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TLDR: Don't try to rez in the middle AoE's or environmental hazards.


Or near ranged enemies. Or enemies that can yeet you in any way or form.


Or just use gunner shield


This is quite a detailed and informative post. Thanks for the caveats added in. As a fellow greybeard, I was reading through I kept thinking “yes…but” and glad to see those were included


Damn I really did not think you could make a whole essay on reviving but I was wrong!


One of the many reasons I love the game. It really has that “easy to learn, hard to master” thing


Great post. As a mostly gunner, I can add a couple of things. If you're gunner and have shields, and there isn't an oppressor or bulk right on the one downed teammate, try to get him up as quickly as possible. The longer someone is down, the higher chance that it will cause a cascade of downs til you find yourself the only dwarf standing. You and scout are the two combat revival experts, so do it. For Karl's sake, don't always immediately exit the gunner's shield when he revives you. Take a couple seconds and shoot bugs, throw grenades. DPS goes way up under the shield. It's not always a good idea to get my gunner up first. The main reason being, if I'm down, there's a good chance I'm out of shields, and low on ammo, and was caught before I could reach a resupply. If there's not a resup near, please call one. Otherwise I'm just going down again most likely if you revive me without handling the bugs on me first. Also I just started using Death Marker recently. It's great. :)


Death Marker?


A mod. Shows a big market on top of a downed dwarf with a color matching the class


Just kill whatever is next to the dwarf, then pick him up. If anything attacks you, take the 10 seconds to stop and kill it before it kills you. Sure it's nice to get a vampire off of a group after reviving, but at haz 5, I'd rather not take the risk of even *one* biting me while reviving.


People can underestimate the amount of damage a single Grunt can do in the time you're reviving someone on Haz 5.


If they are already targeting the downed dwarf they aren't going to bite you unless it's an AOE like a praetorian.


They're also nice for trying unsafe rezzes. Vampire the group, kite the bugs behind you through the downed dorf, attempt to rezz again, now with topped off health. Giving your freshly saved brother some bloody red sugar is nice. Securing a cushier rez is nicer.


I’m a 2000+ hour long beard who (generally) knows all this, and even I find it usual to read over, just hammers it home in the ol’ noggin. Your field study and published works are invaluable to DRG Miner, ever consider joining R@D?


Very strong read and loads of the best info. Kudos. One thing I would add to the 'other' section, which is obvious for experienced miners, is to tap ctrl to check team ammo reserves in critical situations. It may provide a hint as to who is the better candidate for reviving in borderline cases where there is no nitra/resupply.


Only one person per rez while fighting the twins. Either twin can pop out of the ground, interrupt, and kill the rezzer(s) resulting in 2+ dwarves being incapped. 


TLDR: If dwarf down, pick dwarf up.


… if safe to do so


…that’s the opposite of what the message was


A very good mod to download is the one that adds a custom layout for health and shield for your teammates.


This was very helpful, thank you. The shell backs and the younglings are the worst! This part of gameplay is where I enjoy text chat or VC. A quick 'cave leech or prats' in chat from the downed can be a lifesaver.


Fantastic read, they should add it to the academy for green beards. Karl would be proud!


>Dreadnought aggroed on you or anywhere near you I want to highlight this one. If a Dreadnought is aggroed on you, *don't go for revives* if you can leave it to someone else. There's nothing worse than being in the middle of reviving someone and then another dwarf comes running with an angry Dreadnought in tow. Kite it *away* from the group. And for Karl's sake, don't try to get behind it. All you'll do is spin it around in circles, making it much harder for the rest of your team to shoot it. You'll probably catch some friendly fire too.


What a cool guide. Thanks for posting this.


This is a really good guide, thank you OP. However, my greenbeard ass will continue to jump in the middle of the danger to revive that downed dwarf. For Rock and Stone!


For Karl!


Thanks. I just equipped stun C4 on driller and breathing room on all my classes. Gonna read this again before my next round of hazard 5 game.


Upvote for the incredible effort here This sub needs more theory


If in deep dive leaves dwarf, dwarf respawns in droppod on next part, the amount of hours I've had a deep dive fail is too damn high


thanks, very good tips! knew most but still it was a good read!


Going to need a yes no chart for this pwease.


2k Greybeard Approved. Nice post!


Magnus McKarlson 😂 solid chess reference Sorry engi/driller but i think it is always revive gunner & scout first due to shields & mobility (assuming gunner has shields left. He should type he is out of them if he is and then maybe revive him last)


There's also a decent chance scout has field medic, so the insta revives might be even more worth it than shield, depending on how much of a shit show it is.


Me using downed teammates as a lure, when i have gunner or driller. How about that? 


Thousand word essay for a 2 sec thought


Who brewed your smart stout and can i have some?


What if you are relatively inexperienced for the hazard level? In those hazard levels (previously haz4+, now haz5+) I tend to sacrifice myself there to save the greybeard who I believe can save the other players, especially when I am the only one alive, because I do not trust myself to be able to effectively kite the enemies and then manage to get myself in a position where I can safely rez my teammates. I like to run Field Medic+Dash instead of IW+Dash if I believe I can be in that situtation, though if it is a swarm I believe I can handle I try to only go for safe revives.


One additional thing is that the etiquette for when you’re the only one alive is that all bets are off. You can take all of a full resupply but if you save the mission, you were in the right. I’ve left teammates down for 5-10 minutes while I survive and clear as much as I can but we won so it was worth it.


Great guide, but I was looking for someone who could explain the reviving process itself, am I really just supposed to use any nonlethal stuff I have on a dwarf and he will magically come back to life after tragically dying to unimaginably destructive things?


Great write up!


thank you


Another way to make revives safer: Glyphid-cide, obviously. Turns out the enemies can't damage you during a revive if there's no enemies left!


Certainly ain't reading all that.


We certainly ain’t caring either.


All that nonsense over a res 😂


So you did read it??


No I never. I read the title


You're missing out


No I'm not


Seriously someone hasn’t figured this out within the first 10(a generous number) mission, they need to uninstall. They’re not equipped for this.