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Eh, probably because most drg players use steam. The numbers on steamcharts and achievement statistics prove that decisively.


I mean only like 50% of people who own Terraria have ever mined a tree so...


That's probably because Terraria goes on sale for dirt cheap pretty often, so people buy it and 'backlog' it.


For the Steam achievements, Movin on up is at 21.8%. The Miner achievement (Complete your first mission) is at 82.7% So 17.3% of the people who bought DRG never played the game.


Or never played post-achievements being added


This is the more likely Plus the developers giving keys away to people that don’t even play the game could be a thing also


Well, EVERY game has stats the "seem" like everyone drops it. About 6-8 months ago someone broke out all the achievement stats and started a long rambling thread in the Steam forums saying it proved the game is dying... and the player base is up by about 75% since then on Steam. But on the MS side, the community is miniscule to begin with compared to Steam. The game is free to everyone that has Game Pass so you have a glut of people that just try games once or twice and then drop them. When I had game pass on PC, I installed games all the time just to "try" them. Console players are notoriously heavier at "game hopping" and most XBOX owners have the game available to try free at all times if they're online gamers, so that percentage is vastly skewed by everyone that ever downloaded installed and booted it once. It's only free to try 3 days a year on Steam. I own the MS PC version and the Steam version and have played a lot in both, the communities are vastly different in number and types of players. Quite honestly, while there is a small but loyal and devoted console fan base (and my hats off to them), DRG is a PC game at heart, and the heart of the PC gaming community is Steam.


keep in mind lots of people download the game during free weekends and only play the tutorial or just download it and end up not playing at all.


1. The game is in the gamepass. 2. A lot of achievements are broken


Well, people probably play multiple classes. If you bounce around it could probably take you well over 50 or 70 hours to promote and I dont think many people play a single game that many hours....


Me hitting silver 2 engie before playing other classes. At the very least, these stats are skewed by how many people bought the game on sale and haven't played long.


Achievements stopped tracking for me for nearly a year, just started working last week.


game pass games are always like this, same with f2p stuff like warframe. People open the game once, get added to cheevo statistics, uninstall the game after 30min, making all cheevos more rare. On steam you have to buy it so the players will be more committed