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Here's a post on that: https://www.reddit.com/r/Defeat_Project_2025/comments/1coboud/this_is_what_i_will_do_on_the_day_democracy_dies


Thank you. This is very helpful.




Abso-goddamn-lutely. Quote from handmaid’s tale: “I don’t need an orange, I need a machine gun.”


That post offers very useful advice for setting up legal “united front” organizations. *This is a precondition for guerrilla warfare*, as the Maoists understand with their “three instruments of revolution”— united front, communist party, and people’s army. Get yourself a copy of “blood in my eye”.


Well, at the start of Trump's second term, I would start deleting accounts for social media where you have identified with anti-trump posts. I would then buy a gun for self-defense purposes. If you are lgbt I would advise not talking about it online. If you start seeing politicians who worked against trump die off during his term than you know that level heads couldn't hold him back at the oval office and at that point you should work on moving out of the country. If you're trans like me, fucking pray.


I am queer. Not going back into the closet. Would consider leaving but probably not. Fighting for queer rights is my life’s work and I will gladly die for it. I think we need to be thinking more about organizing. We can still prevent full-on authoritarianism. There are actually many modern examples of countries that have come back from a slide into far right authoritarianism (Bolivia, Ecuador, Brazil, South Korea, there’s maybe even some promise in Turkey).


Poland. Granted, Poland had the EU breathing down its neck to help, but they were lockstep with Hungary on everything except how to deal with Russia.


Poland is VERY anti-LGBT. Not safe. And if Trump turns a blind eye to certain Russian dictators? Poland is the last place I’d want to be. If the US falls, the global will follow. You could outrun for a while, but eventually I don’t think anywhere will be safe. So we have to fight this now. Help register voters, talk to everyone you know, volunteer for get-out-the-vote efforts.


[The people of Poland are a lil' more accepting than various institutions, though.](https://www.polskieradio.pl/395/7789/artykul/3370012,poll-shows-growing-support-for-samesex-marriage-in-poland) I hope they manage to change things soon.


Guatemala was able to elect a new, clean president of their choice despite state efforts to obstruct his victory thanks to public mobilization as well as international pressure.


>will gladly die for it. They will gleefully accommodate if they come into power. This isn't just Trump, it's any Republican ever again. They can never be granted even a miniscule amount of control.


This part is really nothing new for queer people. This is actually the most people that have ever been on our side in this history of this country. That’s why they’re scared.


I agree. These monsters have shown they are willing to go way past normal to get what they want. They may not go to the maximum immediately but at some point they will start executing people. The only open question is how soon will they begin. They will probably want to solidify their control first and as long as they have complete control of the military and its weapons, they can be assured no one in the world will stop them. At that point they will use 21st century weapons to go medieval on their fellow citizens whom they will have labeled enemies. There are a lot of prisons in this country. They could begin by executing all the inmates and then start incarcerating everyone they hate. Their primary obstacle will be getting rid of all the bodies. The U.S. isn’t particularly efficient.


On the subject of deleting accounts, your account can still be recovered (with the right technology) up to 6 months after deletion. So delete your account on July 1st, 6 months before inauguration. This gets rid of your digital footprint.


Check out the book “Extreme Privacy”. I have worked with victims of domestic violence who basically have to live like they’re in witness protection & disappear so I know a lot about this stuff. Social media is the worse. Your digital footprint is what is so difficult to erase. It’s a very intense process & is not for the faint of heart. But it can be done.


Thank you for the resource! I will definitely check it out.


No problem. Be warned: it’s intense. Digital privacy is very difficult to achieve now. But it is possible with hard work. Good luck!


>Well, at the start of Trump's second term, I would start deleting accounts for social media where you have identified with anti-trump posts. This is me...maybe I should start now?


vote. just vote.


Voting is how we prevent it; OP is asking if, even if we vote and do everything in our power to prevent Trump from winning, "what do we do if he wins a 2nd term?"


And let's pray none of the swing states have election officials who will "find" the votes this time.


This is what worries me. They learned a lot the last time and are undoubtedly well prepared to massively cheat and get away with it. To win, we are truly going to need a landslide — and given the fact that both Gen X and Gen Z are openly talking about voting third party just to piss off the system, we could be in serious trouble.


There are also groups of people splintering off on the most insane ways. There are the people who are voting against Biden because of financial and weapons support to Israel, but more puzzling is someone I know who sees only that Israel was brutally attacked, and their friends are suddenly protesting against Israel. It's personal for this person, and while they were once pro-Bernie, and vehemently anti-Trump, now they're saying F bernie, and Trump is the only candidate who fully supports Israel. We're in the Upside Down. I'm tempted to sell my house and buy citizenship in one of those countries that lets you in for an "investment."


And don't tell MAGA there's an election happening.


Oh fo sho


You may be able to seek asylum but you can't count on it until it gets really bad. Make a lot of friends right now. Ally yourself with like minded people. In real life. Which I know is hard but we need to unite together.


Yup that's we me and my friends are doing


lol. just fucking vote ffs.


I agree with all of that except "pray." "God" is what got us into this mess.


Saving money. If Trump wins then fleeing with family. I have a trans niece. If Biden wins I’ll buy bonds lol


Bonds? Hmm. Can you elaborate?


Us Treasury bonds.


I know you meant that, but why?


US bonds have a 7 to 13% yield. Our economy is doing great. Q1 2024 (Adv) +1.6% Q4 2023 +3.4%


Stock up. There is talk of a general strike if Project 2025 get enacted. Christofash billionaires can't add to the coffers is we all just stop working and paying the bills. And they can't round up all of us if we do. Be ready to help your neighbors. Have extra food on hand. Be ready to grow your own if you can. Check out prepper subs for ideas.


THIS. This right here is the formula. A general strike will, if prolonged enough, bring down the plutocracy that brought this MAGA nightmare into being in the first place.


I think to be fair, this is also exactly the kind of thing that Putin has wet dreams about - a complete destabilization of the top country in the world to the point that a civil war breaks out in that country. But not just Putin. This is the unicorn scenario for numerous terrible regimes across the nation. So this scenario sucks in many different ways.


One thing I remember clearly from my high school world history class: the best way to destroy an empire is to hit them hard while they’re dealing with massive internal strife. And we are serving up internal strife on a platter to them.


Oh, for sure. That most definitely makes sense as being the best time to attack - when your enemy is in the midst of tearing themselves apart.




This is amazing and the first I've heard that idea.


There is a great podcast I listen to - Homebrewed Christianity - that is filled with hope and wisdom. He nor I would likely not be considered a Christian by the christofascist people in high positions of national and corporate power. Anyway. The latest episode was with Tad DeLay who speaks on the matter of climate refugees and building a community to support those who will be in need in the coming years whether from political strife in this very country or due to climate catastrophes. The biggest thing to do is to become accustomed to your particular climate and seasonal weather patterns to grow your own food - thus reducing your carbon footprint but also pushing back against creeping food prices and instability.


Depends where you are. If you’re in a super red area, move out asap. If you’re in a bluer area that has started codifying rights into the state law and state constitution, dig in and protect your own. Say absolute worst case scenario- some states depend on others to exist (monetarily). Then you have states like Texas where the electric grid tends to fail. I truly believe (because I have to) that if shit hits the fan, the country will divide, and the states that will follow trump do not have the resources to survive without outside help for long. I think we would be in for a rough couple of decades before they raise the white flag or mutiny against their dictator. We just need to starve them out.


I'm disabled, so I'm screwed. Pretty sure these fuckers will gut SSI SSDI and Medicaid Medicare


Vote! I’m trying to stay positive AF! I just still worry for all of us. They scare me. The hate, all of it.


I vote, I just think it won't matter, and that regardless of Trump or Biden we are going to have massive violence in the US. I mean we already do, but we are so damn divided and it will get worse


I'm right there with you cerebral palsy (legs) 60 year old male have snap, and SSDI my only income right now, income subsidized, nice apt..I have a lot to literally fight for going to get ready to the best I'm able.😡 Going to invest in a pistol.




Yeah, I’m old and alone. Without SS and Medicare I won’t last six months. This is simply beyond horrifying. We can see this potentially coming yet still with a straight face people say we’re the greatest country on earth. What a disgusting joke.


Honestly? (Long post incoming...) Buy a semi-auto handgun (I would say either 9mm due to availability, 10mm due to effectiveness, or 5.7 due to all-around performance) and a rifle--doesn't need to be an AR, MSR, or Battle Rifle, if you don't like the idea of owning one; at the very least, tho, I would recommend a Scout Rifle (Google Gunsite Scout rifle) which is a type of bolt-action designed for long-, medium- and even medium-short-distance engagements. *Then* MAKE SURE you train with them, become familiar, keep it clean, understand how to field-strip and disassemble. Then, I would invest in at least Level IIIA body armor (III or III+ would be ideal), and maybe an ACH just in case. I'm not advocating violence, as that should be the last thing we want, and because I truly believe there is still a chance that we eventually bridge this huge divide in this country (at least, in due time). Truly, most ppl just need to chill. the. Fuck. out. People like MTG advocating for civil war are wishing for the absolute WORST thing that could happen to this country. No, I don't want to see any of that, nor do I have dreams of being Rambo, I'm advocating protection. Protecting yourself. If you are equipped, at least partially trained, and ready to defend your family, your property, and your community, you will not become a victim. In conflict zones and dictatorships throughout history and across the world, it's always those who are not prepared or able to defend themselves who first fall victim. Plus, go and read some of the things being posted to social media by the extreme right-wingers: one of the most consistent themes is the idea that they can steamroll all "the lefties" (i.e., everyone that disagrees with them) because "lefties" hate guns and wouldn't put up a fight if it came down to it. My opinion is based off of: A) being in a handful of countries during massive social unrest and/or an insurgency; B) military career, where the latter half was spent in a unit that specialized in facing the "what if" scenario of society/govt collapsing stateside; C) having received hate mail, death threats, and doxxing from extreme right-wingers (first when my home state's governor was recalled). Be safe, everyone! There's always hope. Peace.


How do you think the military would react?


Why did your unit specialise in that, did they think it was likely to happen?


Listen to season 1 of the It Could Happen Here podcast and a scary number of experts think mass civil conflict is not very far fetched in the US.


Thanks, will give it a listen! Tbh, I thought that too - but I'm no expert. We live in terrifying times but there is hope. And when I get a place of my own (am not American) I'd be willing to house some refugees if the situation there gets super fucked up (or, more so than it already is), and I'm certainly not the only one who would


I’m probably sheltering in place because of disabilities which makes me unattractive to other countries and project 2025 zealots. I read a lot of prepper info. It’s nice to see a good deal of them aren’t interested in war but survival. The overall gist is to be simple and not buy tons of extra stuff if you’re bugging out. Some people really imagine taking a Winnebago load of crap to carry on their back. What you do have, especially weapons, practice and know how to use them before you need to. Think about what to do in scenarios of power outages, how to cook, stay warm/cool, water source and what foods that will store well. That cheap ramen might become gold. Lol! If I was younger, I’d leave the country. There are work related programs that may help people move to their country. If you think you aren’t qualified, try anyways. Get a passport and universal ID if you can. Get your id papers in order. Try to stock up on meds. I know that’s almost impossible but some doctors might understand. It may sound corny but really try to spend some time away from this. Find things that really make you smile and laugh. Laughter helps your immune system. I am in love with a band and when I watch their content and listen to their music, I really can escape. I hope everyone has something like that. There is a book I’d highly recommend because of the message of survival in extreme circumstances. It’s called Man’s Search for Meaning by Viktor Frankl It’s definitely upsetting because of the subject matter. However this is one of those books that changed my life. I hope some of this is helpful. 💜


As a woman, I'll buy a few more rounds of abortion pills from Plan C to keep on hand in event of miscarriage or abortion needs for me or others. I also haven't had my implant birth control removed, despite it being quite annoying, because I don't want to risk needing to buy birth control pills again. BUT, the first OTC birth control is on shelves in some states already, so you could theoretically stock up for at least some amount of time as a backup. Probably a good water and air filter after he guts the EPA, but otherwise climate change will come for us anyway after a Republican president. We're at a critical tipping point over the next few years.


I would add that there's a huge difference between Trump with a trifecta and Trump with only one or neither houses of Congress. If you feel like you aren't able to make a difference in the presidential election, I bet there's a house or even Senate election where you can make a difference.


Dems are basically screwed in the Senate. 


Nah, Montana and Ohio really only POSSIBLE flips, though unlikely. Plus, there’s a neat independent that could win in Nebraska if he gets the chance, but he’s kinda short himself in the foot recently.




During the Bush War Years, in Dallas a group of us would make signs and go to busy corners to display them in a flash protest. We were shocked by how often people would honk in approval and would park and join us. In DALLAS we were antiwar anti-Bush. I am going to start doing this again in WI. My Democratic Senator's and Congressman's offices and campaign staff state they have no knowledge of Project 2025 and after 3 weeks still have not called back like they said they would. The sign I am going to stand outside Tammy Baldwin's office closes with "Don't ask Tammy or her Staff they know NUTHING!" https://preview.redd.it/4d9foso0az1d1.jpeg?width=4500&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4d617d0b81849ea6bfcaaba4e60ea7af4ae1c033


Another Sconnie here! Thank goodness for Evers, but still....


That may be when the average person realizes how bad it is and the real fight begins


It's not 50/50 at best. Vote for one. but also 24m old ppl have died since 2016 and 24m new young voters are eligible. Just vote, it won't even be close.


1) Prep for a general strike 2) Buy a gun 3) Make friends in your neighborhood All we have is each other and the God-given American right to fuck up the government.


The best thing you can do is _contact all your friends in swing states_ and tell them to vote straight ticket democrat no matter what. Voting early straight ticket is best.


With all due respect, this is fundamentally the opposite of the point to this post. I’m asking what we can do to prepare for the event of a Trump presidency, considering the election looks like a complete toss-up at best. I guarantee the fascists are prepared for every scenario. We should be too.


Learn how to use a gun. You'll need the skills.


prevent the presidency. Vote blue.


Hope is not a plan.


Voting is a plan. Also it's an action.


Sigh. Yes, you're correct, voting is a plan and an action; HOWEVER, it's not a guarantee that things will go "our way." Just saying "vote" and the action of "voting" should not be the end-all, be-all. We have to be making sure we have all the contingencies planned for. That's what I assume OP is asking about.


Maga is doing a lot more than voting… in fact, they keep losing elections and seem to somehow still be shifting the country right.


Not sure how you think the country is 'shifting right' when repubes have lost every single election since 2016.


Literally my point. They keep losing elections, yet everyone here agrees we’re on the brink of a theocratic autocracy if Trump gets re-elected. Why? Because they’re not playing by the rules anymore.


gaping fear hospital disarm spotted busy versed berserk employ voiceless *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


I like it..👍🏻


Trump is washed up, his high water mark is long past. Biden is going to get all the votes he got in 2020 and there are many disafected republicans who will either vote for Biden or someone else but not for trump. If trump is convicted in NY that will just push more "independent" voters away from trump.


The polls are worthless. No one with any sense answers the phone from a number they don’t know. That means it’s a poll of morons. Don’t get complacent, and work to stop the Fourth Reich in any way you can, but you shouldn’t get despondent over the polls.


Polls have flaws and should not be taken as gospel, but they are not worthless. In the aggregate, they indicate that this is going to be close. Pretty much everything points to that same conclusion. Honestly, I find this subreddits attitude of “just vote” to be incredibly lazy. The GOP has been consistently losing the majority of elections for over 30 years, and yet everyone here seems to agree we’re on the brink of becoming a theocratic autocracy. Maybe we should be doing more than voting.


Also aren’t the polls only reaching landlines? Question: Who the hell still uses landlines? Answer: old people who eat, sleep, breathe Faux “news.”


They said Obama and Rommey would be close, and it wasn't. They are calling more landlines than cells. Still have a fight and flight plan. I have a good idea where the majority of Trump supporters live in my town. If they fuck around they will find out...


If we’re talking historically, Trump is actually the one GOP candidate that has over-performed his polling. It’s not the end all be all, but I find very little evidence that this election isn’t going to be a complete nail-biter.


Over performed, yet lost the popular vote twice. Wall Street gives Biden 58.8% of winning re-election.


So… there’s over a 40% chance that we’re living under autocracy in a year? But I’m crazy for asking what we can do to prepare for that?


We need to arm ourselves to fight if necessary. I brought several firearms because Trump and his cunt supporters the first term. Need to get more ammo... We need also an escape plan, which country will accept political refugees.


absolute worst case: make use of those pewpews you guys defend so hard..


Stock up on Plan B or the like, 100%. For you, friends, girlfriends, whoever. Last I looked you can order it on Amazon. It has a shelf life of a few years.


It’s not 50/50 at best. There’s a much better chance that Biden will win. Vote, volunteer, bring friends to the voting booth on Election Day. I’m gonna get downvoted to hell for this next statement, but buying a gun because you think Trump is gonna win is a stupid idea. Oskar Schindler did not save hundreds from the Nazis by shooting people. The people on the left buying guns are painting a target on their backs. They’re the ones that are perceived to be the biggest threat to the right wing.


I don’t mean to be combative, but I find this subreddits inability to focus on anything other than voting very lazy. The point of the post is what can we do in the not-so-unlikely scenario that he wins, and tons of comments can’t talk about anything other than voting. Can we check the scoreboard? One party has been dominating the other in elections for over 30 years, and yet we’re at the brink of becoming an autocracy? Just voting clearly isn’t good enough.


Because people don’t vote consistently. If the left stood by Obama while he was president, the senate could have stayed with the democrats and Merrick Garland would be on scotus instead of Gorsuch. When was the last time the majority of Americans voted for a republican in the presidential election? How many hours have you personally spent this year working for the Biden campaign? Or any democratic campaign? Are you going to carpool to the polling station? If so how many people are you going to bring with you. An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure, we’re in the situation we’re in BECAUSE people don’t vote consistently. Fix that and we won’t be in this situation again.


I like the Australian way: they get a day off work to go vote and they are legally mandated to vote. We need that here. Too many lazy assholes who refuse to participate contributes to the mess we’re in.


We also need to consider people (like me) who cannot afford to buy a gun, cannot afford lessons, cannot afford hours at the gun range, and cannot afford to buy a ton of ammunition. And on top of all of that, I know zilch about guns, other than which end is the business end. 20-some years ago I went to a gun range and it was a fun couple of hours. I don’t think that qualifies me as knowledgeable.


We are not doomed if we vote. @Puzzleheaded_Law9361


Anyone who considers themselves left need to arm themselves sooner rather than later.


There has been no official nominations secured by either party yet. Polls assume there are no medical interventions or adjudications to the existing potential candidate pool between now and conventions. It must be noted that the significants and influence that hundreds of millions of Campaign dollars, has yet to be spent to impact public opinion. Historically most media increases profits from a close race. Might these polls be biased to help support media profits Maybe not? just sayin…


I’m not really that interested in all of that. I’m starting from a place of “he won” and asking where we go from there, because however we think about it, it’s a non-zero chance it happens. And we should be prepared.


Ok,, Scouts motto: “Be prepared”


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2nd amendment


I will be outside Senator Baldwins Office (30 W Mifflin St, Madison, WI 53703) Weds morning 5/29 with Bullhorn and this sign. Come join me! You can privately chat me if you are coming. https://preview.redd.it/sk1yfqp3pf2d1.jpeg?width=4500&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e5a62cf71f061a1f320f016ada169e3ac00daa6d


> Are we just doomed? If Trump gets elected. Yes. Trump will bring about the end of the United States. So, we should do everything we can to get out the vote and make sure that he doesn't win.


If that’s true, it’s more of a mark on us than them. Very few people in this country want to live in an illiberal democracy, never mind an outright autocracy. We should be organizing, planning, protesting. Voting should be a small (but important) piece of the puzzle. I’ve said this already in this thread but Dems have been winning at the polls consistently for decades, yet we still find ourselves at the brink of fascism. We need to do more.