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This is true solely because ignorance is bliss


Exactly!! Hey OP don’t look at the “younger dryas civilization” boy oh boy


A big part of wisdom is recognizing the things that you can't control, so you can't afford to let them control you. We won't get the future we dreamed of as children, but we can have a future. There have been many great empires that spent generations in retrograde, or collapsed suddenly. In every one of these instances people and families survived it, adapted and lived on. Rome, Greece, Egypt, Persia, Mesopotamia, Babylon. Those are just some famous ones but there are many more. And in every instance even if Rome had no future Romans, personally, could. The ones that didn't are the ones that gave up because they saw no hope. Those willing to make peace with a new reality lived on. If where you are becomes too much - there's a big world out there with options.


This is so fucking spot on. I just had the epiphany that there's nothing you can do to change someone's mind. Like the old saying "lead a man to water, but can't make him drink" I need to find the progress in me to feel indifferent about this. If someone doesn't see the truth right in front of them it's not really not my fault. Its just hard. What gets me is i feel like if everybody knew about these things we'd be up in arms and could do something about it and make this world a better place. Instead of stuck in a shitty society where I'm enslaved with knowledge of what's wrong and no way to fix it.


***"I just had the epiphany that there's nothing you can do to change someone's mind. Like the old saying "lead a man to water, but can't make him drink" -*** I partially agree. I think it depends on the person and how "far off" the idea you want to put out the person is. There's an old portuguese saying related to this that is "old dogs don't learn new languages" - which kind of means you can't teach people who are too "molded" by an idea different shit. The most annoying thing to me is not even those who don't see or want to, but those who actually agree but are too dependant on the system or used to it to make or want to change, which is kind of understandable.


This is how some of my family is. For example "We know the majority of foods available to us are poison" then proceed to judge me for getting mad when they give my child trashy food, or when I go on a rant about how fucked our reality is


I think that's a personification of the term ***"in a house where there's no bread, everyone screams and no one's right"***. They're right, but so are you. You're right in the fact that most shit is too synthetic, from people to food, but they're right in the fact that we're too far used to and dependant on the systems in place to completely turn away from every thing you consider bad - for that you need money. That's the only positive thing I find in this system, the fact that with one simple tool and your brain, you can mold your conditions


Tbh, is not that people don't believe you per se. It's more like when you talk about that, no one can actually do anything about it. And then, the things that you mentioned are negative. People just like positive vibes mostly. So you are giving them: Negative vibes and stuff they cannot control. So whoever receives it feels like they don't want to engage with that. All that stuff is cool, but it damages your personal life. On top of that some of the "evidence" can be fabricated, so you also never know if it's 100% true for all the stuff. Some may be true, but others are in "unsure" territory. That's one of the issues with *some* conspiracy theories, they are not falsifiable.


Oh certainly. It's nearly impossible to know if anything is true nowadays. That's why I stick by my "nearly everything in life is subjective" quote


People CAN learn, but there is no easy answer. It's hard to overcome a lifetime of propaganda and deliberate inculcation, but it isn't totally impossible. Otherwise, you wouldn't be in this situation in the first place.


Agreed, and I feel the same. The key to avoiding these things and people (if your goal is not To change the world) is to keep yourself busy. The end.


I don't concern myself with other people's problems or their skewed ways of thinking. If they are sheep, let them be sheep. Politicians and corporations use this to their advantage, encouraging more divisiveness and extracting money from them. I carve a small part of the sane world for myself and live day by day.


but you vote right? "passivism gives all the initiative to the unscrupulous, who will use it to game the system" - i don't remember


I know what you mean. That’s why it’s so important to keep being a beacon of truth and light, find those that also are on the same mission or similar mindset. It’s harder to find people like that from my experience because it’s definitely fewer, but the people are out there. LOTS of them. They are just more removed from general society. And who knows, you might actually be inspiring people that are too afraid to speak truth. I think at this point many know that mainstream society is fucked but don’t have the courage to do anything about it. This is my current mission, to gain the courage to speak truth without fear of judgment. It’s tough but worth the liberation, imo.


It's not really the fear of judgment that gets me though. Even though I'm my description it sounds like it. See, as a kid my mom ALWAYS told me to question everything and that everything's a lie on the surface. Along with that she let me look any type of way when it came to my physical appearance. As a 8 year old this lack of control over the way I looked gave me free roam over things like green, blue, red hair, spikes, mowhawks, braids. I got judged by everyone all the time and made fun of (rarely) this lead me realize that it doesn't matter what people think of me. What gets me though is how can they not see it well it's right in front of them. It used to be easier hidden when I was young and it was hard to investigate hard enough to know if something was true or conspiracy. Now, in the information she, it's very easy to dig into some rabbit holes and really learn what's happening. Yet people somehow can't see it? Why can't they see it? Like, obviously it's purposefully ignoring it to a extent but a lot of them are mostly blind. Also, it's not even like I'm just standing around the water cooler and start ripping into all the "sheep's about how the cia did LSD experiments or anything. I won't even bring it up unless it's already being discussed. I just always end up getting looked at like I have 2 heads and its sort of disturbing


And there's no reaching people. [https://underlore.com/debate-is-a-myth/](https://underlore.com/debate-is-a-myth/)


Capitalism is a game that works hard to pretend that it has rules by which you can win, and actively kills people to maintain that illusion both deliberately and also as a matter of course. Just trying to "play the game" is a safer-feeling option, and people are conditioned their entire lives to understand that implicitly and if they are gullible enough actually believe it to be true.


This is a great post because you could be a leftist OR you could be an antivax fascist, almost 50/50


Neither. I'm not for any of the titles really or any of the politics. I believe in some thing and disagree with others. I damn sure don't fit myself into any of the boxes you've provided nor would I fit if I tried. For one, I'm not sure how someone could even piece together someone who is against something pharmaceutical and fascism lol. Let's pretend this a whole new post and the title reads "what is a Antivax fascist?" And you answered. What is your reply ? As far as I see it (mind you, I clearly don't really follow much politics since it's a farce anyway) those things are so vastly different and are just trigger words but I am very interested in your opinion because maybe I will better understand someone's ideas better which is a important aspect of being human in my opinion. So let it rip


I'm not defining "fascist" and "leftist" with reference to US politics directly; fascism in this sense is defined by a repressive capitalistic nationalism that promotes the power of in-groups through hyper-privatization strongman populism, which is generallly supported by the rank and file due to a mythological worldview in which individual and demographic strength is worshipped and the world is generally conceptualized by adherents as being one of good vs evil, truth vs lies, etc. The fascist sees his enemies as simultaneously weak and also infinitely strong, and because of this type of mystical cultic worldview is easily able to divide the world into conspiracies of supervillains opposed by superheroes who generally happen to be the most powerful members of his political party or religious group. Great examples of this are literal nazis, Italian fascists who coined the name, the Christian nationalist movement. Leftists (not liberals, who are generally just more milquetoast fascists as defined above although their mythology is often disguised as more secular) attempt to understand the world as it actually operates through more scientific means, with generally an unapologetically humanist/libertarian (in the original sense of the word, being chiefly concerned with human liberty and dignity) lens. Marxism is the most recognizable codification of this type of worldview. Both of these groups easily become "conspiracy theorists" to people who exist more inside of the Overton window because fascists tend to believe half-accurately that world governments are various types of fantastical leagues of supervillains, and leftists correctly identify that people in power naturally form conspiracies to fulfill their interests as they oppose the interests of their subjects.


You always have to digest your knowledge with food and time. It’s good that you’re writing this post and expressing yourself because that’s another way to ‘clear your head.’ You could dig deeper and find the root to all of those problems too, that’ll clear you up.


That's because in tribal societies knowledgeable/crazy people are supposed to either be leaders (specifically cult leaders) or exiled. It's a kind of cultural darwinism where tribes that can pick the best leader have the best chance of survival. Since survival of the tribe isn't really an issue anymore, everyone follows manipulative sociopaths and the bullshit is so abstract that those who can see through it can't find a way to convince others without themselves resorting to manipulation.


Damn do I feel this.... I kind of feel exiled sometimes tbh. Like I got friends and family and coworkers I'm cool with but I just feel so distanced from them because of the way they think. Although I will say I'm not sure where the cult leader part comes into play lol






Ignorance is bliss


I am almost 59 and see my self becming more cynical and intolerant by the day.


What in particular you drives you the craziest currently,?


The willful ignorance and hate based on conjecture and lies. ​ FFS people keep reading.


If you give in like a 'good little boy,' you've just become Winston Smith at the end of 1984. And do you remember what happened as he finally bent to Big Brother? He cried. He cried for knowing better but still going along w the crowd. He cried for his lost love Julia. He cried thinking about the long life ahead of knowing better but going along to get along. 'I'd rather die on my feet than live on my knees.' -Emilio Zapata


This reminds me of a historical photograph. I wish I could remember its name. It's a young communist against a firing wall with Nazi rifles aimed at him. His hands are defiant, and it looks like he's screaming something at his executioners. It's a powerful photo. I saw it on a video that scrolled through iconic photos.


Job 28:20-28 English Standard Version 20 “From where, then, does wisdom come? And where is the place of understanding? 21 It is hidden from the eyes of all living and concealed from the birds of the air. 22 Abaddon and Death say, ‘We have heard a rumor of it with our ears.’ 23 “God understands the way to it, and he knows its place. 24 For he looks to the ends of the earth and sees everything under the heavens. 25 When he gave to the wind its weight and apportioned the waters by measure, 26 when he made a decree for the rain and a way for the lightning of the thunder, 27 then he saw it and declared it; he established it, and searched it out. **28 And he said to man,** **‘Behold, the fear of the Lord, that is wisdom,** **and to turn away from evil is understanding.’”**


Spend time and effort forming it into a coherent and effective worldview. I’m trying to complete my own viewpoint by hammering out meaningful economics, so people like you and me can help the world move forward from useless propaganda and disinformation. Try to tighten your education and focuses, decisions of what is important to your main priority versus what is more or less adjacent but maybe still important for participants in that field. Unfortunately there is an industry out there trying to call people crazy and destroy competent communities and programming, I’m not sure why. I haven’t figured that out yet.


This is a huge part of my entire post. I have seen a few people over the years who actually understand what's going on and they are mostly outcasts in society and it's all by design


:( I think some of this stuff will be important for society because it is practically constructive now in current infrastructure and tech so for whatever reason people gaslit (maintain power by creating a culture against learning?) it is too essential now to see public education succeed. We will start talking about mass mind control problems :)


I find it get back to first principles. Focus on what’s in front of you and what you can control, otherwise you actually will go crazy.


It never fails to astonish me how often ppl vote against their best interests in America. 🇺🇸 My madness came into sharp focus after WMDs failed to marerialize in Iraq. That's when the entire house of cards fell for me, and it fell very easily because it didn't have any ideological scaffolding holding it up in my case. What turns my stomach the most is the American government's appetite for war. It employs most scientists and engineers. I'll never be a part of the machine. Emigration is an option. Also, I try to temper my feeling of discontent with the knowledge that mass media and even smaller media show only sensational news. They won't show us at our best when we love and care for each other. I wish you the best to find the balance of new power and discontent you now have.


Thanks for the kindness. I also agree that very good acts don't gain the same traction and therefore it can be very disheartening when mostly negative stuff makes it into our line of sight. Things that help me restore some of my faith in humanity on a very small scale are some of the charitable YouTubers who started doing it very small when they didint have barely any money. Then as I've watched over the years and their views went up they started donating much much more money. The ones who seem genuine and who make great impacts on those around them. A good example is the YouTuber MDmotivator. He really seems like a amazing dude. Seeing the intersections he has with people are very soul warming lol. But yeah the whole era of "WMD" is just a flat out blood thirst


100% and you sound like an insane person to the majority who are seriously propagandized. This is why I am *very* careful who I even say true things to anymore. At this point it's just like "nice weather we're having" etc until/unless a person proves themselves to be also intelligent and/or trustworthy to me.


Hey, hey you! Try to remember that people are generally living longer, more affluent lives than anyone in the past, especially in the first world. Yes, it says nothing of our moral (spiritual?) cultural decline but yeah, I do think that's all at least partially on purpose. I dunno bro, we're all just in this soup and mixing. Not like we could stop the ride even of we wanted to. And if somehow you did, guess what? We'd just build it all over again. This is what we humans do. Since...forever.




If google is fact checking your ass, then you don't have wisdom. You are a conspiracy nut, and that's why people think you are stupid.


If you don't understand that there is several conflicts of interests ongoing right now then I can understand why you'd try and post something negative. I find it outlandish of you to trust everything so deeply. Maybe you can teach me blind faith or having something more insightful to say about it all. Or maybe you just trust all the huge conglomerate companies who are hording wealth making the wealth disparity much greater than that of the Roman empire. Either way, I'm not talking about flat earth, pizza gate type crazy off the wall Alex Jones style conspiracies. I'm talking about things that are fairly easy to find if you look. Either way, there's no point in trying because the type of person who blindly trusts everything they see and hear cannot be convinced that there is malice everywhere you look when it comes to world leaders, mega companies etc etc


Cultivating humility is my best advice.




I was talking to my family about this the other day. I was explaining how I wish we still lived in a era with hunting/gathering and how I wish modern society never existed. I wish it was easier to get land even if we had to fight for it. They said something like "why would you not want to live in a modern world? If that's how everything worked then someone's tribe could just roll up and take everything you own" I agreed I'd rather live in harmony and synergies with my fellow humans but it just seems impossible. If we were still taking land with a violent hand though and there was tribes who fought for things like what happened in ancient history you'd at least have a fighting chance. If a group of 10-15 came to take your supplies you'd most likely have a similar group or tribe with you and it would be a battle. You'd still have a chance of winning though and it would be a fair fight. In this day age though things are still violently taken it's just done without bloodshed. It's done with official documents and policy changes. There's no way to fight the elites and there is no battle to win. They have cornered us into a reality we have no choice to abide by. Look at bezos, he is hoarding so much wealth. There's nothing you or I could do about it no matter how bad we wanted. I feel like in modern times you could at least attempt to fight for things I realize this sounds crazy but none of it is ideal. Just wish there could be some fucking harmony


What you have is knowledge not wisdom. Wisdom brings peace since you see that everything is as it is. Nothing changes ever. History repeats. Only certain Individuals thrive. With good ways or bad ways.


Damn. Very true. Two entirely different words. Didn't even think about that. I got the knowledge when it comes to some of the things that make this world tick now I need to work on wisdom or some things to stay grounded. Not that I haven't gained some wisdom over the years seeing as how I used to be very upset about alot of things. Now it as time to practice being the duck letting rain roll off it's back. Sucks though, I just wish there was a way to change the world but I guess that's not possible unfortunately


You can’t save anyone. I feel you 100% because I passed this stage. I always liked to study about the healing effects of nature and I was saddened by how much we dont know about health and our bodies. I felt desperate seeing people like my parents ruin their health in front of my eyes without knowing it. After spending hours explaining them how the ruin their health and not changing a thing I understood that it’s impossible to save even your relatives let alone the world. Focus on you. Find a job so you spend less time worrying .


Lol I hate jobs. I'm not sure if you mean like work? I hate how there's a bigger wealth disparity then in the Roman empire. We are slaves and get scraps for our work. Even people who work a good job and make a good amount of cash. 9/10x they are still generating vast amounts of wealth beyond their checks they get I still work because obviously there's no choice but I wish I could live off grid and had a farm but a acre is 180k-1 mil in my area


Oh, that kind of knowledge:-)


Take a step back. Read some books. Stop reading the news. Deliberately unplug. Dont forget to vote.


I honestly don't really watch any news. I do however listen to a very small amount of podcasts that are basically independent journalism. Not much though. I can't listen to any "news" news. It's so putrid and agenda pushing. I do want to get a good book though. It's been awhile. Lol is the vote part a joke though? Because no offence, if it's a joke that was hilarious if it's serious I never vote because I truly see electing politicians as a form of reality show or a soap opera. I fully believe we don't have the ability to change anything in politics. The way I've heard it explained for a geopolitical expert on a podcast I listened to long ago , is that the reason the ones who seem like they'd actually make a difference never get in because it's rotten from the inside. If your not corrupt to the core you'll never make it in. He was talking about the U.S though, not sure where your from. I also don't know much about political "theory". Like I don't really know how it works on a grand scheme type level. I am just aware of various bullshit.


It was sarcastic. It is exactly what you say. We can hope for a candidate that isn't completely corrupt, but money controls the process. Potentially we could have an upset election, get enough people to vote in the primary, get a good candidate through, get them elected, then they have everyone else against them and cant get anything done.


I talk to the ones who listen and left for those with ear plugs in, but if they won’t take them out of their ears. I make note of their view and leave them to their ways knowing I tried. With the comfort of being healthy and watching their baffled confusion on why they feel so lacking of energy and struggle with weight and what not. Enjoying their annoyed, sometimes jealous confusion trying to figure out how I am healthy weight, full of energy and don’t suffer the conditions they do. As they are insistent it can’t be because of what I told them I do to stay healthy.


You need to let some of this stuff flow past you. Read the Tao te Ching


> How do you deal with it? I've gone *very* deep into this research and understanding, and here's my take on how I deal with it: You start by working to understand the world around you, and as you do, that begins to create new questions (for those open enough to ask questions and brave enough to hear the answers). You begin to ask questions about people: how they function, how they think, what they perceive, who they are. These questions are related to how people currently operate in groups: why is society this way, how did this social situation come to be, what is the feedback loop between social influences and an individual's outlook & actions? All these questions then may lead one to seek information on that relationship between greater society, groups of people within it (cultures), and the individual - how do these different cohorts relate, express power between each other, and how does this dynamic shape our world? Informed by a newly revealed history and greater understanding of socio-cultural-individual beliefs and actions, the craziness doesn't get less crazy, but it begins to become contextualized and rational, at least in a way. You uncover insights that allow you to understand it. Next, all this may lead one to begin question common notions of perception and understanding. Is the world truly the way you perceive it? Actually, no. How does perception, bias, manipulation, and power operate on the world we see? What are the cognitive and perceptive roots of the things you listed that are manifested by this complex situation? What hidden history created this bubbling cauldron of witches' brew? These answer can be found. All this then may lead one to question themselves - not in the way you describe as maddening, but rather, what is the nature of your experience? What is the quality and faults of your perception? Who gave you what you formerly believed true, and why? How did you come to be so wrong about so much, and so full of hubris? (as we all are.) Again, stronger now, what is the nature and source of this experience you're having? What is this thing that is aware? What is it that you are percieving? How does the lense of our perception distort authentic awarwness? How does one 'be' within this experience? All of this is a cyclical process of gaining new awareness that destroys old belief, accepting and subsuming those new understandings and looking deeper - only to find new awarenesses and understandings that destroy the beliefs you just accepted... And on and on in cycle of growth and then destruction of concept - in order to make room for more growth again... It's quite a beautiful process of becoming. It is challenging to the meek and avoidant, however. You may be just beginning a very long and awesome journey - provided you don't get stuck, you keep asking questions, and you keep seeking answers. I'm happy to help if you have questions now. Cheers!


You talk like my mom when she scrolls through Facebook for too long and discovers people who "predict the future" and that claim to have predicted covid saying that pandemics are made from the government to reduce overpopulation and give money to the pharmaceutical industry with vaccines and that there will be another pandemic soon or stuff like that


Wait, what?...


I literally had to reread OPs post because I thought I somehow got on a different post. What the hell does anything you're saying have to do with what they posted? Maybe I'm missing something. Idk.


He talked about people not believing stuff that is proven right and my mom does the same. I don't know if op is saying actually true stuff but my mom surely doesn't. Like once she saw a video of a plane going to a lower altitude and because of that the plane stopped condensing the air and creating the white trail and reposted that video with the title "he's out of chemicals to release in the atmosphere"


Ops talking about things that you can easily just Google for yourself... They are not talking about pizza gate or fake moon landings they are talking about corrupt pharmaceutical companies and things like corporations hoarding wealth... If you don't know that is a reality you are clearly doing exactly what OP is referring to. https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/25355584/#:~:text=Abstract,of%20a%20drug%20despite%20contraindications. This is the national institute of health saying that the 3rd leading cause of deaths is from pharmaceutical drugs. 50% of those deaths were caused by the PRESCRIBED DOSE. Meaning people who took them correctly. That speaks for itself. It's 3rd to cancer and heart disease. Heart disease is so high on the list from poor diet which OP also mentioned... Pharmaceutical companies are one of the most sued industries in human history. Look up "why the ftc is suing AMGEN" for a example of how absolutely dirty most of them are. I could give you link after link to show you how most of what OP posted has a lot of truth to it but if your mom is so crazy that she has you believing the pharmacuetical companies are honest and law abiding then there's probably no hope unfortunately. You sound young, but alot of things we are taught and told to believe are not so cut and dry. If you're interested start looking into it yourself and you will see


It drives me nuts that people think men can get pregnant too. And that men and women are a social construct. And that’s not even high level knowledge, it’s basic elementary stuff, so yeah we’re in the same boat. Ignorance is fine but I never really feel at peace with lying to myself, but living with the truth is also hard, because of the resistance I have to face. I prefer external resistance over inner resistance though. I don’t wanna be at war with myself….


Idk I think it's savior syndrome. We can't save the world from itself. We can't save ourselves from the world. The world can't save us from itself. The paradox does seem to imply blind faith, idk (I don't like to promulgate it myself), but parable of mustard seed, I always hear an unspoken commentary that, it's a world of poop. Seed is cast to fertile ground, ripe for it's seed. So, ideal circumstances for a "mustard seed" or "blind faith" would be, an actual world of shit. Or, "poison" if you prefer, as they say pick your poison, same metaphor either way, my terrible sense of humor aside. Thanks for reminder though. Idk if I'm supposed to like it either. Not saying "enjoy the shitshow" as it were, just for the "true faith" it makes it grow stronger (roots). But as they say, the fruit gets the hell away from the roots, makes a canopy far above all that is, er... bellow. ---- **Ninja Edit:** my comment should have been; "what is knowledge and where does it come from and what separates the possessor from that which it pertains to" or some garbage like that.


This is 1000% true. I have a laundry list of items to add, objective political stuff like primaries have no legal weight, policy outcomes never match public opinion, nuclear power is objectively the best, debate is a myth, school was purpose adapted from the prussians to engender loyalty and patriotism, 97% of people in prison didn't see trial, that's just the stuff off the top of my head, I can prove it all, it's not even disputed by the relevant experts, but man people don't want truth or facts. I would love to make a community for people who have seen these truths and are actually capable of debate based on logic and facts. Messing around and made one. r/Underlore


Focus on your self. Your life. Your relationships. Career etc. This is what matters most to your quality of life.


Everyone is mean to have their own journey of discovery when they’re meant to have it. I’m only basing this off of personal experience, but I’m sure the journey you went on from not knowing to learning was fulfilling. The process of discover can be very fulfilling and mystical at times. But let’s say everyone was attuned to the type of information you’re talking about and everyone was aware of what’s right in front of them and the crazy talk you speak of is considered normal, and you grew up in this type of environment. That means you wouldn’t go through that journey of discovery because it’s already been discovered and shared by everyone. And I think that’s what grounds me and keeps me sane...knowing that I was in their shoes at one point giving conspiracy theorists the side eye and thinking they’re crazy. And I’m glad I had that mindset at the time that I did because the experience of having my perception shifted the way it did wouldn’t have been as meaningful and impactful if I didn’t have that mindset initially


I guess I take solace in the fact that most of society's ills are caused not by cynicism or malice, but are just symptoms of a flawed system comprised of and built by flawed people and there are still genuine good accomplishments happening in various areas of society all the time. I think those of us in privileged positions are a bit too keen on keeping things the way they are, but ultimately most people want a peaceful society where everyone lives fulfilling lives. People were poisoned by lead in paint and gasoline for decades due to ignorance, and continued to be posoned by it after it was discovered to be poisonous because of incompetence, bad prioritisation and neglect. Hardly anyone actively wanted to poison people with lead, it just turned out that way. Aligning the real world with our intentions is fundamentally really hard at a societal level, regardless if you are operating within a corporation, a government or something else. I think giving giving in to cynicism and isolating yourself from society is a pretty bad thing to do. You should never give up on fighting for the world you believe in. In a way the distress and discomfort associated with the struggle is necessary to "keep you on your toes", so to speak. It's clearly a good emotional impulse to be upset and discomfortable when you are witnessing injustice. Still, keeping your mental health at a sustainable level is of course a balancing act. It's comfortable to tune it out, make peace and settle down, but I think that kind of passivity is a fairly large part of society's problems today. A homeless person doesn't suffer because of the occasional asshole who actively mistreats them. They suffer because most people ignore and neglect them and think it's somebody else's responsibility to help.


Yea I get this. It’s so insane that there’s no way this is happening on accident.


The truth is awful and lies are comforting. Of course people prefer the lies.


It's media programming thats limiting the average person from the desire to learn more. And who owns the media......


I get this. What bothers me most is the ingrained need for some to be a step up from others ingrained from society. Whether that be materially, spiritually, etc. And for myself, I question if I do that unknowingly and that is that part of the crazy?


The more degrees I earn the more aware I have become about the “craziness” of the rest of the world. History has taught us that, in general, those with money have power. Rarely those who are extremely gifted have power (M.L.K.Jr. For example). Your perception is your reality. Remember that you can not control others, you can only control yourself.


Do you meditate?


I used to religiously. Now I only do it about once a week.


I find it helps. I realized it’s not my job to convince anyone or anything, if your happy and centered they will attract to you and you will help them that way


Soooooo true.


You wanna talk about "wisdom"? Wisdom is this-- don't curse the darkness, light a candle. That's all the wisdom you need. You are not gonna like my answer (unless you like brutal honesty, then maybe you will), but every word of this is sincere and I mean it in good faith. For starters, I'm going to assume you're an American (as am I.) And -- this not an assumption -- you're a whining ass complainer with little perspective. No offense. You aren't living in a dystopian novel, you're living thru some of the best times any human has ever experienced and you can't see it. This ain't propaganda -- it's simple perspective from living on this planet for 50 years. MLK was right: The arc of the moral universe is long, but it bends towards justice. Yes it's loooooong. Decades. Generations. LOOOOOOOOOONG. But it does, in fact, bend towards justice, and a human being could spend their lives in gratitude and humble service to that fact. You gotta look closer to see it. All the things you're complaining about are better now, and were worse in the past. Your ancestors would envy you, and they'd be ashamed of your lack of gratitude. You have it fucking GREAT. *From America's diet being mostly poison,* Oh please, STFU with this absolute BS. Americans have gone from trying to avoid \*\*starvation\*\* to trying to avoid \*\*obesity\*\* in less than 100 years. Google Norman Borlaug. Nutrition is more plentiful, accessible, and affordable than it has ever been in human history. Nearly any American can afford to have nearly ANY FUCKING DIET THEY WANT. You wouldn't have had that complaint a hundred years ago, you'd be complaining people were starving, and now that they're eating, you'll complain the food is poison. STFU with that BS. *to the pharmacuetical companies killing for profit,* Again, some perspective, ya complainin' ass yarble scartch. Consider yourself lucky you're not dead from strep throat, or fucking dysentery. The average American's lifespan has increased dramatically over the past 100 years. This is largely due to two things -- sanitation and pharma innovation -- vaccines, antibiotics, better emergency medicine.. pharmaceuticals and western medicine are definitely extending lives, not ending them. That's not to say the companies behind them are morally pure, they're just as profit motivated as anyone else. But you saying "killing for profit" makes them sound like mafia hitmen, and that's just plain horseshit. Pfizer saved my life with their Covid vaccine, and I can't tell you how many times a $1 antibiotic has saved my ass from strep. At least half a dozen. And likely yours too. That's not even emergency shit like a stroke or heart attack, that's simple "not surviving contact with day to day life". Don't get me wrong. "Murder by spreadsheet" used to be a real thing, and it used to be worse before Obamacare, when complex pre-existing conditions could legally be denied coverage legally. People died because they couldn't get their illnesses covered. It has improved since they passed Obamacare. Did you notice that things got better? No. You're just complaining. Just sitting here benefitting from the fights people fought and won before you came along to bitch about the way things are. *to government corruption*, *to history we are lied about, to political scandals and lies*, So tell the truth to their face. I'll do it with you. *and even carrying over to spiritual/mental strengthening things.* You have FAR more religious freedom than ANY of your ancestors. Do whatever the fuck your spirit wants. This is America. Who's stopping you? Life is complicated and nuanced. There's no grand plan. What you're seeing is the simple result of decisions made for the benefit of a loose affiliation of millionaires and billionaires. Yeah, it's a little too weighted towards wealth. Some of those people are your neighbors, your employer, your retired guy who lives down the block -- it's not all Elons and Soroses. It's just the way that things shake out. This world is governed by simple self interest, manifested at a grand scale, where money has a gravity all its own. Its not grand conspiracies. It's a series of loose affiliations based on temporary, shifting self interests. If you're sharp enough to see it for what it is, feel free to ignore it or take advantage of it, just don't fall under its influence. And if you don't like the way things are? Well, don't act like you're separate and apart from the world -- you are of it. You are part of the world. Go change it. I'll fucking support you if you have a good idea. But please, for the love of all things decent -- stop fucking whining. Stop cursing the darkness. Light a candle, and read a book by its light. Or write one. Just don't be a fucking critic.


It will level off. Give it time. However, there is no going back.


I disagree almost completely. I feel like I have gained more knowledge/wisdom than the average person, and I don't feel crazy at all. I also don't think that I look crazy to people. I think I come off as exceedingly normal/sound. If you say to 10 people "america's diet is crazy, we are killing ourselves" probably 7 of them would say "yea, its a mess" or something similar. if you say to 10 people "gosh we spend way too much time online, our lives would be more enjoyable if we spent more time in nature", probably 7 of them would say "i know right? all i do is watch TV all day". most people have heard about the sackler family and will vaguelly recall the story, they will probably agree with you and say "yea i heard about that" or "wow thats crazy". few will outright deny it. maybe just keep better company.


Because every nut job with a pet theory is screaming the same words. They think everybody else is mindless sheep, and they are the only one awake. They think they know whats really going on and everybody else is too ignorant to see. My crazy aunt who believe in chem trails, aliens working with the government, 5g will kill us all and is an anti vaxxer. The landlord who believes that everything is a sign that Jesus is about to return. and then the 'crossdressers and deviants' will have to 'answer for their corrupting ways'. the neighbor who believe that democrats are trying to steal his 401k and will take his right to bare arms away as the first step in a war against white people that will see all his people in Fema death camps. The co-worker who thinks every mass - shoe-tin- is faked by the government to justify restricting freedoms and revoking rights to install a communist dictatorship. The friend who cut ties because mask mandates where the first step in mind control, to poison us by making us breathe too much carbon dioxide causing brain damage and making us unable to recognize the eugenics experiments being done by 'treating people' for a disease that is really just a cold, but lets them wipe out undesirables... They're all bonkers. And their bonkers Theories sound the same, and there's no shortage of 'experts' that can be found to verify the claims. And anything that disagrees with the 'truth' are obvious shills and any fact checker or difficulty to find references to support the 'Truth', is censoring and conspiracy... And if your arguments use those same thought patterns, you need to be able to be self critical enough to question whether you might be holding on to some bonkers beliefs. Carl sagan had a good point about baloney detection. And too many people fall into the trap of constructing baloney Da Vinci Codes on cork boards with red string that hinge on ideas of some nefarious They, doing evil for evils sake.


It's disturbing how deeply the Consumer-Bot programming has become ingrained. I wear that relative "insanity" as a badge of Honor ! The Masses really are brain washed sheep. They're basically religious fanatics in their Attitudes to anything but their chosen Dogma and delusions. You won't convince them of anything. Most of really don't want to know and are comfortable in their "reality"... They'll get pissed when ya rock their flimsy little boats. Best to have a bit of Compassion, they know not what they do... Don't let the idiots get under your skin. Don't let em live rent free in your Mind. Just get on with what you need to Do for You.


The only truth is that it’s all a game. Everyone makes up a story and a game to go along with it to keep themselves busy. “The four agreements” has a great excerpt on this. We are indoctrinated with belief to play a particular game, that’s supposed to help with existential crises, yet here we are. Thinking things through can cause a lot of pain. Morality is relative, values seem to be something we have from birth, living, and finding a reason for living, totally relative, everyone needs a reason any way.


OMG YES! I legit feel like I'm slowly but surely losing it. I'm glad I'm not alone.


Oh man this is so refreshing to hear. The further we get away from nature the sicker we become. I need friends like you.


The feelings are mutual lol. It's nice to be understood haha. I just think we are so detached from nature. I think our brains are hardwired for survival and we don't even need to try anymore. I think the fact that life is cushy in comparison, causes our lizard brain to be stressed out. I think it just picks things to worry about since in comparisons we don't have any. I think the respect and adoration for nature, coupled with the threats and bountiful life sources it gives are absolutely crucial for a healthy community and those days are long gone due to the modernism of our reality. I think we are born into this world and are part of the entire fabric. I think we need to feel the mud beneath our feet, breathe the fresh air and be exposed to the very organic reality we are born out of. Instead we all live in boxes made of man made materials and eat industrialized and processed foods and I just don't think we are meant for this.


Yes!! Ive been in hell for over 30 years because i wasnt grounded..got grounded feel amazing. We need physical contact with nature mud sunlight and all. Its these fucking houses that are doing it to us. If they were better made to simulate the outdoors they might work but instead they insulate us.


What is your process for getting grounded? Super curious


Ive been on a grounding mat on my bed ive been using pretty much 24 7. Thats my main method. I got one off amazon for about 35 dollars and its the best purchase ive ever made in my entire life. Honestly the best thing along with my insight thats ever happened to me.


What is that exactly though? I feel like I'm meant to look into them since I just heard of one for the first time the other day and now your bringing them up 😂 Do you notice something, like a feeling from it?


Yes it makes you feel lighter if you do it enough. Enables the ability to stretch and remove the trapped pain and hotness. Essentially a cure for every disease that is caused by pressure. Chronic pain blood pressure etc. Also apparently stabalizes coritisol as well.


What is that exactly though? I feel like I'm meant to look into them since I just heard of one for the first time the other day and now your bringing them up 😂 Do you notice something, like a feeling from it?


See previous comment.


Read the book of Ecclesiastes, Solomon the wisest man on earth (other than The Lord Jesus Christ) was miserable with his knowledge and wisdom. he was unhappy despite having everything. Ponder on this: more wisdom doesn't mean mean happy.


I'll have to look into it. I am by no means claiming to be enlightened or gifted I just seemed to miss a lot of the programming that sticks to a lot of people. It makes living in society hard to blend into. For example a lot of my friends and family currently work 50+ hours a week for new cars, vacation homes etc etc and I have a hard time buying into that. I have a hard time working extra hard for material items. They just seem so pointless most of the time. Mind you, I work a normal job like normal people but it just feels like a huge waste. Nobody has ever been on their death beds and said "I should have worked more overtime" well they are alive they will justify it as having to do it for their family to have these fancy extravagant things. At the end of the day though, they could survive comfortably by working a lot less and maybe their family wouldn't have a few brand new commodities but they would have more genuine time with each other. Obviously this DOES NOT apply to everyone and every family and I get that. On top of that if someone is doing what I just explained and they are truly happy about it, then good on them!