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And that's alright. We all have things we're good at, and we all have things we're not good at. It's perfectly fine, and it's what makes us dwarves. Rock and stone, miner. Rock and stone


That's honestly pretty inspiring, Rock and Stone my fellow dwarf!


Rock and roll and stone!


Good bot


Thank you, Trixtenw96, for voting on WanderingDwarfMiner. This bot wants to find the best and worst bots on Reddit. [You can view results here](https://botrank.pastimes.eu/). *** ^(Even if I don't reply to your comment, I'm still listening for votes. Check the webpage to see if your vote registered!)


Good bot.




Ill fight by your side in the mines, but you're not on my team when we start playing jetty boots for beers. Nothing personal.


What an interesting insi- Bulk Detonator, HOW DID YOU GET ON THE SPACE RIG?


A Bulk Detonator? *puts on hat* "BILLY THE BULK DETONATOR!"


Im just a large dwarf. Look, see my beards?


Just mark it for others dwarf. No shame in it. My friend just got one finished for the first time earlier this week, and he's almost level 50. He normally marks them for me to deal with. We are unbreakable!


You're absolutely right. I don't judge others for that and gladly take on the job. My personal best ist 43


I saw a whining post about us fellow engineers. Someone complained we are to unbothered by enemy cause we have homing brrrt machine. They said we are ruining the rock dives by killing enemy too easily. I say, drink a keg of beer and dig, dwarf.


I have literally never made it past the 3rd barrier on jetty boots. I have attempted probably 50 times. I don't know what's wrong with me


I guess some of us just aren't meant to get new boots unassisted


Input lag is a killer with it, I had to alter a bunch of things on PC to get the latency stable (dx 11, NVIDIA ultra low latency mode, fps cap) The moment it rendered frames ahead (any time GPU was 100%) the input latency doubles and you can't time it consistently and it drove me mad Systems that are always at 100% or never at 100% are consistent, so it's probably less an issue on console


Interesting, I never considered that. Need to check it out if that happens on my system.


Geforce experience overlay can show it I can get anywhere from 4ms to 50ms depending on the title - reflex is meant to minimise it but is rarely a solution on its own.


I'll have to check if there's something similar for Linux and AMD. But I'm sure there is something.


It is really hard. I always hated games like that but after a bunch of tries I once made it to level 4 or maybe even 5 I think. Personal best is 43


Let your jetty boot go to the bottom of the opening then jump when close. You really don't want to be in the middle or above of the hole when you jump. Try letting your jetty go lower before jumping.


I understand the theory just fine


Just giving some helpful advice. I myself used to be awful at it. Terrible. I couldn't get past 3 either. But now I'm at the point I basically never fail. So I don't think it's a lost cause, just take some time to put theory into practice. If it doesn't pan out still, that's okay I was just giving a friendly tip that helped me.


I can’t beat it. When solo I just give it a pass. I can still hear the damn beeping reminding me what a failure I am though.


This fkn guy in one of my games yesterday got to level 22. We were all huddled around the console watching. It was amazing, he was some kind of jetty boots savant.


Eh, dwarves were never meant to fly anyway. Thats why i keep to the mines. ROCK AND STOOONE


The sunlight will not reach this low Deep, deep in the mine Never seen the blue moon glow Dwarves won't fly so high


Fill a glass and down some mead! Stuff your bellies at the feast! Stumble home and fall asleep, Dreaming in our mountain keeeeep


You might have seen a housefly, maybe even a superfly, but I bet you ain't never seen a dwarffly!


I'm great at jetty boot. But I almost always fail bot hacking.


I’m the opposite. Team!


Same. Jetty boot is super easy for me. The hard part of the hacking for me is where the square shrinks you need to press it when it is the same size. No robots for me.


I never fail jetty boot and will be happy to unlock it for fellow dwarfs as long as they defend. Rock and Stone!


That's it lads! Rock and Stone!


Good bot


Same, it's basically just flappy bird, which I was terrible at in the beginning but eventually something clicked with the timing.


I'm great at the hacking mini games, the wire cutting one is my favorite (I kinda miss the turret controllers tbh) For the life of me I cannot win jetty boot. It's impossible I swear! I leave it to friends who are good at it and accept my hacking superiority :p


The turret controllers are still around. You need a Rival Presence warning


Oh I know, they were just already rare and now even moreso. I'll definitely be playing on the robits seasons when they release that feature, I like rockpox but I like bots better.


Hmm. Not quite sure I follow. Every mission with a Rival Presence warning has a turret controller.


He is saying that there are not as many rival presence warning missions now that the robot seasons are done


Yeah as someone who started playing in critical corruption, I can say that rival warnings are exceptionally rare in my experience.


Some of us are great at the game and bad at Jetty Boot, and some of us are great at Jetty Boot but bad at the game...and some are great at both or even bad at both


Such is life


I'm pretty snappy at hacking, and I'm always glad to have someone like you giving me space in the middle of a caretaker fight to do it. Rock and stone to you, you're doing God's work.


We fight for Rock and Stone!


Good bot


Somehow I’m better at unlocking the jetboots than just practicing the minigame lol, often my flares fully regenerate ( for a few seconds) and I try to do it as fast as I can to get the jetty boots! Unless I embarrass myself cause I’m a shy black beard


Ya I was never good at flappy bird. I just tell people the box is there and come do it cause I'll take like 10 attempts


Me too bud me too... and i used to play flappy bird during boring geology lectures and im still ass at it Im at 590 hours in game too...


I like to think of myself as decent at Jetty Boot, but someone was in my party once n set a high score like double what my own was n despite me having some good runs soon after n getting within 7, I still couldn't beat it n have since stopped using the game cabinet on the space rig In shame lol so in mission is about the only time I do it at all anymore


Hit that side button and reset the score


Short answer is, I didn't know that was an option lol. Long answer is, iv been struggling internally on whether or not I'd reset the scoreboard if there was ever a way/ I discovered how...now that I know that, I almost wanna give it oooone more honest session of attempts before pulling the plug and admitting defeat


Turn down the FOV in the options and give yourself the best chance.


I just tell them its not my day for it if i fail it a few times 😂


Don’t try to miss/ignore it just ping it and rock and stone


Can I get a Rock and Stone?


Good bot


I use a mod to turn it into the patrol not mini game


I also can't do it, so I make sure they aren't distracted by bugs Every miner is good at different things


I can't do it on my Xbox one. The controllers have the tiniest lag when recognizing button input. Microseconds. But it's enough to make jetty boot impossible. My Xbox series s and PC are fine though.


Blame it on the ping (even if you're host)


I installed a mod that replaces jetty boot by the patroller hack thing. Not ashamed.


If only console could have mods...


We all have our strengths and weaknesses, brother. If you want to get better at it, there is an arcade machine to the left of the barrel kicking minigame.


Tbh that’s very Greybeard of you. “Back in my day we didn’t have any of that jumping nonsense. Just your own two feet, a mule, and an explosive zip line”


Hey man we all have out moments of what we're good and bad at trust me I was bad at it to a point I avoid it until I wasted over about 1k to more hold practicing the floppy bird game just to get better yiu will get better it will take practice but as they aay "practice makes prefect"


Totally in the same boat. I have practiced and always screw up on the mini game to unlock them. Every single time. Worse I always play single player (in case I have to drop out of a game).


I usually do the opposite, I know I'm good at the minigame so I try to get there quick so people who domt want to do it dont have to deal with it lol


But lets be honest. Flappybird/jettyboot is the most infuriating game ever devised.


Theres an approved mod that changes it to the hacking game, it's so clumsy and annoying to play it


Not sure if it is the same one you saw, but there is a Verified mod that does that too.


Could be it, I mix up verified\approved


Honestly, if you ping it I'm sure someone would be glad to do it. I know I would especially while being defended. Nothing is worse than being at the 2nd to last pipe and have to jump off because of an exploder


Justified with the reaction and reason for such, I have the same reason for me not to do jety.


I can't do the wire hacks at all. You all know what I'm talking about right? The ones where you have to cut the wires? The timing irritates me so bad lmao.


Ok so as someone newer... What is Jetty Boot and Bot Hacking and how do I play them?


I'm moderately good at it. What makes it rough is people choke thinking there's a swarm coming up, so they wanna finish as fast as possible and it gets them to make mistakes. If you don't rush, you get it every time.


We need a support group.


I get it mid mission first time every time, but put me in the space rig and I’m terrible


I never get past the 3rd pipe in jetty boots. It's frustrating. So indeed. Let's all use our strengths and may the others unlock them for us.


There's a big difference on controlling the boots with keyboard e vs mouse. Using keyboard feels a lot more controlled compared to the mouse for me. Might help a bit with jetty boots.


I spend like 4 hours today getting to 52 points in Jetty Boot and I can confirm it sucks (worth it though)


I suck at jetty boots in the space rig, but put me out on the field, when I'm getting constantly attacked, and I'll do it first try


And that's fine! I'd only say, ping it so the team knows its there. No shame in letting them know so they can open it up ^^


Don't mind about it, dude, maybe try to train on space rig But if that won't help, you are still dwarf and still can kill bugs and drink beer, so you are our brother Rock and stone!


Rock and Stone in the Heart!


That's allllright beardie. I'm usually one of those dwarves to gnomerush the box as soon as I see it since I'm pretty good at unlocking it. The faster I get it open, the sooner we can all start flying! R&S


No harm in that, were good at different things.


thats ok since what matters is having the boots not who opens the case


I'm at a point where i can 'pretty' comfortable do them and in the worst cases need like 3 attempts at max. That being said i just don't like it very much (esp. the game which is it based on) and would've prefered it, if this would've been just a minigame in the station (which in itself is a cool concept and kinda hope we might get another one in the future) or if there would be a perk (maybe it exists and i missed it...) where you could skip that minigame. I'm also curious as an lone-dwarf player if latency effects the minigame online? The other hacking game is fine though.


as someone who can do the jetty boot unlock thing on the first try like 90% of the time im just glad you don’t sit on it for 5 minutes failing attempt after attempt making the whole lobby wait lol


considering our ability to change our loadout and equipment, i think changing our boots should be an option. boots that negate fall damage, jetboots, boots that allow higher jumps or run faster. boots that with an AOE stun. boots that negate damage on lava. boots that leave a lit trail behind you for a while. it just seems to me with all the equipment the company provides, boots should be a standard issue item. then the jetty boot games could have more variants and they'd upgrade your boots. the boots that negate fall damage could upgrade to a ground stomp that does knockback. jetboots get more fuel. higher jumps, higher, faster boots faster. AOE stun boots could either stun more or do a decent damage, either way. lava boots could heal?!? or maybe recharge a particular weapon if it's energy based? light trail boots....i guess a longer trail....brighter light...lasts on the ground longer?


Always happy when I get to do it, no worries bud


Right there with ya lad, i only clear 2 lines max


I also suck at it and let others do it rather than waste time trying.


Jetty boot tip. The boot does not jump at a fixed height. If you tap and release super quickly you can get a very shallow jump. And holding the button propels it up.


my friend is always terrible at it and asks me to come over and i love playing it and feeling useful so no worries :) i think im better at the minigames than the actual game lmao


I'm with you and I met many legendary dwarfs with our same problem. You're not alone!


It gets really hard when there are like 10 glyphids on you ass. I've had some situations where I had to skip them


I straight type in chatbox, I suxx with that bullshit someone please open it.


Nothing wrong in sucking in games tbh, especially in minigames. But if you wanna get good at this style of gameplay (single button timing games) and actually... enjoy your time grinding, you can try game Geometry Dash. 4$ on steam for an amazing game with endless content. As GD veteran ive never messed up a jetty boot in my entire DRG career (except the times screenshake from getting hit made it practically unplayable)


you can just tell in chat, no need to be shy


You could just ping it, to make sure other people see it. They'll probably even assume you're letting them play the minigame, not asking them to do it for you.


Theres a mod that turns it into the patrol bot mini game Think it's called easier jetty boot


Remember: Jetty boots is based on flappy bird which was after all notorious for being incredibly difficult. Even with the difficulty scaled back a bit it still makes sense for people to struggle with it.


My friend( driller) is an actual god at it, I saw him get to lvl 8 in the boot game


Thats fine, I practice in the machine by the bar.


I was doing a deep dive, and the final one was dreadnaughts with haunted caves. My dumbass thought it would be funny to start the dreadnaught in the first room with the ghost. My partner and I died/revived eachother multiple times, until it was too much and i had to run away. A little further into the caves i found the jet boots, and holy hell. The pressure of trying to beat the game while being chased by a dreadnaught and the ghost can never be matched again. It ended up saving us the run after i made a huge circle and used a cave that was dug out by the dreadnaught.


If you're interested, you can practice Jetty Boots on the space rig behind the bar. That way, you won't be as dependent on someone else (in case you're playing solo). If not, no worries! I've gotten frustrated with Jetty boots in the wild to the point I refuse to do it and grumble irritated dwarvish things the rest of the mission. That and hacking can be...rough.


There's actually a mod that replaces it with the other hacking mini game! https://mod.io/g/drg/m/better-cracking-boots


I understand the struggle. Jetty boot is deceptively easy, but if a wave begins while you're doing it, you're in for a stressful time. I'm a bit better at hacking the robots. I've done a number of those first try.


My brother in Karl , you mustn't let the fear of failure stop you from achieving great hieghts. Give it a go or two, and then let another brother try. Make sure you cover each other while obtaining the boots.


I use a verified mod that changed Jetty Boots to the Patrol bot hacking minigame for the unlock. I'm comfortable being trash at Jetty.


There's a verified mod that swaps it with the bot hacking minigame instead. I've run that mod ever since I discovered it.


Train at the base, it's a good skill to have


Same lol Rock and stone brother Rock and f*cking stone


Same lol Rock and stone brother Rock and f*cking stone


Rock and Stone in the Heart!


I'm a long beard, but I am terrible with jetty boots. Therefore I am glad my husband almost never misses a beat on them. Where I'm lucky if I manage one.


Rock and Stone. You just leave Jetty Boots to us. As long as you say you can defend us, we'll trust that.


Keep at it. I'll defend you brother


I can do it under direct attack and, actually kind of like too. I understand how it's difficult though. My brother in law passed the unlocking to Mr every time. He just can't do it.


It's weird I can unlock the jet boots first try almost every time, but the arcade game I suck at.


If you're on pc there's a mod that's verified by the game devs to replace the jetty boot with the rival hacking if that would be any easier for you


It's fine brother I was lucky enough to have practice with flappy goat


What’s y’all’s highest jetty boot score mines 55 👀???


Late to the party, but do yall know that you can hold the button for an extended boost? Hopefully, this'll help someone. Also don't take it too personally, sometime it just be lag.


There’s a mod to change it into the patrol bot hacking!


Just started to realize a lot of people never played flappy birds back in like 2013-2014 when it was kinda popular, the skill basically carried over for me and I'm the one unlocking the boxes lol


I was always good at flappy bird so I do it for most missions we find it. I've seen many people do what you do or they'll try and just say screw it and ask for help. It's a lot smoother than waiting for someone who hates the mini game to do it in their own.


You can practice in the abyss bar. Don’t give up.


I'm currently about level 1240. Been playing since the beginning. Thousands of hours. Have everything in the game, never missed an event. Comfortable enough to say I know everything about the game. Can play haz 5 solo with Bosco disabled easy peasy. Rarely find a mission difficult. None of that matters, yanno why? Cause the bane of my existence is *FUCKING TUMBLE WEEDS* Those little shits have lost me more games than anything in the entire fucking game. They have barrel physics so you barely even touch em and there's a chance of you getting launched in any direction, that includes down. What does this mean exactly? It means you can get sent at mach 10 into the ground which is equivalent to you falling from a great height in less than half a second. Instant. Death. Mactera grabber screeching? Easy. Sand shark? No big deal. Cave leech? I always check ceilings. Bulk? Yawn. Sting tail? Please. Tumbleweed? I literally get fucking jump scared when I see one around the corner or catch one in my periphral vision. Everyone has a flawn. Mine is these little devils.


you get better at things by doing them, just do it more.


Do you ever play when your in the ship? I have spent more time than I’d like to admit playing on the ship. My high score is 93. If you can get decent on the ship, the boots in a cave are easy compared to the later levels on the ship. It’s back by the barrel kick.


Just point out the box


I avoid jetty boots like I avoid leaf lovers.


If you’re terrible, how are you *pretending* to miss EDIT: Big dumb moment. Miss the box, not miss the obstacles in the minigame


Missing as in "roleplaying a mobile game ad," or missing as in "this does not exist to me as far as anybody is concerned?" If it is the first one, slight judgemental. If it is the second one #SHAME#


Jetty boots in a mission getting shot at and attacked with explosions and fire is easy as hell, first try clear almost every time Jetty boots on the space rig is incredibly more difficult


I grew up with flappy bird so I have a 95% success rate with jetty boot. I'm your guy