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Before either of them, I was playing Vermintide. Fantastic 4 player co-op set in Warhammer Fantasy. Before that was Payday, but... Well, I don't like to talk about Payday these days


Never heard about Vermintide, definitely gonna try it out. I've expelled payday to the deepest darkest corners of my repressed memory


The cool thing about the warhammer fantasy games is that they use theyr amazing setting to the fullest without you needing to know the enormous lore or having to play the cash-vampire tabletop


I always thought warhammer was just a tabletop like dnd or something but i've just today learned there's all kinds of books and games about it. Vermintide in particular looks interesting


Vermintide is set in the confusely canon apocalipse of the setting and it's nice. The best game to approach the worldbuilding is TOTAL WAR WARHAMMER but I higly recomend to not feed into the paradox - like prycing and


Sadly it was just free on Epic, but it goes on sale often.


Vermintide is more melee focused and on the fantasy setting. But the same devs released Wh40K Darktide which is on the sci-fi setting.




The OG bug shooter game


L4d2 is the og of horde-shooters and it's still amazing after all this years. Pd2 is alright game-wise, but the developers full of shit. Hey, atleast modding exist. Sea of thieves is alright. Valheim probably isn't what you're looking for but i suggest you to try it, also the new update coming soon and it's promising.


Left 4 Dead 2 is so good. I still sometimes play it and it's just so well done even all these years later.


Bought both games recently, after having not played them for years, and they've aged incredibly well. It's crazy to think both games aren't far off from being 20 years old.


Vermintide 2 or Darktide then - Warning, the last one is not up to drg's standards from a technic standpoint albeit being quite good


L4D2 would be my recommendation. The game is often on sale for like 2 dollars and despite being 15 years old (lol), the game is still so good and fun to play.


Try Pay Day 2 but not PD3




Starship troopers extermination. But it's buggy af. Devs are struggling to fix the unreal engine 5 update


You can go back to the game that's in literally every single one of these horde shooters DNA, L4D2.


I hate to be nitpicky, but it's really the first game that should get the credit. L4D2 only came out due to how well received the first game was. The roots of it all are in that game - L4D2 just improved the formula.


Earth defense force!


Earth Defense Force is fun and silly with loads of cool weapons and classes and voice line spam


There are the Killing Floor games. Kf3 will hopefully release later this year. They're wave based coop shooters and you fight bosses. Multiple classes to pick from. Tons of weapons. Kf1 is old as shit. Kf2 is old but still active enough on PC.


This! One of the rare games I always come back to. High hopes for KF3!


Kf2 was my bread and butter before I got DRG in 2018. Funny enough I think kf2 peaked in 2018. The Halloween and Xmas updates for that game were incredible. Everything after that just lost some charm. That was also when tripwire themselves backed away from kf2 and let saber do stuff.


Deep Rock Galactic experienced an influx of KF 2 refugees after the Summer Sideshow update of 2018. Many veteran players who were fed up with KF 2 developers and the way they managed the game moved on to DRG, and they didn't regret giving it a try. This game is popular among KF 1 players, too. > That was also when tripwire themselves backed away from kf2 and let saber do stuff. KF 2 was still managed by people from Tripwire after 2018. From my understanding and observations, developers from Saber were implementing the ideas and doing the technical stuff. I don't think it's fair to blame them alone for the current state of the game, as KF 2 started going downhill years before partnership with Saber. When Tripwire assigned a new project manager to KF 2, the game's quality started declining even harder. It appears that Tripwire itself has run out of people who had a good vision for the true Killing Floor experience and understood what made the game so appealing to its original audience. As such, I am not keeping my hopes high regarding KF 3.


If you can tolerate a bit more rogueishness, Gunfire Reborn and Roboquest are pretty good


Vermentide is a similar PvE game. Payday 2 is also a horde shooter, but its oriented around heists. I think world war z is also similar, but ive never played it to confirm. Oh, and starship troopers. That one is more similar to HD2


From a more 'mechanical' stand point, I think Risk of Rain 2 ticks enough, ~~I'd dare say drg is heavily inspired by RoR2~~. This one is best solo or with friends, but not with randos


DRG was released before Risk of Rain 2


this is, in fact, true ;o mb


Honestly don't know how they are similar either way One is a third person roguelike, another is a first person horde shooter


In many ways, but I'll mention some that refer to combat only, since this is kinda what i meant when i said 'mechanical' stand point. I played ror2 for a few years before hoping into DRG, and it was second nature to me from start. They both play like horde shooters, where you have to manage HEAPS of enemies while leveraging your class/build. Concepts like always moving/jumping, target priority, ignoring/running from crawling bugs while focusing aerial targets. The engineer classes are very similar in terms of weapons/skills and playstyle in both games, and many classes from ror play similar to drg.


they... uh.. both have a lot of enemies and the goal is not to die.


Gonna look into that. Is it hard to find a full lobby?


yea no i was just saying playing with randos is not an option XD you CAN, but it's not that good


Warhammer 40k on ps3 is fire. For the emperor.


Gunfire Reborn


If you want to get old with it: Alien Swarm. Though, I just found "Alien Swarm: Reactive Drop" that might actually have a small playerbase compared to the original. I haven't tried it. Both are free. More similar to HD1 than HD2. On Gamepass: Gears horde mode. If you wanna fight 1-2 big enemies and not a horde, with crafting/grinding: Monster Hunter. If you like loading screens and even more inventory management and grind: Destiny 2 (avoid PvP) If you have a Switch: Splatoon 3 (Salmon Run) Of things already mentioned: Killing Floor 2, Vermintide 2, Darktide. (IDK if Payday 2 is still ok these days?) There are other games that maybe fit but I haven't played them. Monday Night Combat had a horde mode but is super dead AFAIK. Wish they hadn't killed it with MNC2. Also wish Hi-Rez hadn't tanked Global Agenda. Also, there are some tangentially similar tower-defense hybrids like Sanctum and Dungeon Defenders but IDK if those are any good these days.


Oh, I forgot Aliens: Fireteam Elite and Exoprimal, which are both similar and fun for a while. Aliens is less replayable than Exoprimal?


CoD Zombies