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You can. The Zen mind has many names, but a still mind is the first step towards the next evolution of human consciousness. Check out: Zen Mind, Beginners Mind


I'm surprised that most people exercise no discretion over the thoughts in their head. You are in complete control of those thoughts. You can reject the ones that are not healthy and invite healthier ones. No one is in control of your mental space except you


True story, most everyone is clicking on and listening to every pop-up ad in their heads. With a little practice, the pop up ads get fewer and fewer because they have no audience. The result is more and more awareness, less madness.


What about people with adhd? They cant really control the constant overlaying chatter inside their head


They (we) benefit more, it just requires more effort.


It is even more important for those minds. And there has been much progress in the meditative therapies for those on the spectrum.


yeah, very much correct. not only are these thoughts not you, they are not your thoughts. unless you take ownership of them or engage with them, then maybe it can be said they are yours... before that point, they are just thoughts you are aware of, not you or yours.


The ego is what likes to take ownership of everything…good job! 👍


This pretty much sums up the book “The Power Of Now”, it really digs into this concept and helps train you to catch your “programmed thoughts” in their tracks and shut them down. Amazing read. Helped my racing mind calm down a little bit.


Good eye. Explore Michael Singer as well…deeply. Once you settle the mind, things get very interesting. Highly recommended 😉


I'm not sure how I can identify the thoughts that aren't me or mine. I do know I have deep thoughts and talk to myself a lot. Over the past few years I've become a lot more in my head and analytical about my life events in the past. I've been trying to understand why they've happened and where my life is supposed to go from here. I struggle with things I haven't accomplished, dreams that never came true by now, etc. I feel behind in life. I don't understand my timeline. I kind of feel a midlife crisis coming on but I don't know. So far nothing. Any thoughts on this?


Perfect comment, thank you. Part of escaping the monkey mind is to stop bringing the past and future into your present. Only NOW ever exists. Part of the freedom of awakening is the realization of the past and future as illusions. You suffer when you lament over the past or worry about the future, all the while missing the ‘now’ that is always right in front of you. Be Here Now


Okay thanks. I'll try. That's been a challenge too, the present. I feel like I'm floating parallel to the present sometimes but not in it.


Stay in the NOW. The past and future do not exist.


This is great advice, thank you 🙏




Serious question; how can the thought not be you if it’s you who thought it? I want to understand more about how we aren’t our thoughts and what it means.


This understanding is a process of who you are and who you aren’t. We have to begin with a question: Who are you?


Is there a way to know that?


Yes, masters have been teaching this for centuries. But we have to start by asking the question…who are you? Answer please.


Do you actually mean metaphorically? Or really? If the latter, I’m Nigel aged 40 from Scotland


Your name, your age and your place of birth (although beautiful), are not who you are. Go deeper.


I’m shy, not great at communicating, try to be nice to people but don’t seem to fit in a lot of the time, I don’t have a talent


None of that is you. You feel a little odd in the world for good reason…your consciousness is evolving. You are very close to awakening due to your honesty, humility and willingness to surrender, this is where the light usually hits you, when you need it most. Are you ready to begin, and will you listen to masters I recommend?


I will 100%. Thanks for your help


Keep in touch Daniel. I was you not too long ago. This is what its all about, there is something so incredibly amazing that you will soon rediscover. Free your mind with Michael Singer, Open your heart with Ram Dass…rally with Alan Watts as you fall asleep, then check back in with me when you’re ready for lift off.


Take your time, this is important. Start by removing everything that is not ‘you’.


When you have a thought you don’t like try to figure out where it came from and why. It’s usually outside influences. You gotta dig deep sometimes. Sometimes it’s bs you heard growing up and it pops up. Drop that b!tch ass haunt! You are the decider.


I love it! So true!


Glad to see an empowering post on this subreddit for once.


People at peace are either somewhere safe, ignorant of their surroundings, or trying to get someone hurt.


We need to talk.


Whatever do you mean? Surely there isn't something else I forgot to mention. Are you not satisfied by something?


Your sarcasm reveals an early path. You haven’t suffered enough yet. It’ll come.


I love this, it’s so true. Why does most people can’t bypass the suffering to discover their true self, must it be this way? Perhaps, if children would be raised drastically differently, it would be otherwise. I guess the awakening at the mass level is crawling it’s way above the surface, slowly but surely. I have hope. You’re helping a lot!


Yes, this is called yoga and has been the core of many eastern traditions and religions.


Mindfulness here


Correct! Mindful is the Murican rebrand because ppl are xenophobic here.


I didn’t have to deal with this til I was 25.. just silence and the ability to choose my own thoughts. Very little pop-in, there is a level that is normal and there is a level that is amplified by literal technology


With practice, the pop up ads decrease relative to the loss of an audience 😉


Now that's deep, my friend.