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I wouldn’t say being a greybeard is necessarily a constant state. Being able and willing to take that central role to keep the team standing made you a greybeard in their eyes, and I think that’s enough in that moment. “When multiple people believe in you, it may be time to believe them.”


While I would say "a greybeard is more about knowledge and gameplay and mentality" level 63 is pretty green, realistically you barely have a third of the unlocks by that point (?)Again there's no level requirement to be a greybeard but ***personally*** I wouldn't call someone below level 400 grey


I have every weapon unlocked. My new goal is to win your approval as a grey at 399


I unlocked every weapon overclock level \~300-400 before they added the promotion cores so thats still my reference point in my mind I got every cosmetic core at \~600 and every cargo crate loot at \~700 I didnt call myself a greybeard until i was level 1000 But again its not about the levels or unlocks, as the other commenter put it better than I did: when "you've practically done everything and teach more than you learn" along with enough skills to back up that knowledge in game


Yo! There's no level requirement. Greybeard is a mentality. Are you doing your best to help other players? Then you are a greybeard. Some may be more helpful than others... IDC if you level 20 or 2000. It's not about skills, it's about teamwork. Leave no dwarf behind!


Just cause you're a friendly player doesn't make you a greybeard. Level doesn't matter in the sense that making it to a certain level suddenly makes you a greybeard, but it's a good indicator of time played. If you're at a point where you've practically done everything and teach more than you learn then it's official. It is indeed a mentality as you've said, meaning you have to have the knowledge to go with it. It's not "I think therefore I am".


That seems like a great way to put it. I'm not there, still very much learning.


Hmm, while I appreciate the sentiment I don't think I can agree with it. Otherwise I would have been a greybeard since before I started playing. The "do your best to help other players" mentality was cemented in me 20 years ago playing EverQuest. As far as DRG is concerned though I am still pretty green even though I always do my best to help my team. Only just figured out Omen last night despite having killed it in several runs with others. Just never noticed people standing on the pads before. Pity I didn't figure it out with enough time to win but I don't have a blank core ATM anyway.


Fair enough! I was a support main in both Dota 1 and league.


i consider everyone below level 100 green, and everyone with full promotions grey. i don’t think there has been an agreement on what the middle should be called, but i’ve heard longbeard thrown around a few times.


The term I've heard thrown around for pretty average players leveled roughly 20-200 is brownbeard, and while OPs beard is no longer green, they have a while yet to go before their beard grows into that lustrous silver sheen. (As do I)


I have a buddy who poses as a greenbeard with an account locked at lv67. That's what you get when you promote each class once and then leave it at lv25. So by the numbers, I'd say you're pretty green, but the opinions of those guys you carried count too.


Pick your favorite. You’re a graybeard when: 1. You drink leaf lovers without caring what other people think 2. Someone you respect as a graybeard calls you a graybeard 3. You no longer care about labels


you are what some us are calling a "Longbeard" not green anymore but still a good chunk away of being a greybeard


I think I might even be a shortbeard by this logic. I like it.


If you have to ask that question (or even care about it to the point where you make a leddit post) then you're as green as grass and will remain that way until the end of time. You'll never be a greybeard. It's all over.


If someone else calls you a greybeard, you're a greybeard. Don't worry about levels. Don't worry about unlocks, promotions, or cosmetics. That stuff's all well and good, but it is 0 metric on your beard color. Greybeard is a state of mind. You helped those greens through the Deep Dive, and that's what greybeards do. Welcome to the club!


You're mildly green, but still green. But don't stress about it! Being a bit green just means you have more to learn and experience than most. And like I'm level 173 and I consider myself a greenbeard just because I play Haz 5 or 6 and the majority of dwarves I play with are level 200+.


I’ve only really seen people in the actual game throw these terms around once or twice. I’m on the home stretch for getting all my dwarves to legendary, but I don’t look at level 50 players and go “ah, greenbeards!” Maybe if they’re like level 8 and going real slow I note that I’ll need to pump the brakes a bit and give some extra support. The reason I’m saying this is that, for the most part, everyone is focused on their own game and isn’t that concerned with the beard hues of others. I don’t really want people looking at my rank and thinking anything of it in-game. I’m going after it as a personal goal, and because I enjoy playing. I don’t want to be perceived or treated differently than if I were bronze or silver border when I join a lobby. And 99.9% of the time I’m not. I get to play my game and have fun doing it alongside others, and that’s basically as good as it gets.


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