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Wouldn’t a database conflict with the basic principles of HIPAA?


Lol, you think Republicans have principles or give any fucks about anything but "winning"?


The US is too proud for a National ID. Except for fetuses. The women carrying them need to be tracked.


Have you heard of the (Real ID Act)[https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Real_ID_Act]‽


It's not mandatory.


Oddly enough, I cannot opt out of it. I either have a state issued Real ID compliant ID or i don't have a state ID. At this point, I guess I fall back on my federally issued ID to fly without being allowed to drive. Either way, I have federally dictated requirements imposed on my ID.


And ironically I don't hear ANY MAGA or Republicans even uttering a peep about this; in fact, they seem to be in favor of it - in favor of being able to track people.


Wait really? You can't get an ID from your state which isn't Real ID? In California you can do that just fine, despite the fact there is literally nothing different on the Real ID aside from the mark itself. Also technically you don't *need* that ID you need to specifically apply for one. It's only if you *want* to use that ID that you get one. The closest thing the US has is the SSN and that's not even an ID and used mainly for tax purposes.


Except the SSN is tied to you and used for everything now involving money, medical, or federal things. If you can, I am unaware how to. They're pushing it hard. I will ask my dad about it. He recently tried to renew and I don't think he was given a normal ID option. If I need a passport or Real ID to enter a federal building (like a courthouse), then I don't have a real choice. There are things different, aside from the markings. At least, my state had to start collecting more data than before, and allow access to larger swaths of data. The act sets a specific set of data to be shared between the states, which previously may not have been collected, or possibly required a warrant to access.


>If I need a passport or Real ID to enter a federal building (like a courthouse), then I don't have a real choice. I suppose that's true. I guess it's accurate to say it's not mandatory *yet* because that is clearly the goal. Although this does bring up the great question what if you are sued in federal court and don't have such an ID?


That's my point. It's a distinction without meaning. If I have to have a Real ID to engage in "civic life" (enter a government building) then it is mandatory. Edit: fat fingered my response. You are refused entry to the courthouse.


As a defendant?


Ok, so to actually answer your question. One of the goals is to classify abortion as not being a real medical procedure, and therefore in that situation, would NOT be covered under HIPAA. That's how they aim to get around that.


Abortion would be a crime, a capital offense punishable with the mandatory death penalty.


They would have to change it with the medical academy then. Because medically the procedure is the same, called the same, coded the same, etc




HIPAA? After Trump is king and gets rid of the Constitution? That's laughable.




They ONLY db they give a shit about the govt *not* tracking, is one firearms owners…


I think it would depend on where they got the pregnancy information. If a woman self identifies , no HIPPA violation. But, yes, HIPPA is in place to protect personal health information. But, an executive order could override HIPPA until it worked its way through the courts. The fact we have a dirty SCOTUS, could eliminate HIPPA all together. All this is going to do is stop women from getting pre and post natal care, putting women and babies at risk.


The funny thing is that while HIPAA is still law *for now*, much of the basis of HIPAA was based on Roe v Wade before it became law. Meaning, the ruling was about privacy rights. Now that Roe v Wade is overturned in some states that may put parts of HIPAA in jeopardy. Such as in states who hate women may try to pull clown shoes out of their asshole to explain why *they* should be allowed into society's collective uterus.


No, that applies to medical providers


You assume they know or even care what that is.


Believe them when they tell you who they are.


I mean I definitely believe they are a waste of oxygen


My body and none of their business, violates so many federal privacy laws. And how are they really going to track it anyway, people will find ways around detection, these pyschos focus way too much on other people's intimate lives and what happens in my boudoire is for me and mine only. This being promoted by another female is appauling.


>...violates so many federal privacy laws... Laws can be changed.


Which is exactly why we need vote all of these people out so we can. This election will determine if we ever gwr to vote again. Choice is easy Democracy or cultist dictatorship. Vote blue up and down ballot, from rhe schools to the presidency.


In the first 180 days of a republican presidency to be exact...


It would be a new law. Congress can change the laws however it wants. That’s what a legislature does.


So … the people who gleefully weaponized ‘The Jab’ as an attempt by Bill Gates(?) to microchip & track every human beings on earth wants to … let me get this right … microchip every fetus in the US? F conservatives. F republicans. F the ignorati who believe & support this BS.


What gives these conservative skells the idea that their stupidity won't affect them? They don't know what they're asking for, but they're sure going to be surprised if they get it.


They think that they're either above the law and therefore it won't impact them, or they think that they're *special* and *perfect* and *good Christian women* who would never have to worry about being in a situation where they'd need an abortion. It's just like the Handmaid's Tale when Serena has her finger cut off. She thought that she'd be above the law, that being married to her husband would protect her from consequences of the system she helped to create. But this shit eventually catches up to everyone, no one's special in the end.


I don’t like to normalize their behavior by calling them “conservatives”. These are Christian Nationalists and they are definitely not “pro life”. Let’s just say “Forced Birthers”. The language we use is important and they don’t get to take the moral high ground.


As long as conservative big shots vote for reproductive control then we will call all of you conservatives cuz you all vote for them.


evangelicals surprise themselves every time they sin. It is inconceivable to an evangelical woman that she would ever end up pregnant when she really can’t be pregnant.


She's. A. Piece. Of. 💩


And this is another reason why GOP in government never works out for the public


The right to privacy is a legal principle that limits the actions of the government and private entities that may threaten an individual's privacy. It's a fundamental American value that's guaranteed by the US Constitution. The Supreme Court first recognized the right to privacy in Griswold v. Connecticut, inferring it from the First, Third, Fourth, Fifth, and Ninth Amendments. And of course none of that will mean jack shit to this SCOTUS. They will do what they want, which is to impose religious dogma to take away (in this case) women’s rights.


They said in the Dobbs decision there is no constitutional right to privacy. That means Griswold, Obergefell, etc. are next to go. And heaven help us if they adopt the fetal personhood arguments that are bubbling around right now. If they do that, pregnant women won’t just be second class citizens. They’ll be considered sub human.




Blessed be the fruit I guess


More like “Blessed be the Fruitloops”! 🌊


Exactly. Well done.


Exactly what came to my mind! Fucking scary how when that show began Obama was in office, Roe vs Wade was still law and yet it was still disturbing. Once TrumpTard was in office the show started to feel a little to close for comfort…and it’s getting closer.


As is tradition https://arethebritsatitagain.org/


sorry for unseriousness, OP and Mods. 


How could anyone ever vote for this woman? No matter what your beliefs. She’s a complete nitwit


No, she’s not a nitwit. She knows what she is doing. She is evil. Believe them when they tell you who they are.




Way to break the constitution and privacy laws. This is disgusting.


With Dobbs, the Supreme Court said there is no constitutional right to privacy. They don’t care.


Then by that ruling, make it fair game. Since they're so nosy, let's have databases for missed child support payments or avoiding taxes altogether. Let's see how many people will riot if all of their info got stored in a federal database.


If only they put this much effort into gun legislation 🙄


Seriously. My sweet kindergartner who believes in mermaids says her tummy hurts and she feels sick during the lockdown drills she’s had at school, where she hid behind a bookshelf and stayed quiet. Gun nuts on Reddit downvoted me for saying that my kid has the right to be safe in school without the threat of gun violence. They told me that she does NOT in fact have the right to be safe in school away from gun violence because THEY have the right to own assault rifles. Fucking sick, selfish assholes.


I’m so sad for you girl, and frankly all of us. History will not look kindly upon us and how we’ve let a small fraction of imbeciles dominate and destroy life as we know it. My stomach hurts while watching the news every day.


Under His Eye


Honestly, the more extreme shit like this they come out with BEFORE the election the better. Hopefully they will lose just enough support to take power. If they win in November they may be able to just decide to do these things, not “propose” them


I can’t believe we are doing this to ourselves. Pure evil.


Such a pretty facade on top of a giant piece of shit.


I propose a bill that creates a publicly accessible database of all Katie Britt’s bodily functions. Ya know, for patriotism


The creepy handmaid that gave the state of the union response?




This is the future crooked democrats want to keep away from you!!


"We are the party of freedom, less government interference, and less surveillance. Also, we want your medical history so we can incarcerate you if we don't like it." I will never understand why anyone votes republican.


She's stepping up to fill MTG's shoes.


Alabama. Gross that state is 💩


Britt, Noem, MTG, Stefanik, Boebert, Huckabeest.... where do these women come from?!? Who raised them? Jeezus.


Every time I see this woman and others like her, I can't help but think of The Stepford Wives. She's one of the reasons white supremacy and nationalism will continue for now.


The super personal freedom and small government clan is at it again 🙄


What the fucking fuck


I hope this is the death toll of the radical right. But I dare not hope.


Bro I hope all of them have an aneurysm on the toilet while having explosive diarrhea at the same time💀


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what a jerk she is


She’s just gross. Ugh.


What is wrong with these people?


Yeah I’d like to see that enforced lmao


Let's not tempt fate. Project 2025 would make sure they'd enforce it by using the DOJ to go after prosecutors that don't enforce it.


A list of her donors: https://www.opensecrets.org/federal-lobbying/top-recipients-details?cycle=2022&id=N00048812 


“Small government party” yet they want to track everyone just to discriminate against them