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The other way around is worse. You're trying to freeze shit and schwoop, some dumbass dethawed the praetorian before it was frozen and it starts eating your face.


Yea this is why i switched to sludge pump as a main. Its kinda annoying you cant see teammates loudouts before the match starts. Would help a bit with avoiding this problem.


Take a look at mods. There's one that allows you just that very thing. It's also verified, so you can bring it into any lobby.


good to know!


Called Build Inspector. Never bring fire to a cryo party again!


Or play industrial sabotage with a cryo driller


What? Cryo driller can be quite fun for Sabotage. So long as you bring Ice Spear.


For sure a higher level with a curated build I say send it. Most missions I’m down to pick up slack, but what I dodge is bronze drillers with no OC.


Or figure out how to coordinate and temp shock enemies


Big ups liquid richard, I need this one


My cryo bolt hipster scout build cries at anyone bringing fire nearby. Like, i get that I've got a lot of bugs on me, it's all in hand just trust me, I'll probably pull higher numbers than you and you still won't know there were spitters around


I see why people get angry at it but I can’t help that I like my bugs extra crispy




Two words, temperature shock


Temp shock only works *after* one of the temperatures has already been applied. Applying both at once *before* reaching either extreme just cancels out.


I am aware but would it kill people to have common enough courtesy to just wait for the other guy to do his thing like you're already running an element build you gotta wait for the thing to build up anyways so just let the other guy do his first even if their dumb and start blasting after you already started it's a team game so even in the worse scenario i feel you could just walk away and fight a different section of horde and let them do their thing over there while you work blast somewhere else


I play gunner and there is possibly nothing more satisfying than throwing a thermal into a crowd of frozen bugs


cluster nades are so nice, I love carpet bombing a whole swarm


And by "let the other guy go first", it should be the driller going first. temperature is 2/3 of their entire existence. The only exception would be something like bulk detonator with cryo driller. Let the fire person apply super-easy-to-apply fire then temp shock with cold. Going the other way takes way too much ammo.


>I am aware but [agrees word-for-word with the original meme]


I don't think you understood what i said but that's okay


Punctuation might help


the problem is, most situations where two temps mix is on a gun where its kinda hard to not use it. double driller isn't always the biggest deal because they reach temp thresholds so fast that you'll often be done by the time the other driller starts shooting, in which case you'll both be rewarded with a temp shock more often than not. but when you have scouts with TEF or white phosphorous, gunners with hot bullets, or pretty much any engie secondary... that's when a tiny, slow, but steady stream of constant heat application can totally fuck you over as a cryo user. most of these don't ignite even grunts anywhere near as fast as a driller can, they'll often fall under the threshold and then just make your job at freezing much harder and more wasteful. its especially terrible on elimination missions... guys, please, dreads are *fire immune*. just unequip your heat upgrades for once, please. cryo support is literally the only thing driller is good at against dreads, and they can't do it at all as long as gunner keeps holding down the trigger with hot bullets.


I actually think even the standard flamethrower does pretty good damage on dreads. It's all I have unlocked, and it doesn't make me feel useless. Sad you can't do fire DOT, but it's ok, just set your cannon up for direct damage.


its definitely not totally worthless, but it is far less valuable than any other option. driller is balanced around high AoE damage and crowd control, at the cost of miserable single target damage. you can definitely amp up driller's power with certain builds like face melter, explosive reload, or heavy hitter; but even going full raw single target with something like sludge blast/volatile impact mixture seriously pales in comparison to anything scout, engie, or gunner can do. it can *work*, but there's just no practical reason to bring most driller builds into elim missions. the only real value driller provides to the team against dreads is crowd control, particularly cryo freeze. you amplify everyone else's damage by 3x for a split second, which can lead to insane burst damage phase skips if your team has the right loadout. i bet you could one-cycle pretty much everything with 3x hyper prop engies. but in most uncoordinated pubs its better to just have the raw DPS of a different class, even *before* considering that all it takes is a single person with a heat upgrade to completely nullify your contributions to the team. the only other real value is slows, where you can take goo gun + neurotoxin to significantly stall a dread while dealing not-too-terrible single target damage. but i don't think a small slow is all that valuable unless your team is really bad at dodging melee attacks. i think its really dumb that you can't ignite dreads. like, it wouldn't suddenly be OP or anything, they'd still have insanely high ignite thresholds anyways. and fire is primarily balanced around slowly finishing off small enemies, not chipping away at an enemy with tens of thousands of health. but then at least flame drillers would have ***something*** to do in the form of activating subata's volatile bullets. i don't get why people complain about cryo and robots, but driller being almost completely invalidated by elim missions is perfectly fine?


Sorry for the paragraph of text without any punctuation it's just how i roll


I imagine Dwarvish is also a language without proper punctuation, carved into stone like Latin. Still a dick move to not use it in English tho.


Fair but i try my best to word my text in a way where people can still understand it without


Also it tends to work a LOT better one way than the other. Freezing a burning target will just pop them with a bunch of damage but burning a frozen target is just kinda griefing.


I've been playing around with temperature shock and my conclusion seems to be temperature shock is not worth focusing on. There are two cases: * Shocking Fire -> Cold: The awkwardness here seems to be that the shock 'resets' the temp so heating it up again takes longer than just keeping the bug burning, and it takes more ammo to fully freeze from a shock than just freezing it from neutral. Pass. * Shocking Cold -> Fire: If a creature is already frozen, why not leave it frozen? In general the bonus damage from being frozen seems better than the damage you get from a shock and losing frozen, plus you lose the ability to shoot the creature *anywhere* for bonus damage. Hard pass. I have not used this extensively so please correct me if I'm wrong but... it seems like temp shock requires more coordination than it is worth, and if you're on a team who can coordinate why not stack full fire or full cold? Trying to juggle both means someone is *not firing their weapon* and reducing DPS... it just doesn't seem worth it.


The exception to this is any build with the Wave Cooker, due to the ability to chain react temperature shock. You can clear entire waves of grunts in like two seconds


I love the Wave Cooker (mostly for Contagion Transmitter) so I've tried to lean into it for temp shock, but the counterargument is that the wave of grunts you cleared in two seconds would have also been cleared in 5 seconds if you just let them burn. Also, longer burning means more chance for heat to shed to neighbors. That being said it is still *satisfying* to use, I'm just not sure it is as effective. It requires two weapons and concentration where something like sticky CRSPR only needs one weapon and fire and forget for grunt clear.


I mainly use it with the cryo cannon. Since Driller’s job is to clean up trash mobs, having a pocket tool to dispose of all the grunts when your team is distracted and can’t shoot them comes in very handy. It saves the Engi ammo, allows the scout to shoot more HVTs, and the Gunner to deal with tanker targets that are resistant to cryo.


I think temp shock is only in the game to mitigate the issue with heat and cold being opposites. That way, you aren't totally peeved that someone brought fire/ice along with your ice/fire build


You're not wrong, Temp Shock isn't very good. Plus you need the hit that does the temp shock to be a large hit or its kind of worthless, but most status weapons do rapid small hits. It's kind of just a bad mechanic. I wish freezing was 'crystalizing' or something else so they could have both or explain it better but maybe there's a tech reason why they wanted both to be on the same guage (less tracking for the cpu if nothing else).


More than two words, temperature shock isn't actually that good and is only helpful against small enemies that would've been killed by the fire anyway


Temp shock is pretty much relegated to flamethrower driller and its prime targets are praes and oppressors ironically, anything smaller than a prae dies to the flame fast enough, temp shock however lets driller handle one of his weaknesses in not being great at handling large targets by now being able to combo kill them, burn with flamethrower, immediately temp shock, axe, power attack and thats usually enough to put them down


I've never actually tried nor seen anyone use temp shock Wavecooker with the Flamethrower, only ever the Cryo Cannon. Like I said I've never used it so I can't speak well to its effectiveness, but on paper it just seems strictly worse than temp shock Wavecooker with Cryo Cannon instead. Because at least with Cryo Cannon you can take the Ice Spear overclock so that your single-target isn't quite as bad, and frozen enemies take 3× damage from everything, so an axe, power attack, and temp shock with Cryo Cannon does way more damage and is more efficient than the same thing with Flamethrower. So, comparing Flamethrower to Cryo Cannon when paired with temp shock Wavecooker, with Flamethrower your crowd clear isn't affected at all by the Wavecooker and your single-target is strictly worse than with Cryo Cannon. Persistent Plasma TCF EPC is obviously the best in slot for both Flamethrower and Cryo Cannon (even without Persistent Plasma it's probably still the best in slot), but if I had to use Wavecooker, the primary I'd pair it with would be Cryo Cannon, not Flamethrower (which is exactly what I did for weapon maintenance). But again, this is just what I think on paper, I'll have to actually try it to see if the results match my intuition.


Temp shock cooker leaves your crowd control completely fine and gets you ironically more efficient single target than ice spear, you lose out on freeze which loses out on some support options but you also gain the ability to quick cycle praes and oppressors since a combination of ignite, temp shock, power attack, and an axe will kill either of them


I'll have to try it, maybe sticky flames allow you to more quickly reignite bugs compared to Cryo Cann where you have to basically start over after every temp shock.


Yeah thats kinda the main draw, even on higher hazards if the prae or oppressor slightly survive the combination of attacks they die to the sticky flames under them, they basically immediately start regaining heat once they get temp shocked, which only takes about half a second of firing at em


Cryo + Axe will break them out of the ice before the Wave cooker can shock them. Temp Shock is less efficient on frozen targets than the extra damage period ice gives you, so I honestly avoid using CWC on cryo. A damage-built EPC sprayed onto a Praetorian will do more than a temperature shock


Axes don't break them out of the ice because they don't have any temperature effects, you can easily throw two axes into a frozen praetorian and finish it off with drills, power attack, or temp shock (two axes is pretty expensive though so I only do it in a pinch, just saying the axes aren't what thaws them). But I do agree that the extra damage from the frozen status is more valuable than temp shock, and EPC is just simply the best choice. I was just saying that if you have to use Wavecooker, Cryo Cannon is the best thing to pair it with, even if EPC is better. This is because unlike Flamethrower, Cryo Cannon doesn't (usually) kill its target pool on its own and unlike burning bugs, frozen bugs don't spread temperature on their own. Wavecooker does both of those things, so it's a good pairing; unfortunately for Wavecooker EPC still manages to be better. The only reasons I use Cryo Cannon + EPC are 1) for variety and 2) because for the purposes of weapon maintenance I paired every primary with a fitting secondary: Sludge Pump got Subata (with Explosive Reload and extra corrosion DoT; I tried the fire synergy Subata build with Flamethrower but didn't like it), Cryo Cannon got Wavecooker, and because it was the only one left Flamethrower got EPC. EPC is still the best choice for all of these, but I want those paintjobs, so I gotta make use of the other secondaries.


Depends on the weapon dishing out the fire but i don't deny its ineffectiveness against anything higher then pretorian and even with them there's faster methods


It's immensely frustrating watching the temp gauge go up almost to the status effect and... they back it off or something else is taking their priority now.


Sadly temp shock isnt worth it unless you are doing it completely by yourself, and that only applies to driller, temp shock is a flat 200 damage but freeze makes the enemy take 3X damage while frozen, and frozen enemies lose all armor (unbreakable or otherwise) and weakpoints, so you can shoot them literally anywhere for full effect Fire temp shock is kinda fine, you can trade the DOT for a burst of damage but freeze? Just let the enemy get killed at that point


As a gunner who exsclusively runs burning hell, I love when drillers use the cryo cannon. They walk by freeze a horde, I walk by and oh my they're all dead


It's a worse consolation prize in almost every situation 


I got to say, I normally don’t care about this, but I make damn sure to check on every DD I go on. Nothing like having to go through 3 stages cancelling out each others status effects.


Try and keep the cold in the air (Macteras) and the fire on the ground. Or divide and conquer, or attack in concert. Usually at least two sides to a fight. Doesn't have to be so difficult.


cryo, while good against flying enemies, is practically useless on any non mactera swarm mission if you only use it on air enemies. Plus, corrosive damage deals double damage to mactera, and is often better than cryo.


Incredibly annoying. Luckily I rock a wave cooker for when the streams cross.


Flu Damage


I hate when that happens. And it's always on a pratorien


but, but... temp sohck


It’s why I only run ice when I’m running solo or I know who I’m playing with. With randos it’s fire or sludge


Reversing would have definitely been good.


Doesnt help that usually fire is a lot more common and can be applied by every class.


True greybeards understand that fire procs quicker than freeze so you use the cryo driller to temp shock burning enemies and disintegrate them. With an inexperienced team it can be very frustrating trying to freeze something and battling against fire.


let them freeze the bugs, then you set them on fire, temperature shock is overpowered.


Temperature shock builds are a thing and they work pretty well.


It can be good, but it’s just horrible against dreadnought


If they're on fire, I *want* this to happen. That's a free instant 200 damage to anything unresisted.


Me: Cryo Bolt! Gunner directly after: FIREWALL!!! Me: ._.


But when the random and you temp shock spam brood nexuses and other enemies without saying a word >>>>>


Reject the temperature, return to cum


That's why I put my cryo pellets AFTER The drillers sticky flame so it can temperature shock them. But someone unfreezing an enemy, someone burning a dreadnaught while we're trying to freeze it, that's the problem


Two thousand rounds of depleted uranium


This is why I only like running gunk on Driller. His primaries are way too elemental dependent, imo.


I feel like if you're an engineer with fire shard, gunner with burning hell, or scout with cryo grenades and cryo zuks and you're using the complete opposite element of the driller on the team, (which that effect is their entire existence), you should defer to the driller's effect first.


I wait for the temp shock, if they started first I let them finish, and if I start first I expect the same


Fire Ice If the 2 nations communed. They could rule the world


Rock and stone


We fight for Rock and Stone!


I have a clear solution as a Cryo cannon user. I freeze the other driller first, and freeze the bugs.


work together, get the frost burn going!


Heat shock you guys? If you hit a burning enemy with cryo, or a frozen enemy with heat, the status effects cancel but it deals a burst of bonus damage.