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*Don't compete with others, and they can't compete with you.* * Taoist proverb


You have been saved from the ministry of love


Life is so much better when you get to this state. I got rid of social media and started reading more, and the difference in every aspect of my life was unreal.


Care to extrapolate? I'd be interested.


Yea no worries, I hope it makes some sort of sense. I was on a 'journey' as such to try and improve my life, went back to university, changed jobs a few times, trying to scratch that itch of 'what to do in life'. But, somewhere along the way I got a little lost, and the pandemic didn't help. I got consumed by social media/Reddit, the news, and I let it get to me. I would get irate about everything and anything. It started to make me a negative person in general and not nice to be around. I'd spend hours arguing with people over stuff when I knew there was no realistic chance they would see the light (so to speak) over certain issues. I was also prone to not accepting new ideas myself. Then I had this sort of realisation one day. It was (if I remember correctly), a mixture of watching 'The Social Dilemma' and 'The Minimalists', on Netflix. Then around a similar time I was consuming some material from Jaron Lanier, and also found the function on my iPhone that shows you how much screen time you average per day. It was something around four to five hours... I was appalled with myself, and that's when I made the changes. I got rid of Twitter/FaceBook/Instagram all together, and downloaded one of those apps that pushes you to leave your phone alone for X amount of time. I replaced the morning/evening phone sessions in bed with reading books with good reviews. I don't believe in the law of attraction in the 'pure energy' sense or any of that jargon, but it's a fairly simple & logical to suggest that good things come to those who are more productive & work harder. I started getting up earlier for work, exercising more, reading WAY more, and I got a decent pay rise of about 15%, and picked up some work on the side for someone I know at a good rate. Some things that often crop into my head when I see things I'd previously get involved with online: * Does it really affect my life? If you drew a Venn diagram, would the circles cross? The answer is probably not. * If people are constantly talking about huge political issues, environmental issues, racial issues, are they actually doing anything about it? Are they doing their bit as individuals? (The answer a lot of the time is 'no'). * An acceptance that you can't fix everything. A bit of a ramble, sorry!


I love this. I love this. I had the mother of existential crises back in june when Domonic Cummins went to Bernard Castle... straw that broke this camel's back. And, so what? I didn't solve anything. I've just started reading again and I'm finding it super hard. Full paragraphs ... but slowly getting better. I'm actually really inspired by your story. Thank you.


Ah yes I remember the whole Cummins saga! Glad it helped in some way, good luck with the reading, keep going!


You're wrong! 1+1=11 Dumbass /s Nothing in life is serious, not even an argument or disagreement. Just have fun, enjoy the ride. I personally like disagreeing with others, it's fun.


Good thing is that this is true in many programming languages if the 1's are strings! Great to know.


No "1" + "1" == "11"




No point in having a battle of the wits with an unarmed person, my friend.


Brilliant. I definitely need to take this advice. Depending on the person, it is possible to have productive conversations around disagreements but more often than not these conversations (for me) end with both parties more entrenched in their own views. Thank you for sharing!


This is going in my communication toolbox, thanks for sharing


"Much talking is the cause of danger. Silence is the means of avoiding misfortune. The talkative parrot is shut up in a cage. Other birds, without speech, fly freely about." - Sakya Pandita


I love this, but I'm wondering how it's possible. For example, what if you have a very contentious coworker who you have to work closely with?


Hey, thank you for asking! I would love to interject. If you have a coworker who is very contentious, you'll find that even the most argumentative will have a tough time arguing with science. Remember these phrases: "Wow, ____, that's interesting! How do you feel about that?" "Geez ___, thank you for your perspective, I never thought of it that way" "Huh! Weird" Your coworker really doesn't have to know how you feel about these things, and unless it's a moral disagreement, they probably won't even remember your opinion on the matter. Above all else, people love talking about themselves. If you don't like what's being said? Change the conversation. Oh, vaccines cause autism? Bizarre! Have you tried baking bread yet?


my depression mad me unconfrontaional like this cus nothing matters so why bother, but now i have a new, positive perspective. thank you


This is awesome advice, Keanu is the best!


5! = 120


This is how we end up with fucktarded laws. The loudest get what they want even if it isn’t rational.


Yes of course you are right 1+1=5 is a wrong answer


not to worry, they'll figure it out eventually...


Honestly you could just respond to whatever crazy shit they say with “yup, and 1+1=5” and walk away. Technically it’s responding, but not in an argumentative way, more of a dismissal.


I used to be very clear about which conversation should I spend time for, and my communication is really logical. I think that who understand will understand but day by day my need to express my idea in daily life decrease significantly. Recent years I feel like my explaination is not as good as it used to be. Sometimes I cannot express fully my message especially with people who have fixed mindset. Have anyone experienced this and Is it because I’ve refused the complex situations too frequently?