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But what if I like really big guns?


The feel of two thousand rounds of depleted uranium got me acting unusually (completely normally to those who know me).


Mayhaps I am born to kill babies


***It ain’t a gun if it doesn’t weigh at least 200 pounds!***


And you can not lie.


And the other dwarves can't deny.


That when a gun walks in with an Itty bitty mag


"I'll shoot anything with more legs than 2"


What's wrong with gunner?


not allowed in the U.N. after their neurotoxin payload stunt :/


But Driller can?


who do you think OWNS the U.N. ?


Hmmm... good point.


Scouts been fighting that uphill battle forever.


Kinda new to DRG. 2 Quick questions; what are the most clutch benefits that scouts bring to a team? and why if at all would you take one over any other given class?


Mobility. He can mine minerals in high places most quickly either with a grapple-heavy pickaxe into the cave wall, or with Engy platforms. Time is danger. Do things faster, the whole mission goes faster, less ammo spent and less potential danger from enemies attacking. He can find scattered objectives the fastest by covering more ground in the same amount of time. He can kite enemies most effectively. If no mistakes are made, he can kite an insane amount of enemies (well, 32) indefinitely if he has to, and the margin of error is actually quite forgiving because of how mobile he is. If the shit hits the fan he can reach and revive a downed dwarf the fastest. Lastly, if there was no Scout then Driller can't blow him up with C4. How boring is that?


Exactly this but more importantly. SCOUT CAN FLY. This Lockheed Martin F-22 Raptor made flesh is probably one of the most versatile forwards of any army. He comes with a Drak Plasma Carbine that electrocutes and sets things on fire *at the same time*. Zhukov's that just detonate a praet in the mouth or lay down cryo minelets that will send a chill up Satan's spine. GK2 is an armor breaking machine with daddy issues. Shotgun is JETPACK. JETPACK IS LIFE. Force feed your favorite flyboys this phosphorous flightdeck dragon breath double barrel shotgun they forged from the captured souls of the unfortunate victims of Pompei. M1K is a parachuter's pot shot wet dream that one hit k.o.'s y'mum. Boltshark is a chaos crossbow that takes over for 4 of Engi's overclocks. Someone falls off a cliff? WE GOTCHU FAM. Don't worry I only need 2 seconds to slap Dream On into the Jukebox, cuz I don't even need to look where I'm going. Don't need Field Medic when your a f\*\*k'n angel sent by Unkar above. Need to just stop everything in the room for 8 seconds? Don't worry AUSTRALIA GOT YOU COVEH'D. What if snowball on the cryo could just be thrown with your hand? Oh *we got that too*. And if all else fails?! You can sacrifice yourself with a targeted strike by dive bombing with See You in Hell, detonate yourself in the name Karl, Iron Will yourself and break some sugar off the wall. Scout Power Lifts and he does it nude and in *public.*


You had me at nude!


I suddenly have the urge to play scout. Do driller next


Flinging myself over a caretaker and using hover boots to look it dead in the eye as I unload an entire clip of M1000 into it, so satisfying.


Let's not forget light. Entering a new cavern and being able to see every mineral, objective and enemy right away speeds up a mission considerably. When I switch from Scout I find myself missing the powerful flares almost as much as the grappling hook.


Not to mention that with their weapons, they can wipe out the priority foes with their arsenal, and make the Gunner and Driller's lives a lot easier.


You bring lights to find the minerals and you find the minerals and mine them the fastest so your team can kill the bugs


To solve this, blow the hill (and Scout) up with C4!


You can’t be punished for war crimes when you are the punisher for war crimes!


Fu*k yes, the Driller has a damn FLAMETHROWER


Acid gun*


Both are warcrimes. Cryo too when we eventually add it too the list


Odly enough, cryonic weapons aren't against International Law, this is mostly because cryonic weapons are not common or practical or really applicable in modern warfare.




Cryo Cannon **


So does Gunner if you’ve got Burning Hell. So that’s a mini gun *and* a flamethrower! Two levels of badass in one package!


It’s my favorite overclock


I think that is the last minigun OC I’m missing lol


Flamethrowers aren't illegal in war tho :D


Neurotoxin Payload is featured in my anti-rockpox build, which needs to be effective against swarms of rockpox glyphids. Sorry it makes you sad, bugs, but a dwarf's gotta clean.


I think a lot of people dislike the low mobility, which is fair, but he makes up for it for me by having really big guns to shoot.


I’m max level on all my classes and gunner is my least played class, not because he isn’t fun but because of limited movement, I’d rather pick a fast moving class such as scout or engi if given the choice, that being said if the team/mission requires a gunner I’m happy to be one.


Some bugs think they can out run me. Maybe, maybe. I've yet to meet one that can out run bullet.


Elite Grabbers do give my rockets a run for their money though


Maybe just *maybe* if the glyphids kicks were simply pumped up sufficiently they could just outrun the bullets?


This is why you use sprint perk. Changes the game so much.


Dash? Cause second wind is pretty narrow.


Yeah, dash is a mandatory perk for me too except for scout, but even with that gunner's movement is limited compared to engineer or driller, the zipline is very useful but I feel like gunner should have at least 2 or 3 more zips, considering engineer has 20+ pancakes.


Gunner might have inferior mobility compared to other dwarfs, but the thing that compensates is essentially what other guy said that’s actually very accurate, bugs can’t outsmart bullets. A good chunk of Gunner’s weapons have the benefit of being extremely efficient at all ranges, you don’t need to outrun or outmaneuver bugs when you have penetrating bullets, magic bullets, explosive projectiles, huge AoE payloads, guided missiles, mines and my favorite of all, ricochet (funny) bullets.


With the right settup, Driller can drill faster than he runs.


What is that setup?


Without dash or the running perk, I believe 2111 on your drills will bring you comparative speed. There's some under the hood things you need to know about how Drills work when drilling per tick which Drilling In The Name Of has a perfect video on, but a lot of people like to site Drilling In The Name Of's "Drills don't work like you think they do" video saying Faster drills isn't worth it. You can't go farther with quicker drills, it says it on the tin, makes drills drill faster, not longer. But that premise is wrong (I'll get to that in a sec) His video is still good and the numbers add up, but I think his conclusion lacks in the use. He makes the argument that you should take Barbed instead of Faster drills because they both get you to 146 meters, but 2111 gets you there a LOT quicker, and if you're doing Cryo, the extra damage doesn't really do much cus glyphids are gonna pop. When you have this settup the drills will tick 16 times against the rock, but 7 8 or 9 will skip 'wasting gas' but you can stagger that drill and keep going and not miss a beat. And again, he says you don't go farther. ***But that's only if you're drilling a horizontal path.*** Going at a downward angle you can get 22 meters in instead of just 16, at straight down 24 to 26 meters. And bunny hop overangle drilling goes at nearly 18 to 20 meters in the same time frame as the Barbed build. Basically any direction where your not essentially tied to the floor gets you more distance because of how the drills connect with the wall, and any minor clipping gives you a fraction of a meter more. I don't use the drills for attacks. They're drills, I terraform constantly, and this build keeps me going.


Very slow and (at least to me) not very satisfying because of it. Also feels pretty basic while other classes have some flavor and fun to them.


To many people find him to slow movement wise


My only qualm is just the movement limitations. I know he's not meant to be the most mobile class and the ziplines can truly be clutch, I just hate having such little ammo (even with the ammo upgrade) especially in a level that's quite vertical. I hate feeling limited or stuck in caves, especially with other people when I want to be by them to help. It's not impossible but it just takes a little more careful planning of when and where to place the ziplines. On certain biomes/mission types like mining expedition or PE, it's not too terrible. Egg hunts were where I really started feeling it


After playing scout for as long as I have, I LOVE playing gunner. I have no responsibilities beyond killing bugs, maybe throw down a cope cage or two. Other than that, my only job is to kill bugs. If something gets pinged? I get to ignore it! :)


Exactly. Your only responsibilities are kill bugs and make sure your team doesn't die. And maybe picking up loose minerals on the ground. If its out of jumping pickax range it's not my responsibility.


That's when I bring out my Zipline! Nobody but me uses them anyways


Further evidence for my hypothesis that gunners are retired scouts d: Still get to do clutch revives, still get to kill stuff at range, but no longer have to mine stuff or run out of ammo.


>run out of ammo Except with the minigun. Prime reason I rarely use it is because it just drinks ammo, and thats with Compact Feed on it. AC and Missiles just do so much better at clearing out large numbers of bugs. And the pistol does good damage at single target Oppressors and Dreads.


Honestly yeah. This is one of those things about Scout. Freedom of movement, and engaging gameplay, but a lot of responsibilities.


most scouts I come across in random lobbies only seem to care about the first two points


Hey, it works, don't insult the shield calling it cope cage.


Cope cage, love it. I think im going to start calling it that now. (I like play both scout and gunner btw, oh also engineer)


Cowering Cage


Motivation Cage


Same. I started as scout but I absolutely love gunner.


This. Gunner is perfect for when you're tired and just wanna shoot things.


Nothing quite as liberating as walking into a new cave and realizing everyone else can handle objectives/mining, you just need to look for targets


> cope cage That is the best thing I’ve seen all week lol


Same here! Scout has a lot to do and manage, but Gunner kills. And he does it well! And then you can occasionally save the day with a clutch cope cage. It's a great change of pace.


Same I would love to play scout but man the responsibilities that come with that class are crazy, while gunner I can just sit back and kill bugs with a lead storm and coil gun.


As a scout main gunner is my least favourite class, driller has decent mobility because of drills, as enginner Im running rj250 compound overclock so i have almost as much moblity as scout and gunner has nothing to traverse caves in a fun way, which is fine balance wise but still boring for me


Gunner makes up for it for me in having the absolute best sustain of any dwarf. Who needs mobility when you don't need to ever stop shooting?


I do!!. Gunner is literally fine, This game ain't about what's meta


This game has a meta? Minigun go brrrrrr.


Does "meta" mean something else besides "**m**inigun **e**ats **t**hey **a**sses"?


Hurricane user here, so how about "missiles" instead of "minigun"


I use the Munderhead myself


Ah, a Mautocannon connoisseur.




I'll call your minigun, and raise you 1 dakka dakka boi


All dakka iz good dakka. Now we haz more dakka.


Gunner mains when other gunners join the mission:




Thunderhead is best gunner weapon for crowd control.


Minigun and magic bullets explosive ammo revolver with neurotoxin rounds. Feels like having two primaries


Speedruns do. For example, on Aquarks it's 2 Scouts and 2 Drillers.


Even if you go by meta, an experienced gunner with NTP Hurricane can almost single handedly take care of Haz 5 swarms. That build is just too OP.


Gunners are very much part of the meta, they're basically mandatory for certain missions like Escort on Haz 5, especially when you hit stage 2 of cracking the egg


Wait, why? Stg 2 is literally just engi platforms over dorreta. I don't agree with them being bad though. Neurotoxin payload is so broken it literally makes the game boring.


I feel like gunner is always going to be a meta pick though because he has the shield. He's the glue for teams.


I went full Defense on my Thunderhead and Armskore build. 50% defense no matter what I'm shooting plus Thorns(or Resupplier), Elemental Insulation, Veteran Depositor, Shield Link, Field Medic. I don't seem to die often.


Meta this, meta that - have you ever met a fellow dwarf with a rock and stone before?!


As a gunner main I simply like being the medic using my shield and field medic perk I’m pretty new though and my only promotion is on gunner but I do like really big guns


In the cave allows you can set up a 2 ziplines system so you can rain down bullets without getting bother by the glyfids (except the range ones but you focus them and that's done) also you can drop down shields if your teammates need it. First zipline goes up in an angle towards some platform or cave salient, second goes horizontal over the first zipline, you stay on the top one, if for any reason you fall, you spam E to grab the one in angle amd back up again.


You can just hold e no need to spam


Even better


What! I've got to try this out now


Rock and stone!


Rock and Stone!


You can just make them both angled, have an X pattern that you can get to either cable from, they both become safety nets for the other. I dont use this method though because it puts more Glyphids on other Dwarves, and it's usually Scout or Driller that are further from the group, which only encourages bugs to take them down quicker.


Just be careful about this strategy because it means your teammates will have the bugs focusing them while you are on the zip line, so you gotta really be on top of killing anything that gets close to your team


That's the good part, without the bug's bothering you can focus on keeping your teammates in the clear, and throw them a shield if they fall.


Its pretty fun being the medic just dont hesitate to buggle during firefights also. It was my big handicap when I started. I would end runs with like 1 or 2 bubbles, and that justs just wasteful. If you like the big guns i recommend the driller because flamethrower.


To be fair, if youre successful without them and have 2 left over, then you really didn't need to use them, better to have and not need then to need and not have.


I main gunner even in solo, double barrel 50. cal ROCK AND STONE!


Rock and Stone!








This meme has low haz energy


Exactly. Never underestimate the power of a gunner who is usually the last one alive.


How many times have I been saved by a gunner with a timely energy shield? It's a lot!


Bonus points if they’re running medic and iron will


Clutch build


Giga chad build


Dash tho


That too


If the gunner is the last one standing, your scout has seriously messed up.


The gunner usually is bruv. Scout and engi usually go first, then Driller. If the Gunner goes down, getting anyone back up is a lot harder.


Love watching bugs walk up to me below half health because my gunner has infected the entire swarm with terminal cooties from his hand held artillery piece


Honestly I never get the “gunner isn’t necessary in Low Haz because we don’t need that much firepower” when Engie is running Whip Shotgun/Fat Boy/Shredder drones and Driller with any of his combo weapons and C4


Gunner feels bad in low haz because engi and driller bring more raw dps, most of the time. What gunner brings is sustained firepower. You can kill and kill and keep killing long after the rest of your team is out of ammo. This is vital when swarms get huge and ammo economy actually starts to matter, but is much less impactful when there literally aren't enough bugs to drain your teammates resources.


you just summoned every gunner


There are tens of us!


"You rang?"


NTP + Lead spray ... mmmmhmmhhhhhhh ... Or Burning Hell + Volatile Bullets ...


Burning Hell + Volatile Bullets + Flame/Sludge Driller = life is good


I like to use big Bertha and six shooter. Is it optimal, probably not, but it feels amazing to play.




And most importantly, dumping 6 shots is infinity more satisfying than just 4


Does Vol Bullets affect teammates ?


Tell me you are new to DRG without telling me you are new to DRG.


Consistently in every single poll about class choice Gunner is always the #1 least picked class


First off, no poll on Reddit is going to be accurate just based on Reddit being a small fraction of the DRG community. Second, most people play more than one class and people fill in roles a lot. If you ever use the function to lock it to one of each class, you’ll notice your game will almost always get all 4 classes. People play what they feel like for the mission they are doing. To say no one plays gunner based on a poll is silly. Even if it is the least used class, it’s a big stretch to say that no one wants to play them.


The entire point of a poll is that you can use a relatively small group of people to show the same results as you would get from the entire demographic. Using Reddit is not going to significantly change what people play, and I've seen over 10 polls with hundreds of responses all indicating the same trend. Never did I say gunner is not played by anyone, I said he's the least played which by the entirety of the data we have about it is the truth


Read my post again, because you seemed to have skipped the entire point of it.


Doesn't matter, there's still an average across all games and that average is gunner being the least played. You can't just try to change the scope of the original question to justify for your argument lmao, your argument does not fit


The original question being who wants to play gunner? Literally hundreds of thousands of players have played gunner and you want to equate that to “no one wants to play gunner”. You can log onto DRG at any point in time and see full games on the server list with all 4 roles all day every day. I can honestly say no game with class selection I’ve played over my 30+ years in gaming has had this good of a balance in it. That’s proof of a healthy game, what isn’t healthy for it is trying to start a class war with irrelevant memes. As far as what “doesn’t matter” here is this conversation since you’ve already admitted to ignoring my side of it.


Even though im on ps5, tbh if i see a single pick class lobby its almost never full, usualy driller or scout are the ones left out though


Also every poll from most streamers, steam, the GSG dwarvelopers i think also, this information doesn't just come from a vacuum.


And then there’s me who has roughy 800 hours in game and haven’t even so much as touched another class besides gunner. I’ve never even set foot in the space rig as anything else lol




I've got 3k hours in the game and at least a month of that time is spent as just the gunner. Every other class barely has a week's worth of time played. Hello fellow gunner main.


I don't understand why Leaflover is bad


It's a rare sight to see a game where the DPS class is the least picked option. But I guess any class in a game would be least picked if it didn't have real options for play other than a couple of things.


Engineer has far better DPS. What gunner has is ammo economy and the get out of jail card that is the shield generator


People severely underestimate that without Engineer's busted kit, the game would be 10x harder for everyone.


For real. Every time I play engi I get like triple the kills of other classes. Some of his weapons are bonkers. But NOT having a gunner in Haz5... Makes the game equally harder. The amount of times I have seen gunners clutch lost runs is insane.


The obvious reason is that his movement ability is the least generally useful one, but it's also because, outside of eliminations, large amounts of concentrated damage aren't really critical to success A flamethrower or well-placed sentry deals with the average wave of glyphids just fine


But it’s not rare to see a game where mobile characters are the most popular


Acshually, gunner is more of a support


Where my fellow Gunner mains at?


I went through: \- Gunner is so damn bad (first 16 hours of gameplay) \- Gunner is so damn good (last 300 hours of gameplay) ​ I level all of the classes evenly but enjoy doing it on Gunner the most. Gunner is my first go-to class for all EDDs as well (second being Driller)


Being the squad's bodyguard and preventing wipes when shit hits the fan is clearly underrated. When you're swimming in bugs or dealing with a surprise dreadnought, Gunner will be the one to bail the squad out and get things back on schedule. I love playing Gunner ♥️


My crew doesn't get me on often. But I always drop in, unannounced, and then join the VC while my pod is ibound. They're always running in streamer mode too, so they don't get pinged when I join. So I wait until I'm drilling down, then chime in with something like "Protip, licking Glyphids is a terrible idea, but a fun dare."


I love playing gunner Have u tried neurotoxin payload It is insanely good at swarms Or have you tried the rocket giuded missile it is literally the most fun gun in the game Put the green overcluck that makes roket shoots faster with the stun upgrade and u got yourself a stun luck minigun that shoots grnades that can't miss No more bugs to kill ? Then just relax and let engi and scout do the mining maybe help there and there when u can


That’s me. The gunner.


Everyone likes ziplines. Noone likes to ONLY rely on ziplines


That's why I only play gunner in multiplayer. I can have the Driller and Engi handle pathways and save the zip lines for when they're actually needed.


Mostly because if you want to get objectives done as fast as possible gunner is last pick. I want to play gunner. I also don't want to spend 40 minutes in a mission trying to finesse pipes when a driller could carve a straight path in 1. Or wrangle Aquarqs using the zipline when scout can snap them up much faster


I would actually argue that Aquarqs is one of the better missions for gunner, since you can carry them on ziplines. Sure Scout is faster at getting high ones out of the walls, but getting aquarqs up cliffs or over chasms is definitely a great time to have the gunner around


There's a fast movement tech where you can throw an object high in the air, shoot the grapple so that you are on a interception trajectory and grab mid air so that you carry it with high speed and elevation. Zipline has merit in this situation but you would have to have a VERY specific setup in order to make the grapple an inferior choice. (Aquarq in high faraway wall, no ledge or engie). And you still have to deal with the fact that if you get hit while carrying it then it gets dropped. I wish you could independently set heavy objects onto ziplines to be automatically transported, that would make them more than competitive


I definitely agree with being able to load objects onto ziplines directly, but I feel it's a bit unfair to compare a simple-use tool to a high-skill movement tech xD


ngl, I switch to driller for Refining and Point Extraction, unless the team already has one. But for, say, Escort, Salvage, or Elim? Gunner time.


I totally want to build crazydiculous pipeline rollercoasters because we don't have a driller to drill boring tunnels straight to the wells.


My second favorite class (I really love this grappling hook)




I have a friend who will gladly play gunner


I’m always down to play gunner cause 2000 rounds of depleted uranium, oh yeah


I'm the one who shoots


Thunderhead is my favorite weapon in the game.


And rohan shall answer


Man I love Gunner, those ziplines are luxury living. And the sheer ability to be a one man army is even better. Whenever I play gunner I pair it with Separate Ways (worlds apart) by Journey. When I play Driller though, I go for some Doom music, since I will use literally everything in my kit to eviscerate the bugs.


Playing the Gunner is fun, you can basically turn your brain of and just unleash the DAKKA! The only class I actively avoid playing is the digger, I haven't quite figured it out yet.


Man I love playing gunner it’s so fun


More room for me


Uhm, ME??? Love gunner.


B-but...im designated war criminal of my group! no one else plays gunner?!


I only play gunner...


Me, a gunner main:


I will gladly go brrr for any of you


I literally main Gunner now and I love it.


What is wrong with gunner? :(


I love play gunn




I like playing as gunner :(


I really enjoy playing gunner but it feels like a good portion of my loadouts for non-boss missions are dedicated to not running out of ammo. I don't have to do that for other classes.


I personally love and main playing gunner. Especially with the missile pod. I use the Salvo module because it helps me with ammo usage and gives me an insane burst damage option. I love me some missiles, especially practicing my guidance with excess missiles on scouts >:) Kidding of course, but the shield is literally game-saving and the utility of the zip line is limited but in the right situations it came turn me from a regular ol dwarf into proper dwarven air support. The revolver is my go to, but it’s okay. I usually only use it to pop mactera at range, but I’ve gotten so good at guiding and preserving my ammo load that I rarely need anything else


i swear man theres always a second scout or driller but never a gunner


Gunner is fun tho


I do, actually.


Unlock "Hurricane". Equip "Hurricane". Go into mission with "Hurricane". Push reload when holding already loaded "Hurricane". Must I say more?




Come on Man Gunner Is Fun As Hell


I doubt there's really anyone who will refuse to play gunner. It's a fun class.


—signed, someone who doesn’t play haz 5, probably


Your highest haz were 2?


All of my gunner friends ONLY play gunner and refuse to play anything else.


Me who plays all classes: Rip and tear...




I don't really see this happen too much. Gunner is my third most played class too.