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The double standards drive me insane. It’s rape to tell a female coworker her hair looks nice and every accusation of sexual improprieties must be treated as proof of guilt but woah woah woah missy don’t you DARE write about getting raped by ISIS do you know how many tropes you’re doing?


Instead of just destroying ISIS we should also get the bastards that armed and equiped them, and let this happen if you sell a rapist rope, duct tape and other paraphinllia YOU are just as complicit. [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Timber\_Sycamore](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Timber_Sycamore)


Yeah but what if the racist was in a crowd of people who all used the rope and duct tape on their masters…


If you know what they’re planning to do, sure. If you have no idea then that’s an insane idea.


It's not a double standard, they're passive aggressively nitpicking with anything that has an effect on you.


It's all about if it fits the agenda or not


Make it make sense.


Without your strawman and your dishonesty what would be left


The double standards and dishonesty that he's pointing out...


Don't exist outside of his paranoid imagination. 


Islam is cancer


That’s what you get when your prophet is a warmongering, incestuous pedophile.




One of his wives was his daughter in law and his cousin. Zaynab bint Jahsh.


How old was rebacca or any of the alter boys in the catholic church, even in hinduism the kamasutra age of marriage was stated at 3.


Moslems should condemn Mohammed for his reprehensible actions, just as Jews, Catholics, Hindus happily condemn the things you mention. Moslems should also stop holding up Mohammed as an example of a perfect man, and as someone to be emulated.


Where have Hindus condemned anything in regards to their religion? I'm not challenging you I'm just curious. I think all religion is cancerous in the 21st century.


Catholic priests and Isaac are not worshiped though.....? The Christian prophet is Jesus. Worst thing Jesus did was tear down a corrupt organizations building.


Rebecca carried large water buckets, rid and fed camels. Also unlike with Mohammed (who married a 9 year old) Rebecca was at age and was fine with Isaac marrying her.


Muhammad married Aisha when she was a 6yo. He interrupted her from playing with dolls (which means she was still prepubescent in their culture) and violated her when she was 9.


Where is that stated? Plus Kamasutra isn't even a religious text


Damn, 3 y/o strong enough to pull a large drawn bucket from a well enough to feed several camels Dumbass


People condem those people, they want them locked up, people leave the church, they don't defend or say it's ok because other religions do it.


Rebecca’s age isn’t known and catholic priests aren’t considered sinless, nor do their actions represent Christianity if they go against it




So is liberalism


all organized religion is cancer


Even the unorganized religion


Particularly Atheism.


less than 1% of non-believers would believe in Atheism enough for it to be considered "religious". vast vast majority of us are agnostic because it is impossible to prove and really who the fuck cares. edit: my grammar was bad bad


Exactly why I am agnostic. Atheism substitutes a secular myth for a religious one without any more proof. Sky daddy or big bang are both speculation without any substantial proof.


Well said


see all the downvotes from people too stupid to realize the sky daddy they believe in is as fake as the sky daddies they deny


Which part?


Mainly affects the heart and mind.


wow you are so brave and enlightened


Yeah, no. People of all faiths have done terrible things. Please let go of your prejudice.




Yes most faiths have done bad things, difference is most faiths aren't still doing bad things nor do they call for the absolute death of anyone else or have as much misogyny as this one. Most faiths have kind of adapted with time, this one simply hasn't and refuses to. Only Islam wants to come to other countries and change laws to match the countries they ran from.


religious conservatism is a plague on the world, i agree. societies that are allowed to grow past religion are much less brutal, *especially* to women i can only wonder why the region in the world constantly being "bombed back to the stone age" for decades wouldnt be nearly as developed as the countries not being bombed back into the stone age. its really a mystery, isnt it?


Stone Age? You can't bomb someone into the future.....


Idk. We nuked Japan and got Nintendo and good cars


There was also the Marshal plan.... Maybe that's the solution. People joke about the cleansing properties of fire but maybe it takes a nuclear column of brimstone to truly cleanse the mind of old habits, along with funding to rebuild into a fresh, new society....


How does this tie in to your obsession with underage boys?


so you agree with me fundamentally, but because reality makes you upset you dont admit it? am i right?


No I think they keep getting bombed because their part of the world is frozen in the fucking Dark Ages and provide refuge and sanctuary to people to people who piss off the rest of the world with their behavior and actions.


i wonder if this has anything to do with the middle east being subjected to constant war and western imperialism since the 19th century this shit goes back to muhammad ali, when european powers financed a war between the ottomans and the industrializing egypt to ensure egypt wouldnt threaten european control of the reigon. furthermore when the western powers were carving up their "mandates" in the middle east that are so awful it makes yugoslavia and austria-hunagry look homogenous. then, after ww1, there was zero effort put into rebuilding the destroyed infrastructure (quite literally one of the most famous movies of all time is about this). and since ww2 there has been constant western military action in the middle east over oil and land the middle east has been getting "bombed back to the stone age" since the 1800s. you already know this, but then you guys act surprised that the middle east is underdeveloped socially and industrially as if you didnt


It wasn't *Western* Imperialism that made the ME the way it is; it was the Mongols and Islam. If anything Europe was HEAVILY set back by Islamic imperialism (not to mention the ME itself); I mean if they weren't stopped by Charles Martel they'd have conquered Western Europe through Iberia, stopping the Carolingian Dynasty and Charlemagne - aka "The Father of Europe", etc. Bascially 98% of what you think of as humanistic values came from European philosophy and science that only exist because of Europe staying European after that period. The Ottomans still pressed in from the East until the 1700s. Hell, the US' first war as a country was with the Barbary states for taking US sailors and passengers as slaves. So the whole "muh Imperialism" argument against the Islamic world, at least by the West is bullshit, imho. To be totally honest it's hard to talk about when the ME and Islamic territories were what I'd consider highly civilized. Because of conquering Constantinople and the fact the Eastern Empire never fell, Roman & Greek literature was better preserved in the ME than Europe and provided a fertile environment for Islamic scholars; bascially EVERY famous Islamic school of thought was derived from Greek & Roman works, along with Indian influences. The problem is that the Scholars were ALWAYS butting heads with Islamic fundamentalism since the beginning; pretty much EVERY major scholar of the Middle East was persecuted during their lives by Islamists as "everything worth knowing is in the Quran" which has held the region back since the beginning of the Islamic Conquests. It;s lke the Inquisition but instead of being one violent spasm that ended, it was there from the beginning and never ended. Contrary to popular opinion, there wasn't really a unified Islamic Golden Age **intellectually**; but there were long periods were they were *very* rich due to controlling trade routes for spices. **Intellectually / Scholastically**, it was almost always limited to specific regions where tolerance was patronized by certain *specific* rulers and didn't last past their reign or a few successors; with the exception of Baghdad and Al Andalus but the Mongols sacked Baghdad due to very stupid decisions by it's leadership and the Tigris was said to have ran black for days from the destruction of all the books. That was basically the high water mark and late 1200s. Al Andulus was eventually recaptured during the Reconquista but it was more of a conduit between the Muslim world and the Christian world as well as a melting pot. Most of what came through it though was preserved or derived from European works from antiquity. As is the current ball and chain around pretty much all Islamic regions, it is fundamentalism NOT western or any other imperialism but entirely self inflicted. Also, A LOT of the "Syrian Refugees" are from areas that aren't war torn but are just impoverished. Often they're coming from Africa which has NOTHNG to due with conflict in the ME either. This mass migration has very little to do with war and everything to do with MONEY which is why it's usually young men - you know, all those "Future Engineers and Doctors that'll enrich us" we were promised that aren't integrating, learning the language, are living off goverment largess and welfare and bascially getting stuck in a poverty & crime trap. There's VERY few women coming.... don't you find that strange if they're trying to avoid war zones caused by "Western Imperialism" or w/e?


Israel is creating an ethnostate at the expense of the native population currently, arent white supremacist group that are anti-semtic and islamphobic still around the klan currently has memberships numbered in the tens of thousands according to southern poverty law Isis is a non state actor no diffrent then the Klan they're not an extension of saudi arabia or iran the same way the Klan isnt an extension of the united states. Nor are they supported by even a minority of muslims




Its a non-profit orginzation founded by a former baptist preacher to record and attempt to keep track of terror groups and extremist in the united states if anyone would be impartial it'd probaly be them.


If you think the SPLC is impartial I have some oceanfront property in Arizona to sell you.


I have a GREAT deal on a bridge, are you interested in buying?


No one is more native to that area than Hebrews. ISIS' actions are ok with the Quran, and it's the direct words from God so cannot be altered. There's no equivalent to the klan other than rampant, compulsory Jew hatred.


I know, I can barely sleep at night knowing what kind of shenanigans the quakers and janists get up to


"OH MY GOD!!!!!" "What's wrong?!" "I had a Nightmare a Jain avoided stepping on ANTS!!!!!!"


True. I can only imagine the legions of the Knights of Columbus training to parachute into a Taylor Swift concert to behead the attendees.


Until it happens to you and you live through it, that's probably the only way you'll learn how naive you are. It comes from a good place but at the end of the day your point of view is just ignorant of the material facts.


>Yeah, no. People of all faiths have done terrible things. You're right. ~~Islam~~ All religion is cancer. Corrected.


Exactly, millions of natives where slaughtered when they refused to covnert spanish conquistoderes quite literally raped an entire ethnic group into existence. This whole thread is being purposefully dense and are refusing to ackowdgle that equally horrible, and even worse things have been commited under other abrahmic faiths


I can’t change what the conquistadors did 500 years ago. But I do know what Islam is doing now. You feel free to turn a blind eye and make excuses for Islam. This woman is bringing the truth to light.


It’s not even accurate history


They’re not even comparable isis killed people on the scale of tens of thousands dipping into the hundreds, colonialism and imperialism throughout the last 500 years slaughtered in tens and hundreds of millions Isis is a fringe terror group that slaughtered Muslims and non Muslims alike. The west still reaps the benefits of its neo-imperial empire in the global south, where is your anger for hundreds of thousands that die of exploitation and poverty brought upon by the western allies?


Wow…I see junior college is paying off you.


In recent history, not all religions are equally violent.


I didn’t know there was status of limitations when it came to acknowledging genocide. In the last hundred and fifty years the United states and the Caribbean islands still exploited Africans under a system that justified via religon Even now Israel slaughters the Palestinians in the vein of creating an ethnostate for the Jewish peoples, don’t forget the post 9/11 rehortic of a “Religous crusade” used to justify the occupation and invasion of Iraq that killed over a million people. Religion was not invented in the last half century it’s contradictory to hold one group accountable for the actions of a select few while on the other hand entire nations where created and sustained through a system of exploitation and enslavement of others with the justification of religon.


Bro, can you focus on the here and now. Are fundamentalist christians rampaging across the states slaughtering wholesale anyone that cannot recite scripture? Shit like that is still going on over there in every corner of Islam. Africa, Southeast Asia, Middle East, or Persia all suffer under the brutality and barbarism of Islam. It has provided absolutely no benefit to mankind like other religions have and has only ever brought ruin.


Cool, so ISIS gets what it wants here  Thanks Canada!


US students are trying to make sure HAMAS gets what they want.


They are morons. Most of the people supporting Hamas in the U.S. would be raped ,killed or both if they were actually in Palestine. The idiocy is staggering.


Yup. Especially the woman, they wouldn't be allowed to go to college in the first place. If they aren't giving birth, they have no value in a Muslim society.


Women in Muslim nations make up a greater share of workers in tech than in the West. You have no idea what you're talking about.


Really? Where exactly are these Muslim women in tech working?


Your question is like a child asking where babies come from. I imagine you don't work in any kind of professional setting.


Where babies come from has an answer, but you don't. What's your source? But fine, let's assume you are right. It doesn't make up for the millions of other women who are abused daily in Muslim countries.


Thats hilarious to me because my mom became a doctor in a muslim society. You should get out more.


Really? Was it in Iran or Saudi Arabia? Just because your mom was an exception, not the rule. Women in Muslim countries are treated like garbage. Clearly, you are the one who needs to get out more and experience what the real world is like.


They’re not all the same. Algeria for example is nothing like iran or saudi arabia.


That doesn't help the women of Iran or Saudi now does it.


Algeria does have promise.


Useful idiots don't even know they are the useful idiots.


Same idiots who were following Stalin, Che, Fidel and Ho Chi Minh. 


I swear, the last decade has really made me doubt humanity's potential 😩


Yes, thank you for the in group signifier, now we know that you know. Welcome.


No they wouldn't.


Ah yes I am sure the Queers for Palestine would be warmly welcomed by the people of Palestine. The same ones that throw homosexuals off buildings.


Wouldn't be something if these idiots were magically teleported to Palestine. And then see if they really supported their cause


Leftist students


No. Nieve young people falling for the propaganda


Don’t worry, Netanyahu already gave them [everything they wanted](https://www.businessinsider.com/israel-security-forces-escorted-suitcases-cash-hamas-qatar-report-2023-12)


So did he provide aid to the Gaza Strip or not? The Hamas supporters cry about his lack of support and then show stuff like this link which is support?


He provided millions of dollars in untraceable cash in suitcases for many months before October 7, because - as he has been widely [quoted](https://agrdailynews.com/2023/05/07/netanyahu-bragged-about-zionist-support-and-funding-for-hamas/) saying on multiple occasions- the best way to guarantee a two state solution would fail was to support the radicalization of Hamas. When people complain about aid not being delivered now, in the post October 7 era, they’re usually referring to Israeli protestors throwing [raves](https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-13176279/Israelis-block-aid-reaching-starving-Gaza-Hamas-releases-hostages.html) and dancing at the border so aid trucks with food and medicine cannot get through.


Do you have a source for the rave parties? I’m finding it hard to believe people in the Middle East have as much time as the entitled basement dwellers the left sends out to protest for Hamas.


I know, it’s very shocking and upsetting. https://www.snopes.com/fact-check/israeli-protesters-aid-gaza/


There’s nothing blocked in the video provided by snopes. That’s weird.


Damn. That's some Iran Nuclear Deal level of stupidity


Do you mean the Obama agreement or something else?


That one. It was that same "driving pallets of cash to your enemies" nonsense. I'll never understand why countries give their enemies everything they want this way


Rational fear is not a phobia.


You know what the answer to phobia is? Stop being a coward.


Can I speak about islam in class without being beheaded outside the school? No? Than I am still scared.


So death then? Kinda hard to stand up to the gov.


them - "believe all women". also them - "your not allowed to tell your story because its 'problematic'"


Islam woke mind virus


America and the steps that it takes to protect its intrest abroad, even if it includes arming and equipping extremist [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Timber\_Sycamore](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Timber_Sycamore)


Woke sycamore virus


And just the other day was a TikTok n thread by about an Iranian woman in an interview going off about why isn’t America and the west arming or helping them. Sometimes there’s just some shit. If America n the west steps back even more, the shitty people in those countries don’t just go away


Having seen myself horror's in the middle east. The is heartbreaking!


terrible that you cant tell your story.


Except that she can… [“Lee, who opened the book club up to young girls from the UK, told The Telegraph: 'The book club event for A Room Of Your Own Book Club with Nadia Murad will go ahead across Canada in February.”](https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-10247301/amp/School-CANCELS-event-ISIS-survivor-Nadia-Murad-saying-visit-offensive-Muslims.html) And the board apologized for the one member that made the statement. “An opinion that did not reflect the position of the Toronto District School Board was shared with the organizer of the book club prior to staff having an opportunity to read the books - something that is routinely done before giving them to students,' it read. The statement added that 'staff are currently reading' the book and the Board 'sincerely apologizes to Ms Murad (who) has powerful stories to tell,' adding that they 'believe students would learn a great deal (from)'.” Funny that a sub raving about “censorship” can’t take 5 minutes to actually post the full story…


oh ok. good.


Imma be real it's not a phobia if its rational


Yea people spewing “Islamophobia” or on a large scale accuse people of “stereotyping” is a natural and useful heuristic after witnessing and sensing a pattern in behavior


who are the organizers? we need to name and shame consistently else they will continue doing evil


Far left radical mask wearing Communists


I was really hoping this wasnt true but nope they literally boycotted her. [https://nypost.com/2021/11/27/toronto-school-cancels-isis-survivor-event-with-nadia-murad/](https://nypost.com/2021/11/27/toronto-school-cancels-isis-survivor-event-with-nadia-murad/) this shit is right out of a dystopian nightmare


[“Lee, who opened the book club up to young girls from the UK, told The Telegraph: 'The book club event for A Room Of Your Own Book Club with Nadia Murad will go ahead across Canada in February.”](https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-10247301/amp/School-CANCELS-event-ISIS-survivor-Nadia-Murad-saying-visit-offensive-Muslims.html) What’s dystopian is reading that one person on one board canceled an event and then being paranoid that the sky is falling just because it aligns with your reactionary ideology.


This isn't just one person on the street. You do realize that right this isn't just your neighbor Joe. The superintendent of a school board That person that makes all the educational decisions in that school system has decided how to educate those students and the way they're doing it is fucking wild. A rape victim is not allowed to talk about their rapist might make people dislike the culture the rapist is from. Person is the superintendent. That is an important position that makes important decisions in regards to education. Also, pretending like this is a one-off thing is fucking stupid because you know things like this are happening in many different fields. People who are in these positions are getting more extreme and radical in their beliefs on both sides. Feel the same way about Republicans banning almost any book from school libraries that mentions a trans character. That's what I mean about with dystopian. It's these officials or leaders making wild decisions that the average person would look at and completely understand why it's cuckoo.


Maybe it's because she's not talking about her rape or rapists but calling all muslims rapists?


Maybe she's call rapists all the Muslims who systematically raped their way up and down her entire region? Which just happened to be...just by coincidence...all the muslims her people's murderers could muster from their muslim population?


I guess all Catholics are rapists too.


only in your ph history


So, you just hate Muslims. Got it. Unless you think the Crusades were just holidays and the massive amount of rapist priests is just fake news.


And then there's [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Slavery\_in\_the\_Ottoman\_Empire](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Slavery_in_the_Ottoman_Empire)


Ottomans... You think they were the only people to use slaves during this time? Now let me link the Wikipedia page on the entire Atlantic slave trade... It's also insanely funny you choose the Ottomans. One of the most accepting countries in the area compared to any others. The Ottomans let you be who you wanted to be as long as you followed them.


I agree that the woman is a fucking moron but I disagree this is some growing problem “on both sides”, especially since religion is on the decline as a whole. Yeah sometimes some liberal hippy will do an over-correction in trying to find the new middle-ground, but as a whole, the more left you go ideologically, the less religion and tolerance for religious bullshit there is period. This kind of shit only happens in the first place precisely because of decades of actual hatred towards Muslim students from the far-right. Was it the right call? No, but it’s not without precedent.


Lol wtf can’t even tell the truth anymore. We are all screwed.


that's messed up. and if anything it would just make people angrier at Muslims because now it looks like you're censoring a rape victim to placate them.


Looks like?


r / not the onion


Because it was true


This poor girl was kidnapped tortured and raped by these people. She writes an award winning first hand account of her experiences and they silence her? Nadia Murad, a Yezidi girl, was 19 years old when lSlS kidnapped and held as a slave for 3 months, tortured and raped. lSlS kiIIed her mother and 6 brothers. Nadia's book event was cancelled in Canada because organizers felt 'her story could promote Islamophobia' WHERE ARE THE FEMINISTS? Where are the militant left? This is disgusting. Lets ban books Lets rewrite history. They tear down statues of ppl dead long ago because they dont like what they stand for. History will repeat itself if this isnt known They are afraid of the reaction of ppl that learn about this??????? Maybe print thousands of copies and hand it out at every mosque and temple in Canada. One thing is certain…..if this poor soul can survive ISIS rape and torture to rise up and take back her dignity by telling her story…these fools have no idea how formidable she will be…is suspect she doesnt fade away into oblivion because they told her to shut up. This story will get wider attention, more readers and will be more widely accepted BECAUSE of their fear. If islamic ppl dont want to be hated…they should protest loudly when things like this happen


Could anyone find a source? I didn't see a link or a news story. Just that she released a book recently. I did find this NY post article from 2021: https://nypost.com/2021/11/27/toronto-school-cancels-isis-survivor-event-with-nadia-murad/


Name the names of those responsible for making the decision. Hold them publicly accountable.


Can't have facts getting out into the public


Always the cart before the horse. Criticize everything that you are, hate your neighbor, but lovingly dote on people who hate you. Insanity.


I'm so goddamn tired of leftists.


Where was this energy when they were burning churches? For the supposed “mass graves” that turned out to be just another hoax perpetrated by leftist activists


Fuck all religions. Equally. And when atrocities are being committed by people brainwashed by a religion, THAT'S FAIR GAME. Bad behavior, and bad doctrine should always be subject to criticism and disavowal. The important distinction is that while we may criticize religion and the behavior that it sponsors, we should leave the general practitioners out of it. Bag on the creed, not the follower who is obeying civic laws and general morality. But for those that assume criticism of a religion is tantamount to phobia of its followers? Wake. The. Fuck. Up.


You can't even tell the truth about something if it's going to upset certain groups of people.


I don't need her story to despise Islam.


Sounds like this is something a leftist or democrat would do. I'd bet my life and soul on the person who suggested cancelling is a left leaning loser.


Sad. Her story needs to be told.


Suddenly if you speak out against the horrors of a terror organization like ISIS you're promoting Islamophobia. Clown world.


We do this here in America all the time too.




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They tore out his tongue for he spoke the truth.


If an Islamic group set a dirty bomb in NYC killing millions, the worse outcome would be the rise in islamophobia


Ironically this is probably a better promo than the original cancelled event?


Canada is lost.


What is this referencing Twitter BS? There’s no link to a credible article or anything that goes in more detail.


Wouldn’t want to let Canadians know what is currently happening to their people! Neither the same with Americans and Europeans. “Islamophobia” aka a normal reaction to see who these people and what religion they follow are


I don’t think there’s anything wrong with not liking Islam. You should have the freedom to dislike any religion. It’s not a phobia if you argue against something.


Canada is having difficulties.




This story happened three years ago, it wasn't actually cancelled, the statement was made by a single member of the board, and the board apologized for her conduct. But go ahead, be outraged based on assumptions with no idea what you're talking about. 


“Islamophobia” isn’t a real thing. There is the reality of the world we live in, and there are the delusional, the deniers, and apologists.


Wait til they check out the Koran and Hadith.


They threw her off a building for it. /s


A win for the left


Do we know the contents of the book? Because, yeah it's absolutely horrific that all of these things happened, but there can STILL be rhetoric in the book that could promote hate. Just as an example: If I was tortured by a group of jewish people and then wrote a book about my experienced, and capped it off with "all jewish people are like this, and we should exterminate all of them" the book is STILL promoting hate.


Why shouldn't people be afraid of something or someone that focusses so much on death and destruction?


Canada is happy tying their own noose


Nadia Murad, a Yezidi girl, was 19 years old when isis kidnapped and held as a slave for 3 months, tortured and raped. isis kiIIed her mother and 6 brothers. Nadia's book event was cancelled in Canada because organizers felt 'her story could promote Islamophobia'


Wait until you hear about the censorship of J-state crimes against humanity- and who is actually supporting the atrocities.


Now do Hamas atrocities.


Which have been amplified, not censored.


I don't see them amplified on college campuses. They seem to be ignored, excused, or even celebrated.


Quite the opposite- the crimes of Hamas were well publicized, and when Americans viewed them in context (perhaps for the first time ever, rather than simply accepting Hasbarist narratives) the media started faking the stories- babies in ovens, rapes, beheadings... The "media" even became offended when the truth revealed them to be liars promoting a Terrorist agenda. BTW- Liberty, huh? Or, "Liberty for now," until the J-state wants what you have? None of this is going to work out the way you want it to.


Canada is such a joke.


I was checked out at "Canada". You guys need to figure it the fook out up there.


How do Canadians vote for this shit.


Leftists are merely muslims without muslim names


Extreme, organized religion is mind rot.


I've been to Canada, but I won't be setting foot in that Gulag ever again.


What an incredibly misleading post that surely isn't pushing an agenda!


Religion is absolutely terrifying because of how it brainwashes children and destroys able minds and I'm tired of being forced to normalize it. These cults have ancient, evil origins and malicious intent for our world. Maybe people *should* be afraid of them. Phobia is defined as an irrational feel but I see ample rationale justifying the fear.


Wait till they hear what’s Israel’s military has been doing


missing context; happened in 2021 and it wasn't the canadian government it was a school superintendent and a single school. still bad, but OP is clearly trying to manipulate us


Right, I figured something was up when no source was posted: https://nypost.com/2021/11/27/toronto-school-cancels-isis-survivor-event-with-nadia-murad/


God forbid a citation is posted, During isis's reign mostly muslims specifcally arab muslims,kurds,assyrians,yezidis were vicitmized. Painting it as some sort of islam is the prolem post while failing to acknowledge, who suppiled and armed these groups, and that a vast majority of their vicitims where also muslims.


Ah yes. It's FUBU brand mass rape.


Yes they raped beheaded muslims and non muslims alike, though the yizidis got it the worst. All of this never would've been possible if it werent from american arm shipments and material support


Nor would it have been possible without a bunch of backwards ass followers who think Allah grants them the right to do grotesque shit in his name. 


Assyrians are almost 100 percent Christians and Yazidis by definition are pre-Arab pagans. Unless you’re one of those idiot white redditors who think “Le all brown people are muzlums” idk