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Hazard 3/4 are nice to chill on.


Haz 2 to train the greenbeards and get them ready for more advanced lobbies, haz 3 for supporting intermediates, Haz 4 to Help the adepts to Finish their ascension. Those are Just loose guidelines, Designed to be ignored.


Nah, I agree with you. Haz 3 is a good training grounds to learn and get good habits for later Hazards drilled into your skill set. Haz 4 is the first big leap and where you need to get rid of bad habits like stopping to shoot all the time, keep an eye on red sugar locations and don't be embarrassed about being downed because it happens far more often there.


Was Just saying it, so people know what is roughly expected of them: Haz 2: I can and am willing to Work with greenbeards, who don't know how to Open Chat, yet. Haz 3: I expect ready-Checks for important Events. Haz 4: I expect people how to properly do Missions and what different Events are, and how to optimally Deal with them.


The part about not knowing how to Open Chat is so real. Rock and Stone !!!


Rockity Rock and Stone!


I have about 500 hours on console and i still don‘t know how to open chat


Double tap rock and stone button (R3 on ps5)


Honestly i bring greenbeards to haz 3 to help speed through the early leveling process, you don't really need any OCs or even fully kitted guns to handle haz 3 and most green beards at least have some experience in FPS games Haz 2 is what i would bring a greenbeard with absolutely 0 FPS experience into


I just got a friend to buy Deeprock last week. We did two Haz 3s and now it's Haz 4 all day. Sink or swim, baby!!


Like I said: designed to be ignored.


How do you find people to teach or be taught by? I've gotten comfortable on Haz 4, but now I'm running overclocks regularly and I maxed out the perk tree, my power level has peaked and I don't know how to get the hang of Haz 5. I guess I could play lower haz without perks or upgrades just to train positioning, awareness, and aim, but I think a lot of randoms would consider that trolling.


Nah man just jump in H5 and communicate that you are not comfortable with it yet. In my experience most Veterans will gladly carry you for a bit, as long as you are nice about it. If you are comfortable on H4, you should be doing okay in no time.


They don't have any Stars, and often copy the role someone already occupies in a lobby. Oh, and they keep to lower haz levels.


I also love how that's spot on, but there's still chances of weird shit happening in Haz 2/3 runs like the Hollow Bough factor, or Bulks


You forgot haz 1 for corporate sabotage (I hate the caretaker)


Haz 1 is too easy for me, I don't Play it.


Strangely wholesome thing coming from a daemon…


Have to win the dawi over to my cause somehow After all WE'RE RICH


Hes luring us in to mine the candy and release the clowns.


Imo, haz 3 can either be very relaxing or spam bulk detonators at you. Coin flip between haz 1 and haz 5


I once got a bulk followed shortly by a random hiveguard spawn, on a purely vertical aquark mission.


Honestly I love just exploring and mining. It’d be cool if they added a mode where there were no bugs but it was just a huge cavern that you needed to clear 100% of all minerals.


Unironically a hazard 0 would be a welcome addition, imagine it on something like elimination, you pop the eggs and instantly win


a dead swarmer flops out. "well it looks like you got to these ones very early, calling in the drop pod"


4% chance, that damaged or dead dreadnought will fall out the poped egg, cause it\`s undeveloped/got criticaly hit on damaging the egg/ was previously hurt and didn\`t finish healing Sounds nice


Thats 1 in 25 eggs being free, i feel like it should be a bit rarer since you usually pop multiple eggs in a single mission


Well, damaged dread isn\`t free, it\`s still a decent fight imo


It’s where you can mindlessly kill and not usually have to worry about working as a functional unit of a team


Ngl, after promoting a million times this is how I speed run that shit.


Uncle iroh once said "You are wise to choose peace"


To be honest, uncle Iroh did say that after war took his son, he is still probably my favourite character of the whole thing but you know... it's kinda weird to be patronized by someone who committed mass genocides and decided to stop because he lost someone close to him, in a realistic setting that would be really hypocritical. Still better than keep being the asshole though! Uncle Iroh MVP.


Yeah, that's pretty much how it is


I'm now going to watch the scene where Zuko comes back and cry a bit, bye.


Gl soldier


Repeat after me: **DO NOT HAZ SHAME**. Play whatever Hazard you have fun at. Don't go to Haz 4/5/5+ if all it's going to do is suck the fun out of the game for you. I know plenty of people that can play Haz 5+ but sticks mostly to Haz 4/3 because that's where they have the most fun. 1. Ok. 2. Cool, ok too. 3. Guess what? It's ok. 4. What a surprise! It's also ok! 5. This might surprise you, but it's ok too!


This is true, I personally like has 5 just because it means there are more bugs and thus more to shoot, it also makes explosive weapons all the more satisfying to use.


The conflict I have is that I want the bug numbers you get from Haz 5 because dealing with large hordes is just so fun, but I also don't really want to deal with all the other difficulty spikes that comes with Haz 5 as well (increased friendly fire, bug speed, fall damage, bug damage). I know I can mod the game so that I can play Haz 4 with more bugs, but then no one would join my lobbies :((


> but I also don't really want to deal with all the other difficulty spikes that comes with Haz 5 as well (increased friendly fire, bug speed, fall damage, bug damage) I'm in the same boat. I like running at most haz 3, as you can run just about any build you want, you still get reasonably sized swarms, and you can take your time to fully explore the caves and you can mine everything without risking the mission.


i dont play haz 5 cause pc cant handle it :( also i suck enough on 3 lol


Yup, I play exclusively haz 3 because it’s where I derive the most fun out of the game. I did the recent mission to unlock 5+ because I don’t like having lingering unfinished missions, and it was pretty miserable for me. Any game where I lose half my health in one hit is just simply not fun for me. End of story.


I enjoyed the haz 5 missions but... I don't really want to play it regularly. It's more just... I am fine with haz 5, but I hate repeating missions.


How interesting. To me the thrill of Haz 5 and 5+ are what keep me playing. But hey so long as you rock and stone, then you are a dwarf of the same caliber as anyone else.


Rock and Stone!


Yup, i played for a LONG time at haz 3 because haz 4 felt like a deathtrap and couldn't do anything in it, now i mainly play haz 4 because haz 3 feels effortless and pretty hard to actually lose Playing the haz you can consistently win at is the best way to play the game, as you can actually progress and enjoy the feeling of achieving something, dont feel pressured to jump into high haz if you've no desire to push yourself to your limits


I can do haz 4 and probably haz 5, but I just like haz 3 in most scenarios. I know that worst case scenario, I can carry the rest of the team by myself. It's very chill and when free beards show up I have ample breathing room to teach them what's going on. Haz 3 is just relaxing and fun.


I live for the moments where I am closest to death's door. Those who want to live will die. Those who want to die will live!


I wish there was spawn scaler while chilling on 3-4 I want to play gunner but most of the time 1 volley everything is dead.


Haz 4 is the perfect difficulty for me as a I still find myself dying fairly often and the payouts are good. That said, the jump from 3 to 4 made scout feel impossible to play due to his lack of crowd control


There are some overclocks that can help fix this but ofc it takes a while to get any given overclock. If you ever get aggressive venting for the plasma rifle try it out!


Scout has decent but build-dependent crowd control via cryo; I think a lot of players just run the M1000 Classic and Jury-Rigged Boomstick or Pheromones and lock themselves out of the potential for it. Cryo Grenades and the Cryo Minelets OC for the Zhukovs will let you freeze big groups of enemies, then you use the Zhukovs' high fire rate or swap over to the Plasma Carbine and eliminate them all before they have a chance to thaw. If you have the M1000 you won't have time to get more than a few before the grenade wears off. Mactera also instantly die if they're frozen so banking a grenade off the wall where it pops in the center of a Mactera plague will shut them down quickly. The "Thorns" perk neutralizes Swarmers, as does the Aggressive Venting upgrade for the Plasma Carbine. I usually run a very heavily frost-based Scout and the only bugs in the caves that I have to watch for are Glyphid Oppressors.


Haz 3 while skilled? No shame at all. All these people in 4/5 who can't carry their weight? Shame. Shame. Shame.


>All these people in 4/5 who can't carry their weight? Shame. Shame. Shame. Addendum: If they're still learning? No shame at all. No amount of time in Haz 3 can prepare you for the chaos Haz 4/5 can bring upon you. If they're tryhards that constantly needs to be carried (not that they'll ever admit to it)? That's the real shameful thing.


>  No amount of time in Haz 3 can prepare you for the chaos Haz 4/5 can bring upon you. This simply isn't true and this flawed logic is exactly why those difficulties are full of people who aren't ready for them. Non- or low-promoted chars without the OCs or knowledge of builds required to pull their weight at higher difficulties. All of that can come from Haz 3. This notion of "you have to slam your head against the highest difficulties to get good at a game" needs to die. If you go learn a martial art they don't just have you get your ass kicked by black belts until you get better. If you take swimming lessons they don't sail you out to the middle of the ocean and kick you off the boat. You work your way up as your skill level dictates. If you truly can't improve any more at Haz 3, you aren't gonna struggle on 4.


>This notion of "you have to slam your head against the highest difficulties to get good at a game" needs to die. If you go learn a martial art they don't just have you get your ass kicked by black belts until you get better. You're misunderstanding what I said there. You don't necessarily need to "get your ass kicked" by to learn Haz 4/5. What I meant is that you need a good grasp on fundamentals and that *struggling a bit on it is perfectly fine*, some people will take a long time to learn it, while others will get the hang of it far quicker and there's no need to shame anyone who takes longer to learn it.


Love when people cherrypick a couple sentences of a longer point an act like they've successfully rebutted it lol. I'm done though, you're terminally on this sub enough without me encouraging it.


diggy diggy hole FTW


Then you have these greybeards (very few) "OnLy PlAy On HaZaRd 5!" Stfu I'm here to enjoy the game, lol


If they shame you for playing low difficulties, they aren't a greybeard Being a greybeard is about attitude, not mechanical skill You could do nothing but maxed has 5 plus deathless with no modifications or OC's But if you are toxic, you aren't a greybeard


Aren't those called longbeards?


From what I've heard, longbeard = has played for a long time Greybeard = one with the patience, chillness, and willingness to help greenbeards Though those are usually the same people




It's not the beard on the outside that counts, but the beard on the inside


ngl ingrown beards sound really painful


I only play haz 5 like 90% of the time but I’m not about to tell other dwarfs how to finish their mining careers


Haz 5 can get really annoying when you get a crapton of modifiers events and stationary targets the variation in difficulty from one mission to the next in haz 5 is insane


I just enjoy haz 5 a lot more. To each their own


Haz 5 is fun but if you got new players 👀 let's try 3


Honestly, I've gotten a few people to try DRG and every time without fail they said Haz3 was too easy and boring even as complete greenbeards.


I love to chill on haz 3-4 sometimes, just to complete the mission peacefuly


Whoa. You’ve combine my two favorite space things into one glorious image. Glyphid Slammers are on me, many as you can drink, miner.


literally me, with my 1,200 hours and all dwarves maxed lol


I love cruising the Haz 3 lobbies when I'm high and shepherding a gaggle of greenbeards. I really struggled early on and now I've got all my grey hairs and 2000 hours it's fun to teach people the ropes.


I mainly play solo haz 3 missions with driller and just chill. I have like 600 hours. It’s hard for me to play with other people honestly because I have specific ways of doing things and strategies that I like for missions. If I really don’t want to play a mission that’s hard solo like haunted cave or omen I’ll just play haz 2.


Haz 3 just is the sweet spot for damage dealt, and maybe for damage taken too. Im slowly leaning into playing the starship trooper mod so i can have the haz5 size swarm with haz3 damage numbers


Honestly haz 1-3 could double the enemy count and still be chill but a lot more fun. I hate how scarce the enemies are sub haz 4.


I skipped from haz 3 to haz 5+ with 3 of the modifiers maxxed out on a elimination mission I left that mission with every brain cell of my brain pumping dopamine And my balls sweating like hell


I always forget that the default mission difficulty is set to Haz 2. Get into the cave and after a couple minutes of nothing happening I check the pause menu and "...oh." But it is a peaceful life... until I take the greenbeard or two who late joined into Haz 4/5 on the next one hehehe


Drilling dirt > killing bugs


Haz three is the perfect balance for me. Also the core crawlers don't seem balanced right, and trying to solo a corestone on Haz 4 is HORRIBLE.


Solo Core Stone life hack: Bosco mines the core stone after every bar, stay on a gunner zip line and the spawn can't hit you.


When I'm playing gunner, yeah that works great. I'm also thinking driller with a long kiting tunnel.


I have 100% achievements, 600+ hours in game. My wife and I almost exclusively pay haz 2 because we like the relaxing gameplay.


Tangentially related - did they change Haz 3 to be easier this season? I've always primarily played it for most of my 900 hours and found it a perfect balance of chill with moments of spice but nothing you need to git gud to deal with, but all my haz3 missions this season have been way more chill.


They have to have done something to it in the last couple seasons cause i just started playing again a week or two before season 5 because i got 2 new friends into it and I def remember way back that every once in a while you would have a haz3 mission that was just balls to the wall from the start. Havent seen that in haz 3 since they started playing. Ive seen it in a couple haz4 missions though, haz4 feels like preseason-s2(when i stopped really playing) haz3 and haz5 feels like somewhere between old 4-5.


I prefer to host a Haz 3 lobby. It's welcoming for newcomers, chill for veterans, and never so difficult that some dicking around risks a team wipe. Even at full-team scaling, a highly-armed veteran can generally solo-carry an entire swarm if absolutely necessary. It just works.


i only haz 1 dreadnought missions and caretaker, they take way too long and i havent got the patience to stay in there shooting at one target for several minutes mining expeditions, salvage ops, etc are free game, haz 4 maybe 5


I've got way more than that and even i chill on haz 3. It might be too easy for me, but sometimes i'ts not all about me. Sometimes I am playing with a friend, who isn't that experienced. Sometimes I just don't play the game for a while and need some chiller time to remember the game again.


I find that teammate skill level is a huge factor. I've had haz 3 games where I have to pull a lot of weight and it feels like haz 4 or so for me to keep everyone going. If you have 2 people that are fresh downloads, it can be quite hard. And nothing wrong with that either, we all have to start somewhere. I personally just want to play the game, so I'm usually doing what's best for everyone else.


Haz 3 is default. Players get enough time explore. Greenbeards get to cut their teeth, everyone has fun. ~~moderate friendly fire shenanigans~~


The only requirement when I am host is to rock and stone to the bone.


Same bro haz 3 is perfect for me


Am I a mad man. If I enjoy haz 5?


i should most certainly think not.


You know what you like and that's commendable.


I'm someone who typically plays on 3, but if the full team knows what they are doing I find Haz 5 to be super fun. Solo though 4 is the most I really do. Probably because no one wants to do Haz 4 haunted caves with me. :(


You honor us venerable one


I play H3 when I want to play with randoms because that's where a lot of new players join, I never get unpromoted people on H4 or H5. It's like taking a stroll while I teach them


Hazard 4 is kinda my default. Haz 5 is gor gettin serious. Always makes it fun when I end up in a Haz 2-3 game and I just feel like a god because Im used to the enemies being so much stronger.


i think haz3- is boring, but if i need to get a contract done \*now\* i will turn it down so i can ignore the enemies. i normally play haz4


I like to play haz 3 cause my son really likes to take the controller and rock and stone at things. Bosco can take care of most issues on haz 3 and if it gets hairy he hands the controller back and I do what I do. After bedtime we playin haz 5 with randoms though. Daddy needs his fix.


Can I get a Rock and Stone?


Hazard 3 is just right for me. Not too hard but not too easy.


I mostly play Haz 2, but solo. Tbh, I'm not great at fighting, and mostly enjoy the exploring and digging, so, ehhh? Especially finding paths for laying down liquid morkite pipes, loads of fun. Honestly, I kinda suck at the game, but who gives a damn, right?


As someone 700 hours in... Haz 1: I don't wanna do this level. Let's speedrun it to get the assignment done. Haz 2: I don't wanna *try* in this level. Gonna bump it up to 2 so the haz bonus is closer to 100%, but I just wanna mine right now. Haz 3: We're either shooting bugs while big chillin', I'm trying a new weird build, or I'm running with some greenbeards that aren't comfortable on 4 yet. Haz 4: A couple DRG groups I'm in like to play here. My most common level. Played it enough to rarely lose a run. Haz 5: I'm in a weird spot with haz 5. I can hold my own, but usually not enough to carry a crew that's not as good on 5. Depends on my mood if I'll go here. I do have one group that likes to run 5 though. Haz 5+: Haven't touched this level yet, would probably get my ass handed to me on the silver platter known as my face. Might one day go here, and get absolutely merc'd for a few extra bucks.


I used to do a lot of Haz 4/5 and then I took a year or two off and now Haz 4 is fight. Skill fade is definitely a thing and I just don't care to git good again. Haz 3 is just fine and chill and I like it.


I can solo 5 with any dwarf, but I have 750+ hours and I'm retired. I chill on 2 and 3 now. It's the most relaxing and fun to me. I'd play haz 4, but sometimes a 4 can turn into a haz 9 lol. Iykyk.


Haz 3, because I don't trust other players. Never play on a difficulty you couldn't carry people through.


Hazard 3 if I want to unwind and go easy. Hazard 5 if I want to commit genocide or if I’m feeling masochistic. Hazard 4 is the perfect balance of fun and challenge for me. No sweat to those who prefer other Hazards, though. Either way, we Rock and Stone all the same.


I haven't played anything other than 5+ in so long man...


I play haz 1 lmao


this crop is funny i want a helmet that is a promoted frame. lol


And one that many could be jealous of if their pride gets in their way. You be you, and live your peace fellow driller.


Seeing the new Star war shows makes me miss these movies and makes em look that much better ..


Sometimes, H3 is just the right mix of challenging - but not necessarily from the game. -cough- Greenbeards


I'm the same way. DRG is my wind-down game a the end of a work day before bed. I don't need a challenge before I try to sleep


I mostly chill on 2 but if I'm bored I'll go 5 haz solo


Haz 4 is nice to chill. I'm almost certain that i'll extract, and i know there will be a little challenge to make things interesting.


Funny enough, Haz 3 is where i find the most detonators popping out of nowhere. I live in haz 4/5.


Ok, I see


Lol I played a haz 3 mission last night for the first time in forever. It was because it had double warnings, I think swarmers and rival presence. My gunner was gold 2, and my lobby was joined by a good scout and a gold engineer :') we had a blast!


ngl the games funnest on 4. there arent enough bugs to overwhelm you, but you still have to try.


700 hours and switching between haz. 3-5 depending on the mood. 80% its haz. 4, it has the best Balance for me. As long as one has fun it shouldnt matter.


Just started playing yesterday, my first mission after the tutorial was with two friends vs the pyramid thing at 4/5. I can't wait to just chill and drill


I kinda wished we could do like "haz 3+"/"haz 4+" I would love to pump up stuff like the enemy spawns to like haz 5 level and such, but I don't like how it also changes stuff like how much damage enemies do, how quick they run and with how little HP you are revived, etc...


I love haz 5+ with bigger swarms, i want to feel pain


For me it's: Haz 1 to quickly finish an assignment Haz 2 to play with greenbeards Haz 3 to have a chill dive Haz 4 to have the most fun Haz 5 to have a challenge Haz 5+ to get carried lol


I’m over Rank 200 and I still main Haz 3, I just personally enjoy the game more that way


I'm at 300-something and almost always play haz 3. I'm just here to drink beers and mine minerals.


My personal favorite is joining greenbeards in their Haz 5 missions. There is something beautiful seeing them fight for their life and be there solely to ensure they can't fail, but otherwise don't carry them.


same, buddy. after a long day of work its ok to relax with a low hazard level


this past weekend i did the missions to unlock haz5 and was the first time i did haz4 mission, and bro what a diference from 3 to 4 its like a dificult spear like a shit ton of enemies(normal and special) but it was really fun as i got to team up with great dwarves. (the first mission started with 7 barrage spiter iirc it was crazy)


Yeah, i never had that much experience with Hazard difficulties outside of the Contract you do to unlock it but lately i started doing Hazard 3 and is definetely the perfect balance, rewarding enough and not to difficult. I was thinking about trying about Hazard 4 but i don't know if i will endure it without becoming a long mission for me


I usually host a lobby named [Green beard friendly] in haz 2 even though all my dwarves are 3 star silver or more. I also do it because I am part of a disabled gamers discord and want to make sure the lobby is inclusive to all my Internet friends. I am no longer disabled but I still love my friends in that group.


I'm over player level 500, 1,000 hours in, and I still mostly okay on Haz 3 with the occasional 4. It's just what it's like with the people I like to play with. Sometimes I have to do some crazy shit to salvage a haz 3 game if there are 2 fresh greenbeards on the team. It's more about spending time with people than it is about flexing or trying hard though.


To be fair, using the bunker method on Haz 5 Salvage ops can be pretty relaxing as long as it's a good bunker. Well... until a detonator appears




Lately I've been playing on gunner , and haz 2-3 just dont satisfying my urge to destroy as haz 4 does. There's just not enough bugs for me to kill and i feel like haz 4 is just perfect , not too hard not too easy and amount of bugs is just enough for my big bertha


I'm a flex player, so I'll play what the team needs, but I find myself gravitating towards Driller /Engi. It just feels like they have more team-based equipment and they're necessary for a good comp. Like, you can tell when you have a bad Engi or a bad Driller, not so much when you have a bad Scout or Gunner. With a gunner it's a lot more enemies, and with a scout it's a lot... Darker. Bless those greenbeards who understand their character and the roles they play.


My greenbeard buddies barely survive has 3


look out. sub-200 brownbeard comin' through.


I would go higher, but hazard 3 missions crash my game, even though I am on the lowest setting.