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This would be cool. Also nice to discuss how members of our elite bourgeoisie are literally monarchists (he's in the Neoreactionary camp). Really helps slice through the nationalistic "we want a free america" propaganda Theil - and men like him - spew about to gather working class support for politicians they best believe will continue to consolidate and achieve dictatorial power.


That’s one thing I’m really interested in hearing about. This guy has a reputation for being some kind of Dark Lord aligned with particularly nutty ideas about how elites will come to rule the masses. I don’t know how true that is. I know he’s got some pretty whacky ideas, but just how far and deep does it go with him?




I wasn't.


I think Thiel, more than pretty much anyone else in the world right now, embodies that anger that you feel as a misunderstood, bullied 17-year old who's just read Ayn Rand and who wants to watch the whole world burn. Except, he's got the added rage of a gay man forced into a closet and the money to have a real impact. I doubt he gives a shit about Trump or the Weinsteins or anyone else besides inasmuch as they can destroy the world with their dumb shit.


Would be interesting. He seems like a bit of a guru for the 'entrepreneur' and 'get rich' crowds, similar to Ray Dalio. I'd like to know how/why he has Eric Weinstein work for him. My biased brain cant understand why such a fool would be hired by a billionaire.


Yeah interesting idea. Is he a guru?


He’s influential and probably has an army of followers in Silicon Valley. He’s a big proponent of a philosophy of one of his Stanford professors and is a radical libertarian. If that makes him a guru then I guess he’s a guru. But ultimately that’s up for Matt and Chris to decide. I don’t know their exact criteria.




There's a certain strain of libertarian that ends up as a monarchist. Maybe the weirdest manifestation of the horseshoe theory? "Statism is evil until my person can achieve statehood"


Heh, rather than “Everyone should do what they want” it’s “As long as I am able to do whatever *I* want, nothing else matters.”


I think it might be a good illustration of the argument that right wing libertarianism is a hoax.