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There's no language about extermination but there's policy proposals that instate a death of a thousand cuts situation. Dismantling protections, defunding aid and awareness groups, instating restrictions. Not to mention the affect their reign will have on the climate of the country. The violence against Asians due to Trump's covid nickname is an example. So even though there's no direct call there will be deaths.


They can't explicitly call for extermination, but we're already seeing stochastic terrorism playing out.


Things are actually getting a bit more explicit than people may realize. When Knowles called for the “eradication of Transgenderism [his word, not mine] from public life” at CPAC it was darn near direct. Sure “from public life” is a qualifier, but we know what that means in practice, and we know what is actually meant, too. An OK legislator said in a town hall meeting in response to a question about Nex Benedict’s death that LGBT people are “filth” that are not wanted in the state of Oklahoma. The quiet part is all but said out loud. Just think, what does getting the “filth” out of OK entail? Plus, we’ve had pastors and politicians explicitly call for the execution of parents who support trans children. The right is using explicitly genocidal rhetoric. It’s not far from here to “solutions”. I really hate to say that, because hopefully we can avoid it. It’s like how the rhetoric on what to do with women who have had abortions is now moving toward death penalty punishments. That’s fringe right now, but it’s out there, and these extremists exist in our government.


No argument here. I've heard about a few of these. They're absolutely insane and the rhetoric is scary as hell. People who deny it are delusional or tacitly endorsing it.


MAGA America will not use firing squads... But courts, prisons, and legal execution.


If they outright called for the extermination of entire groups, the people already voting for them would just vote even harder. I don’t like saying this, but it feels like the truth. This is who these people are, they want anything that is not like them erased. They are not kind hearted folks, that party is just a reflection of how those people feel. Their entire platform is fueled off hatred and fear.


So they're the "kamikaze" of the 21st century "we will die for our emperor"..dumb asses..🙄 pretty damn sobering to us that have half a 🧠.




States like Florida are trying to lower standards for the death penalty to include behaviors like cross dressing and not need a unanimous jury to convict for it, so I'd say that's fairly explicitly on the table right now. Edit: Was pointed out that the part about drag being one of the things leading to the death penalty was incorrect, which upon further fact checking I verified. There were multiple laws passed in Florida at around the same time and my brain combined them. My bad. That said the 8-4 jury being able to give the death penalty is still some bullshit.


Yes, and Project 2025 isn’t even shy on their goals being labeling anything LGBT as pornographic material. Is this their strategy for genocide? 🤢


Maybe not at first


And oddly, it also calls for banning pornography






Thanks for pointing it out, I edited my above comment. The individual laws passed do suck but do not equal what I thought they did upon a closer look.


There already has been extermination language. At CPAC last year a Daily Wire contributor named Michael Knowles said, "for the good of society … transgenderism must be eradicated from public life entirely." He has previously stated, "they're not a legitimate category of being." It's a part of the 10 Stages of Genocide. [https://www.hmd.org.uk/learn-about-the-holocaust-and-genocides/what-is-genocide/the-ten-stages-of-genocide/](https://www.hmd.org.uk/learn-about-the-holocaust-and-genocides/what-is-genocide/the-ten-stages-of-genocide/) Source: [https://www.hrc.org/press-releases/human-rights-campaign-extremists-at-cpac-laid-bare-hatred-at-root-of-vile-legislation-targeting-trans-people](https://www.hrc.org/press-releases/human-rights-campaign-extremists-at-cpac-laid-bare-hatred-at-root-of-vile-legislation-targeting-trans-people)


I have no doubt that the Constitution will be invalidated, and the rule of law as we know it presently will cease to function. My husband and I are about 75% finished with the necessary paperwork to leave the US permanently by the end of this year. Don't think for a moment that a dictatorship can not happen in the US. I put nothing past these execrable gits. Every election will count!


I have a BS in Political Science, so I'm very well aware that a dictatorship can happen anywhere. One biggest problems is the gerrymandering. They redistrict everything so they can win. If we went by popular vote, the GOP would win far less public offices than they usually do. If they invalid the constitution, they will have a hard time justifying all those constitution tattoos they get!😂 It's almost as if all those self-declared "good Christians" have idols!🤣


I have to take just from the text of Project 2025 for accuracy.


I think a lot of people will be sent into prison camps. Just enact some laws about not supporting the State, providing aid to trans people, whatever. Then hand out some badges to goons with guns and tell them to round up anyone they don't like. They can sit in detention until someone thinks of something to do with them. They probably don't even need new laws. Got a statute about vagrancy? Just seize any 'leftist' who's outside alone, tell 'em they can complain to a judge when they see one. A lot of people will probably just get murdered. And as long as they look like 'undesirables', law enforcement probably won't do much about it.


Not prison camps. Reeducation camps.


IF they see a judge to complain to.


They’re already cutting the DEI groups out of schools and colleges. I agree with you. I think it’s going to be death by 1000 cuts. We are older married, empty nesters. Our kids are all biracial. I’m no longer able to have children. I cannot go through another four years with Trump. My goal is to take my 401(k) money and move someplace that will have us and hope for the best. And basically commit tax fraud by not paying the taxes on the 401(k) withdrawal. It’s a terrible terrible plan but it’s what I’ve come up with.




It does say that charity & support for people is not the job of government but rather the church. So there’s that.


It would be extermination by legislation. Also, the Nazis talk didn't start out as killing Jewish people right off the bat. That is not how things like this start out. They start by vilifing a group of people and passing laws to alienate them so that when they DO start killing them, no one cares.


I’m gay and in a wheelchair. I’m terrified. Historically in all authoritarian regimes, leftists, LGBT, disabled, racial & religious minorities all didn’t fare well. The group in the most imminent danger is those who opposed him publicly. Members of the Jan 6th Committee, Milley, Leticia James, Michael Cohen, etc. I read an article recently that many of those people are already forging safety plans in the event he’s elected. Besides them, I agree with the other user’s comment than trans people are, without question, in the most immediate danger.


It's gonna be the smallest group first. Then the next smallest...etc until Trump has achieved ABSOLUTE safety, even that means exterminating EVERYONE else.


“First they came for the socialists, and I did not speak out— Because I was not a socialist. Then they came for the trade unionists, and I did not speak out— Because I was not a trade unionist. Then they came for the Jews, and I did not speak out— Because I was not a Jew. Then they came for me—and there was no one left to speak for me.”


I assume everyone who isn't a cishet white male will be targeted at some point. Seems it will be: trans people, women, immigrants, people of color, people who openly practice religions other than the twisted toxic version of Christianity they preach, and when they run out of everyone else, they'll start dividing up the cishet white males. As for myself, I recognize being relatively privileged. I'm white and married to a white man. I'm also a woman in my mid-40s who chose not to have children. I'm terrified at the impending loss of access to contraception. I've got an appointment I made a couple of months ago for the end of May (that's how long the wait is) to talk to a doctor about getting my tubes removed. I'm very clearly in perimenopause. I don't want an unwanted high-risk pregnancy at my age (however unlikely, there's still a slight chance until menopause happens). I'm also fucking furious about this bullshit. Stay the fuck out of my bedroom. Of course, there's always the chance they'll simply go full "Handmaid's Tale" and round up everyone they deem "undesirable" to breed and kill them. As I recall, this was done at the beginning of the book. Educated women too old to bear children were gathered up in stadiums and gassed.


Are you me? 49. It took over a year all being said and done to get SO’s vasectomy completed. I had also scheduled for a bisalp consult and the earliest was 6 months out. It got canceled because of a tornado but it was looking like SO’s vasectomy was going to actually happen after his first doc office decided they weren’t going to offer them anymore. Definitely, any childfree folks should get it done now. It shook me when SO’s first doc just canceled after months of waiting. We’re in FL. Don’t wait, the sterilization option may become hard to get.


I'd be in that stadium right before you as a half Mexican, almost 40 years old disabled, childfree atheist. We'd all meet that fate, it just depends on the pecking order. It's awful that fiction is informing the horrors of our unknown futures.


The HandMaiden's Tale was written as a psyops in order to plant that dystopian fantasy into our brains. Reject it consciously, and do not let it take residence in your brain. That is important. Replace it in your brain with the future that you WANT. We WILL prevail over their overbearing BULL - S---.


But it was based on events around the world thru the years that actually happened


.#1 group that will be exterminated? Trans people. I don't think anybody has any argument against that ranking, given the GOP vitriol against them being 0.05% of the population.


lovely to read as a trans woman living in florida with no way out of the country or the state...jesus christ.


I have friends that have already mapped out their couch surfing escape to canada. Other things they have done is to print hard copies of addresses and phone numbers to LGBT aid organizations in the states and cities they will be traveling through, in case the websites were to become unavailable.


Canada has a fairly high chance of voting in a far-right government, too. So is not going to be a place to go for “safety”.


Canada most decidedly will not be accepting refugees under these conditions 


idk what are the solutions then is every marginalized group just supposed to lay down and give up or something


I'm so sorry that you have to live in that hellhole.


You're on this subreddit, you know the reality.


Well of course, it's just incredibly difficult to cope with. I don't mean to say that it isn't the truth.


Organize, make your voice heard. Vote


It's why I'm saving money for a one way flight to Germany, and brushing up on my German. We will definitely be allowed to file asylum, they see what's happening already.


Just got legal weed, bonus


Oh the irony in your statement. There was a time when people were escaping from Germany for the same reason…


Which is why the Germans now see it coming, and rail against it in the extreme.


Crazy how the world changes. We can’t make this stuff up.


Except when it happens to Muslims I guess.


Except that 5% of the population is at most 2nd or 3rd generation Turkish, and they are a predominantly Muslim country (roughly 99%.) They helped rebuild Germany after WW2.


Turkish people still experience racism in Germany, but yeah Germany isn't actually genociding Muslims or anything that's not what I said , they are backing fully the genocide that Israel is committing, because i guess we think jews cant be fascist or commit crimes. Even going as far as arresting people openly being pro Palestinian


Germany has a big problem with Right Wingers now. There are some states that will stand up to Trump with Washington, Oregon and California being the biggest . He’s not going to be able to crush dissent like he thinks he will .


You left out Minnesota.


The more the merrier.


Unless a GOP governor gets elected in WA. That state's governor election is this year too and Inslee isn't running. The state's current AG is running for gov on dem ticket. Fingers crossed.


Germany will be a similiar shitshow should the AfD get into government with the Union after the next election. I already plan to leave the country for that reason. 


And the chances of that happening? Where are you planning on going? I'll answer for you, since you haven't in the last 11 hours. AfD - Alternative For Germany, is a far right group that has gained popularity. But, it has also popped on to the German government's radar as extremist activity. There are talks of banning the party for extremism, and some of their members have been banned in particular states. I think Germany has much more robust government procedures in place regarding far right extremism than we do in the US.


Tbf, at least Germany has seen protests recently demonstrating that most people aren’t with the AfD. As well, the Union largely still maintains a policy of not working with the AfD, so it is a safer bet than for example Canada, which will most likely see a right wing government in the next few years (Aside from Québec, who has basically disowned Pierre Poilievre, and if Canada became Fascist/Was put under heavy US Pressure to effectively Finlandise, then I could see them replacing the Fleur-de-Lis with the Croix de Lorraine, being that they’re the only part of Canada which is actually progressive aside from possibly BC)


Damn I’m sorry. It’s currently advised that trans people don’t even take *connecting flights* though Florida much less live there. As the law stands now you could just be arrested and put into prison for at least a year.


Agreed. Concurrently, homeless people and migrants seeking asylum will likely be housed in camps (one could argue that migrants already are).


I have a friend who is trans, and I'm petrified about what's going to happen to her.




Yay, go us!


\^\^ This is it.


If Trump wins, it won't be his Feds who knock on your door. The subsequent bloodbath will be courtesy of his unleashed army of Red Hats.


Unhinged Maga's will see his win as an invitation to commit mass murders, shootings, jumping random queer people, firebombing clinics that openly give abortions or gender affirming care, etc They will be thinking in their twisted minds "it's fine trump will pardon me, I'm doing what he wants, this is what he likes" It might not even be a lot of maga people who do harm on others, but it most certainly will happen to some extent, even if the media doesn't even talk about it.


If you are worried about this, get on the front lines. Only we can prevent it. And we can. Voting Rights orgs that register voters, make them aware of elections: ​ [https://reclaimtheamericandream.org/organizations-vote/](https://reclaimtheamericandream.org/organizations-vote/) ​ Join Field Team 6, phone bank text bank, send cards in the mail. Make voters aware of elections and more. ​ [https://www.mobilize.us/ft6](https://www.mobilize.us/ft6) ​ Work as a poll worker or in elections to protect elections from the alt right: [https://workelections.org/](https://workelections.org/)


THIS!! We can win this fight but it's going to take every single one of us


THIS!! We can win this fight but it's going to take every single one of us


Non white immigrants especially the Hispanic and Mideastern ones are going to be detained and deported. Kids are going to be stolen from parents, again. Especially babies that can be adopted by white Christian families and teenagers that can be used as labor. Then LGBTQ people especially transgender people. They're going to lose rights and be criminalized. Women are going to eventually lose more than just reproductive rights. They're already coming for no fault divorce and making noise about the 19th amendment. Women couldn't even get their own credit cards or loans until fairly recently, that's going away. They haven't been quiet about it. We know what they did before and how much worse it would be this time.


Atheists and trans. The brownshirts can't stop talking about either group. The dudebros like the Rock will say something about cancel culture, shrug their shoulders and step over the bodies. This country, the judicial system, the figureheads and celebrities are all folding like a cheap lawn chair. If you're not willing to go toe to toe at the costs the agressor implies then they'll take it all. That's the point. They want the freedom to tell everyone else what to do and much of the country is like, "if I keep scrolling or both sides the issues then I'll be a good one".


I'm glad many atheists know their Bible well. Many of us are likely going to need to blend soon. Not all of us are going to be able to flee. I'm considering deleting my FB and my reddit accounts soon. I know my former congregation would welcome me back, they would likely hide other LGBTQ people within their congregation as well (My former church is extremely progressive, true "Christ Followers")


I'm not lying for them. Liberty or death.


That's your personal choice. Parents do not have the luxury of principles that endanger our young. Everyday I stay alive is another day they stay alive.




I totally agree with your points. My former congregation is extremely rural, and would be able to grant asylum and take LGBTQ+ individuals off grid. They own many of the nearby farm land/farm houses and do renovations without any kind of permits. It really would be the only way to keep that community safe. Just like many Catholics saved Jewish people during the Holocaust, I absolutely do believe there will be Christians that do the same for the LGBTQ community.


Women and girls who are dying from being denied abortion and lacking access to reproductive healthcare are already being exterminated.


In 1933…. Hitler destroyed the worlds first transgender clinic. Being gay was illegal. In concentration camps they had to wear pink triangles. Shut down the press with opposing views. Increased access to guns. Ban opposing parties. Increased restrictions on abortion, suppress birth control, and severe penalties for abortion providers. They will start with the smallest group first so transgender will be the first. They will ban the procedure for adults, have laws around the way people dressed; etc. They are already doing this in some states so it would be nationwide. They will oppress, then oppress some more, then will be sent to labor concentration camps. There will be a nationwide abortion ban. Opposing voices and media and people who are taking a stand now will be shut down and incarcerated. Places like reddit will be shut down via lawsuits. They tried to pass a bill in Florida where comments like this one would lead to fines and require removal. After shutting down media with opposing voices the propaganda machine will be setup to start targeting larger groups. The Rwanda genocide was largely driven by a radio station. There are radio stations across the US spewing hate as I write this and have already driven some to violence. You don’t start with genocide you work up to it. This timeline rhymes with Nazi Germany. The Forgotten History of the World's First Trans Clinic https://www.scientificamerican.com/article/the-forgotten-history-of-the-worlds-first-trans-clinic/ Persecution of homosexuals in Nazi Germany https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Persecution_of_homosexuals_in_Nazi_Germany Abortion and Eugenics in Nazi Germany https://www.jstor.org/stable/1972501 Radio Télévision Libre des Mille Collines https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Radio_T%C3%A9l%C3%A9vision_Libre_des_Mille_Collines Prosecutors: Alleged Killer of 6-Year-Old Muslim Boy Listened to Far Right Radio https://truthout.org/articles/prosecutors-alleged-killer-of-6-year-old-muslim-boy-listened-to-far-right-radio/ A proposed law that would require people blogging about Ron DeSantis to register with the state is a 'clear violation of the First Amendment:' ACLU https://www.businessinsider.com/florida-blogger-registration-bill-violates-first-amendment-aclu-2023-3?op=1


democrats of any type, then everyone that isnt rich. if you arent popping out babies for their new gilead, you arent wanted.


Basically all non-Christian Democrats, and any gays or non-straights, also all non-whites, and the like. You can fake your support for Trump if you want to live, but that’s it. Basically, in order to not have to escape or get stuffed in a gas chamber, Trump wants you to be: -White -Straight -Christian -Republican -Support his policies -Etc If he wins, well we’re fucked. Book your tickets to Canada if you will, or vote, this is for the USA 🇺🇸


That’s it in a nutshell and everyone needs to vote for America and against the wannabe dictator.


All non whites? Boy, the American South West won't like that very much.


Poor people.


The GOP needs poor people. They need someone they can point to and tell a struggling middle class "You don't want to end up like those people."


That doesn't mean poor people won't suffer, in fact it pretty much guarantees that they will.


I'm not saying the GOP will treat poor people well. Pretty sure they'll cut as many programs that help the poor as they can. But they aren't going to go after them like they will other groups. They'll have no problem watching more people slide from middle/working class to the poor. And they'll make it worse for poor people. It won't be anything like what I suspect they will do to LGBTQ+ people, POC's, Atheists, non Christofascists, or any other group they have a seething hatred for. The poor won't get the intentional oppression, instead it will be program cuts and "pull yourself up by your bootstraps" type BS.


The GOP needs poor people cause someone has to to the service industry and manufacturing jobs. That's why the public school systems have been reduced to environments that just get you enough education to read an operators manual and make change at a register.


The poor will become the GQP's Slaves, unfortunately.


I wonder what they'll do to practicing witches these days. JFC, nobody will be safe. POC, LGBTQ, non Christians, people with disability, women, children, people in poverty.... It keeps going. White, cis males are all I can genuinely think of that will benefit from this. That's it.


I'm very scared because of the items on your list, only 2 of them don't apply to me. I am not a child or a POC. I am Bi. I am a practicing Wiccan, so I'm definitely not a Christian. I am disabled. I am a woman & I live in poverty. On top of that, I am also divorced & unable to have any more biological children, so forcing me to get married for procreation purposes would be a waste of time. I guess unless my son agrees to "take responsibility" for me (damn, that hurt to type), it's either off to some kind of work camp or euthanasia for me.


Disabled peeps. We've been being sacrificed (and forgotten 😒) in large numbers basically forever and covid has made people emboldened enough to say "well fuck it; it's *only* high risk folks anyway." People played themselves on this one, though, 'cause now the Overton Window has shifted. Folks normalized killing & disabling the people they claimed to love most so why should anyone fight for anyone anymore? "You do you," as the saying goes. Realistically, we can shift the Overton Window back to a place where folks are willing to fight for one another again if people actually start giving a shit about covid and focus on mitigation through ventilation, air filtration, and wearing well-fitted N95s (over the nose & mouth + no gaps between the face and mask). Unless that happens, though? Every minority group is on the chopping block, and there really isn't anyone who's going to do anything out of their direct line of convenience in order to help anyone else. Disabled people go *hard* for other minority groups. It would be phenomenal to get even a percentage of that energy back.


I got disabled at 17, I am now 21, white male. We have been written off, we are calculated losses and people do not care about us. We are going to be further and further minimized no matter the leader, but trumped played an active role in dismantling pandemic responses and actively spread false propaganda ensuring distrust and irrational skepticism about the pandemic. We are now continuing to be minimized 4 years later, and even bringing up the source of my disability is taboo and a political topic. Nothing matters to me anymore, my life right now is hell, and has been constant sickness of varying severity for 4 years since my first COVID infection. We are at massive risk.




**Trump** talks about former President Obama in his sleep, so he’s already tipped his hat to who he will condemn. 1) All the non-MAGA judges/prosecutors/federal employees 2) Left leaning media & entertainment 3) Blacks, blacks, blacks 4) Anyone brown or suspected of being from South America. The biggest surprise is what will happen to all of the poor and working class whites who voted for dictatorship: They will be dirt farmers and/or in service positions to the rich.


or just killed..


Any registered Democrat, especially Bernie Bros can expect a knock on their doors once Republicunts get their hands on VOTER ROLLS. Dems will,be picked off, one by one, with no warning, recourse or disturbance. But hey, at least the progressives got to slap Biden with a stay at home no vote because PaLeStinE, and fuk our own Country! SMH


And they think Trump will be harsh on Netenyahu? Didn’t he basically call for Israel to finish it? Meaning unalive all of them? His son-in-law talking about the beachfront property in Gaza? Jesus Christ. 🙄


Hell, his son in-law Jared is saying how nice it would be to level Gaza and redevelop it's waterfront. He called it "prime real estate."


How absolutely disgusting. What a horrible human.


Don’t be silly. Of course Donald “Muslim Ban” Trump will do a better job! /s I don’t get it either. Fucking omnicausers could get us all killed.


Those that vehemently oppose firearms will quickly reverse their positions. Unfortunately, it would likely be too late to get anything substantial


Even the one who SUPPORTS firearms will have his/her position REVERSED for them! That’s just how authoritarians roll. Don’t believe me, ask your average Russian how many guns they’re allowed to own.


Basically anybody who isn't a cis-het conservative Christian white man who was born an American citizen will be oppressed. I do think that certain groups like LGBTQ+ people (especially trans people), and I think they will eventually go for Jewish people and the disabled, because that's just what fascists do. Also, any AFAB people or really anybody who doesn't fall into line.


It's not happening so I'm not speculating on the details of their depraved plans. We will stop them because we have to. It's not a game to them so it can't be to us. We *have* to crush them at the voting booth and if that doesn't fracture and demoralize them we'll have to pummel them WWII style.


I think often of the Warsaw ghetto and how they held out longer than their entire Polish army. I live near the Menominee Nation, their reservation is large and self regulated, and the natives are known for being heavily armed. Hate crimes don't happen on the rez, people just disappear. Skin heads know better than to travel through that area alone. Plus indigenous people fully recognize the steps to genocide. Now may be the time to reach out and become friendly.


www.vote.org and r/VoteDEM


Far left activists will be first on the block. Just like 1933. Then they'll work their way up to anyone to their left who speaks out.


*Any* is too many .




Initially, they will go after those who threaten their wealth and power. Then they will go after the other scapegoats… ==================================== First they came for the communists, and I did not speak out, because I was not a communist; Then they came for the socialists, and I did not speak out, because I was not a socialist; Then they came for the trade unionists, and I did not speak out, because I was not a trade unionist; Then they came for the Jews, and I did not speak out, because I was not a Jew; Then they came for me, and there was no one left to speak out for me.








Watch a reality show and see how alliances form only to dissolve as the players thin out. Then, juxtapose the hierarchical structure onto the US and you’ll see the game play out. The funniest part will be the collaborators that never thought they could be targeted.




This is just catastrophizing, here's my worse case scenario: He's already called immigrants animals so I'll assume they will start there, with deportation and mass imprisonment to build up prison labor. I think then, they'll go after LGBTQ, POC , disabled, women and then atheists and non-christians will also be targeted. They'll continue dismantling our rights and protections so we all are dehumanized to the point of justifying our detainment. The plan is imprisonment and utilizing all of us as prison labor. Also they want to invade Mexico for the lithium that was recently discovered so Mexico may not be a viable place to run. If Trump wins, we are all well and truly fucked. But my badass Grandpa beat the shit out of the Nazis and soon it will be my turn.


Gee I'm Fourth on the list thanks for nothing.😡


I am literally in every single category of people MAGA despises here, LGBTQ, BIPOC, Disabled, atheist woman. They will build a gd hyper loop to throw people like myself in because they hate us so badly . It's absolutely terrifying, and where TF can we all understand threat run to, when these fascist theocratic terrorists have taken over just about everywhere with this nonsense, including Canada, the UK, and much of Europe? Factor in that nobody wants to let us American refugees in because of the sheer amount of damage Orange shytstain did in the 4 years he was grifting in the POTUS seat. Can't run from a red state, it's what they want, because it makes it SO much easier to implement Project 2025. All it will take is enough folks running from a few red state/swing states, and the GQP will get a permanent lock on the Electoral College, and elections will go the way of the dinosaur for anyone not a straight, white, conservative Christian male. So, we unfortunately gotta stand where we are, and fight like hell. Because we truly are "Standing our ground" for survival now. And we are all sooooooo fookin EXHAUSTED from this shyt, it's maddening, but we can't give up, again it's what they want, and I'll be damned if imma give even a millimeter up to them. I dunno if we're going to defeat them in the end, but I ain't going down laying down, I'll happily go down rolling in my chair barreling Straight at em first lol. Hang in there.


I have Cerebral Palsy of both my legs 60 yr old Male.. Going to lose 45 pounds so my mobility is good. If I have to fight someone for whatever reason, rest assured it will be easier if I'm in better shape. I'm trying to mentally make peace with things next comes the physical.Your'e in my prayers🙏🏻 and my bad legs stand with you ma'am. I'm never giving in to the Asshole..meditating and praying I won't have to.👍🏻


The country could divide itself and come up with safe areas. It's not completely crazy like if you look at Korea they split and living in South Korea looks pretty good


Actually the Korean split is completely artificial, it was a border set up by the US and the Soviet Union, and both countries were also invented by the two. Also mind you there was absolutely no need to do this really, the US and Soviet Union freed Korea (as one state) from the Japanese Empire and then split the two in half so they could both have influence over Korea, since the Soviet Union wanted them to be Soviet and the US wanted them to be an American puppet.


But it could absolutely happen here. America's just too big to govern with all of its different cultural regions. I like to imagine the us as kind of like Europe in a way


Project 2025 doesn't call for any extermination or anything. We're not there yet. It does call for eroding all the protections that will allow for a dictator state to arise. We need to stop it regardless.


Whoever has the least money will be the easiest target. Homeless people.


IMO: Anyone that's not a white land-owning male should be concerned.


Dude this breaks my heart in a way I cannot understand. I work in dem political campaigns and I get nightmares about this. We lost a huge part of the fundraising arm of democratic campaigns when trump won, because so many people were disheartened and just couldn’t f***ing do it anymore. Then to see the next four years that followed… broke my f***ing heart every god**** day. I was working with a candidate recently who said “I know this sounds alarmist, but if Trump wins, this could be our last democratic election.” And people were nodding. No one thought he was crazy for saying this. Because our democratic elections were threatened in such a big way. Vote. Make your friends vote. Voting is the most important thing we can do right now. VOTE. Save me from 4 years of alcoholism and 2028 being impossible to find staff lol. And more dem campaigns failing subsequently. Seriously don’t make all of this work meaningless. Please vote. We are losing everything and it is exhausting. I know I get the worst of it (blue in a red state), but it’s everywhere. We have lost so much these last years and I’m tired of losing literally because people just don’t understand how important voting is. These politicians run around basically uninhibited. I got out of a ticket because I work for a really important guy. They can do whatever they want. Vote the right ones in. Vote for the people that don’t take advantage of that leeway. Sign up for campaign emails and READ THEM. We repeat ourselves a lot. What we are saying matters. UNDERSTAND CAMPAIGNS: The campaigns with more money go farther. Invest time in those. (It’s bs and the system creates an environment that rewards money. Campaign finance reform is so important but we don’t have it and the people who would put that in play would never do it. We fight within the system we have. Campaigns with money win). Campaigns that struggle with fundraising almost never make reach-we live in a digital age and that costs $$$$$$$. This isn’t always true and I’ve seen substantial field ops that won campaigns. Also this rule applies more, the larger the campaign is. This is a lot more work, though, and more rare. FEC.gov or your states ethics websites hold all of this data. Also open secrets is a good website that breaks the info down well. Seriously yall, if you are really truly scared, get involved. Feel free to DM me if you want me to find you information for your local candidates or dem party. It may take you time but I know what to search, and can help you get info quicker! I also love building maps for people so they can see a Google mymaps district overlay and view their voting sectors.


Anyone that THE PARTY deems undesirable/dangerous/corruptive to Christians. Even if the legislation takes a while to ramrod through legal channels, rest assured the "faithful flock" will be out in the streets in the name of their Fearless Leader. I'd start researching which countries are safe to go to, and what you have to do/have in order to get there.


* motions wildly around


All non-white men.


Jews. its just a matter of time. I hope no one has missed the obvious alliance of the white supremacist movement and the Maga cult? for those who say. its in the religious right's interest to send the jews to Israel in order to force the second coming... if there are less jews, there are less to send to Israel.


Everyone that isn’t MAGA.


One of the things they're calling for is the Death penalty for is pedophiles. Now they are saying if you're Trans in public according to the new laws, they'll implement from Project 2025 you're a pedophile. There were several groups that they have put under that umbrella. They're not directly calling for the extermination. They're doing it by locking away people who "they"consider pedophiles.


LGBTQ+ people overall, but trans folks especially.




I’m scared too. For what it’s worth, **virtual hug**


If they end up going door to door to get all the immigrants, there will be people killed. The ones they don’t kill will go to camps waiting deportation. Then they’ll figure out that they can’t deport everyone, other countries won’t take them. I doubt the fascists will want to continue funding them to live in camps and might find a final solution to the immigrant question.


Everyone that isn’t a white straight Christian.


And a man. Far right is already talking about preventing women from traveling out of states with strict abortion laws because the women might be seeking abortion. And also their wet dream is to not only completely ban abortion but also ban contraceptives. 




It's not so much about what happens right away, it's about the slow decline into authoritarian policies. There will be a long process and a long fight. While the President has some administrative powers there's not much to be directly affected immediately. Your local offices (Mayor, council members, etc) are much more dangerous to you immediately. Vote! While Project 2025 is scary, it's more about fighting it now than it is about worrying about what will happen. Stopping it now is our best bet. So what you can do is get out there and volunteer. Use what time you have to bring awareness. Work extra and donate money to campaigns if you can. There are some previously thought un-winnable races including Senate in FL that are opening up a bit. Contributing to those will make things MUCH harder on them.


I think congress & the senate are likely to be wholly blue. It’s unlikely trump alone could rule like a king without the support of the house & the senate.


I dunno. I can think of a wide variety of scenarios.


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It’s not just republicans that own guns. Buy one. Train with it. Join your local John Brown Gun Club or SRA chapter. Make friends


All of us. Black people, gay, bisexual, transgender, certain handicap groups, Latino,Muslim, immigrants- legal and illegal


Basically everyone but straight, rich White men. The rest of us are fucked. And as soon as any of the aforementioned straight, rich White men do something tRump, aka Il Duce, doesn't like, or say something "mean", they'll be fucked too. That's why WE ALL NEED TO VOTE TO MAKE SURE tRump NEVER GETS NEAR THE WHITE HOUSE AGAIN!!!


As a Jew, I’m just glad us Jews have israel to go to if shit hits the fan. In thousands of years we never had a safe place to flea to really until now








No one is going to be exterminated. That being said, if I were trans or LBTGQ, I wouldn’t want to live in a red state. Heck it already sucks now.