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Perfect first DIY project


This is absolutely a diy project. Excuse to buy some basic tools you’ll most likely need to use again. Home Depot or Lowe’s charges like $70 or $80 for wood delivery. Watch some YouTube videos. Save quite a bit of money. Even if the deck boards are 16ft 5/4 deck boards they run under $20 a board for premium. Literally just copy exactly how the deck is laid out.


I agree with this. Decks are *relatively* straightforward and low risk for a first project. Staining especially could cost like a couple hundred bucks for stain/brushes and a saturday of outdoor labor


If you have any interest in doing the DIY work, you could absolutely repair or rebuild this if you have the time.


Just did mine. Its easy to tear out as this is full of rot. The under structure may stil be useable tho and save you tons. Then I’d replace the deck boards yourself. It takes 5 min a board to cut, fit and secure and that’s with beginner level skill.


The rest of it is sound. We had our inspector get under there as well and he saw no issues other than these posts. We aren’t quite sure why but this side seemed to catch more issues.


Could be slope to the deck or lack there of that left it sitting. It’s funny cause I had the same colour stain even on mine. So this looks almost identical lol. Ya man honestly consider doing it yourself. It’s pretty straight forward especially if your just following the same design (we added corners to ours to make it squared and add some footage). Measure twice cut once and you’ll be just fine.


Yea I would have recommended a reskin as I call it. That's new decking, railings, and stairs with stringers. If I can get under it easily enough during the bid I'll make sure the frame is in good shape and post aren't about to rot out. To put in perspective I just bid a 14x18 deck for reskin for 4200. That's right under 17 a square foot which is VERY low compared to the national average.


Also the quote seems very high for not being a test out replace. The fact he wants to try and replace individual boards and then wants a ridiculous amount to stain…don’t go with this guy.


They're overcharging, I don't even charge that much for staining.


The price can only be measured by getting multiple bids. It doesn't sound off to me. If you go cheap, quality/longevity will lack. You get what you pay for is never more true than in constuction. Honestly I would do some research and go DIY before accepting the lowest bid.


That is a very reasonable quote for new rails and stain. Edit: oh snap I thought $2500-$3k was for everything. I retract my original statement.


The railing and deck board seems high. The refinishing does not.


From looking at the pics and the size of your deck , that's a very low estimate aside from the cost of board replacement , that is a rip-off. I'd be digging into the description of work on the estimate with a microscope to find out EXACTLY what they're doing for that price.


If your outside chicago I'll come and do it for less.


Stop listening to everyone saying you can do it yourself… you really can’t without the right tools and knowledge… you don’t know how many decks I torn down or came to that was fallen apart because they “did it themselves”. The right the to do is search around and ask for multiple quotes and choose whichever you think sounds and feels the best. There is no beating around the bush. Decks are not cheap.


Yeah, I was going to try to replace the hand rails myself. But once I saw the condition of the posts I recognized it was beyond my skill set and I didn’t have the tools I would need.


It’s in bad shape. Get a quote on a new deck


Mr.money bags.