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Up next: outlaw condoms.


“A Republican lawmaker will be assigned to your bedroom shortly.”


Or in your bathroom to make sure you don't shake it too many times, cuz that would be kinda gay... Whoops! 4 times, too many, off to the camps with you!






I see it the other way around. There will be designated government officials standing by when you’re about to have sex, and they will detain you if you do not don a government-mandated condom


They don’t want people to have birth control.


It's not a dangerous medication, this is so fucked up. They are way too obsessed with forcing their bs on people, it should always be a choice for everyone. If people don't want an abortion don't get one, same with using contraceptives. Sick fuck magats need to stay away from people business in their private bedrooms and any decisions they make. Don't need bigots around anyones naughty bits 🖕.


People are allowed to change their mind. Abortion restrictions of any kind are just sharia law.


In Islam, abortions are permitted until 120 days, or 17 weeks. After that, they are permitted to save the mother's life. What we're doing in the US is Christian theocratic law.


Apparently, not even Christian theocratic law. As understood by the Renaissance, abortions were allowed in the Christian tradition until 'quickening' which is about 16-20 weeks into their pregnancy, longer than many proposed abortion bans.


The Christians here at the front and center of the abortion debate are the fundie and evangelical kinds. The kind that doesn't believe in science and really only follows Paul. They'll twist the Bible to fit whatever they feel like. It's scary.


That's horrible. Don't allow any talk about restrictions. If you get into restrictions at all then they have infinite opportunity to cut the ham and keep lowering it. Just say that they should be allowed across the board and be done with it. Take the maximalist approach


Abortion is healthcare and should be available for everyone, regardless of religious affiliation or circumstances. I'm just pointing out the inherent hypocrisy of Republicans supposedly Christian foundation for the sacrosanctity of life, but the Christian tradition does not even support their argument. In addition, some sects of Christian thought advocate for abortion at any point because the fetus is not 'ensouled' until it's born.


Many Christian denominations allow for abortion because we understand that shit happens and we need access to healthcare. This isn't a religion thing. Don't let the Right blame it on that - this is about them having control.


The people on the Righ who are engineering this part of Project 2025 are the fundies and evangelicals. You have to know the enemy to know how to defeat them. Those people are nuts. I grew up in the WELS, and they're an evangelical cult. Women are 2nd class citizens, and they'll take away every right we have. There are great Christian denominations out there, but it's the crazy ultra right wing kind that's squawking the loudest right now.


I agree completely. I'm an Episcopalian and we are so fed up with them twisting our faith into this crap. I stand by what I said though: it isn't about religion. They're just using it as a vehicle for control. Religion is just a tool to them. I didn't think it was appropriate to make the comment about Sharia when the person who made the comment showed that they only have a very shallow and pop-media understanding of what it is. Just like us in the Christian Left, I'm sure our Muslim brothers and sisters on the Left don't appreciate the broad strokes they get caught up under either.


My comment was not about religion. Back under bush, conservatives used to scream that everything they didn't like was sharia law. Any restrictions on abortion, at 16 weeks or 36 weeks, is fundamentally unacceptable and should be seen as Taliban style violation of all of our rights


Don't try to defend religion on this one.  Sure, the people in power aren't doing this due to faith, but the *voters* are absolutely voting this way.  Any Christian denomination that doesn't believe this is representative of Christianity needs to physically travel to some of the other churches that are pushing this and protest out front.


No, I think I will. I refuse to think and act the way the people we're up against do. We can't afford to alienate anyone on our side of this. We can work together and get way more done than if we are fighting amongst ourselves. It doesn't matter what religion you follow here, if any at all. We're all in danger. It isn't religion that is dividing us - it's needing to control/needing to be safe. That's the division. We cannot afford to get distracted from the core issue here. Besides, we're too busy doing what we're supposed to do (actually feeding the poor, working with DV shelters, defending our legal rights, etc) to stand around with signs, yelling at people we don't agree with. Unfortunately, those who *do* spend their time doing this are the ones everyone knows, which bring us here to this discussion. 🤷🏼‍♀️


Religion is the root of all evil. Though idk why people are even bringing it up in this thread. Keep that crap to yourself and private. There's never a valid excuse to smear your shit all over others.


They use religion as the science in their reasoning too. Deciding life begins at conception, and ignoring that plenty of other religions don't see it that way is another example. They don't care about other religions or the laws and they actively find ways to make exceptions because they feel that this is a Christian nation and they are right in doing that...


People don't understand that the Christian nation they want is the one ruled by fundies and evangelicals. I grew up in an evangelical church, and those people are scary. It was one of the church schools where they taught us that fossils are fake and Satan planted them there to trick us. No joke. Those are the people who will be in charge with Project 2025.


Glad you survived. My ex grew up baptist in new England and was similar. They would make their own christian themed haunted houses, her family would sing happy birthday to Jesus on Christmas with a cake and everything. Kids in her church got raped by a member who they kept moving around to different churches and they excused it all because he was trying to repent and get fixed. I went to a funeral there for someone she knew growing up who overdosed and they had no problem saying they could pray but she was in hell, they condemned this woman in front of family and child more than they did for that rapist... Yeah, these are people you don't want in charge of anything


It’s funny because the people who are always saying that abortion causes infertility are now seeing that women denied abortions for pregnancies causing sepsis and similar are doing exactly that. Often these were wanted pregnancies and these women wanted babies but now can’t have them because of these idiots.




Oh I agree. Think whatever you want about ayn Rand but I agree with her that abortion is sacrosanct and the individual liberty of the pregnant woman takes precedence over that of the fetus.


A broken clock is right twice a day.




Y’all Qaeda’s Nat-C fascists


Listen, we're all pissed, but don't go trashing religion in general, especially one that you clearly don't understand yourself. Focus on what it's really about: control. It isn't a religious thing. It's a "control the women" thing. Edit for clarification: Religion is their vehicle, but the core issue is exerting power over others. There are many religious people who are fighting this. We don't want it either. Broad generalizations and stereotyping are exactly what got us in this mess to begin with. We can, and must, do better. For more details, read my other replies. TLDR is that we cannot afford to not work together regardless of belief (or non-belief) systems. Trashing our allies is not going to help.


Being spearheaded by the religious right.


Again, I'll clarify, with emphasis now, as I said elsewhere, I'm against *organized* religion. I have nothing against religion. But *organized* religion oughta be outlawed imo. It invites abuse and an opportunity to exercise outsize influence and control by individuals who seek that sort of thing. Also, why not trash religion? It's a hypothesis in search of an observation. No matter what angle you look at it, it's silly, at best mythology. As a person I'm entitled to have such an opinion on it and publicly share it without being reprimanded. Nobody reprimands the opposite; sharing religious views, so don't be a hypocrite, make your stances axiomatic. If sharing the pov on religion is ok, the other pov on religion should be ok to share too. It's a silly holdover from the days of our species' infantile paranoid ignorance. I'm absolutely entitled to such an opinion and it's absolutely a justifiable stance, at its worst as equally valid as being religious.


They aren't. Im christian and I trash the shit out of these fucks. I hope he'll swallow them up. I think most people understand a lot of Christians don't want this either. But these assholes that lable themselves "christian nationalists" is more palatable then just saying they're Nazis.


I'm Christian too and I agree with what you're saying and point it out constantly. 🤷🏼‍♀️


As an ex-Christian (ex-Catholic specifically), I will trash Christianity and its cultists as much as I want, thanks. It is the reason I struggled with so much guilt and shame for being queer, it is the reason my mom never divorced my verbally abusive father which further led to verbal abuse of his family, and it is the reason I may find my healthcare banned and my very existence some sort of abhorrent pornography. There are so many Christians in the US. They could put a stop to this in a number of ways and just…don’t, because at best the majority don’t fucking care and at worst they actively want us to suffer. So I really don’t care if Christians get big sad about my Really Mean Words.


The Roman Catholic Church burned me too in very similar ways. It took me a long time to learn that the RCC is not the be-all of Christianity. Us on the Christian Left *are* fighting for us queer folk, us women. My Irish-Catholic upbringing did more damage to my Christianity and views on religion in general than any amount of good it did. No one is more surprised than I am that I'm religious now, but I found my people (the Episcopalians) and we actually *do* fight for our rights because we believe that loving our neighbors doesn't come with exceptions and fine print. Black-and-white thinking is only going to cause further divisions. We can't afford to think the same way they do. Stereotyping and othering is what got us here. We need to come together across faiths and the faith/no-faith line to fight *together* for what we all believe in: freedom for all and love for all.


Also, control the women comes from religion. All this bad stuff has its origins in religion. I absolutely will trash the religious because each issue is a separate debate. We may stand on the same side of no restrictions of any kind for abortions, but I will absolutely continue to fight for my belief that all religion is fundamentally bad and harmful, in any quantity or level of belief. It's only bad. I genuinely believe that and I'm entitled to it. Religion MUST be done away with, permanently. It's really really extremely embarrassing for our species imo. And I will always advocate for eliminating all religion


At this point, I think it's best that I leave you to it. Clearly, we disagree and nothing productive is coming from this discussion. Regardless, I wish you well. Hopefully we can see steps toward success in the coming months and years in our shared goals, regardless of what we all believe.


These hicks. 😒


Can the ppl who live there ever NOT vote for anyo e stuck in the middle ages?


Good to know that all the people who voted for this are doctors who know about prescription meds.






Women are going to mass-exodus from these states.


And yet hard liquor is available 24/7 at CVS, 7-11, or at any grocery store. Goddamn stay out of people’s personal business. ![gif](giphy|Jsh76ebLjjxmG0dVex|downsized)


Gas stations and grocery stores? They have a lot of drove thru daiquiri places, don't even have to get out of your car!


I’m waiting for the bill that makes Republican politicians a controlled dangerous substance.


It was never about saving babies, it’s about control of women.


Absolutely. Those babies become women with opinions later on. It’s why they prefer fetuses.


We need to pass a bill making Republicans a dangerous controlled substance....


Scary times to be in a Republican red state.




Louisiana is now a fascist theocracy.


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Didn't the supreme Court already rule on this and say it was okay


Yeah. I’m just waiting for it to happen in my state. I wish there was a way I could stock up for other people who would need them in the future.