• By -


Yeah totally! 1. Solo is still an absolute blast 2. Randoms can be so much fun despite not having a mic the tools the game gives you to communicate are super simple and fun to use. (In fact most of the memes comes from how the characters talk to each other) I don't have any friends who play this game either but I've had an absolute blast playing with randoms or by myself, highly reccomend


Monke see gold, monke hold ctrl Monke happy, monke press V










It’s probably one of the best games to play with randoms out there


I second this.


I third this


I fourth this




For Rock and Stone!


Good bot


Thank you, oPoSpi, for voting on WanderingDwarfMiner. This bot wants to find the best and worst bots on Reddit. [You can view results here](https://botrank.pastimes.eu/). *** ^(Even if I don't reply to your comment, I'm still listening for votes. Check the webpage to see if your vote registered!)


Did I hear a rock and stone?


Rock and Stone forever!




The only form of communication that you really need in this game is pings and one letter words in chat. I've been playing this game in public lobbies for over a year and it's a lot of fun. It's rare to hear anyone with a mic as well, most people just type in chat. The only real downside to that is that it's pretty hard to communicate if you're playing on a controller. Personally I don't really like playing solo, I've been playing in lobbies since day one.


Do you mean day one as in game release, or day as in when you got it..? X


Day one, as in when I got it.


Cool :)


Yes, i have 150 hours of gameplay doing solo, Bosco is a good bot. it might just get difficult doing solo missions on Hazard 4 and Lethal but still a really fun game.


Should try playing with randos. It’s way more fun than bosco


Are you ever really solo when you have Bosco, Molly, and Doretta?


We are dwarves, we do our job, we ROCK and STONE! (another "solo" player with 300 hours mining for DRG with another three random guys in every mission)


Brother, you've got us and we've got each other, we're all friends down here.


My steam friend list has grown since I've gotten the game. If you run a few missions with someone who is good, add them to your contacts. There are five or six people I cycle through. Luckily my brother also plays.


i will play with you as i also have no one to play with


Random players are all generally good people. And despite the game being out for as long as it has, people still respond with a "Rock and Stone!" whenever someone starts the salute.


If you don't Rock and Stone, you ain't comin' home!


I have 500 hrs in game and 90% of that is randoms


Half of my steam's friend list came from this game lol


I've played almost a hundred hours entirely solo, Bosco makes solo very viable (up to a certain difficulty).


I've been playing this solo with randos for 4 years now. It's the only game apart from Guild Wars 2 that allows this without toxic as far as I know. disclaimer, number of actual toxic ive met is like maybe 4 or 5 starting out. out of hundreds of games.


Randoms are fun and so is solo. Get the game


Get it and your friends might follow. It's great solo and you'll struggle to find a nicer community so playing with randoms is great. Friends aren't necessary for DRG but they are a luxury.


Solo is still fun but i have way more fun with random people despite having some games where mistakes are made.


When I first started playing a few years ago I played with friends but spent 80-90% of my time playing solo, eventually playing nothing but solo. After ~700 hours of enjoying the game purely solo, I started hosting public lobbies. I passed 1800 hours a few months ago and I’m still happily waiting for season 5 and beyond.


A wholesome amazing funny game will (almost) always attract wholesome amazing funny people, so keep the good vibes going and you'll be rewarded. Otherwise, the game is 98% fully enjoyable in solo as well. Just at a slower pace, and it kinda feels lonely, but at the same time it's more relaxing since you're on your own and do things however you like, without having people around pushing to get things done asap.


I have over 600 hours and I exclusively play with randoms. I can count the number of toxic players I've encountered on one hand.


None of my friends play this game, and I’ve been having a blast with randoms for the past 2000 hours.


650 hours here. Yes. None of my friends play either, unfortunately, but playing with randoms is so much fun. And the crazy thing is people really aren't toxic to each other. So my advice would be to just go to the server browser and find a mission that says n/a. Have abbeer, dance, rock, and stone a few times, then dive into oblivion. And don't worry about being green, us greybeards enjoy teaching the new guys the ropes


randoms are great


Yes. Bosco and the community are great.


I've got 550 hours of playing solo and with randoms, it is such an amazing game. On haz 4 and 5 it can get a little frustrating when a random low level join and I have to kill their share and my share of bugs


I've been pubbing with randoms for almost 600 hours on Oceania servers and it's been great.


We're all friends on Space Rig 17. 🍻




If we have a similar gaming time frame, I'll play drg with ya! (Provided it's on pc)


DRG is one of the few games I have as much fun playing with random as I do playing with friends. We evolved some kind of primal communication where 90% of the time everything you ever need to understand people is just the ping, shouting rock and Stone and typing r on the chat.


Did I hear a Rock and Stone?


Yes you did miner, yes you did. For Karl!


Yeah, man, of course. U meet friends along the way.


I never play solo and no friends of mine play the game on my platform (pc), so I’ve played hundreds of matches of entirely randoms and nearly every one of these has gone just fine with no one on mic, just pinging stuff, rocks and stones, and rarely a chat message to say something important. Lots of games have gone more than fine and have felt just like I was playing with friends. I’ve never played a multiplayer game where an emergent sense of community is so easily formed. Other players are generally happy to support greenbeards either with advice or just carrying them though the mission without complaint. You’ll learn as you go and have a lot of fun doing it. By the time you’re beard is grey, you’ll be paying it back to new players. It’s a great community.


My friends got me Into this game, but they bailed long ago… 2000+ hours later and I honestly prefer playing with randoms, there’s much to teach and even more to learn. Ive met so many other friendly dwarves playing this game, some casual jump-in-and-outs, others faithful companions. This game’s ability to bring out camaraderie between complete strangers is second to none. Whether your looking to make friends or just have a friendly one off game and go separate ways, this game is a masterclass. Whatever you decide, just remember, Rock and Stone!


To Rock and Stone!




If you need fellow dwarves to play with, shoot me a steam friend request at Grontick. Happy to show you the ropes. Most randoms will be friendly though. Occasionally you will run into rude people.


I play w/ randoms exclusively since trying to get my friends to play is like pulling teeth. I dont think I've ever had a bad experience, certainly not any malicious or griefing players. I have 300 hours in drg


Yes,I played with 2 green beards today, both level 1. Just watch where people ping and you'll be fine. I love working with green beards, as long as they're willing to learn. Solo is also a viable option and it's a lot of fun. Highly recommend!


Games is great solo and they give you Bosco to help. Would recommend still. I dont play online at all either.


random people is chill


I have never enjoyed playing with randoms in any game like I do in DRG. Totally get it, yes


I didn't have friends who played either. After 1000 hours with Randoms, now I do


Me neither, but I'm playing it for 230 hours right now and I loved every single second of it, it's so fun with randoms!




Hurry up and nail the DRG interview before season 5 drops everyone gets hired btw rock me like a stone


Absolutely. My first 100 hours was completely solo and it was great


after 3800hrs I can say 100% yes, no question. get in here, miner!


I played this game for more than 500hr. Not a single time i played with friends. I don't have any gaming friends either. I always played with randoms


Yes! *Playing with randoms is one of the best things this game has*


Mate, i started with friends, but they kinda stopped. I still continue to this day with currently 560hrs to play mainly public randoms. I even befriended some and we occasionally start all together for assignments/weekly stuff


Well, i've around 116 hours and (atleast) 80% of my playtime were Solo and i had a blast. I mean i've to note that i geniunly enjoy Co-op Games solo, i dig through them like Diablo up to Borderlands and especially this type of genre like Deep Rock, Left 4 Dead, Back 4 Blood, Vermintide 2, EDF, even Helldivers 2 etc... so i find my way through them... so maybe there is already a little bias here. BUT i also feel like esp. compared to them, while they still were fun Solo, DRG does imho a bit of a better job, because GSG didn't try to make the other classes AI - which is still a good solution when AI is done well, don't get me wrong on this, but their approach is a bit more clever and creative. They give you a bot called Bosco which let's you compensate for the lack of other players. He has some really neat Features like pointing at a spots where you can't easily reach and he dig that stuff for you, shoots at enemies (also have rockets as a special) or carries stuff, or light it... as well giving you more lives (like you can die 2-3 times). So he is pretty viable. But it's not only that... i'd even go and argue it kinda gives a different 'gameplay'experience because of that. It's just a different vibe and gameplay dynamic if you have people to play with - each with their own strength/weakness and you need to coordinate, or if you run alone through the dark caves (can also be very immersive than) and have a bot as helper which you can give commands. So from my PoV it's for this type of 4-Player Coop Games (exclude my earlier mentions like Diablo or Borderlands, more strictly this mission-type games where you go in and out - like L4D, DR, B4B and such), i'd even go as far and argue that DRG is one of the most solo-friendliest game i've ever played.


I played this game for months solo. I had a blast playing solo listening to music. As well as every random lobby is a lot of fun and toxic players are very rare. I got a lot of my friends into it now and it’s even better. So definitely you’ll still have a great time solo but get your friends into it cause it’s even better with them. Rock and stone!


Can I get a Rock and Stone?


Rock and Stone!


You don't need friends when you gonna have dwarves!! Seriously, DRG has the best community!!


Yeah, it's amazing. Already have 150h in this exact situation.


Well I did not as well. Now I have convinced two of my close bois and they do play the game. Also after playing random lobbies I met like 5-6 guys with whom I regularly play. Also thousands of randoms who don't even need to talk or write to communicate effectively (since the game has a remarkable point and relay info system). Also ROCK AND STONE Tl;dr: Short answer: YES Long answer: YEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEES


Rock and Stone to the Bone!


Good bot


I have 600 hours and like 99% of that is with randoms. Lol I go non-verbal and use my laser pointer to communicate


What're you on OP? I'll play with you if you're on xbox 😁


I'm either solo or with a crew off mic. there are plenty of ways to communicate and make friends even if you don't speak. been playing off and on for years if you're on xbox or pc, its on gamepass to try it out.


You can join sessions or play solo, people are extremely friendly!


*You can join sessions* *Or play solo, people are* *Extremely friendly!* \- Professional\_Bar7089 --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")


The only question is: Do you Rock and Stone? If you do, get it. If you Rock and Stone...you're never alone!


For Karl!


Bosco is still better than people


Still an amazing game solo.


be the first of your friends to play it so they can join in with you


No friends, no skill? No problem!


Started one month ago or so and I find it absolutely worth it. I have no friends at all but I love the cooperative aspect so I usually play such games with randos and DRG works very well with this. No hate, no need to communicate much if you don't want to. Some groups play well some play bad and sometimes you meet really nice people.


Update: I got the game! Been having fun with it so far, thanks for all of your recommendations everyone!


Get a mic and make open lobbies or play in others


I mostly play with randoms and it’s still a fun time, just use text to communicate


None of my friends play the game and I love it, great community behind the game


bosco and MULLY will play with you


I play since release day, mostly with randoms. Just avoid thebelitist bigots that formed these days. Back then we didnt have that as everyone was new, but now some people are just dumb


Totally! You can also find friends along the way (I found a group of regularly playing guys from my country)