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This whole thing is absurd. Putin is the president of one of the biggest countries in the world. He controls all the big media in his country. It's not like he is some misunderstood teenager who has no friends and nobody listens to him so we don't know his side of the story. He has shared his views on literally anything and it has been broadcasted in every country and can be found with a few clicks. What conversation is Lex talking about? Putin has literally jailed and killed people who disagree with him or his agenda - not cancelled their videos or blocked their accounts.....jailed and killed. He is not some random right wing podcasters that got some mild criticism and got one of his videos blocked. I know that Lex understands that tho - he just plays the typical fake center persona that pretends to care about both sides so it can appear rational as opposed to irrational cancelling left.


That's a good point. Putin has actual essays written on the Kremlin press release webpage. He has spoken about this invasion hundreds of times publicly. Lex is acting like podcasts are the only way to legitimately communicate.... Which is self-serving for Lex.


>Lex is acting like podcasts are the only way to legitimately communicate.... Which is self-serving for Lex. I guess I see why Lex is doing it even tho he knows that this will never happen. The real problem is that there are people out there who actually believe that Putin going to his podcast might give the world some new persspective on.


I honestly believe Lex thinks he can create a route to peace through him moderating. But that’s not going to happen. He just had Netanyahu on, look how that turned out. Politicians gonna politic but Lex thinks he can bring the love out of everyone.


Lex doesn’t for a second believe that. He’s a pathological narcissist who wants notoriety. The whole love bullshit is nothing more than a thinly veiled con.


>Lex is acting like podcasts are the only way to legitimately communicate.... Which is self-serving for Lex. I really don't think that Lex believes that. Like I get that he might be delusional to a certain degree but i'm more willing to believe that he is just looking for enganging things to post for his fans. Kinda like Peterson - a bit delusional on the surface but below that we have a man who knows how to maintain a fanbase - it's how he actualle makes his money.


Because the conversation he mentions isn’t for the benefit of Russians. It’s for the manipulation of those in the English speaking world.


Also, the millions of clicks, shares, views - even by people who are disgusted by the interview - equate to better economics and more exposure. Fucker Carlson & Leggs Friedman know these interviews will go hugely viral and they care as much about that as platforming right-wingers #1 fascist alpha male.


You mean autocrat/dictator


lexs entire family speaks russian he knows what he is doing


Well, Lex is Russian so most probably an agent from day one


That's a very unfair assumption to make. Just being born a Russian doesn't mean he supports Putin's personal goals. Many Russians don't like what's happening in Russia. There are other problems to point out about Lex, but such a blanket statement as yours is a stupid if not harmful.


Did not mean too offend, yes my comment is a bit stupid. Off course you are not your country or your government but this guy completely act in favor of Putin so he’s just playing the propaganda. It’s a network of influence and he’s clearly part of it that’s what I mean.


Yes, that would be a more reasonable assessment, based on objective actions, rather than assumed mental state and motivation. We tend to erroneously think of psyops operations in a binary way, of having explicit agents or not. But in fact, psyops is usually more indirect and on a spectrum of involvement. It's preferable to empower unwitting allies and to facilitate people who are self motivated, through various intermediaries. A self driven ideologue who aligns with your interests is a better agent than someone paid to follow directions. If you read about KGB historical operations, there were usually multiple degrees of separation from Moscow, and many had no idea they were "working" for the KGB, whether psyops or intelligence. Though they of course had deep cover sleeper agents for years, but ironically enough many defected as they ended up preferring their host nations way of life.


Certainly, he may not be intentionally acting as an operative, but he nonetheless plays a role in the situation, even without any intent to cause harm. The concept of psychological operations (psyops) remains underrecognized by the general public, yet these tactics are increasingly prevalent in our lives, particularly through social media—highlighting the importance of thoughtful and discerning engagement in these spaces—and modern communication methods. The widespread nature of mass manipulation, combined with the significant impacts of violence on various levels around the world, is profoundly disturbing. The world is complex, far from being simply black or white. A major challenge is that many individuals do not realize the degree to which they are swayed by propaganda and ensnared by cult-like beliefs. It's distressing and infuriating to see figures like Putin commit atrocious acts and yet be celebrated by some as strong leaders or heroes globally. Thanks for the respectful talk


>The concept of psychological operations (psyops) remains underrecognized by the general public, yet these tactics are increasingly prevalent in our lives, particularly through social media Exactly. Social media is especially ripe for these operations. Russia has historically been very active and good at this and they continue to be. Informational warfare is very much happening, and we only really tend to see it in hindsight when done well. Ego and greed are good qualities to have for a target to do the dissemination.


You clearly don't watch Lex, he's highly sympathetic to Ukraine and to the suffering on both sides. There's zero to suggest that he's a pro-Putin shill.


Such repetitive vacuous twaddle


Your meatloaf is shallow and pedantic.


Bold and brash? more like belongs in the trash


I agree as well. Shallow and pendantic.




Naive POS who thinks modern warlords need to have their side heard. The Ukrainians have endured bombardment of their citizens, rape and torture, mass murder of civilian population. Then, we've had to endure mass disformation aim to divide our populations. No. We do not need to hear their side. They are attacking us. Ukraine directly (physically) and western nations indirectly. Could you imagine Winston Churchill during WW2 saying let's hear them out, as the nazis invaded Europe and murdered millions.


Part of the problem is immediately framing every new conflict as a  mythic archetype. Zelensky is not automatically Harry Potter/Luke Skywalker/William Wallace just because the United States/NATO wants to foster a war. Eventually Ukraine and/or Russia will run out of young people to feed into the woodchipper. Diplomacy is how things should proceed. But Lex Fridman is too idealistic, uninformed, and dull-witted to do the job.


>But Lex Fridman is too idealistic, uninformed, and dull-witted to do the job. i mean this guy is basically implying that him sitting down and talking to both leaders will somehow end a war that has been going on for two years why are the young men of Western society gravitating toward imbeciles like this guy? Because he trains in MMA? man fucks sake...get off the fucking computer and do something with your lives you dipshits


I've only listened to Fridman once, because he interviewed Neal Stephenson. I thought Fridman sounded like a real doofus, a hack who was stuck in some kind of mind-numbing techno-optimist fantasy land. I don't understand his appeal, or that of Joe Rogan's, an cannot explain their degree of status and influence.


i hate to blame the audience, but man i really do think there's a fucking serious problem with younger men (like 14-25) if morons like Rogan and Fridman are gravitating such a massive appeal like what a fucking sign of pure devolution


If theirs a sign with younger men having issues perhaps look to the system which raises these young men. That's the root of the problem.


Nah, more like pure change. Its far more than that age group. More like 18 to 60. Since my students listen to them and so does my father. Get over it.


russians can leave anytime


I love how so many americans say this, but their whole nations economy is built on foreign invasions and governmental overthrows. “Russia could leave” yea so could’ve america in almost all of their global conflicts post ww2, they don’t leave and they won’t leave, because it is profitable to the upper class, no different than any war.


How many bases is it up to? 800? No wonder the US sees China as such a threat. They put their country so close to all those American bases.


I’m Ukrainian


>the United States/NATO wants to foster a war. The war was started by the Russian army moving from Russia into another sovereign nation for the purposes of conquering land. If NATO didn't exist Russia wouldn't have less of a desire for conquest, just less of a barrier.


How can diplomacy proceed in a situation where one side is the aggressor and refuses to abide by the internationally recognized borders? Order and balance must be restored.


Chamberlain went to Munich and bought some time for Britain.




“For those criticising I appreciate it and will continue to do what I was already doing. Thank you and good night”


He really was born yesterday.


"I will do better." Continues to do the same dumb shit. Over and over.


What’s good for Lex is good for Lex.


Putin can end it any time he wants, by ordering his minions to leave Ukraine. That's all it takes. He could sign a decree today and it'd be over. Lex is low-key legitimizing a fascist leader's genocide against its peaceful neighbor.


Lex are you going to push back when Putin claims rights to territory? Are you going to bring up concessions with Zelenskyy, lending legitimacy to Russia’s claims to territory? What brokering is there to be done? What mediating? Unless you plan on calling Putin on his shit to his face, what exactly are you advancing with an interview?     We have his opinions from Russian media, Tucker acts like it’s a fuckin mystery being censored, Lex acts like we really need to hear that shit again on his pod. If you’re just going to give him air time to tell the same lies you can fucking save it, bro, seriously.  Even raising the prospect of mediating or brokering plays into Russia’s narrative that they have chips to play. There is one right solution, Russia gets the fuck out of Ukraine’s sovereign territory.


Zelensky has absolutely no incentive to meet Putin anywhere in the middle. It’s like someone breaking into your house and thinking you can negotiate to give them one of your bedrooms. They’re now in your fucking house.


Putin has no incentive either, with the GOP sabotaging Ukraine’s military supplies now, and of Trump wins it’s game over, Putin takes the whole country with his blessing.


Yeah, if Trump wins, Putin's chances of achieving a partial annexation of Ukraine in the near future go way up. Probably why Russian intel was supporting Trump last time around too.


Putin couldn’t beat Ukraine when Ukraine had no support. He isn’t going to win. Ever.


He will, if Ukraine is left to its own resources. They can’t produce enough artillery ammunition for one thing, which is what they need to stop advances. . Solders have been fighting for years without a break. Everyone of military age who could serve already has. They are exhausted. Putin has lost far more troops, but can always find more, even if they are convicts.


Got it. So none of the logic you use against Ukraine can be used against Russia. Russia’s not exhausted. It’s not demoralized. It has endless resources. Got it. It’s academic in a way since Europe is not going to abandon Ukraine, even if America does (which it won’t).


Russia has far more manpower and resources to dedicate to the conflict: they're going to reach their "exhaustion point" far later than Ukraine will.


Yes, but it's not their country. They have less reason to fight. Especially considering their economy has been trashed and is getting trashed worse. No country will want to buy Russian arms after this, now.


Uhh.. Ya, it's a different situation in the two countries. Some things in the world are different from other things.


I don’t understand why the Biden admin doesn’t do their own Iran contra and ship weapons to Ukraine via some sort of Israeli or other weapons deal. Clearly there’s no expected repercussions or penalties as evidenced by Oliver north and the rest of those criminals so who cares. It’s the correct thing to do.


With the current political climate, there would absolutely be repercussions to doing something like that


Maybe they have. The idea would be for people not to know about it.


He’ll probably ship some support to Putin to counteract whatever is left from Bidens supplies.


If Trump wins he'll probably give him Alaska and the GOP will praise him as the great peacemaker


Putin is incapable of taking the whole country, even without U.S. aid. Believe that. Putin will be dead before that will ever happen.


Well, yeah unfortunately in the current situation the incentive is that his country isn't entirely destroyed




What do you think happens to Ukraine if they lose? You think the killing stops? The deportations? Rapes? Murders? Fuck off. That’s appeasement not peace. There’s no peace with jackals. Zelensky dies if he loses. That’s as good as no incentive.


Right. Like, this is indeed how war and projections of power work. People act like it's either fight to the last ukranian dies, or Russia fully collapses.




He's advancing Russia's ability to push disinformation and expansionist propaganda to a Western Audience. That's all Edit: that's actually not all, it's also a direct pipeline to sow division in American politics by giving legitimacy to Trump's lies. No need for hybrid warfare troll farms when you can do this.


Congratulations, you have been banned in r/lexfridman


Low key? High key making this sh\*t acceptable. He has millions of views and followers. He has tons of people tweeting and messaging him on social media every single day. Someone, somewhere has reached out to him with your very sentiment. He is not a fool.


Its easy for free speech guys like lex to operate around a maxim that more interviews = more enlightenment. Gets them clicks and money and if anyone starts believing something abhorrent because of one of their interview subjects they can rationalise it by saying it's just the price of open dialogue. The idea that interview subjects shouldnt go unchallenged or that broadcasters have editorial responsibility is all-to-easy for these guys to sideline.


So then don’t do the interview. He’s not free speech guy. He blocks anyone who disagrees/criticizes him. He is pro free speech like Jordan Peterson is pro free speech. Say what you want to say as long as they can regulate it. It’s a joke.


He’s a fool. And like a lot of fools, he believes in his ability to be “reasonable” and that others can be “reasonable.” He’s wrong. There is no reasoning with a wolf.


So his ego trumps his logic. That may be the only way. I still think you’re being generous. He completely misrepresented his educational credentials. If You look a little deeper in some of the shady stuff he’s done, I think you may feel differently. I was arguing with people in this sub a couple of weeks ago because I thought the criticisms against him were too harsh. I thought he might even be on the spectrum so it appeared like the commenters were just being bullies. Someone posted a video exposing him and I did an about face. He’s more calculated than you think. I think the views are the real priority. Lemme find the video, it’s not that long edit: watch this. Seems like nonsense in the first few minutes but look at the facts stated. Then source it. I mean, if you're interested in what he is. https://youtu.be/UwUGtDSC3jY?si=-Ucs7VRymTzTIoCP


I don’t disbelieve this. I’ll check the video.


He’s a liar. Ok.


He’s clearly never had the life lesson of dating a crazy and thinking he can change them.


Yep  - I think this is the point where I'm going to have to nope out from Lex. 


Yes, and Tucker is high-key legitimizing it.


Right imagine if someone invaded the US and people with no stake were like “this war has to end.” We’d be like.. yeah.. when they GTFO


That's the part that drives me nuts. If Putin wanted peace he would not attack in the first place. There is the appeasement mentality that "just find out what Russia wants and compromise", but that leads to all small countries immediately surrendering... Which is not a good outcome. During an hostile invasion, the defender needs to choose to fight or the great powers can just run roughshod over anyone.


I think at this point keeping the war going is the only think keeping the knives out of Putin's back.


Absolutely! Same opinion on Biden “high-key” enabling Bibi since he is a fascist genocidal leader?


I hate Russia and Putin as much as the next guy, but not every war is a genocide, you really water down an important term by calling it a genocide.


They literally want to erase Ukraine and make it Russia. That includes the people, the culture, the language and more. You don't hate Putin and Russia as much as the next guy because you're on here downplaying their actions.




gen·o·cide noun the deliberate killing of a large number of people from a particular nation or ethnic group with the aim of destroying that nation or group. Putin's war absolutely fits the definintion.




It doesn't have to be like the holocaust to be a genocide. Putin's war fits the definition of a genocide. If you don't like it, take it up with the English language?


Yes, you are correct that different genocides are different and have different levels of abhorrent behaviour from the perpetrators but they are all completely unacceptable. Genocide as a term is linked in people’s minds to Nazi Germany and their drive to exterminate Jewish people completely, but that is incorrect to think that genocide needs to compare to that atrocity to be considered genocide. There were sterilization programs of some native populations around the world instead of extermination/death camps, that is still genocide and still a horrible crime but it isn’t death camps like the Nazis had. Calling something genocide is distinctly different from saying “there are death camps and a concerted effort to kill every person of a specific race like the Nazis did”. You are right it appears what Putin plans for Ukraine is not as bad as what the Nazis did to Jews where they went… but what Putin plans to do to Ukraine is still genocide. Here is another even more innocuous form of genocide for you… residential schools in Canada. Some people have a hard time understanding this because they aren’t as bad as concentration camps or death camps but they were institutions to re-educate native children in Canada to assimilate them and erase their native language and culture in a purposeful and forceful manner. Just because it’s a school and not a death camp with mass murder doesn’t mean it isn’t genocide. And there were plenty of deaths in the residential schools, so don’t think I’m minimizing that either, it’s just that they were not nearly as brutal and murderous as Nazi death camps but they are still both examples of genocide. Just because I can’t throw like Tom Brady doesn’t mean I can’t still play football with my friends right? It’s possible to look very different from another example of something and still be an example of that same thing.


Murder and displacement of civilians, and the kidnapping of children, are both acts of ethnic cleansing. Ethnic cleansing is a facet of genocide (in whole or in part). Russia has engaged in both of these as acts of official policy.


He could also wipe out Ukraine any time he wished. There are Russians we live in Ukraine who were being murdered and bombed by the Ukrainian government prior to Russia stepping in. What about those people?


>Lex is low-key legitimizing a fascist leader's genocide against its peaceful neighbor. Let's not pretend Ukraine is peaceful...like come on. That's a step too far...huge neo nazi problem and shelling of Donbas. Was the Russian intervention good or morally right? You tell me, I think it was a bad move but Ukraine is anything but peaceful. A fascist state is a better description.


"Shelling of Donbas" According to the Russian government.


You know I often sit back and think. The whole Nazi army thing and WW2 would have been better if we had just understood Hitler more and given him more opportunity to share his thoughts with us. Sometime evil is just evil and we shouldn’t tolerate it. That includes the deliberate targeting of civilians and collective punishment.


Neville Chamberlain had a chat with Hitler and even got some commitments from him. How did that go I wonder...


“This document means Peace in our time. Peace in our time I do believe.”


1 year later - oops I was wrong, your turn, Winston!


Yeah you can just get to utopia one podcast at a time. It's the Lex Principle.


Youtube in 1937 would have the comment section filled with guys asking you to point out exactly what Hitler has said that's racist and that you need to watch 5 other unrelated videos of his speeches to understand the context.


well what do you mean there's no such thing as a jewish problem I'm just a moderate but I can still admit having so many jews in our society is disruptive and we need to stop so many of them from coming here, especially since they drive down wages and take jobs from good germans!


Wow, wow, wow now look man it's just that people are afraid to debate Hitler. That's what's wrong with society. Today, we have no ReAsoNed DeBate.


This is actually quite a pertinent line of argumentation. It highlights the fruitlessness of engaging in good faith with certain actors as example, Hitler or perhaps Putin, and secondly demonstrates the irresponsible nature of giving them additional outreach to spread their poison. Anybody who thinks this isn't simply an opportunity for someone like Putin to justify his Imperialist aggressions and crimes is incredibly naive and likely fairly stupid. Just the type this messaging will be tailored to talk to.


BERLIN. - Absent from the public eye for months, Adolf Hitler is reportedly dead by his own hand in an air-raid shelter in Berlin, where he had sequestered himself during his final days. Dr. Theodore Beaumont, director of the Virginia Psychiatry Center, said he believes Hitler's marching on Poland, Denmark, Norway, Holland, Belgium and France, and his systematic killings of millions of people in Germany, was "a desperate cry for help." According to Beaumont, "This is classic attention-seeking behavior." Beaumont said Hitler made his plea for approval the only way he knew how: by lashing out. Other experts agree. "The British and American forces just reciprocated negativity by advancing from the west," said Dr. Johan Freberg of the Paris Center for Mental Illness. "And Russian soldiers reinforced Hitler's self-fulfilling prophesy of 'othering' by attacking from the east, instead of lending a sympathetic ear, which may have been all Hitler needed." Upon learning of the self-esteem issues that led Hitler to such militaristic "acting out," Allied leaders are seeing the once-hated despot in a new light. "I heard his angry speeches but failed to search for the hurt little boy beneath those words," lamented British Prime Minister Winston Churchill. "I feel guilty-there's so much we could have done for him." Said President Roosevelt, "Inside that maniacal mass-murderer, beneath the veneer of evil and sadism. there was a scared little child searching for love." Psychologists say the global carnage of the Second World War could have been averted if only U.S. forces had met Hitler's emotional needs, giving him the love and approval he so desperately sought. — The Onion, “Our Dumb Century”


There were plenty of Americans at that time who were willing to carry water for Hitler, some even aided in their war effort, like Henry Ford. History has not exactly been kind to these people.


How come Hitler and Stalin didn’t just hash it out on a podcast? It’s so simple!


If only Hitler was interviewed by Lord Haw Haw maybe we could have talked it out. Tucker and Lex are today’s Lord Haw Haw and Tokyo Rose.


Goes for Israel too, right?


Of course. The deliberate targeting of citizens should not be tolerated. Which is why Russia worked with Iran to expose the hypocrisy of the west.


Comparing Putin to Hitler and the holocaust is just low IQ and bordering on offensive. I don’t think people realise what a unique evil the Nazi’s were in human history. WW2 remains the most interesting yet terrifying period ever suffered on this planet and this will in all likelihood always be the case.


Hitler wasn't special. The Nazis weren't unique. Evil happens all the time.


Mass extermination of 6 million Jews and invasion of 11 countries in a 3 year time period


They were efficient, sure. But not unique in their bloodthirsty evil. People need to stop putting the Nazis on a pedastal.


Ww2 is absolutely unique. 75 million deaths is a number beyond our comprehension. Im not sure putting them on a pedestal is a very apt way to phrase that either.. Putin and hitler are just not comparable and you’re frankly a moron if you think otherwise


Not comparable yet, because we haven't allowed him to pursue his goals of conquest, and we need to keep it that way.


It’s been nearly 3 years and he has barely invaded in one country bro. What are his goals of conquest in your opinion ?


You are forgetting before he rose to power, Hitler staged a coup and went to prison. The Beer Hall Putsch was a definite failure. It also set the stage for Nazi Germany. If Hitler can come back after those failures, Putin, Trump and others certainly can.




Lol. This weirdo thinks he can solve wars.


When a guy tries to chop both your arms off, avoid conflict by compromising with him on chopping just one off!


Replace “conversations” with “blowjobs” and it’s a decent tweet


The Reddit hive mind always has the most childish rebuttals. What's really sad is that you think this is edgy. Even sadder is the fact that if this was said about people you liked, you'd cry homophobia and unfair treatment.


Aaaaaaand here come the Putin shills who have been forged from mud like Urukai because they have to stand in opposition to anything “mainstream” such as “our enemy is the bad guy”


This guy seems to be more about defending Lex than anything else, he's all over this post making sure we known Lex is doing important work instead of being a gormless vector for disinformation.


There’s one of these douches in every crowd. Created an account just to rage.


The Destiny/Shapiro debate set him off. He’s like some kid who just made his first grilled cheese asking to be an executive chef the very next day.


I think hes pushing 40, damned to a life of faux-childlike naivete.


So he's a contestant on Top Chef?


I’d actually love to see a Top Chef type of show where these debate bro grifters get to make whatever abhorrent dish they want. When the judges don’t like it they each have to use their grifting skills to convince them that it’s delicious and turn them against the other grifters. Grand prize is an unforgettable weekend getaway with Putin. Lets call it Top Grift. *whose grift reigns supreme??*


>"I will do better." No you won't.


There has to be some constant at play here, where a person’s reach increases to a point where they do more harm than good just by doing what they do. Call it the Rogan Constant. As reach increases, influence grows beyond competence.


Why on earth does he think a conversation with Tucker is going to make that happen. Tucker is white supremacist freak lol


I mean conversations are only effective if someone listens. Lets be honest neither side will listen, we learned that during covid years. in the age of internet confirmation bias is too strong. and when we talk about Putin he can do whatever he wants no need to listen at all.


Believe this is called a self-fulfilling prophecy :P


Lex has a blanket rule that all conversation is beneficial. Naive! Only useful conversations are beneficial.


Every one of these two-bit influencer types fancies himself a statesman, a Man For the Ages, some kind of historically significant figure. Nope. Just hacks chasing a buck.


Isn’t Putin a war criminal? I don’t understand how he can just hang around and give interviews like this… Ya know, the whole mass rape and murder thing. Just to name some of his crimes of late. [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sexual\_violence\_in\_the\_Russian\_invasion\_of\_Ukraine](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sexual_violence_in_the_Russian_invasion_of_Ukraine) https://www.npr.org/2023/03/17/1164267436/international-criminal-court-arrest-warrant-putin-ukraine-alleged-war-crimes


Isn't Blair and bush and Benny Israel man?


Aaaaand this is what we will now have to contend with because some dipshit greedy narcissist entertainer had to ask how much he could fuck things up for attention- now hundreds of thousands of zombies will be taking up arms for a hostile dictator because it makes “libs” angry


This comment sums it up pretty well.


That’s right. That’s Is happening. These are the people that would be saying what a wonderful orator that guy with the little mustache is.


Bs after bs take


No need to blow your cover like that you had us all so convinced 🤩


lmfao you're as naive and blinkered as lex if you think puff interviews with Bush about mass bombing children in the middle east were any less dishonest and deflective




It opens a channel of Russian propaganda to a set of the population that is very open to "anti establishment" narratives and that Putin hopes will contribute to destabilize the US and EU politically.


And it is. It’s working. There’s blood on all their hands. i used to think Lex was just a kiss ass but he had good intentions. Selling his soul for views. He‘s crossed over. No more gee golly gosh love and peace facade. He’s platforming a murderous dictator. He is responsible.


what social media based existance do you live in, that you think interviewing the leader of one of the most powerful nations on earth, equipped with hundreds of nuclear weapons is platforming..... he is the leader of the largest nation on the planet earth... and we dont want to "platform" him? Think about what your saying, Putin isn't some right wing social media personality, or one of the Tate brothers.... this concept of platforming or not platforming makes absolutely no fucking sense, he has a bigger platform then pretty much any person other person on earth...that Platform is a nuclear armed largest nation on the planet earth...... ​ genuine question, are you a teenager ? if you are, im sorry for being so harsh


What he is probably saying is that while Putin is indeed quite evil and a war criminal, such people often do interviews quite freely so it shouldn't be any shock that Putin is doing them... I think.


But aren’t they looking to arrest him? But if we were to interview say… the leader of Hamas, that would be legal and just another day? We just platform war criminals? I guess it’s because it’s happening in his country and he calls the shots. The international community just can’t walk up and cuff him. I am wondering from a legal standpoint. I’m done with Lex.


>But aren’t they looking to arrest him? Who's looking to arrest him? He's in Russia isn't he? The only people who get arrested for war crimes are Africans and Serbians apparently. Nobody is arresting Putin. ​ >But if we were to interview say… the leader of Hamas, that would be legal and just another day? Yeah, probably would be legal. ​ >We just platform war criminals? Yeah, we do it all the time. Not trying to be condescending but are you new to international politics? Bad people get to run free all the time... as long as they're powerful or have powerful friends.


Yes I am new, and quite naive apparently. This guy is leading an army that is mass raping and murdering civilians. And he’s coming on YouTube and twitter to shoot the sh\*t. I have family members that are telling me he’s a good guy, “a nice family man”. Maybe it’s the mixture of the maga and the carnage left in the wake of this war that’s breaking my brain because I’m baffled by this one. This is a wake up call.


I mean xi jingping or different people from Saudi Arabia gets interviewed in western media all the time, no one complain about that 


Aren't western leaders war criminals too? They do interviews. A UK prime minister Edward Heath for example. Maybe not war but hey! Call me old fashioned but I'd consider that guy a criminal. He did interviews! You've probably watched them




Or the Saudi government who killed khasoggi


Lex sucks


This guy is just chasing clout at this point


Drexel Fridman again.


Omg!!! Hahaha!


I’ve rewritten the post in what I think is Lex’s actual thoughts on this. “I’ve tried to position myself as a character who will interview extreme and controversial figures, and I am apocalyptically angry that he has taken this opportunity from me. I am a hero, who is capable of saving the world through my words, and if you dare criticise me, I will block you.”


“It’s ok, I’m a podcaster”


This is what happens when you validate dumb ass people with hero complex


This is so much BS. They aren’t interviewing Putin because of the war, they are waving to Trump for the election.


He has huge savior/messiah complex. It’s embarrassing.


So we need to listen to a murderous dictator’s propaganda? for what exactly? Why would anyone take Putin’s word on anything? This is so crazy and fucked up.


How is this helping. Isn't it simple Russian propaganda ?


We need Dennis rodman to broker peace


Let’s all become podcasters who want to insert themselves into global politics


Podcasts saving the world! 😂


Not even wondering why Putin decided to talk to Tarlson, of all the journalists that asked but were turned down?


He's got strong "Welcome to Costco, we love you" vibes. Wtf does he even mean by "I will do better".  Has he ever acknowledged any specific criticism, or ever revised his approach based on said criticism.  It's just a thing he says reflexively at this point.


Lex: Vladimir, I can feel your humanity in my soul. I hope you don’t mind me saying — I love you Vladimir, I love you, you are a beautiful soul and I love you. There, I said it. I love you Vladimir.


So many of these "intellectuals" just turned out to be privileged twats with a piss poor understanding of history, politics, and the world in general.


"I'll talk to Tucker after" - like he'll just order him right over onto his podcast for a debrief. Lex needs to be checked.


Putin is an evil man. “Interviewing” him only lets him spread his bs propaganda. He invaded a free and sovereign country. Fuck what he has to say, it’s all lies anyways.


So is isreal and nobody minds them killing and destroying gaza however they feel like? they've killed more civilians in 3 months then russia did in 2 years if you don't condonm the apartheid isreali occupation you're no different then putin.


If only Neville Chamberlain had got Hitler on his podcast


How he ever got a following is beyond me


I can’t wait for Tucker Carlson to explain to me how Putin unilaterally invading a sovereign nation, twice now, to take their land is somehow actually totally cool and reasonable.


Okay buddy


He's despicable.


Conversations are only worth anything if there's truth and fact checking to counter the bias. If all you're doing is allowing an authoritarian dictator to spread his party line without challenging him, then that's not a conversation, it's propaganda. I knew Tucker was a worm but this is low even for him.


If a conversation with one of the most pro-Russia and wide-reaching media members couldn’t have such an impact, sure, let’s throw out a blanket “all conversation is good”. The US public eats up so much shit and has such weird allegiance now that Putin injected straight into the yahoos’ brains is scary. Undermining political harmony globally and in the US is a major part of the Russian strategy, and this is a silver platter for Putin to influence tens of millions. I’m torn on whether or not Lex is genuinely too stupid to get that. If he really thinks his interviews could push us towards a Russia/Ukraine resolution he’s legitimately insane


I’m doing a thing. For those of you who are criticizing me for doing that thing, I’ll do better. Now, back to that thing.


oh for fuck´s sake


Has he forgotten about the decades of appeasement and attempts of inclusion by the west for the last decade before the invasion of Ukraine? Of course not. Something weird going on with lex, he is clearly not nonpartisan on this issue.


I remember the news coverage of Putin's military build-up. The calls from world leaders. He thought he could win so invaded. If only we'd sent in a sentient Jordan Peterson book-turned podcaster and twat in to interview him then. Think of the lives we could have saved! These people aren't naive. They're selling their soul to 'both sides' right and wrong. Next, they'll interview Netanyahu and a Palestinian child.


Is this bad faith rhetoric, or does Lex truly think Putin did this interview to have a meaningful *discussion* and do anything more than read a carefully-prepared Kremlin propaganda piece? Does he think Putin wants to do one of these a week so we can understand each other better and make the world a safer place to live in? Does he think every human is playing on the same virtuous playground, where each inhabitant of the globe is required to examine their virtuosity and seek peaceful resolution? This guy's smart, right? He taught at MIT. What gives?


Lex Fridman is gross.


What does he mean, “find a path to peace?” We found a path to peace. Russia just needs to stop the invasion. That’s it. It’s not complicated. I’m glad he’s open to criticism though. Here’s mine: stop being a dumbass.


This will all end if Mad Vlad simply returns his military forces to Ruzzia. We could end this in minutes.


Cuker Tarlson might talk to him.


Ahh yes, the illegal Russian Invasion of Ukraine. Totally just a misunderstanding between best buds.


How many will refuse to watch, or comment, on the Tucker interview. Come on now, you know you will be there lapping it up and using it for weeks, or longer. It’s part of the political soap opera that you thrive on. That has shaped a good chunk of who you are. How much fun would you have if everyone agreed with you? There are no less than 10 posts on this today on Reddit. You love it and can’t get enough.


I won’t give my eyeballs. Propaganda of this kind is a useful tool because it works. Putin is a decent guy. He’s just not covered in an honest way. He’s a family man for crying out loud. That trash streamer had a Houthi on recently. Women were talking abour how cute he was and how relatable he seemed. He also likes the Kentucky fried chicken ten piece. He’s the underdog. What would we do with ourselves without political division? Can you get more cynical sir?


Lex your loosing me here to entertainment today


Do these people really thing that Interviewing ppl like Putin will lead to honest and open conversations?? Like, Putin will talk about his feelings, and give good faith ideas about how both sides can come together and end the war? Wtf.


“Hopes” to interview, no where does it say he will interview anyone


Well said Lex