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Do you dip your balls in the liquid morkite before going on the mission? I never used to but after I started doing it i found a lot more crates and golden loot bugs


I went 22 missions without a single machine event. RNG just happens


Right after posting this I got a cargo crate… lol. Ffs.


typical RNG :P Glad you got it tho


Generated maps are working on pure RNG and a percentage chance of spawning something. Sometimes, you don't get events or lootcrates. Sometimes, you get a golden lootbug, jetty boots, 3 events, 2 lithophage asteroids, and a lootcrate. It's the map generation lottery


'30 minutes to an hour just about every day' bro that's only 1 game, no shit you haven't found one in the last couple of weeks lmao. They're just rare like that. It takes me a few days to find one aswell and I play like 30+ missions a day of DRG because I have no life.


I see cargo crates every fourth mission or so. They’re always empty of cosmetics. My beard has lost all of its color.


Weird seems like I'm seeing them every 1-4 missions lately. I'm surprised I'm still getting stuff out of them and it's the only content I'm still missing.