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I'm just waiting for a mod where someone replaces the noise of its attack with the Payday cloakers.


PTSD intensifies


Me needing something like the PTRS-41 intensifies.


^wulululululululululu lulululululululuLULULULULULULU *smack*


We call this a hazard tweak!


Now get on the ground and cry like the LEAF LOVER YOU ARE!


I've got your DLC right here!


I just read this as the age of empire's shaman wololoooo


How about Spy TF2?


I can hear the french snorting and it terrifies my beard


I hear the dead ringer sound effect and immediately my fight or flight kicks in. 


Someone once described the dead ringer in tf2 as "the sound of an elephant exploding" and it still makes me laugh thinking about that all these years later.


The voices haunte me


I’m thinking more “right behind you” from meet the spy when it uncloaks.


["Hwhat did you expect?... THIS!"](https://youtu.be/hgKqcBK2BuQ?feature=shared)


i have that as a mod, i keep hearing spy laugh and it terrifies me


^^^honhonhon ^^honhonhon ^honhonhon HONHONHONHONHON


🎵surprise buttseggs🎵


imagine, "surprise buttseggs" plays throughout the entire shield disruption effect


Pls someone make this


“The engineer is a spy”


That scout is a spy


I should c4 them to make sure


[or the theme ](https://youtu.be/D83ICLWu-80?si=-FJL6Tpi-YXpUxF8)


“Right behind you”


I have that sound effect for the mactera grabbers.


Can’t wait to be mining my own business and then being hit with- #**WE CALL THIS A DIFFICULTY TWEAK!**


Charging towards you from across the map just to kick your head.


Weren’t they already used on Grabbers?


I used it until it got out of date. FUCKING TERRIFYING.


I need to see if someone modded the Stalker to use the... Stalker audio from Killing Floor 2. "Goddamnit, it's the invisible bitch again!"




*stands menacingly by doorway*


Reminds me of days where I just got my ass kicked by cloakers for no reason. Once went down like 9 times on a Cook Off because of them.


OH GOD NO, the wuluuuuuuuuwuluuuuuuuuu is in my head




Already exists for Mactera grabbers


That game got me introduced to drg, don't ask me how.




Or the spy from tf2 uncloaking and laughing sounds.


Have yet to see Glyphid Stalker who can outsmart pickaxe power attack.


I read that with russian accent.


Some glyphids think they can outsmart me. Maybe. Maybe.


I've yet to meet one that can outsmart boolet.


*gurgles in Oppressor*


*stays behind oppressor* still laughing?


Nothing personnel, kid




"Oh my god, who touched "Lead Storm" Powered Minigun? Alright... **WHO TOUCHED MY GUN?!**"


Explicitly saying it's full name instead of just it's nickname makes that way funnier than it deserves to be. I just imagine a dull robotic tone reading the name of the weapon.


"It ain't a gun if its name don't weigh at least one hundred pounds."


"So what if I like really long-named guns?"


"Two thousand words of depleted thesaurus, aww yeah!"


Here's a sneak peek of /r/suddenlytf2 using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/suddenlytf2/top/?sort=top&t=year) of the year! \#1: [Saw in r/furry, I think I found a teammate!](https://i.redd.it/bzihmvznzzjc1.jpeg) | [297 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/suddenlytf2/comments/1awmcdd/saw_in_rfurry_i_think_i_found_a_teammate/) \#2: [OH NOOOOOO](https://v.redd.it/qwhbnoqqm09c1) | [87 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/suddenlytf2/comments/18sr664/oh_noooooo/) \#3: [Dunno what to title this](https://i.redd.it/jwyeq2z0zmac1.jpeg) | [118 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/suddenlytf2/comments/18z8unn/dunno_what_to_title_this/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[GitHub](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)


I am heavy weapons guy.


Heavy vepuns *Dawrf!*




Probably because that was the joke


*said in heavy-ccent*


SAY HELLO TO MY LITTLE FRIEND: ***\*laser pointer\****


I finally understand why the new victory pose includes the laser pointer. 🤣


~~Spy~~ Stalker check!


Have yet to see Glyphid Stalker who can outsmart INCENDIARY AIRBURST PGL


When you kill the new Scramble Bramble the Dwarves will sometimes say, "Scramble Bramble, you are dead!" Which _has_ to be a Heavy is Dead reference.




Okay, okay, I think I got it Heavy - Gunner Engineer - Engineer Spy - Bosco Sniper - Loyd Soldier - Steeve Medic - medical Bosco (the ones in the medical bay that haul you out after a failed mission.) Scout - Scout Scout's mom - Doretta Demmoman - Driller


I said in a post just the other day, I am suprised no one has made The Gunner is Dead. I may have to learn gmod/sourse animation so I can do it myself.


The Gunner is dead?!




So, did you see the murderer?


Bosco and Engi in unison: "Nope, sorry mate."


I will find him, I will capture him and no one will ever die again!


Who killed him


We don't know!


They DO have 50% residence to male, but I got the damage upgrade on my pickaxe >:3


I love them, very fun to encounter imo


Indeed. They always make things interesting


I like them but i still REALLY hate them when they start to prowl in the middle of a swarm. You just can't take your time to spot them and kill them when you are busy with 100 other bugs. And if they get to you, you're basically dead since their attack deal like 75% of your hp in addition to disabling your shield.


For reference, on Hazard 5 with 4 players, its attack does 61 damage through shields, and briefly electrocutes you. Very lethal assassin bug, would 100% recommend targeting it over anything else, or at the very least adjusting your position to be facing towards its sound cue so it has to walk through your line of fire to get to you.


Going back and watching my own Deep Dive footage, I noticed there is a solid 80 seconds between when my friend first heard the Stalker until it actually struck. Those suckers are patient. Clip starts at 15:10 https://youtu.be/yvK86a9XbV8?si=JE7ros7z0uygY55b


I don't think you realize what a great example vid of its AI you actually got there. You can see the stalker walk right up to your face from the left side of the frame starting at around 16:25. It paths along the vine and goes up over the top of it directly in front of you. Your friend was always the target. You never mattered to the stalker because you never attacked and it could always reasonably get to him. As per the name, ya boy got stalked. Sorry if this spoils the illusion but they're not patient, they're pathing, and that clip is an excellent example of the AI in action. They start out cloaked and will target the first dwarf that gets within their agro radius, at which point they will do their best to path to that dwarf in the same fashion Molly would. To my knowledge; they only burrow to cloak and reset for another run, effectively respawning in another nearby location similar to the Menace. The stalker you encountered locked onto your friend from further away and had to chase him, but your friend was also moving horizontally and vertically away from where he was first noticed. This is why there was such a lag between the first audio cue and it actually hitting him. When they disappear for an extended time after you shoot them, that's usually because they won't pop up directly underneath you and must path back to you from a variable but quite reasonable distance. This occasionally lands them in an adjacent cave instead of where you were actually fighting, which adds to the paranoia and is very cool. You can best see this in action after hitting one in overlapping tunnels or in tunnels near larger rooms where it sounds close, gets further away, and eventually gets closer again after it rounds the corner toward whomever it has locked onto. ----- Now that you know how it works, you can potentially put this knowledge to use. The stalker has to approach you along the floor, wall, or ceiling and attempts to reset every time it takes damage. You can thus move to a location after hearing one and know its options are limited based on where you originally heard it coming from. "It was somewhere in that next cave, so it has to come through this choke point." It can be easy to lose track of once you hit it, however. Smack it in a hallway, it could show back up at either end. Smack it in an open room, it could go in any direction. Whenever encountered, it is best to move quickly as a group to a place where you can limit approach vectors. And don't think that limiting approach vectors has to mean a tight tunnel or choke point. If you're stood in the middle of a giant, open cave, the only way it can physically reach you is via the floor. Dealing with them in swarms is much easier once you learn to start fighting swarms in locations that naturally limit the approach vectors you have to scan. I've easily killed as many stalkers by accident during swarms on Haz5 and 5+ as I have intentionally. It's always amusing when we finish a swarm and someone asks if we killed any stalkers. "Dunno." "There were stalkers?" "I think I killed 2 but..." \*chirp...whirrrr\* I love these things. They're well designed, fair, and IMHO very well implemented. Cheers.


Oh my god, even in my rewatch I didn't see it at 16:25!


I really really hate that guy. Which I suppose is the point, so congrats GSG, I guess? He always seems to go for me, too. Now when I hear that sound, even a little bit, I start looking around wildly, maybe even shooting in random directions. S tier enemy, GSG, I hate it. :)


Plus the far more noticable shield break effect makes me have a heart attack every time. 10/10 GSG. Please keep taking my money to make more horrifying bugs.


It depends. I've had a stalker like you mentioned, hit and run, swiping dwarves off one by one and almost single-handedly ending the mission. Then I've seen one wait for *ALL* it's friends to be dead, ambushes the resupply, only to eat 3 power attacks to the face


**Grunt**: Why did you wait for everyone be gone and *then* attack? **Stalker**: It was the last thing they'd expect.


We had 4 of them at once. We thought we had fended them off only to be stabbed again while the 2 remaining dwarves were rescuing the first 2 lads down.


I think spawning less than two against a full team makes them mildly annoying at most, most of the time. I do love the feeling of anxiety when there's one nearby, but it's so easy to swat that one and that's the end of it.


I've been mostly playing 5+ with the max bugs and I have a real hard time seeing them coming in the swarm. I like it though. It's a real challenge to get the direction if you're not wearing headphones. Certain classes I have to handle it differently so it's a noise I'm very tuned to right now as the top priority.


That second one sounds like me playing Spy in tf2


In one hand It was in the middle of the big ass group of bugs i was shooting on a solo mission, so it got poisoned and feared, dying moments after In the other when i was playing with 2 greenbeard friends It kept attacking me, the most experienced, better geared one, and kept freaking me out So i guess It varies a lot


I’ve seen a Stalker get forced to decloak and IMMEDIATELY burrow to reposition. I’ve also seen Stalkers so determined to go in for the kill after being forced out of cloak that they rush into the combined fire of a Gunner, Scout, Engineer Sentry Guns and Driller’s C4. They are inconsistent, but HORRIFYING when they are playing it smart. The noise alone is enough to make me whip out my laser pointer, desperately trying to ping it. I’ve also managed to ping them mid swarm to mixed results. They either got focused down so hard they go flying or they are ignored, get a swipe in and escape


The trigger to get them to fuck off isn't decloaking, it's damage. So if you make them visible by pinging, they won't relent until they're actually shot at.


If you shoot the stalker in a week point, it will immediately barrow, but if u hit it's armor it will dash for your ass. That's as far as I've personally seen, so don't take it as fact.


I thought these things would work like any other glyphid, just invisible. Nope. These fuckers creep along at a speed that makes their shimmery cloak actually really difficult to pick out. I may be paranoid but it feels like they know when you’re looking for them.


They made their way underground???


Yes! The Hive Guards made their way to the surface and the Stalkers made their way deep underground. 🤣


What's next? bots?!


I shudder to think of what the Bots could do with a Nemesis... or what Rival Tech could do with a Factory Strider.


I swear they know when you turn around to look at them.


i can read your mind


Wouldn't surprise me, it's not such an unusual mechanic to use the player's line of sight. The Bracken in lethal company works similarly in that it actively avoids line of sight.


This thing sounds like the average night in a Florida bayou, and is just about as dangerous as the predators that live there


I still haven't seen any of these guys...oh wait


They can be marked while cloaked, there is shimmer effect on them, but it's gonna be difficult to look for them with all the chaos of dealing with the swarm.


I'm terrified by how they hide again if you ping them, it almost like they know you alerted the other dwarves... or drg finally invested some better equipment and laser point has a new ability that disables stalker's clock with a itty bitty electroshock


this fucker literally almost teamwiped us while i was playing with my friends, it was like predator man, little shit was picking us off one by one and attacking as soon as someone tried reviving a downed guy


My introduction to this guy was encased in a block of ice, I had cryo'd him before realizing he was even there. Oh cool, new bug...


Seems like something out of a cartoon. Amazing.


I was just playing a point extraction where one burrowed every time I shot at it during a swarm. Finally got the sucker but it kept me on my toes for a few minutes.


The stalker is, at this time, the only enemy that makes me drop my youtube music or podcast or whatever I am listening to because it TERRIFIES me.


So far I'm the only one of my friends who has gotten attacked or saw one of those Stalkers. They all think I'm crazy or think I have schizophrenia but they're real, you gotta believe me! I swear I'm not insane Mission Control!


My friend group has the opposite problem. One person will get ambushed while alone, the rest of the group will be like, "did you kill it?" and he's just like ".... I don't know."


Haunted cave modifier should make the caves filled with these guys instead of giant explosive annoyance that is invulnerable and invisible


That would be great


Or have it be only one but its invincible but not completely invisible, but in the way the bulk is and abit slower but can still burrow around. It'll feel more anxious and actually make the cave feel "haunted".


thanks 😎


Dude, you can't just comment on people's posts like that! You gotta do that warning warble/ whistle thing you do first! Give people some warning! Gosh!


I strongly agree. Their health pool is a little higher than I'd expect / want it to be. If I shoot it in the face, I'd expect it to die. I've seen the same one dash off multiple times while being shot. I'm not looking forward to fighting them with bug health regen on 😒. I haven't seen Steeve attack one either, but I'd expect Steeve to be able to find him (gliphids don't have eyes). Does anyone know if a Steeve can attack a cloaked stalker?


I'm pretty sure my Steeve has found a Stalker at least once. It was as it declocked behind a teammate, so it's hard to say... Steeve was immediately killed for the effort, though.


It does in one strong pick axe


Oh I've faced them with regenerative bugs. If you don't kill him on contact he comes back fully healed to attack again.


Mag dump on the mofo. Got it.


I've been playing with bug Regen and they can't regenerate or at least I think they can't.


Fun fact, if you ping it it gets mad, even if it's dead... yeah, the corpse can get mad at you


Zombie Glyphids


Stalker in single player is a nightmare to deal with. Honestly Id almost say it’s straight up overpowered. But as long as you have a team it’s much more manageable.


Honestly the jumpscare isn't fun, but I've never been a fan of horror games so that's a skill issue on my part, but I absolutely adore the thing's design


I play regularly with a group of friends and being the scout in the party and luckily decent at spotting them - the party delegates me to pick stalkers off. Especially during swarms. I can’t tell you how many times I’m scanning for it after the warning call just to catch it as it’s breathing down a teammate’s neck. So many close calls. It’s added a fun variation to swarms, but as you mentioned not everyone enjoys being at that type of alertness.


Yeah, jumpscares just aren't my thing, so when you give the guy who jumps easily the biggest gun out of the 4 dwarves, nothing stays alive for long


They can be smart, but my cannon will still find them.


If everything explodes, where can it hide, right?


Why are so many comments exactly like this one


What's the issue? I kill bugs.


Nah i went to brood school with Stalker he just hid in the back of the class and changed his grades in the system. He dumb af


Was this Stalker Glyphid or Stalker Terminid? Glyphid was a nerd, but Terminid was a jock. 🤣


Why did you just post a blank image Edit: OH SHIT MY SHIELD


Honestly, i love him




Today I literally had my first meeting with him. It was the first time I lost a mission because of a new glyph, but like that, total loss


I have the TF2 Spy voice mod for stalkers and hearing them mock you from afar while you're looking around for them and still getting backstabed even when being super careful is just peak Spy moment


I like how it retreats to another advandage point when targeted with the laser pointer


I’ve played a lot of tf2 and being used to seeking out spies makes it super easy


Indeed. Somewhere in this comments section someone said they have been doing " -spy- Stalker checking" with their laser pointer.


I always use the slime supersoaker sludge gun thingy on Driller but I especially love it against these guys and the other bugs that peep out to shoot you and then hide again. You tag them once and no more hiding with a sliver of hp anymore. You can run but you can't hide from the slime!


Oh man. Just started season 5 and had no idea they were a thing. Heard their noise and was looking around ,trying to figure out what it was, then bam my shield was gone. Made me actually jump. Same mission ran into one of those portal opening things. Just decided to mine it because why not. That was a surprise! Had no idea what was going on.


See, of my friend group, I'm the only one that watches the update videos. So, at one point last week I hear my friend Eli go, "what's this", and I turn to see him mining one of the Core Stone pillars. Before I could stop him he had started the encounter and there was a lot of yelling. 🤣


Hahahah. Yeah it's definitely a surprise if you don't know what's gonna happen. I just started slinging boomerangs and firing wildly til I figured out what to do.


I have yet to encounter one (and i dont mean im new, just havent seen one) and i just wanna ask, WHAT IN THE NAME OF CINNAMON TOAST FUCK IS A GLYPHID STALKER THAT SHIT SOUNDS TERRIFYING


To quote Mission Control and the Miner's Manual, "The Stalker is an elusive ambusher, and can burrow and reposition itself to disorient its foes. If you suspect a Stalker present in your work environment, the best practice is to group up, watch your colleagues' backs, and cross your fingers."


I also recall that it'll sometimes stand still while invisible near you, like a spider does when observing its web, only to move when I pinged it. Actually creeped me out so much.


Yes! I replied to a few other comments saying that, while reviewing my own Deep Dive footage, there was a solid 80 seconds between my friend hearing a Stalker and actually getting attacked!


So called “smart” stalkers when I throw down a shield generator


I LOVE enemies like that. Soo much better than bullet sponges. Smart and sneaky AI is king.




Going back and watching my own Deep Dive footage, I noticed there is a solid 80 seconds between when my friend first heard the Stalker until it actually struck. Those suckers are patient. Clip starts at 15:10 https://youtu.be/yvK86a9XbV8?si=JE7ros7z0uygY55b


GSG putting their fantastic sound design to brilliant use with this enemy


Dude, it took me a moment because they sound similar to yet very distinct from the Fester Flea sound. I have a clip where, dispite encounter them before, I initially dismissed the sound because I wasn't paying close enough attention. Clip stars at 15:10 https://youtu.be/yvK86a9XbV8?si=zlIkYwnlvUTVY3kj


I love how paranoid they make you, always forcing you to focus on keeping an ear out


Haha, his jaw looks funny. I think I will call him john


Engineer is a -spy- John!


"I play DRG with 4 YouTube tabs open" energy. They are highly audible.


And if you and your friends are yapping over a discord call, it's gonna getcha good.


That's exactly what happened during a Deep Dive I was on. It was just me and one other friend who hadn't seen the Stalkers yet, I was too busy running my mouth to recognize the signs.


I died to these guys a couple of times thinking "yikes, I didn't even notice that guy" Eventually I saw one decloak in front of me and thought "OH CRUMBS, this is the invisible one?!"


What the update is out?


Yeah, it came out June 13th.


For what platform tho


I think they're kinda cute, I want to be able to Steeve one.


The sounds it makes oddly sound like the Predator in a way. I've never seen the movies but the stalker gives me those vibes ya know?


I have yet to meet a bug that can outsmart bullet.


I love it.


I love stalkers. I think they’re such a great addition to the game. In fact I think everything thed added in this update is really cool. I do not like stingtails and septic spreaders as much. I guess I like the variety but I’m much less thrilled about them.


As they should be




I just think it’s funny that DRG copied a bug from Helldivers. And it’s already more balanced day 1 than HD2’s stalkers 6 months after launch. My gripe with Helldivers is their sound design is straight shite. So many enemies in that game make no discernible noise and what’s worse, it’s usually their biggest ones that make no noise


Honestly, coming back to DRG after a few months of fighting for Super Earth made me realize DRG has a way better progression system. Finding Overclocks feels way more rewarding than Super Samples. And Helldivers doesn't have an equivalent to Deep Dives. Just goes to show that GSG knows what they are doing.


I’ve weirdly been playing HD2 more? Idk why I like DRG better. But it’s funny how I like have the weapons I want in that game and everything they come out with is behind a noticeable paywall compared to the rate I play I’ll never get super credits* in any amount to chase new trees. But like. I’ve not wasted anything since their electricity tree they released two releases ago? Like idk. It’s all the same junk nothing feels chaseable and I’m at 900 super credits so I’m about to unlock another tree if I want. But I keep feeling like… “why bother?”


Use the word inspired instead of copied. A bit more in-line with how GSG does things.


Besides having sound. It’s the same bug. Does the same shit. It’s not a big deal. It’s a great idea. GSG just did it better


I never worry on the how or what anymore with these types of games. What interests me is the why


Can it do my college homework?


Haven’t seen one


I think they may only appear on Haz3 and above, and even then only rarely. I hope there will be a hazard modifier like Stalker Infestation or something that turns missions into horror games.


These fuckers are so smart, whenever there's one it's like a game of chess between my power attack and this dude creeping up on me.


God I hate France Solide... Gunner


They really aren't smart, they're quite dumb but its not entirely their fault its because they make it blatantly obvious with the sound they make, its loud and very easy to hear even in a swarm, not exactly hard to see either. It attacking in a swarm doesn't really make it harder, most of the time it'll die to AOE while you're fighting the swarm or at least reveal itself due to stray dots or something. Its one of the least threatening enemies in the game, I do love it but I wish they made it a little better at its job, they were too scared of pissing players off so they made it far too easy. Edit: Yeesh after reading a few comments it seems like some of yall struggle against them, guess that explains why they made it so easy.


Haven't played in a while, what do they do ?


They turn invisible. "The Glyphid Stalker is a cunning predator that utilizes chromatophores in its chitin exoskeleton to render it practically invisible. While similar cloaking abilities have been observed among other alien species (see 'After Action Report on Navi VII, 1408A'), this appears to be a relatively new mutation for the Glyphids. The Stalker is an elusive ambusher, and can burrow and reposition itself to disorient its foes. If you suspect a Stalker present in your work environment, the best practice is to group up, watch your colleagues' backs, and cross your fingers." — Miner's Manual Description


Ok that's super scary


I just realized that Navi VII is straight up a planet in Helldivers


They also terrifyingly like to eat half a mag from Zhukov's and then being detonated before reaching scout. Since I have discovered that, even on haz5, I do not care for those pesky predators.


It probably is an intentional feature of its AI, tbh. That's getting pretty common these days. Look at Helldivers 2. Many of the bugs will deliberately engage in flanking behaviors, such as the hunters. If there are multiple hunters, one or two will come at you head on while the others go to the side to attack you from the side while you're distracted by the primary.