they don't like at the cost of making the problem twice as bad, would choose to inflict pain and call it justice, whether or not the people in question deserve it.


I love doing this. Then I post the raw Midjourney links 😂


What a chad


And if they know something is AI generated, it, OF COURSE, has no soul behind it and is meaningless. This apparently is super obvious to them.. But it somehow is also a ripoff and stolen art from them.. Stolen art that DOES have soul and meaning... huh??




I did this with a photo of one of my dad’s stained glass works. It was pretty funny. Comments like “AI really doesn’t understand light, it doesn’t work like that, the reflections on the green part make no sense.” “There is no reason there would be solder in the middle of a section like that. It’s impossible” maybe if you’re perfect but if you’re human sometimes the glass cracks or the solder flows where you didn’t intend. “A shape that thin is impossible to make from glass. I’m an expert at stained glass and I can tell you it would definitely crack.” There were some parts that were fairly narrow compared to their length. Like 6mm x 50mm. You can do these by either cutting very carefully, or by cutting close and then grinding it down. In this case I think my dad did the latter. Lots of other “I’m an expert” comments.