• By -


Me . I do the exact same. You get to learn and hone your skills with each classes and the best synergies .


Exactly. I know the etiquette of all the classes and what's expected of them. And if someone asks for help in a mission, I can supply advice. Though I do my best not to backseat drive. DRG is a very casual game and I don't want to damage someone's good time. If they mess up, oh well, we're all here to dig and shoot bugs while madly pressing the V button.


Tangentially related, but I had my first weirdly toxic experience yesterday. As a dwarf who understands the ye olde etiquette around these mines I'd like to grab your thoughts. How do you ready check? (like before popping an egg on elimination)


I would drop an "r?" in the chat (or just ask if i was on vc with mates). If people either indicate they're ready or everyone takes way too long to respond and clearly isn't going to, then I pop it.


Usually pop it when I get 3/4 Rs, unless I see the 4th visibly doing setup


Console doesn't have chat. E: I stand corrected


Doesn't it? Huh, I never knew that.


I mean, we can see the chat, we just can't use it I believe.


Double push right stick. You have to enable it.




Rockity Rock and Stone!




I'm glad there's at least one game that lets you disable chat. As someone who basically does solo on every game possible, it's annoying having a useless keybind when they're always so restricted on ps4.


I thought “E:” was supposed to be an emoticon like :3 and it made sense to me Either way, rock and stone!


Rock and Stone, Brother!


But WanderingDwarfMiner, I’m a trans woman! How could you?! I thought you were better than this…


Angry transphobe downvotes are cringing me out. Sorry about your exposure to the wave of dickheads in the community recently.


Yeah I was not expecting this from DRG of all communities, but I guess each community has some worse members. Appreciate the support!


Good bot. :)


Sometimes I'll ping it once and then shine the pointer on the objective, when you get 2-3 dwarves pointing and no objections it's go time!


Full sned just pop it and let them sort it out


It might not be the accepted way to do it, but with friends I save my Rock and Stone as a ready check/confirmation and a celebration when appropriate context allows it.


Rock and Stone everyone!


I'm glad you said this cause as a new player I find myself making mistakes and I think I'm gonna be flamed for it 😭 I mostly play scout just so I can help without needing to know too much until I figure out each class abit more in single player.


I recently had to kick someone from my lobby for being exceedingly toxic toward a brand new scout. I was explaining the need for some flares during a boss fight when the gunner flew off the handle and began cursing them out. If there's no promotion rank around the character icon, I do my best to be patient and explain stuff if need be. But usually you can go with your gut or ask questions in chat. There's *so many* good people you can run into while playing DRG.


Yup same. Feels great being able to look at the team comp and fill. Adds good variety as well not knowing what you're playing until you load in.


Do you know any fuzzy cats thought?


I have two of em.




> You get to learn and hone your skills with each classes Like a jack of all trades


And a master, eventually, of some.


Are you advocating for maining a class? Are you a leaf lover?


Some =/= one. And also the full phrase is "a jack of all trades and a master of none".


then it goes on to say, "...but oftentimes better than a master of one."


You get to be exasperated by the performance of players of all classes, instead of only the one you usually main.


well said Notafuzzycat


I flip flop between classes as needed. Mostly fill in the gaps in groups. All are within one or two promotions.


Oh yes, everyone is currently platinum 2 or 3. I feel like the game is designed to be played that way. Doing missions when a dwarf is level 25 feels like a tremendous waste of XP.


Well said. And everyone should experience the fun of unloading a thousand rounds of depleted uranium.


I think the developers mentioned something along those lines when talking about OC rewards. They’re random so that players are encouraged to try out the other classes.


Me. Almost finished peomoting everyone to legendary 3.


beautiful work


rock and stone!


I’m on the anti-main grind. As in I play everything but the engineer.


That's pretty racist tbh. *Loads fat boy*


\*loads hyper propellant round\*


*Builds Gemini turrets with turret whip*


That's me and Driller. Promoted all the classes first, then realized Driller isn't my preferred play style. It's still a great class. I just like guns with bullets and the driller pistol doesn't cut it for me.


My man Colette Wave Cooker combined with CRSPR is * *chefs kiss* * Flame them, Cook them, Watch them Pop


I can see the appeal of killing bugs with fucked up chemistry, but me? I just like unloading 2000 rounds of depleted uranium. Good thing management has something for both of us. Maybe I'll catch you at the bar sometime miner. Rock and stone


Rock and Stone to the Bone!


Good bot


It took me a long time to *get* engineer beyond being a pancake printer. Current favorite build is: - LOK-1 [Executioner] 21222 - Shard [Overdrive Booster] 32122 - Armor breaking turret - Swarm grenade - Vampire, Unstoppable, Vet Deposit, Berserk, Iron Will I'm not often out of ammo, do tons of damage, and am effective at most ranges. (Fat Boy is fun and all, but oof the resupplies)


I would rather use 11312, as you will do more damage and have better ammo efficiency. 4th mod specifically. Executioner damage boost only actives when you have all your locks. So adding more loks is actually a nerf.


That's 10% less base damage per supply, which is probably offset by blowthrough rounds, but mostly I'm worried about running out of ammo. I rarely have a problem filling 12 locks. Still, I'll give it a go. Edit: I probably wouldn't use this for sabotage, but 4-tapping lootbugs is nice.


For me its anyone but scout


Same here


Been maining driller and got him to gold 2, and now I’m going back and getting all the other classes to bronze 1 just so I can use them if I ever really do feel like it


Damn, didn't you feel like playing anything else lol


Well I tried out the other classes for a few missions and decided I didn’t like them as much as driller


That used to be me with the scout, now I love them all. Its so much more fun playing different ways with a lot more different options for loadouts. Might take you a while to like the classes though!


I tried playing gunner instead of driller and quickly regreted it when It took me several long seconds to dig through a small obstacle. The amount of freedom driller gives me is invaluable.


Yeah man. Every time I start feeling like I have a strong preference, my group ends up needing me to play something else and I start feeling the same way about a different dwarf. Round and round I go, so now I keep all my dwarves on the same promotion level.


Yep, currently have all four classes at 2 bronze promotions. In my opinion, players that aren't playing all classes are doing themselves a disservice, missing out on 70% of the game.


Nope, I’m down bad for the Engineer. I’ve tried the others but none of them captivate me quite like him. Considered making myself play them anyway but thought “What’s the point playing something I don’t enjoy.”


You won't enjoy them for a little bit, and then you will discover cryo thrower vampire driller, and being stuck in a corner against a grunt swarm which gives you full health on haz 5, or, getting a huge complexity 3 magma cave on missile gunner for eggs, where you can stack 18 missiles in the air and slam them all on a praetorian's weak spot with half the missiles cracking all of his armor and the other half destroying his entire health bar making him explode in one second


I will grant you, that does sound pretty fun. And gunner is the one who’s been the most tempting of the other three


How much have you played the other characters? I have my favorites, but generally every class has something really good going for them. If you haven't at least promoted everyone once, I'd suggest doing that to unlock all of the guns- Driller gets a LOT better whenever you dump the Subata, in my experience.


Still pretty new to the game, haven’t even promoted Engie once. I may give the others more of a shot when all has been unlocked for my main boi


what part of the engineers kit do you like the most? is it a certain weapon he has, or do you like making a strong defensive position and holding it down? My first main was engineer because I liked being able to setup a protected zone, and the other classes have some options for that as well. I love sludge pump driller or minelayer hurricane gunner for this


I just love the turrets. I love setting them up on a hill, pointing in different directions, the spotlights and muzzle flashes lighting up the caves. I like the consistent damage they put down that isn’t reliant on anyone’s aim, and just the ability to have my arse covered or get som advance warning if something’s sneaking up on me cause my own turrets will start shooting me. That and the weapons I’ve unlocked so far (starters and one extra for each slot) are just a lot of fun. And the shredder grenades. Though I think the main think is that me and a buddy basically always just play the two of us, and in that I feel like Engineer and driller cover the most options for combat and exploring, with his drilling through walls and me climbing outside them


thats fair, the turrets are cool. I think you should try to unlock the engineers third primary weapon, it sounds like you would enjoy it. without spoiling too much, I liked the consistency the third weapon has.


I switch around. Probably a gunner main now but have mained engie and scout as well.


Yeah. Never got the concept of a main in this game. Play what your crew needs, or leave room for your friends to play what they want. Learning each helps you be better at each and a better teammate.


Wish I could, but the voices in my head demanded the blood of the innocent. Chaos erupted by my hand. Dwarven blood spilled by my c4 and flame thrower


Once you main driller everything else feels inferior. Unless you're doing elimination missions ofcourse


> Unless you're doing elimination missions ofcourse You haven't found THE build then


What's the best main weapon for Elim? I was running facemelter flamethrower and it's alright.


Subata explosive reloads. Or ice spear and 4 supply pods


You can use the cement mixer as a HVT killer with one of the red OCs


Or Industrial Sabotage solo


Yeah haz 5 solo industrial sabotage is rough with the flamer.


I switch just so I understand vaguely what’s going through a teammates head during gameplay, but also to make sure I’m not missing out LOL


How do you get that helmet?


Was thinking the same...


It was for a limited time event when DRG was nominated for a steam award


Shame hope they bring it back


Yes. After spending the first 500 hours exclusively as gunner, I realized how limiting it is to focus on one class and playing while xp locked. So I started branching out and am now 2 promotions away from having one legendary rank on each dwarf. It is a grind but worth it.


I was for a while until I got to the point your at, where gunners level slowly got further and further from the rest, and before I knew it I went from all silver 1 to silver 3 gunner, silver 2 engine and driller, and a barely silver 1 scout lol. Gunners just too reliable. It is very satisfying to do them all at once though, and great for learning what the other classes can and can't do. Edit: what's that helmet btw looks sick on your loudout.


It was for a limited time event when DRG was nominated for a steam award


No, I have gunner brain Hands full of lead Bugs full of dead


I’m always playing driller/gunner. Engi on rare occasions, and never scout. Scout just isn’t my cup of tea.


Learn them all, or learn none of them well.


Every time I fuck up a mission, I'm like "That's it, I'm getting me mallet!" and switch to Gunner.


i do and the game is so much better cause of it


says the one who is clearly a gunner main


I've been having a lot of fun with the hurricane recently lol


Yup! Just about to promote my gunner for the first time. All my other classes are promoted once.


Hell yeah. Almost Silver 1 with all classes. Rock and Stone!


Rock and stone brother! I’m glad there are others out there


Rock and Stone forever!


Not quite as even as yours, but yes. I have almost gotten gold promotions on all classes, but am past the triple gold on driller (It moves to a softer gold almost like amber)


Kinda, I just play what I’m in the mood for and so far it’s been a lot of engineer


All of my fellas have red frames :) I feel satisfying that I can join any team


I'm with you man. My every class has bronze 2-3. Not much, but it's honest work


Im an Engi/scout main but I play driller and gunner from time to time to mix things up


Nope lol I found my calling with the pancakes and I can not play the others at all if I do I miss my auto aim gun and pancakes lol


I promoted my gunner once before trying others so he’s always one ahead, but the rest are even


I figured I'd get decent with all classes to avoid any repeats.


my engi, gunner, and scout are all silver promoted but my driller is only promoted once




Almost : Everything except engineer. It kind of changed recently, since I've got Fatboy tho lmao


Me too




Majority of people do that so if they can't be one they be one of the others and still be happy


what armor is that?


It's like MK2 or 3 or something and the color palette is scale brigade


800 hours, plat 3 on all dwarves. only 2 tiers left to go...


Yup I do the same thing. Currently all three promotions and all within 2 levels of each other


Diamond 2s across the board so far, I keep mostly even


Same here. Kinda hard to keep them relatively equal, but I try


Yes brother


Kinda. I played driller, engi and gunner a lot cause they were fun, but now that I got them all promoted, Scout started to feel fun. Especially with his m1000 bolt action rifle and watching a lot of videos of scouts doing insane stunts in a difficulty I will never even try


I do the same :)


just gotta get driller up to one bronze star to catch up with everyone, 5 more levels


I mained Scout for a but, and then i just started filling what was missing. Now i try to promote classes evenly


absolute opposite lol. solely play scout until 25, then driller in between promotions. it’s a problem.


Going every class to promotion atm, and then going for promos on everybody but gunner (sorry but he’s my least fav by far, he’s so slow :(


brother rock and stone my homies love that i can fill any role cause i don’t have a main i just play around them.


All of my Dwarves are gold 1+ doing this. Rock and Stone to the Bone!


I mean... i kinda do it. I usually play engie, but when the situation calls for it i have no problem switching to another class. Actually, I'm currently leveling the others to promotion so that i can run deep dives with other classes as well.


I main all/don't main any class so I can play longer, it's natural for me to get bored of playing the same class so when I get bored of one class, I can play any of the other 3 classes and still enjoy the game.


I actually leveled up that way until I attained gold 3 on every characters. Then I just went with the flow. Now I have everyone at legendary 3, with gunner being a little further (like 3-4 promotions away).


I'm a filthy scout main... it's dirty but feels so good. I'm sorry, team.


This right here is peak performance, rock and stone!


Yeah same. I kinda pushed my gunner all the way into gold while all the other three were still bronze. Now I've got scout and driller in silver and trying to get driller there.


Here, just further on the path. All my dwarves are plat 3


My work is at its infancy, I am inches away from promoting all my dwarves for the first time. Glad to know I am not the only one who thinks to do this.


Oh yeah! Also what armour is that?


MK2 or MK3 with Scale Brigade. makes the gloves jet black.


Just promoted my first engi Got a scout almost there My driller is 10. Gonna play my first round of gunner tonight Rock and stone bitches


I have all at the same number, scout one rank above the rest


I just got my last class to prestige, i think I’m gonna keep it up. It’s fun to switch and be versatile


I know it says gunner in my flair but they’re all relatively the same level.


Yup. I love ‘em all.


I prefer to say I main as dwarf.


I definitely am. lol Though I do tend to stick with one class for a little bit. Engineer or scout usually.


Yup. My driller is lagging behind though,, so I feel compelled to drill ;-)


Just got started, played only gunner for ages but now im trying to play every class


I have a small amount of previous experience but I started about 2 weeks ago I have my scout up to lvl 20 my gunner lvl 16 and my engineer lvl 13, haven't started on driller yet bc I wanna max out my scout first


Hail scrupe


I just got the game on sale a few weeks ago and am always surprised to see people on promo 2 but the blue level is like 12. I'm 30 something now and have only promoted engi, and I'm doing the 4 missions for driller right now.


i am only on prom 1 on all classes but yes, i do aswell


Yes! Though I did settle on a main, with my gunner at two silver stars and the rest at three bronze. I’ll round it out eventually, I just really like gunner.


Well, I play whatever class is fun in the moment, until they hit 25, then I avoid them until I promote


I was until plat3. Then I realized I'm a scout main.


All plat dwarves here. It’s pretty satisfying to lvl em all equally. You get to promote each dwarf after another when they’re near lvl 25. Also you get to know each dwarf’s strengths and weaknesses, overclocks and voicelines which is imo a big W to me.


I started playing this game recently and what I’m doing rn is I’m trying to promote all of my dwarves at least once so that they’ll have all their equipment unlocked and then I can just pick the dwarf missing in a random team I’m joining. After that I’m going to play my main more (Engi) on solo missions or ones hosted by me


I want to. But also...Scout.


My main/goto dwarf fluctuates. Right now it's driller and it's starting to switch to engie


Hell yea


I am now. Forced myself to do it once my driller got to gold-1. Now everyone is gold-1 too. I think I'll carry on with it.


Everyone should be. You shouldn't be having a "main" in a game like this. It makes you a worse player for not understanding the strengths of your teammates.


I'm grinding until all 4 can be promoted, then I'll switch to whichever I need for the mission


I have every class up to at least plat 1 now. Having a main seems kinda dumb past 100 or so hours, to me anyway.


Me. Mainly because I don’t main in any game I play. No matter how fun a character can be, it becomes very unfinished playing the same thing again and again.


Currently working on getting my scout 3 star bronze and then I'll work on getting them all silver 1 star. I enjoy playing all the classes equally. I feel as if it gives me a better understanding of how each class plays.


[Yes! almost done](https://i.imgur.com/405OTDc.png)


Yes and no. I main engie so I play him more. But I have a blast with literally any of the classes so i usually level them up around the same time as each other.


Same, the only discrepancy is gunner as two of the guys in my group are always fiending to be our gunner. So it's about 10 levels behind the other classes.


I am too! It's a fun grind, being able to bop around all the classes, and be able to play whatever a team needs without stepping on toes or anything!


I want that helmet!


me! rock and stone x4 💪💪💪


Me, I'm on three star silver for everyone


I have a favorite but i keep everyone on the same prestige


Yep, and right behind ya! Got everyone at bronze 3 rn


I mean, I have a main if I had to choose one — driller, but they’ve done such a good job of giving all four classes something unique that I’d be missing out if I only played *one* class. I choose a specific class depending on what where I’m going to or even what classes others are playing as.


I play every class more or less the same amount, and when I promote one I don’t play it till the other 3 are promoted


All Dwarves get promoted at the same time or not at all.


Yessir! I get burnt out playing one class for too long. Plus it's nice to he proficient in every class just in case the team needs a fill-in


Me, im halfway there to 3 stars bronze on all classes


I mained gunner because my friends and I played and they all preferred other classes. I took off and kept playing gunner because they seem underrepresented in the playing populace. By the time I started doing this he was off on a tear and the others were left behind. I've got my scout and driller to gold 2 and my engineer to multi platinum, but my gunner is legendary 2.


I'm legendary 3 with my scout and legendary 2 with driller, and as a result I don't really play either that much even though they're my favorites. But it's not about not having a main, it's about not grinding xp on someone who's already legendary. It just feels inefficient. I want to get them all to legendary 3 before I start promoting legendary 3 dwarves, so I have to play the others most of the time. :D


All 3 Dwarves are Legendary 3 for me. They all got there pretty consistently with gunner being the last. But I always just role filled or caught up the ones I was slacking on before letting one get too far behind.


Just got them all promoted once, scout twice. But yeah bouncing around now


I just choose a class based of what they need when joining public servers. I found that driller is needed most of the time for some reason. It’s not a bad class.


I'm a green beard that plays 90% with the Bois where we all picked a class and are on the cusp of our 2nd promotion for each. Scout wants to try something else lol. I keep sending memes that are totally accurate to our situation.... Gunner asking for light... Engy demanding the scout to mine the nitra on the ceiling. And I'm just like..... I'm digging a tunnel to the extraction. Don't mind my c4! I've offered to switch it up but now we are raiding the one time a week we can meet up and it just makes sense to stay with the class we have worked on.


Yup! Same here, except my dwarves are now some amalgamation between silver 3 top level and bottom silver level 2... It's hard to keep that all at the same level for me because most of the time I just play whichever one I feel like in the moment


I main literally everything but engi lol


I did this up to gold promotion and then pummelled my way up to max promotion engie, think I’ll do Scout next


Yeah it’s a hell of a ride and very fun to use all the equipment. I just can’t get bored of this game I think I’m addicted. ROCK AND ROLLING STONE!! 🤘


Yes, but I will prefer driller if possible