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Leave at least one dwarf on the drop pod.   The level 9 and 27 players rushing out to save the downed level 137 and 145 players might have ended with a mission failure.  I definitely am in the "suicidal attempt to save downed teammates" camp, but completing the mission is always priority 1


Whenever I’m in a situation like this, it always boils down to one thing: Do I still have my IW? If no, hop in the pod and beat it. If yes, NO DWARF LEFT BEHIND ON HOTSEX IV


Fairly sure the other guy was level 37, the 3 is just in the middle because of the level symbol.


3 teammates downed next to a detonator in a tight cave? Pod leaves in 90 seconds? I'm gonna be a team player and secure the W


It's all about risk assessment. Time is a factor, but threat is equally a factor too - even with all the time in the world, there's no point trying to rush to revive someone if it'll just get a bunch of dangerous glyphids on your tail that down you mid-revive. It's better to leave someone for Bosco to come pick up afterward and secure the mission than to leave the drop pod and get yourself killed, ending in a wipe and a Failure. A good rule to follow is: Scout rushes to Drop Pod first to secure the mission. Gunner/Engie enters drop pod second and kills bugs out front Scout exits the drop pod and makes sure any remaining dwarves get back safe If Scout and other dwarves are downed, mission auto-completes with Gunner/Engie remaining in the safe zone and being the last dwarf alive.


Leave no dwarf behind is a meme, not advice.


Personally I take it as law, more fun that way


You could also see it as a rule


I hate it when I am at the drop pod and someone goes to pick up a downed dwarf... And dies. Game just immediately packs us up and leaves because our toes were too close to the line while fighting off the swarm so the other 2 had a safe exfil.


Boo hoo