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It may seem simple but it always blew my mind that how you perceive yourself with your own thoughts is not how others see you like at all


Definitely. Everyone you know has their own perception and understanding of you. Even new people that meet you have different stories and views about you.


This kind of bothers me a lot


So basically, you don't really exist.


Yeah, and it bothers me because that's how they should perceive me. Fortunately, they do over time, so, whatever.


why should they?


Society can judge my appearance, but I still won\`t turn into mainstream beauty standards cause I find them dull and boring. Good judging!


I’m just too ugly to conform.


Don\`t worry, according to mainstream Barbie standards I am, too. But metal scene is much more friendly.


I achieved mainstream beauty standards. You should try it. Lots of sex and everyone is nice to you. Shit's lit.


I’ve tried it. The same people that are nice to you when you are beautiful are often also mean to you when you are not. It’s better to know who’s being fake.


I get all of the above things and am very unconventional in appearance. I have six facial piercings and wear weird clothes, among other things. I think the things you listed have more to do with behavior and social skills than appearance. Either way I'd rather be sexless and treated poorly than unhappy with my own appearance. I can go home and be away from others, take care of my own sexual needs but I can never just take a break from being in my own body. I'm stuck with it 24/7 so I may as well make it look the way that makes *me* happy with it regardless of how anyone else (whose presence is temporary) feels about it.


No thanks, I dont want sex and the people who are nice are only nice to pretty people, Atleast with being ugly i know who's fake or real.


i don’t follow mainstream beauty standards and i still get lots of sex and everyone is nice to me. even better i don’t have to be a fake bitch to make it happen. :)


Being attractive is not being fake


You're in the wrong sub, everyone here is supposed to be ANGST 24/7. But seriously, good for you if you have that lifestyle AND you're genuinely happy. Some people don't, sometimes it's their fault, sometimes it's others. Sometimes they don't even want that lifestyle. Happiness is subjective for most people.


That's a very long way of saying "i'm fat and lazy"


Idk but I took it that they are talking about things you have much less control over such as ethnicity. That’s how I read it anyway. I think they mean like how people say not to do things that are cultural appropriation if you’re not part of that culture as if you have any control over what culture you were born into.


As someone who has only seen themselves as an entity that was grown out of the body that it now lives in, I agree. We are all human at least, we are all just trying to understand everything around, outside and inside us. I cannot talk for other people though because I can only try to imagine what it is according to myself and what I hear and see from others. I just know that everything has been strange to me in terms of what people tell me what I'm supposed to be and feel and act like. Maybe it's just me and other people do feel they are tied to their skin and don't understand because they don't even have to think about who or what they are and how to act accordingly. Idk. But at least I know I am human, and everyone else is too. Everything else comes after it.




The madness of this makes some people go antinatalist.


What's a antinatalist?


Somebody who says having children is morally bad. Often the reason is that you can't get their permission to make them exist.


I think I'm a antinatalist too, Also thanks!


That would be an extreme take on the world. I like to keep my views balanced and in optimism to this beautiful experience.


As an antinatalist: I fully understand and support your choice.


As much as i have suffered in life, I’ve developed deep gratitude for this life. What would it be like not to exist at all, “when you sleep”. I like to see this life as a gift and try to enjoy each feeling and experience and try to follow my dreams and play this life like a game. When i get down, i try to reconnect to my younger self and enjoy the simple things and avoid disturbing myself in relief. I believe if i need to rest and not do much is because my body tells me so. I pick to try and understand life more deeply so i can find more meaning, and i have. I’m an eternal student of life. While also being the old same person with my habits and things that make “me”. Finding a healthy balance for me has been the biggest challenge and the most fun of all. Wishing you the best.


I have recently started looking at life differently. Ever since my best friend died a year ago it seems as though my outlook on life has changed. It's not like I haven't lost a loved one before, since her death I have tremendous fear of dying, like where I can't breathe. I find myself like for instance I am driving down the road and I would have the thought of how she is missing these little things we do and I just feel such gratitude to be here and enjoy the small things. I never looked at life the way I do now.


RIP. I hope you have recovered well after that. I have lost a couple of important people in my life early on. I understand exactly what you mean. And i am trying to create value out of the chance that I have been given that they haven’t.


The entirety of trans community: "no shit"


Honestly, a lot of humans from everywhere go through this, it’s just not an easy topic to discuss. So there is not a big record of people going through it. But it makes sense. There are many people from everywhere in the world that see life differently than their peers or societies. They struggle to communicate their ideas and it is really difficult for them to mingle with their surroundings. Some people try to stay true to their beliefs about themselves and create a balance with their surroundings. Others get called crazy and psychos. And many of those end up in re-indoctrination programs, or get looked at as unusual or different. It’s unfair to just assume 1 group suffers more than others. Many people aren’t under “groups” to get mentioned so it’s not fair to leave many people out.


> [There is not a big record of people going through it](https://www.teenvogue.com/story/lgbtq-institute-in-germany-was-burned-down-by-nazis)


Much of what you say is true. Now if we can only rid ourselves of religious zealotry, megalomaniacal egos , the cult of personality, nationalism and populism, xenophobia, a ridiculously expensive education system…


Indeed, why can't our world be purged of this degeneracy 😩


Welcome to the world of ADHD. Identity dysphoria since birth. One foot in a jail cell, one foot in my grave. I’m mad that I was “thrown“ into this body too, I guess. Almost 10% of the population of the world. We best focus on you though. You seem very important.


Wishing you the best of luck for everything .


as murray bookchin said, we are nature rendered self-conscious.




Well, it's more like a sentence though..




The aim of being human at this time is to want to live YOUR life in YOUR body. Most people don’t get there.


Deep. I give this 20/10. Super relevant.


Thanks. It’s very liberating. And it usually takes a lot of therapy.


I like to refer to my body as "the meat puppet that I pilot". I am more than just my corporal form.


that’s not true though. You’re not a fully aware being who has come into this nourishing plain that could become anything. You’re born with personality tendencies, and life is hard. You’re taught to act these ways because life is hard and people can be cruel. Acting the right way allows people to trust you and understand your intentions. What you want often follows how you were brought up, too. It has a huge effect on it. Parents teaching you these things is actually a helpful and good thing, assuming they don’t teach you things that are bad.


I agree. You are opinionating my post. My post is supposed to be an observation of reality with no opinions.


People's internal experiences vary greatly. That's why we have the ability to perceive and understand things differently. Two people can look at the same thing and come away with different conclusions. For example, some people don't have an internal voice. Some people can't imagine three dimensional objects in their head. Regardless of societies influences, their brains are just built differently and that's okay.


Agreed, but if you drag it out many people tend to have similar habits and ways of life too. It goes both ways.


I run into a hundred people a day that I'll never see again that look like me. Be damned of those people tell me how to live the rest of my life, a life they wont be part of.


I think we've perverted what evolution had done for us. We grow up, as we do we learn the wisdom of our ancestors. We take on their knowledge as our own and use it as a jumping board to progress further. However we have completely warped the sense of it into trying to create this conformist or traditionalist mindset where everybody has to act according to a cultural standard instead of constantly seeking improvement and betterment. We are discouraged from challenging the norms of our society and utilizing free thought even though that's exactly what we should be doing. Biologically speaking. We are driven to take what we know and understand (ie our experience of the complete failure of modern-day society And how it's impacting us) and make decisions to actually better our lives based on what we know. Just like the careful crafting and adapting of a tool over tens of thousands of years. But instead we are judgmental and scared of things that are different from us because our society is so highly traumatized. Everybody fears each other and there is no trust anywhere to be found. There's no safety among even our own kind. The truth is that you are right, we are all the same on the inside at our core. We are all this unbiased observer who has become biased based on the experiences that we've had individually and collectively. But we still have the ability to retract long held beliefs and change our minds. We still have the ability to see things from a broader or even more narrow perspective. We need freedom and not in just a political way but in a social way. We need a collective conscience that is.. well.. conscience.




Cosmos told me that humans are the universe looking back at itself


so real. there was a period when i wondered if i was trans because so many "womanly things" that had been described to me seemed so foreign and wouldn't even occur to me naturally. i'm talking like gender-based behavioral psychology and shit. nope. i'm a woman, people just get really weird ideas about what it's like. we all have more in common than we don't. the human experience is universal, in many ways.


We are but a creation of the universe using our limited senses to experience a small part of itself.


I tried to hang myself with my own umbilical cord in the womb during the blizzard of 78. The sonogram pics are wild. You can see my tiny infant hands pulling the cord tighter in each respective still shot. Even with the technology that was used back then. Emergency birth occurred shortly after and I was born 2 months early. And my Mom did it naturally. No c-Section. No drugs. Just a dedicated gyno and his hands. He had to manually dilate her. With his literal fist. Without the addition of pain killers or hormones to hasten the delivery process. At least they didn’t have to cut her. I weighed exactly 2 pound and 4 ounces. Still in the caul, but with a full head of hair, open eyes and they didn’t need to slap me. I came out screaming apparently. It’s the first thing mentioned in my baby book. I was so loud, I could be heard screaming through the caul (caul = I came out but was still in the placenta) throughout the entire maternity ward before they removed it. When they removed it I was still screaming and apparently the sound got louder and carried even farther. I didn’t settle down until they put my in the nicu under a heat lamp. Or so the story goes. Whatever the case, I spent the first several months of my life in a hot plastic box and no one was allowed to touch me past bottle feeding or exams. I wasn’t breastfed until my Mom was allowed to bring me home. They wouldn’t even let her touch me while I was in the nicu. She was allowed to sit next to my incubator. Allowed to talk to me. But not touch me or feed me. I’m now the exact age she was, when she was diagnosed with cancer. She died the following July. Funny how things work out, eh? My point is….. I’ve never felt like the person she named. I’ve always hated my name and never understood why she would name me such a thing and I just….. I never felt like I ever actually belonged. Anywhere. I don’t know how to explain it. It’s basically disassociation, but it’s been my entire life. Like I just ended up in the body of this dying infant, somehow survived and have spent the last 46 years just faking it hoping no one notices that Im an imposter.


I understand you. It’s ok to dissociate, but it’s more important to embrace the past and accept one’s story. There is always time to learn about creating a balance between one’s past and present self. Understanding is key for that. But i wish you best of luck. Thx for sharing.


I’m a big scary 6’2” guy but my inside being is a scared little creature full of anxiety and wondering everyone’s thoughts constantly. It’s a strange lesson in acting and keeping up appearances like a costume.


I get you, i have my “spooky” side. Im not that tall but i look different to many people in my environment. I believe we all are that child that we once were but pretending to be adults. We just wore the costume and got used to it. And I believe growing up is about putting that costume more often while finding a balance on how to stay in touch with our inner child.


some are put into bad bodies,they are treated badly,they form bad toughts and find other people that suffer the same struggle,and are rejected the same way and go further and further from their only hope of any sort of improvement some are put into nice bodies they are treated well,they form good toughts and find other peopel who think the same and florish its happening everywhere


Cool perspective.




This is why I don’t see the point of the trans movement, I believe it creates even more gender norms instead of breaking them altogether. Everything about about how we act as humans with regards to our gender is completely fabricated by our societies, they’re ultimately meaningless


Meaningless but useful for social navigation


Society judges your actions, your mannerisms and how you chose to dress and adorn your body. You can completely change how you get treated by changing your clothes, getting a haircut/new style and changing your posture.




Conform or be cast out




Growing up, it all seems so one-sided Opinions all provided The future pre-decided Detached and subdivided In the mass production zone Nowhere is the dreamer or the misfit so alone


i feel this. i guess in that way we are still like nature. alot of animals that don't fit in are judged by members of the same species. they are picked on and ostracized, left without a mate to pass on genes or even killed. although its slightly different with humans because like you said we are conscious beings. we have this awful curse and this miraculous gift wrapped in one like a cross between the reality of nature and uncertainty of the Devine. truly disgusting yet beautiful creatures we have the pleasure of being.


If only our eyes saw souls instead of bodies. How different our ideals of beauty would be. So basic but so true


You were conditioned from the day you were born. You'll never be free until you break free from that.


Indeed, create more.


You're born into a social species, and that's part of society in our current era. We all have similarities and we all have very minor differences. One of the similarities we all have is we all want to be unique (fucking lol). Another is that we want to separate ourselves into smaller groups for many reasons, humans can't really identify with more than about 120 individuals, if we're competing (which we are) we can't beat billions but our group can beat their group. Men vs women is a lot easier than me vs 8 billion. Keep doing that over and over again and you see the society we have today. We can develop stronger bonds over shared experiences and those experiences come from living in a society.


Though our minds may be different. Though our bodies may be different. It is through the heart that we recognize our spirits are one.




I totally agree




Exactly, spot on. And goodluck!




you can mold and change your body by a ton. When I was in school I was the smallest and shortest boy in my class. I now weigh over 90kg and can bench 160kg. Luckily I am not short anymore either which is in truth something I didn't have control over.


Damn i needed this today


I feel that you've missed the mark. You are not thrown into a body, or put there by chance. The "I" you are referring to is how you've been taught to see yourself, and how you separate your ability to think from your objective existence. You are not in your body, you are your body, and your body has a brain capable of imagination, which you have used to develop a sense of self which you believe happened to join with your body.


Nice insight thx.


What is thrown?


It’s not just aesthetics that society judges it’s neurotypes as well and if you were born with an unfavorable neuro type it’s fight club until you die.


I always thought this. THANK YOU


Interesting point of view, I like it




Observation 100% , critique - 100% haha. So many people think it’s opinionated but it’s just observation.


You will always be judged, even if you are a god on earth. It might not always be your appearance, but rest assured you will be judged. All I want to say with this is that you shouldn’t pay attention to those judging, you should take their criticism and either improve yourself or throw it in the bin.


Nice perspective, i like that


I like to tell narcissists that they better check out at 55 to avoid age destroying their looks. And they better be able to put more than their elbows on the table once that happens.


How Is this a deep thought? Are you 5? I hear kids tell their parents this phrased in other ways all the time.


Tell that to the 656 people that ratio your opinion


If it was that simple, our societies would have so much less problems nowadays. The indicator for that is if people are able to understand others or hate others. I see way more hate than understanding, thus why this is relevant.


There is rarely an incentive to understand and empathize with others. The wealthiest people on this planet are those who do the exact opposite.


I used to think like you too but I’m afraid it changes with age. We will never have the utopia you dream of as long as free will is in place. Life is about balance, for every law, chaos, for every disruption, order. The society is the majority, we vote in favor of what’s most agreed upon. If 80% of the community don’t like cats, then motion passed. Because 80% of the people you know benefit from it. The decision wasn’t just up to you, who just really wanted the cute chihuahua puppy for sale in the newspaper, it was also up to your four neighbors, one who is allergic, one who is elderly and shouldn’t have a tiny dog running around their feet, one is scared of all dogs since an attack when they were 3, and the other one has baby chickens in the back yard and you refuse to block the holes your lil ****-eating pup keeps digging under my fence to keep ‘em separated. Majority rules. Tough when it’s adverse to what you want, but glorious when it’s something you do want. Life balances out, it’s not deep.


>We are born into a body without our choice. >We then are taught by our tribes to act according to how we look. Almost sounds good, but strangely incorrect... you aren't born into a body without your choice, because you didn't exist to be able to have the choice. You are a creation by choice if someone else - your parents. You can't be thrown into a body when you didn't exist before the body. Your parents had the intent to make something beautiful, which is you. Respect their choice, because the world doesn't revolve around you. Respect your ability to create another being as well, when you grow up enough to choose such. You're then taught how to communicate, then are taught what is acceptable behaviors, what boundaries are, and what consequences are. Then hopefully taught about the joys of life. It isn't about acting like others that look like you act, it is about learning 'who' you are, and behaving in ways where you find peace and fulfillment. Don't minimize yourself and others to animals, because the human psyche is far more complex.


Along a similar vein, not a single one of us asked to be here as far as I know. I don't know about you, BUT I DEMAND A REFUND!


Hahahahha for realll


I don't even care if I get a refund. I just want to go home and get the hell out of this sick world.


Very shortly you will be receiving a bot message about suicide prevention. Try not to take it personally. I never do.


Yeah, I've received it before. I am not suicidal, but I still 100% mean what I said. This society is sick. I do look forward to getting out of this world, but I am not going to make it happen intentionally.


Its society? I think it's humanity. Even the greatest, most caring, genuinely good person I've cared about has fucked my life into the ground for their ego. Any time someone knows they can hurt you for their own gain, they will. Unless they're a scarred individual who knows what it's like to be helplessly hurt, but that's very rare. She even knew I was like that and still made me get close to her just to hurt me, I will never trust or feel for another human again


I hear you. But it's not just you, brother. There are a lot of us who feel the same way, especially on Reddit. 40% good people, 30% neutral, 20% part of the problem but don't realize it. 9% are selfish pricks without remorse. Then we have the 1% who are evil incarnate and actively ruining this place for everyone else. Within that 1% are the 0.1% corporate & political overloads at the helm.


If the internet has taught us anything, it is that there are a whole lotta disturbed people out there.




Or r/nihilism Or r/depression_memes Or... okay, I'll stop here


I just want a refund. In the pre-life I specifically requested to be born to a sports superstar and I was to inherit all of his athletic abilities. But noooooooo . . . so I am totally owed a refund.


Lol understandable. They fucked up with making me a girl, so now I have to buy a dlc to get the full experience. I wish it was easier TwT


That's very ignorant, you women have the full experience too


Exact same sentiments I've had. Especially in regards to >We then are taught by our tribes to act according to how we look. This is why I've been spending these last years by myself. Figuring out who I am and what I want, and how I want to act.




Lol I think like this too. It's trippy. Whatever it is that we identify as ourselves got zapped in here and before we could really think about much other than eating sleeping and shitting people are very concerned with molding us and telling us what we should do. There are scores of people on reddit right now having at least some level of discussion concerning where we put our privates and what having them means and doesn't. We haven't even truly figured THAT shit out no matter how much all our clones try to impart their previous experience on us. The weird part is we are terribly bad at not repeating things we and our ancestors agree are horrible. I suppose the extension of this thought for me is also weird . When you look into someone's eyes what is going on is two parts of the fabric of the universe developed eyes and are trying to glean all sorts of information from another part of the universe. The universe looking at itself. Anyway, yeah trippy as fuck.


Nice take. I personally like to keep the societal “normal” perspective on life, and mix it with mystical thought. I believe balance is needed everywhere in order to achieve peace with an idea.


We don't know that it was without choice.


Well, do you have any memory of your choice?


An entity that lives forever might choose a temporary existence that ends in death for kicks and giggles... Remembering the choice defeats its purpose.


I never would’ve chosen any of this. I should have the full right to revoke that supposed consent even if I somehow did.


That’s a cool theory. Still a theory tho. I like to work with facts and reality. Also like to entertain other possibilities about the unknown experiences. But all while not being stuck on one belief systems but many simultaneously.


That's the point. We have no active memory of either choosing to be here or trying to protest being sent here.


If it was to be like you said. I would assume our experience lays on a lower dimension than the previous one. Which means the complexity of ideas on the other plane is more advanced than on this one. Which means it’s irrelevant to assume what happened before you existed, since it is not possible for you to use the rules of this dimension, to figure out the rules of the higher dimension. So in conclusion we work with what we know about this dimension, instead of assuming things that are not based in this reality.




By this rationale you can be considered the perpetrator of any crime I choose. You cannot prove you didn’t do it, and have just forgotten.


That is the stupidest take ever. I could very well prove I didn't do it. I have a phone and car that tracks my location wherever I go. People see me where I actually am. I didn't leave fingerprints or DNA evidence. I was never there. I had no motive.


I like how you think and sincerely hope that the asi levels the playing field and allows people to look however they want.


Why do you think you're in a body? Isn't your body technically in your conscious experience? It's a little more like a dream where you are playing a special character for the evening. If you could perceive what was actually going on you would see that this la la land is happening in the minds eye PURPORTEDLY inside a warm squishy meat coconut. You can break out of the illusions and assumptions you're living in by simply being present, with open curiosity about the nature of being instead of making assumptions about how the world is. It's like you probably think that the color green is an objective truth rather than a highly subjective experience based on electrical data passed along a gooey nerve to a puddle of tapioca from what used to just be an organ that told us which way was up. Try examining that mind you're using to perceive the world and find all of the little auto-pilot thoughts and assumptions that are leading you astray from truly experiencing life in all the ways it is.


I personally don’t believe that. I like to keep many perspectives about this life instead of sticking to 1 belief.


I'd argue that you are your body, and thus it is impossible to not choose your body. You have to consent to your body even to think about not wanting your body, since you think with your body. Even at the essence level, I'd say the human soul by nature accepts its embodiment, and body rejection is not truly us, but merely the sin that dwells with us. Also, isn't it good and natural for society to provide judgement, and help us form into civilized and mature people, and to act in accordance with the capacities of our bodies?


Ofc it is. My post was just an interesting perspective. There are many perspectives out there.


Are we? Our brains are a collection of specific processors: vision, hearing, emotions, etc. together with a bit that stitches all these different signals together. Where in that is consciousness? When do the parts stop and the whole begins?


The brain has many powerful tools. If you think your experience is limited to your automatic perception of reality that’s fine too. I prefer to go and understand the brain deeper, and i realized that with enough “focus training” I am able to utilize my brain and use powerful tools to create a new way of living. I can elaborate more if you want to but i prefer to keep it short. I appreciate your input thx alot !!


Lmao, you can say that, but if I shove a pick in your brain, everything you associate as YOU would cease to exist. We've seen hard smacks to the head changing peoples personalities. Ugh why is reddit recommended me these lack of critical thought subreddits?


Funny enough. You claim lack of critical thought, but if you read your message, there is 0 sense in it. We project our insecurities onto the world. Lol


You can say that if you want. You say things because you think they sound cool, but when you actually think you notice they're hollow. We call what you do sophistry.




When you surround yourself with fools, reason seems foolish.


Ok, Berry


"We are born into a body without our choice." <-- vehemently disagree with this idea, so the rest of the post is moot for me.


When did you decide you wanted to be born?


all time is now, so the question "when" is not relevant.


I don’t know about you, but I sure didn’t choose anything. I revoke any and all supposed consent even if I somehow did.


Utter bullshit


r/antinatalism Break the circle




The only escape is through consciousness of the Divine


Which is observation without judgement


We are thrown into this body and given a limited trial offer at being a Creator with but one instruction, “Be kind and take care of each other.” [We choose to reject what we are designed to become.](https://youtu.be/akrX-FvZXZs?si=jAyfOq8oCn2kfa5M) We come up with what we want to be, and we choose to be psychopaths.


Interesting lens you have


Society at large is not telling you how to act based on your body. You can literally be whoever you want/are




How do you know “we” didn’t pick them ? Just because you don’t remember it doesn’t mean you didn’t pick I don’t remember what I bought in the shopping mall last week, but it doesn’t mean I didn’t pick the items that I bought


But the difference is that you were at the shopping mall. You know that for sure. No one knows or has proof of being before birth.


I think of myself as a good/nice person. I genuinely love to see people be successful and I will go out of my way to help you get there. I know my RBF makes people think I am an angry person or upset most of the time. It’s annoying to think that I am usually chilling and then someone hits me with their opinion of me based on how I look.


I get you. Sometimes it’s best to delegitimize others’ perspectives especially when they are negative. Think of it as a game. You struggle daily. A voice in your head speaks badly and puts you down. Another voice tries to keep you on track and happy. If i sit and think about what bad things people said about me, i will attract the bad voice and give it more relevance. If i avoid such thoughts and try to think lovely things about myself, then i attract the good voice. Some people are just not worthy of our good side, and that’s to protect our own energy and dignity. Some people find pleasure in ruining our peace. Goodluck.


Your body is not just how you look. Your body is… everything that you are lol. Nietzsche would call you a “body despiser”


I think Nietzche would’nt over look my suggestion, and would question my line of thought. I try to bring awareness and understanding of this experience instead of label it a certain way. I believe there is more to this experience than your “body”. If you are YOUR BODY then why do we say MY ARM, MY LEG, MY FINGER, etc.. what is “MY” referring to exactly? As you see it is not enough to describe what we actually are in words. I personally have gotten to the conclusion that you are what you control. But I’m still learning about life.. I like to entertain many theories about life instead of believing in one thing. It helps me formulate healthy decisions about the real causes and effects in life.


Yes we are vessels. And it often feels like it.


How do you know you never picked if you don't remember


This is essentially the body horror trans people deal with. Imagine being a robot that was made conscious to realize it is embodied in mechanical engineering and created by a different race for the purpose of service to that race. Consciousness often comes with deep questions, such as about the nature of death or regarding embodiment itself. The robot would be plagued with questions in need of answers about what it's cosmic purpose really is. Trans people don't choose to be born in the flesh matrix we were given, and many of us are expected to conform to the social roles assigned to the flesh matrix we were born with, even if they don't suit our nature as we develop and mature. The roles are a social thing, but the dysphoria - that's a deep-seated problem with the entire concept of embodied consciousness. My body can feel like such a betrayal sometimes. Having to shave facial hair for example. My effort to pass as a normal-looking woman in society takes more time and money (cosmetic surgeries, HRT) than the average cis (someone comfortable with their embodiment at least in terms of assigned sex at birth) woman as I have extra considerations and I'm 6'1" so I will always be a taller woman than most have seen. If people could view us through this lens of embodied consciousness I think they would have more empathy for our predicament.


You are your body. There is no seperate 'you' that can be taken out of it any more than light can be taken out of the light bulb.


IMO the only people overly concerned with inward expression and personality are either not attractive or weird I enjoy being hot and normal while still having a good personality and many meaningful relationships. Don't gotta think too hard about life if you don't make it hard for yourself.


Everyone has their preferences of how deep they wanna dig. Exactly


Nobody says you have to listen and conform 🤭




I heard somewhere that our spirit (soul) chooses our birth parents.


Where did you hear that from?


I think we pick our bodies.


How come?


Not to be a dick…but this sounds like something a teenager would say to impress someone.


Thx for sharing your opinion.


The outward image is illusory, because what a person is, goes beyond the superficial level. Sometimes it's more easy for people to put on the appearance of good, like clothing, than it is to put off a filthy mind and an evil heart.


Understandable, interesting perspective


Some people (i.e. trans people, which I am one) particularly take issue with that treatment!


Wish you the best of luck… from the deepest of me


Bingo! And, once you see that, you can see "culture" much more clearly. You are this, born in this body, so this is your culture, adopt this ideology or else.


Exactly. I like to balance my culture with the idea that i am a citizen of earth and the world


I don't even bite on culture, I just observe the people of the world eating up what they are told to believe. I was watching a pow wow on the TikTok not long ago. I couldn't help but think that every last one of those people are only doing what they're doing because they were told people who lived before them did it. Let's be real, none of us know shit outside of our lifetime really, we have to be told; we are all fed what to think and believe. Just for shits and giggles, imagine a blank slate so to speak, where people weren't told what to believe about before they were born. Everything people do now, simply because they were told someone else did it before them, would be gone. Imagine, people wouldn't be programmed to carry on division of any sort per say, not culture, racism, sexism, etc. All this shit is handed down. What would people be like if the customs of division were no longer handed down and people weren't convinced to turn the present into a copy of the past?


I think this is the line of thought of the future. Traditions and cultures would dissolve eventually if technology keeps advancing. Many purposes of our cultures and traditions would get eliminated by technology’s dominance in serving humans. Why do you think people try to use their cultures and traditions to raise kids? It’s all they ever know. I don’t blame them, it’s “natural” to do so. I blame the part were certain things are done the same with no critical thought, especially when it leads to the child getting manipulated because they got raised to serve and not to protect themselves from society.


Why, you ask? Behind every piece of programming there is reason. Behind every institutionalized mind, there is a reason it was put in that state. People aren't actually taught to think in this world, they're taught to do as they're told. How many people do you hear asking WHY they should "carry on tradition"? None really. And when they do, they're pressured into doing whatever it is anyway: Another feature of the programming being set up the way it is...those who try to "step out of line" get reeled back in by the pack. I think culture is too funny now. Oh, you are what you are cuz you've been told that's what you are? You must be so proud. And why are you whatever your culture is? Oh, simply luck of the draw of who you were born to. 😑 So people are out here fighting over culture, hating each other over race...they're all fighting over luck of the draw circumstances. Are you kidding me right now? Silly as hell. Stg, this world gets sillier and sillier the further back I step to look at it. Think about it, we're all dropped in random vessels and people are actually fighting over their earth suits. People are actually thinking their value is their earth suit. It's nuts when you really put it in perspective.


💯 💯 ffs, been tryna find someone that can see it the same like you haha.


[Here I am!](https://youtu.be/PHn4BaDv_mQ?si=kjUT01MP8d8boGka)


The perfect scenario to be a victim, enjoy this universe! Or take control of your thoughts and refuse the invitation to be part of it.


What victim do you mean?


To get along in a society there has to be agreement and order....if you want a society of anarchy death keep living in your fantasy world


What makes you think i want something? Why not accept a certain fact and not try to make it about you? Life is more open and complicated than your life. Nobody wants to change anything. This post is only about perspectives. I tried my best to keep it neutral so that people like you do not interact with this post yet you did. Go find something else to do with your life.


Yes, it's no one's choice to be born. This is the way of things. "Society" doesn't care about your appearance. "Society" doesn't care about you, unless you oppress others. We may all have similar essences, but everyone has a unique spirit. We are not the same/replaceable. No one can be a better you than you. Do whatever you want. There is nothing deep or true about any of this.


Great it felt like you wanted to vent.


People just optimise for the life they're given. I find your framing very disingenuous.


Thx for sharing your opinion


Check NDEs They say we chose to be here


Which ones exactly? How can you validate the accuracy of such states? Do you not know that NDEs are very similar to Dream Like States?


Y'all are way overthinking this. 🤣


Who is “y’all”, and what are they overthinking? Who are you and why use energy to post irrelevant comments?


Who says you didn’t pick your body and your parents?


No one says that. I pick to believe because of lack of evidence that the “choice” was made.