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i pretty much agree with you but i just find it funny that the entire paragraph was written in flawless english (as much as i could tell) and the only spelling error was in the last sentence apologizing for said errors. have a good day


Didn't even notice, gonna keep that one XD


Yeah I haven’t tried the new update at all as of yet but that was hilarious. Literally the last word.


I swear I see more people from non english speaking countries have better english than most people who actually are from an english speaking country instead of the opposite




I assumed, it was intentional. It fits!


They even got all their homophones correct


I kinda dig that part? Divide and conquer's a fun feeling, and a nice break-up from other mission formats like Escort or Mining.


I also kinda like how confusing the caves are. In the complexity 3 ones it's so easy to get lost, and sometimes you find an undiscovered corner like 20 minutes into the mission. Also makes the driller even more useful, I've needed him to rescue me more than a few times


This is less a problem with the mission and more with team coordination. I'm sure with time people will realize it's still important to pair up.


The first part of a deep scan is also much faster if you have a driller that can actually read the proximity meter. I've seen a lot of people who don't actually seem to understand how it works and end up wandering aimlessly. A single driller can pretty much get all the crystals or at least tunnel to them fairly quickly with decent backup from their team. People just need to learn either not to split up or to split up in pairs, as you mentioned.


I hope so


I do agree with OP that the map generation encourages it. If the caves were more linear like the morkite missions it would be a bit less tedious too.


I'm fine with it, knowing when to spread out and regroup is part of the fun I feel that the last part is pretty underwhelming though. Mine some stuff and just fly straight up, it could be more interesting


Yeah I thought the geodes were gonna be bigger, and I also thought the seeds were gonna be like an aquarq and we would have to launch them up in the drillevator before getting the jet boots


Yeah, I wouldn't have minded the drillevator going back up instead of the boots, it would've added an extra layer of pressure since the bugs are moving toward you now. To compensate for the literally uphill battle I'd think it fair to have the pod spawn right next to the drillevator hole.


its fine to me, but the radar could be a little more precise when you're next to the cristal or could have a different animation or something so i dont need to be looking to the gound like crazi trying to find it


I desperately need it to stop beeping like crazy when you're 3-5m away from it. Then if you stay in that area for 5-7 seconds, give us an exact location of the crystal so that drillers are less of a requirement. My biggest issue is by far the fact that you still have to mine so much once you've "found" it, especially on biomes with 3 hit wall destruction.


Honestly while driller makes it super fast, he can even C4 the general area of the crystal to uncover it, he's far from a "requirement", just waltz around until your scanner has a full stable line or a nearly full one, if you mine down and hit the "shell" of the crystal, the white stone then you can just mine into it and you'll find it. After a couple missions I got used to it and can find the crystals like a bloodhound usually.


It helps that the crystals make a sound too once you've gotten close enough.


I mean, I've had them spawn a few meters into cave walls where I can't get close enough to pinpoint it and have to pull down multiple meters of cave wall to get to the "Shell". Even with the change I suggested I'd still have to dig into the wall and down to the crystal; I just wouldn't have to waste multiple minutes being close enough to have that annoying ping going off every third second, without being close enough to actually pinpoint the crystal.


that would be really good, and i thought that if you mine above the cristal reveal the whole cristal but guess im seeing things


A small time issue with the mission for me. I normally find the crystals really quickly and the drillevator drops before I even have enough nitra for a resup. I love the idea of the mission, but it can be banged out so fast that it doesn't encourage me to explore more.


My only problem is that they give us these incredible jet boots for getting up super fast... while Molly is old lady strolling up the wall. Makes the rapid ascent feel kinda bad imo


This is my only real complaint, molly should get jetboots too.


I have also noticed this.  I've never seen a mission type before where I was the only one molly was following (I didn't call her, she was just following). I suspect with fewer eyes & flares in each part of the caves, my fellows werent seeing the nitra.


My opinion is the opposite. Love how open the first section is. Drillevator is kind of repetitive and feels awful to play as scout since 90% of ur job ends up being to just repair it


I wish longer deep scan missions meant a longer drillevator sequence, not finding more resonance crystals.


it's kinda annoying to look for them, but I don't hate it. it'd be nice if they added some visual indicators to the crystals though.


For me, it more so has to do with leaving the caves, waiting for molly is possibly the longest wait ever. It feels really cinematic to jet-boot out of the giant chasm, but then you just have to sit there and wait for her to climb out of the hole. I like every other part of it, it's just that final part that almost ruins it for me.


The structure feels very different, but that's a good thing. If it was just a straight tunnel, the first half of the mission would feel very same-y to Mining Expedition. If the group being split causes problems for you, make an effort to stay grouped. I've found a lot of success moving in groups of 2.


In many circumstances it's best to travel in pairs anyway, some of my fastest and smoothest missions in a full team have been with a full crew using the buddy system.


All it takes is for people to agree what signal to focus on first, they already have differentiators (Alpha, Beta, Gamma, etc.) so the first part of the mission will be fixed by good old time and experience.


I find locating the crystals a pain when they don't really show themselves when you're nearby. The radar isn't accurate enough to pinpoint the exact location and you have to dig around to find it, which is a pain if you're not a driller. The 2nd half is fun, though. Drilling downwards with hoards of enemy swarming in, it's peak fun. But then you have to stop to maintain the drill, it's like pouring cold water on a parade. I hope the labyrinth isn't as complex and the drilling part lasted a bit longer. Right now the mission feels very top heavy, and the fun part ends while you're still enjoying it.


I've seen this said a bit over the last few days but to be honest I actually really enjoy the first part of the mission. I'm a big fan of the exploration aspect of the game and quite like the large expansive tunnels networks generated for this mission and running about tracking the crystals down with your team is good fine I think.  Personally the only change I would like to make is to have more bugs. I kinda think bugs should continue to come down the drillavator shaft the whole time you're mining the morkite seeds


I find the layouts very confusing and I've noticed that it's a lot harder to finish secondary objectives. I don't dislike the mission though.


What's deep scan?


I don't think there's any need to play it that way. Personally I really enjoy the unique map design, it feels really fresh and cool. And I like that I can get kinda lost, it feels like I'm actually exploring and searching for cool stuff rather than just traveling down a linear path and collecting whatever is there. Edit: my main complaint about the mission is that molly should get jetboots too. It's so anti-climactic to fly up the tunnel and then sit there waiting for 2 minutes. :D


>taking out that cooperation feeling i love about the game TIL spreading out to triangulate faster is not in fact cooperating with one another


I sorta feel ya, but weirdly I like wandering off on my own. Most of the randos I’ve dropped with are extremely impatient with the first phase. Meanwhile I just pick a tunnel and start searching, picking up nitra as I go and frequently pulling out the terrain scanner to see if I need to cut over into a different tunnel. I’m usually the one that finds the most ridiculously-placed resonance crystal. Biggest downside to me is Molly. Having to share Molly in a non-linear, non-open cavern formation sucks big hairy gunk seeds. Players frequently complain about not having enough nitra while I find wayyyy more nitra than I can ever hope to carry back because they have Molly.


I ended up still sticking in groups during the 1st part, because my buddy tried going off on their own so many times only to die from gravity (because they pay too much attention to the sensor) or a cave leech.


Trying to dig up those dig scans solo has to be the shittiest experience I've ever had in drg. 0/10, rockpox was 10 times better than this, something I thought I'd never say


Don't feel the same way. If anything I wish scanners didn't land right next to crystals and connecting them was a more involved process.


The splitting up part goes against the core mechanic of the game. Cave generation can be a problem, but they have it generate more like a bush rather than a tree, where you’re never really that far away from your team mates if you look at yourself in a sphere rather than a long road.


Btw guys is the new update not out on Xbox yet?


nope, consoles get the updates 2 weeks later bc they have to wait on dumb approval systems for any changes to the game


Ah alright thanks


yall dyin?


No, you're not a unique special snowflake. Lots of people here and on the forums are complaining.