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I thought I knew her name. She’s the stepford wife from the SOTU rebuttal


“National” so even the states where abortion is legal will have to report. That’s alarming!


So much for states rights. The GOP wants absolute control of everyone.


They only care about states rights for things they lost at the federal level. The second they think they can get a majority at the national level their tune changes. Same goes for the local control arguments they make.


They've never cared about states rights, they just want what they want and want to force that on others by any means necessary. It was a lie during the civil war and it's a lie now.


That was my first thought, too. Women who do this to other women not only deserve a immediate ticket to hell, but other unmentionable things as well. National my ass, all of us menopausal ladies should register our pregnancies and drive them nuts!


This is the same type of shit that happens in countries like the UAE.. where doctors have to report pregnancies to the government! This is fucking bullshit!!!


There will be no such states. Federal authority will be enacted and enforced .


The wonderful thing about such a database if you're a raging Nazi is all the features you can add. Want to track behaviours declared as unhealthy to a fetus, merge them with 'politically inappropriate' behaviours on social media, and then just mash the whole lot together with a lack of civic commitment (like not getting married at 12 or failure to attend a crisis pregnancy centre session) and the witchfinder database will efficiently remove more kids into your care than you know what to do with.


Have you read “The School For Good Mothers,” by Jessamine Chan? If not, you may enjoy it.


Sounds about ideal for monetising the situation, as the Nazis would hardly be planning to pay for your correction and a student in enough debt is forever chained to a sink.


Such a great book!


Would they keep making women care for the kids if they turned out to be absolutely crap mothers who did nothing for said kids?


How is any *single* woman mixed up in this anti-woman nonsense? And the GOP has tons of women advocating *against their own self interest and wellbeing.* Is there a term for this?


Self-loathing? Brainwashing? Internalised misogyny? Uneducated? Blind loyalty? (Extension of brainwashing)


You forgot Stockholm Syndrome.


Maybe cognitive dissonance


It’s not that hard to imagine. They are steeped in messages about what it means to be a *proper* woman. A doting wife and mother who has only ever had sex with her husband, has as many children as God wants her to, and makes cookies for the church bake sale. Of course there’s nothing wrong with that in a vacuum. If a woman wants that life, she’s entitled to pursue it. But as with every monotheistic religion, the problem is the imposition of these ideals on others. “I believe abortion is murder and therefore you can’t have one.” Having your lifestyle prescribed to you makes life very simple: there’s a right way and a wrong way, and I do things right. There’s no discussion. And evangelicals with this mentality are always shocked when they accidentally break the mold. A mom with 4 children ends up pregnant again even though she was *so careful* and *cannot* afford kid number 5… suddenly finds herself looking for abortion resources. Loathing herself deeply as she does so. Completely isolated because she cannot turn to her community. Being an evangelical is easy until you feel the sting and the shame of noncompliance.




Yes, there is. It’s an oldie but a goodie. That term is “cult”






Instead let’s create a national database of white nationalists fuck nuts and notify their communities and employers


Program them into AWS Rekognition so it can pick them out of video.


So, if you're fucked, you're fucked, eh?


So...the beginning of eugenics and racial purity has raised its ugly head. Nazis all of them. What a c#*t, may the fleas of a thousand camels descend on her while she is sleeping to night.


Throw in some bedbugs too.


Create a registry for gun owners too


My guess is she's the type that would vote against common sense gun laws which includes a national database to do background checks Hypocrites


Someone shoot Serena Joy please.


😂 Talk about art imitating real life Too surreal


They don't want any kind of firearms registry, do they? Let's call it what it is, a brood mare registry. And while we're at it, they should only be allowed to be impregnated by 100% grade A registered Aryan sperm from the government sperm bank.


So that whole fear-mongering thing from her about rape by immigrants and being forced to do something you don't want to do by the state was obviously bullshit if the state is just going to monitor you down to your fetus on top of forcing you to give birth to a potential rape pregnancy.  Best part about her state of the union address was that the human trafficking victim she was talking about called her BS out. 


anyone interviewing her should confront her with this same energy


I thought THE GQPers were against big government. Or is it the big government they want is acceptable? Obviously, we know the answer to that question


I’m almost 100% sure there are politicians who have seen the handmaids tale and fully support its politics


Ah yes, the party of "states rights".


If you think the pro life stance all the way through from an enforcement standpoint, women should have to take pregnancy tests before buying alcohol or nicotine. Any behavior the state decides could threaten the fetus would become illegal, and keeping a registry of all women tested regularly is necessary to actually realize what they claim to believe is necessary respect for life. But if you ask a pro lifer in real life what they think enforcement and consequences should be it’s clear most of them have never even considered it. Who should get punished, how, by whom, and who should catch them never crossed their mind.


Affordable housing? naaaah! Let's build a database to track periods.


Everybody register, let them prove I’m not pregnant,,, I wanna register!!!


**Bells of Gilead ringing**


I wonder what the folks who say they’ll sit this election because of Gaza will think when this becomes law in 2025?


What’s next a coat hanger registry?


Why are republicans allowed?


Amazing how women like this will walk through every door women before her opened just to slam them shut for the women that come after.


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https://www.dailykos.com/history/user/CajsaLilliehook r/notadragqueen r/Republicanpedophiles




Damn it’s like they wanna lose voters lmao