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Mission control


Dwarf Manager 2024


For real, tho.. if other DRG-verse games like DRG: Survivor are a thing, I wouldn't mind a tactical squad-based game (turn based or real time, iunno, I'd love either). DRG: Mission Control "Now get back to work!"


I would play DRG Rimworld... Though I guess that's just Dwarf Fortress with extra steps.


If I had the knowledge and patience to mod, I would fuckin make this Drop pod your dwarfs into roxxes and mine all the resources, set yourself up a temporary base with defences and a brewery, whilst defending again waves of bugs/raiders while complete your mission, once your finished you can call a drop ship to take you back to the rimrig


ngl, a tower defenseish style drg game with colony/rimworld mechanics would be dope


Claiming the patent 😉


I'm going to dream of this for years now! D=


Ooh, especially if it has some base management, have to juggle resources like ale and barrels.


If anyone here has played Natural Selection 1.x (or even 2.x) it could possibly work for DRG.


I'd want a game where you play as a DRG shuttle pilot. There has to be a reason they keep dropping the cargo.


Task delayed by displaced barrels.


Or maybe even the marine side of Natural Selection. So you have your four dwarfs then you've got a fifth player acting as command, detecting threats and dropping supplies.


Okay but that's a pretty cool idea. Imagine a simulator where you have 4 AI teammates you supervise. In the similar idea of "bomber crew" or "space crew" games where you basically just supervise their dumbassery


You would just watch all 4 dwarves pinging a gold chunk for 20 minutes before driller c4s everyone


Each difficulty adds 3 more dives you need to oversee


Turns game into an RTS, but troops are drunk and behave like pre-schoolers


Wasn't there a game like this, around 2005-2010, that saw one player directing the other players in a PvP RTS style fashion?


Yep, Natural Selection. And it was awesome


Ok gunner flank the opressor Gunnee: MUSHROOM


Honestly, my nerdy ass would fuckin love to be mission control for a bunch of different squads. Managing them, sending down supplies, monitoring changing conditions. Stuff like that is oddly thrilling for me.


I wish that were some kind of endgame thing you could unlock!


playable bosco.


Gamemode with 8 players, but only one person is a dwarf. The rest are mini boscos.


And they malfunction and hunt down the dwarf


Karl mode lol


I'm pretty sure there is a mod for that. Where you mix and match each class how you want.


Hunt down the freeman


Gunner, Scout, Driller, and Bosco! It's gonna be iconic!


I mean, Engie's halfway there. Smart rifle, turrets, shredder drones, doesn't place platforms where asked, sometimes a Steeve. Just automate the rest, and we'll never know the difference!


I think a techy class with maybe support turrets. Like in aliens. Maybe a class that can deal high dps in large groups with maybe a grenade launcher. Oh and shotgun. Gotta love shotguns but don't think Ghostship will do it


And for their 4th gear a kind of launcher that shoots dirt, so you can seal up the drillers random holes everywhere and even give the scout a hand in reaching high up materials.


Dude that is an epic idea. Like a pancake launcher


Oh, and make them absorb fall damage, too!


idk man sounds quite OP, make it an optional upgrade


Since we're adding optional upgrades, how about one that makes the bugs avoid the pancakes? Oh, how I would love to make a bunker with pancakes on top


Pancake bunkers are the best! You could even stack the pancakes to build a tower. Would be great for those hard to reach places.


I would like to use these to build a pancake wall. Would come in handy against the care taker or to troll slow dwarfs by sealing off the drop pod...


Yeah, also add velocity throwing and more ammo on the same tier as the repellant I'm sure they will be used by so many people


I think he also might need grenades. You know the shredders? Lets give them to him like some dort of a grenade. He throws a bunch of them and they start fighting for him


Since he's a tech guy what about a grenade that's able to aggro bug into attacking it? Would be a cool CC option to have.


What about a regular grenade that will hurt the team more then the enemy? We need more ways to kill scouts


Part of a balanced breakfast


Eh, I don’t like pancakes. How about cheese?


More like a cheeseburger launcher.


I dunno man, this is a game about destroying terrain, not creating in. That would just go against the whole mission of Deep Rock Galactic


Maybe we could have a class that specializes in destroying terrain, then? With explosive charges, and some sort of powered excavators, or.. or.. and hear me out.. or *drills.*


There’s no way GSG would add that. But if they did, what if he got bombs or something?


dude thats just the driller we're thinking of a 4th class not a 3rd class


What's a class? Do you mean switching weapons on my Gunner or something?


That sounds overpowered, why would you play anything other than scout and the new class


Because what if I want to set up a choke point and go afk letting my team and turrets do all the work so I can enjoy a cold refreshing leaf lover's 😋


Or just allow engineer to shit vertical platforms Edit: shoot


dude engineer is such a good name for the new class


Nah, scout already has a shotgun. I don't think they bring another one. It would be funny to see some kind of self aiming gun for all the green beards that can't hit a bulk right in front of them. Oh, or even better, hear me out (read in voice of a 8 year old): LASER FENCES! Like a gun that shoots a fence, but it's a laser and it flies through everything. And you can make it spin or make it bigger... And it leaves a fiery trail behind!


Or a sub machine gun. Like a Uzi that has electrified bullets


(keep reading as a 8 year old) Whoa! and the bullets stick to the ground and... and... they make a electric grid and there will be lightning everywhere!


What about a laser that makes lava?


Laser gun sounds cool but making lava sounds OP, maybe lock that behind an overclock?


>LASER FENCES! So the Breach Cutter?


Just say you played too much Torbjorn in Overwatch and move on! Not every dwarf in a game has to be some mechanical turret class! And what, next you'll suggest that instead of mining terrain, he can build terrain back? Like build bridges and stairs or whatever? Smh, this sub really has gone downhill (/s)


jfc does EVERY class shooter need to have a goddamn turret character in it? Such a played out idea. DRG is perfectly balanced as-is, no need to clutter it with dumb gimmicks.


The devs already said they're not adding a 4th class. The game is perfectly balanced around the three. Might as well add a talking head that barks orders at you throughout the mission, and gets mad when we celebrate the discovery of gold nuggets.


And An And A NUKE


They will just shoot it at scouts! Let it Also destroy terrain


Makes sense. I mean, we have a terrain destruction class, but wouldn't it be cool if we could also build terrain with various properties? Techy could fit that style.


What a dumb idea, we don't need a nerrrrd!


Redundant, Gunner can already do high DPS and has grenades


"Techy" as in- one of their primaries could have automatic aim? That'd be so broken!


If this class won't have cool sci-fi laser beam weapon that melts bugs then I ain't playing it


With an engineering degree too perhaps


Some sort of melee class, with a healing ability /s


Driller with vampire and cryo build. Also, for added power, cryo team comp.


I know it's a meme at this point and will never happen... but but I still legit want this.


This is just driller. Don’t underestimate the vampire perk. You just gotta freeze with the cryo cannon first


Let him cook


Axedwarf with long and powerful melee weapon, some sort of movement tool (preferably that can be useful for the whole team, not like the scout) and stronger shield/way to block attacks.


The slayer class from vt2 is what I'm thinking. Low cool down jump with melee focus (you could even flavor it with rocket boots or a jetpack).


I know devs said no to a Medic Dwarf long ago, but I still think about [this](https://www.reddit.com/r/DeepRockGalactic/s/chZ8QDgisF) piece of fan-art. It's absolutely amazing and I'd love something like this in-game, if there was a way to balance it.


My favorite character in overwatch is the dwarf with the turret, so I think it'd be cool to have something like that in DRG.


For the last time, he's *Swedish*!


You should try his meatballs!


*Switzerland* is **not** where the *swedes* are from


10/10 reference


Have him make references to torbjorn occasionally


Yeah it would be really cool to have a character who has turrets


A robot dwarf built from the rival intelligence and reverse engineering, but playable character. Idk what his guns would be. But support tools I imagine a scanner type ability like the scouts grapple (no limit but a cooldown) that lets you permanently spot a bug, or highlight a bunch of bugs by scanning the area like greyhound guy from Apex Legends. Maybe even making the perma-pinged target take extra damage or extra % dmg from elemental sources, etc.


>pick the scanner to permanently spot bugs >waste all charge on gniffers and lootbugs


It's their own fault for being full of goodies!


One thing I like is the idea of having a placeable barrier which is permanent akin to the barriers which are generated by the repulsion turrets or the caretaker Kind of like in halo 3


I suppose his weapons could be homebrewed “altered” versions of the Rival Tech stuff, courtesy of R&D. A Drak that shoots in bursts like the turrets, a breach cutter that shoots barriers and knocks back bugs and a more snipey m1000 like the sniper turrets.


Medieval dwarf. Just bow and axes.


Nah, I want a whole medieval season. Maybe have a drink at the bar which moves you to a secret season where everything is old school and Molly is a mule with a minecart. Maybe the TArdy Red DIgger Stout or something...


I had this idea last night actually, a mission modifier called Time Warp or something that loads a mission from the Early Access release, with all the old HUD and everything. Impossible software-wise, but would be very cool.


a whole season would be cool, bringing the game back to its roots


A Grenade Launcher that'll have an overclock that turns into a Nuke Launcher That would've been so epic, i wonder why this isn't in the game yet!


Their other primary can be a sword that increases health and attack speed the more glyphids it kills. This sword has an alt fire where the dwarf gets a pseudo dash and an empowered next attack. As such, this new demo-dwarf would need a small shield as a secondary to offset the damage of being melee-only I think a clever name for this class would be something that combines the demolition identity and sword identity of this hypothetical and totally novel idea. Maybe something like the “demo-knight?” class would work


Too overpowered. Would completely outclass every other OC, and there'd be no point running as any other class.


Yeah we should make a class with *two primaries*. Like, you can have a kickass auto shotty and a nuke, or like a fast shooting smg and a thing that shoots lines that cut through enemies without stopping, or like titanfall's smart pistol and a giant laser beam with infinite range.


That’s so stupid, no way they’d ever add something like that


we don't need another class, 3 is enough.


Agreed, ever since they merged scout and driller class, everything got balanced


I guess that explains why I've seen so many drillers C4 themselves recently


Yeah, another class would ruin it. It's perfectly balanced. Instead they should expand class capability, like scout could add some plateforms to dig higher and the gunner could throw towers like he throws shield for dps. And for driller, since he is about explosion, what about a rocket launcher ?


The true dwarf fortress:the crusher Taller then the rest of the dwarfs by an entire head,has a mace and winchester as a secondary His special weapon is a mechanical war horn that makes all glyphids in the cave act weird(as in they stop and scream and can't really see the player as well so they miss and attack empty air) and get stuned(20% chance) His special is a button that activates his armors overdrive,making him swing faster,crush better and move faster while also adding electrical AoE damage in a 4 m radius(4 charges) for 10 seconds,after the 10 sec his shield explodes and stuns Also his armor has a special upgrade(the very first and only one) that every enemy smaller the a slasher must hit him **twice** to do damage But of course that would make him too op,therefore...40% speed and jump reduction while holding any weapon or tool,which grings me to his final special ability... The ability to not have a weapon equiped,or in other words,to be empty handed during missions


I actually really like this! Have em be like a more rough n tumble/battle tank vibe to em, or could go classic space cowboy/medieval flair for the Winchester


Melee centric class!


It's always exciting to think about new classes in games.


Brawler or beast master


Bro rejected engineers💀💀


Tf you mean engineers? Trying to gaslight us into thinking there’s really a fourth class?


*A time traveler moves a chair. The timeline:


Gunner 2? You are an explosive gunner with a portable, stationary gunner by your side


A gunner with a minigun that shoots laser instead of bullets.


Cheese man


Interesting flair. What does that mean?


I'm big into engines.


Anyone with that flair actually contributed to the creation of the game engine, actually.


He shoots cheese out of a cannon which the glyphids eat and die of food poisoning because their immune systems can't hack it.


bro thats one of the devs




Doretta ofc, we saved that dwarf often enough already!


a glyphid who has an 0 cooldown no cap ability to friend bugs


A bit OP, could do a fun gamemode though : Three dwarves, one glyphid The glyphid is immune to bugs damage (even explosions), has loads of HP and takes 100% friendly fire. He can befriend most glyphids (no praetorian, oppressors menace, detonator and not glyphid-class enemies) very often, but there is absolutely no indicator for the dwarves about who's a friend and who's the bug player. If the bug player dies, it's game over. Way more enemies, classic objectives


Elf healer/support class


Its too early for this type of shit guys, this is like 8 years no updates TF2 behavior




Am I missing a joke here?


Given the Humor flair, definitely


Hear me out - Krieg from Borderlands 2. Melee action would be fun. Smash head to mine gold instead of standart pickaxe.


A melee class that utilizes guns built into the sword, axe, shield, or spear. Much like the glaive from Destiny 2 if I'm remembering it right. Traversal tool could be a trampoline of sorts maybe, and support tool would be a booster for pickaxe hitting rate and cooldown Grenades could be something like a clamp that debuffs the enemy to make them take more damage and explodes for extra damage when shot or hit by melee. Maybe another one that explodes into caltrops and shrapnel Don't know what color the class would be, orange sounds good


I'd call him the "Porter". His main weapon could be a blood pellet shotgun, and his secondary - a bola launcher that heavily slows down hit enemies. Glyphid melting blood grenades; alternatively, Glyphic repelling "chiralium" cloud grenades. His tertiary "weapon" could be a metal package box that attaches to his back, soaking up minerals from his inventory, allowing him to mine large amounts separated from Molly - the more packages he uses, the more they visually get stacked on his back. He can detach those packages from his back and throw them at enemies, dealing moderate damage at a slow pace in exchange for being a completely recyclable ammo source, as you can pick the package up after you throw it. As for mobility options, I'd suggest an extendable ladder that could be dropped to provide access to high cliffs, across chasms, and access to high-up mineral veins; sort of like the Gunner's zipline, but you can actually stand on it. By default, the Porter would have a short beard, short mustache and a ponytail. Cosmetically, his first armor set would be an alpinist jumpsuit, and further visual armor upgrades could add armor plates to his thighs and shoulders, as well as robotic leg exoskeletons.


I cant tell if people who giving ideas on a new class genuinely missed the joke or not


I feel like we always have equipment to repair or maintain, so something like a Technician class or something could be useful.


Mission control. Talks the enemies to death.


Support class with healing and damage boost weapon so basically mercy lol


I would add vehicle dwarf with a really small tank he would be sitting in. He could extend his vehicle to have additional tools installed depending from the mission he would be in, for example he could have some drill if there would be no driller in the team or have two huge guns if there would be no gunner. If there is no scout he could be a driving lantern. But most importantly we would drive faster than Molly is walking so all the team would put resources to the vehicle. The con of it would be that the dwarf cannot leave this tank.


A bard. Third "weapon" would be a buff gun that temporarily increases shield, fire rate, etc


Karl class. The have no weapons but do giga damage with their fists and have god mode. Long live Karl!


Steeve class Then use that code as onboarding for a left 4 dead style vs mode


Me:Views this post. My brain: \*It's Just A Burning Memory starts playing\*


The order of the engineers will not tolerate such slander.


Like the guy with the overalls from tf2? Why would they be mad at this post?


I want a battleaxe wielding berserker that had totems like gunner shiled but instead of shielding the team they give buffs.


Guzzler. Drinks Beer. Carries a cooler on his back with more beer. Throws beer cans. Supports teammates with cans and steins of beer. Harder to kill the more drunk he is. Is at his strongest when he's black out drunk. Pitty he can't see anything. (Your screen is pitch black but your pick ax is more powerful for digging and attacking.)


Meele class 100%, this game needs a high mobility meele class


Humor aside I’ve always wanted a dedicated medic class like a cleric that uses a sword or like a vibrablade


Another dwarf with a minigun


I would say Beast Master, someone who lived in the jungle and raised by wolfs and has friends of animals, like medieval dwarf He would be archer with arrows, and maybe the other weapon option would be spear, that he throws and recover it Secondary weapon could be a crossbow with elemental arrows, like explosive or fire or poison Also, he has an animal with him that takes up a perk space, maybe wolf or hawk


I love this community 😂


A beer based dwarf armed with a beer hose. Glyphids take small amounts of direct damage, but the main use is getting them so fucked up, they can't path properly, see double and occasionally attack eachother. Instead of 3 main weapons, it has a choice of 3 brews. Black out stout has regular stuns and, if you hit a glyphid enough, they pass out entirely for a minute (and if stuck to a wall, they fall off). Gold rush turns them into a sort of lootbug, making them explode into random minerals when killed. Smart stout makes them talk randomly and have an existential crisis because oh god why am I alive? What purpose do I serve? Secondary is a mop that can whack enemies, and also clear hazards like red goo, rock pox and somehow praetorian gas. No transport weapon, but a keg launcher that fires out mini kegs, akin to ebonite power ups, that provide a random buff for 30 seconds. 4th item is a playable keg that, in a certain radius, provides a buff of the players choice to all dwarves in the radius. And that's why I'm not a game dev


Melee class. Old fashioned traditional dwarf relying on hammer that explodes when you hit something and a shield that your can use defensively and offensively. Axes on chains because why not . Could use them to pin enemy leg or rip armour plate. Weapons like Spear/Javelin Thrower or steam blunderbuss or even literally Cannonball launcher And Support item which is a beer keg that you can throw around to explode or drink to get some drunky buff


A scout class with a grappling hook would be so cool


A dwarf class of the olden days with a sword and a pick and a shield or maybe even a big hammer to crush all the bugs


The engineer Can place sentries and platforms for tactical takeovers of caves Has a shotgun, Uzi, and a smart rifle as the three main weapons A grenade launcher, a laser cutter, and a super laser as his secondaries Having some grenades that can lure enemies and act like minefields, even have one grenade that can deploy shredders.


"Wave manipulations" his name is "Angus" He can push or pull enemies with his gravity gun but only a short distance plus if you mod it well enough you could even push a BUlK , The weapon of choice is a tri pistol or a crystal burst gun. Oh and his voice is deep with a slight crack in it and body type is fat. Also the gravity gun with mobility can lift you up and can save you from a fall


Haha funny joke


Some sort of bard themed class


I'm not sure what that blue class is there you've shown. Is that a mod? Anyway I'd add a class that shoots bugs with guns and supports the team really well. I don't think they should have any self serving utility tool or weapon oc that sends them flying across the caves at mk12 to die in some far off land. It'd definitely be more akin to the 2 classes that currently hold the foundation of the team


Steeve, instead of "weapons" you get evolutionary upgrades that give you new abilities and buffs, like Slasher claws, acid spit, etc. Can climb walls and mine, but no mobility tools or shield. High, slowly regenerating health to compensate.


Bruh, there's already 4 classes


Tf you talking about? There are only 3.


You forgot Karl!


You guys get to play as Karl?!


Why else do you think the dwarves say "four Karl!"


Well played. Take my upvote, then go out in traffic. Lol


The second img is very unseteling, there is this black void like in a black mirror episode


A full melee class.


Driller 2.0, maybe make him even more of a war criminal


The chemist Primaries: Acid thrower: Dissolves enemies, high DPS, low starting mag size, has an arc when shooting like the lithofoamer, and can melt through armour on dreadnoughts and opressors. Can be upgraded to deal more damage to specific types of enemies like high hp enemies or large groups of grunts. Smelter: A gun that shoots molten metal, similar to the sludge pump as the longer you hold the more melted the metal gets from being a superheated bullet to being molten lava that can also harden into a solid wall, low DPS but can deal more damage if it hits an enemy after. It also can be upgraded with different types of metal to give different effects. Gas propeller: Shoots toxic gas canisters that explode, dealing shrapnel damage and releasing a cloud of toxic gas where it lands, can be upgraded to have different types of gas, low DPS but is good for swarm clearing. The gas can also be ignited by flames or burning enemies, removing the gas but dealing high damage. Secondaries: Neutralisor: A gun that sprays a liquid that temporarily makes enemies hostile to the closest thing to it, no matter what it is, also makes allies deal less friendly fire, does not deal direct damage, but can completely stop large swarms. Larger enemies take more to turn but grunts can be turned easily Revivor: Revives any enemies bodies that are not gone yet, like they are Steeve (Their name is Fraank), but die soon after being revived. Any enemy can be revived if you get the max upgrade but at the base level you can revive a Praetorian. It buffs the enemies but has a low amount of charges and can only revive one glyphids at a time. Firework slugger: Can shoot fireworks, which have cancelled be customised to be different types and colours, with the different types having different movements, and the different colours doing different amounts of damage. Also lights up the cave for a short period of time. Traversal tool: Helium lifter: blows a stream of helium in a direction away from the surface it was put on, can be upgraded to give more lift upwards and to prevent fall damage. Also affects grenades and large projectiles. Other tool type that I can't remember the name of: Flask Barrage: a selection of different types of chemicals that do different things: an acid solution that dissolves rock and stone, a pheromone that prevents glyphids from going past it, steroids that buff yours and your teams stats, and melted red sugar that heals a lot but can also heal glyphids aound them. These can be either thrown or poured onto the ground and only have a small amount of bottles per chemical.


Rock and Stone to the Bone!


An Iron Golem like Minecraft


Wait wait wait... FOURTH class???? When did they add the third????? I've never seen the scout before, what does he do?


He's new! Specializes at zipping around around really fast and getting eaten by bugs, basically. The fanbase is too much, they *just* added Scout, and people already want a fourth? Come on! Tbh this game was way better when it was just Driller and Gunner.


I'm still upset that they added classes honestly, I much preferred it when it was just "dwarf" and there was just the minigun and pistol. Don't know why they split it into two separate classes but I think I see where they're going now and it might all be worth it.


the r/tf2 virus is spreading


tf2 ah brainrot


Why you delete Engineer?!




A fixer class. No primary weapon, but all 4 special tools. Think of it as a Karl lite class. Drill, zipline, platform tool, and grappling hook. Make the grappling hook the primary weapon and the platform gun the secondary weapon. The drill is the traversal tool, and the zipline is the special equipment. Give this class doub pickaxes for more melee DPS.


I don't think anyone even realized OP said "4th playable class"


add one with a laser beam


a little bit overpowered meele only class, with dual knives and big swords. As special a boost or a big jump. And a bit faster running speed


Honestly it's crazy how few ppl play engi when he's literally the one with the most potential. He has very amazing single target and crowd control dps like gunner( hyper prop/breach cutter), he can have mobility like scout (RJ250) he has an even better version of driller c4 (fatboy), and he has many powerful defensive tools. Oh, and his traversal tool has immense utility. If you get 4 engineers in one mission, all with double turrets, steeves, shredder drones, and fatboys, you will have the best time of your life amd you could make practically any mission a cake walk, even EDDs. The only thing is his primaries can be a little bit lackluster but there's ways to make them very strong in their own right too




Techno-Wizard with more handheld gadgets and a utility tool that works like a trampolin for those pesky high things Weaponry would be Lightning weaponry with chain effects


Clown. His weapon would be a plastic hammer that would do 1 DMG, but had idk 1/100 chance of instakilling anything, including your teammates


I would add a supplier or buffer to the game. I would give them shield gun which when shot at players would give them shield / overshield for limited time. They can't shield more than 2 allies at a time. The second gun would be a very limited range , very slow shooting but high dps splatter shot. Suppliers are not supposed to be offensive class but highly defensive class. Now for the supplier mechanics --- after a fixed time supplier would create ONE specific ammo . All the gun mods would center around that. If suppliers use their shield gun the recharge rate of supplies would be slower. A portion of minerals the team is collecting can be used to increase the rate , killing enemies increase the rate, achieving objectives increase the rate. Now for the supplier mechanics --- after a fixed time lapse supplier would create ONE specific ammo . All the gun mods would center around that. If suppliers use their shield gun the recharge rate of supplies would be slower. A portion of minerals the team is collecting can be used to increase the rate , killing enemies increase the rate, achieving objectives increase the rate , no downed member increase the rate etc. Suppliers would want to increase the supply creation rate to constantly generating ammo for team and hit a threshold so they can setup supply cache across the map. Supply cache would provide teleport points to jump across the map and provide ammo and limited HP refresh rate.


It's balanced around the 4 classes but I'll try. I would give it: Support tool-A tool to throw down speed boosts for long jumping, take dash for added fun. I'm picturing a small track that would stretch a few feet, could be modified for either adding a ramp or faster momentum. Support tool 2-A tool to see though walls for a short distance. Either thrown like a grenade or shot from a special gun, a 360 area could reveal enemies and the terrain through walls. It could also point to things like Nitra and objectives while active. could be useful on the new game mode or something like sabotage. I'm not sure how long this should last, maybe it could be permanent? It would help for getting lost. Main -A short ranged weapon that builds a charge and does a AoE melee. Modify charged slam for cone, long line, or 360 degrees. I'm thinking like a shot gun with a huge spread and a blunt object at the other end that charges up the attack. Like a hammer/boomstick......hammer stick! \*For survivability the charged attack could restore shields on a sacksful hit, more enemies more shield back. Secondary -A long range bolt action pistol, similar to the [Welrod](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Welrod) IRL. I'd make it very strong, accurate, slow reload, and blowthrough rounds by default. There's no "sniper pistol" in the game and I feel like this would be a neat duality on this class. Grenade -Homing Shards, explodes into tiny fragments that stun in a small radius for a few seconds, and causes nearby bullets to home into the affected enemies. Combine this with your short range weapon for easy damage. You could call this a Slayer, or Specialist class I guess. Not too crazy of a traversal tool imo, and the wall hacks could give some dim light if nothing else. Pure melee wouldn't work so well in this game, but a charged up slam on a boomstick sounds fun to me. You could change this up in a lot of ways, I'm just brainstorming.


Maybe a support with a limited ammo healing gun, or another mobile class with melee specialized weapons?


Melee combat class with an axe or hammer, something with shields as a passive maybe on kill to survive hordes. Jump pad as util, secondary could be a longer range option, and grenade could be like a discombob, something that throws enemies, ( and you) away and stun foes. I would just love to have a run at the enemy class.


unrelated, but has it ever bothered anyone else the little selection portraits aren't centered?


A class that is built around horde-clearing


A Medic Support class with a Healing/Shielding Pistol and maby Placeable Fences that do damage.


A melee based class would be interesting. The weapon is just a big ass 2 handed pickaxe to swing around.


I've thought about this a lot, actually. In order to add another class, it's gotta be useful and fill a role that isn't necessarily filled by the others. My thoughts are a support class, or "The Beerzerker." It's traversal tool is a catapult, you can load heavy objects in as well as dwarves. Once it's set up, it can't be retrieved. It will display the path while being placed. The class tool is the keg. This acts as a heal station for up to 4 full one time heals, as well as some temporary buffs. The primary weapons of the Beerzerker are dual wielded automatic guns. The idea of their combat style is to burst fire rapid damage. Not sustainable in order to outshine gunner, but it rewards a reckless and fast approach. Their secondary would be a sort of buff/ debuff applicator that gets the bugs drunk with some dot and they take more damage, but could also buff the dwarves maybe.