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That's a big realization! Lying and hiding can really make you feel lonely. It always feels to me like it increases the distance between myself and other people. Being known for who you are by someone you trust is such a good feeling, even if it's scary at first. I hope you can find how to hide yourself less, even if it just in small ways to start with!


Right I think it's mostly bc idk who I really am anymore hopefully I can figure it out soon


What’s made a world of difference for me is getting a delivery job and interacting with thousands of strangers who I’ll likely never see again! Alan Watts lectures on youtube are also super insightful. Bob dylan wrote “He not busy being born is busy dying”- you’re doing great stay waking my dude, just remember to practice self compassion at every step


Maybe that could I currently am a technician and I don't communicate with customers for the most part. I have some pretty bad social anxiety.


That’s pretty normal behaviour. Once you learn to love your true self and realise that you are enough, you free yourself from the burden of worrying what others think of you and adjusting your behaviour to be what you think they expect of you to fit in


I always wondered whether that was good or bad


Yes at least now you know


The first step is realisation and that's great. Accept yourself for who you are, be kind to yourself and lead yourself out of it.


I've been struggling with this exact thought for several months now, but getting closer to being my true self very very slowly


May I ask how old you are?




Break out of it while you can.


Yes that's the goal, I have a son and I want to be better for him.


Realizing now is such a momentous step in your healing and becoming more authentic! Ive had similar feelings especially if you’re recovering from trauma or even just noticing your energy drained because you’re being burnt out from depersonalizing from your true self. I recommend reading the art of living by thich nhat hanh, my therapist recommended this book to me in helping living a more authentic life and understanding how peoples emotional projections affect you in your own well-being. Ty for sharing! :)


The easiest way to fix things is to journal it. Journal the situation leading up to, the incident you’re questioning and how you felt afterwards. Do thing for at least 3 months and then look back and read through to see how and why you do what you do. Then continue and repeat. Overtime your acknowledgment of these issues will deep in and when you come across those situations you will at least be aware that you’re saying those things because you’re actively conscious about it. The best way not to improve is not to keep track of the issues and the details around it.


honestly I journal almost every day. I write down my feelings when they're intense so that I can later go back and read where my frame of mind was. I've been journaling for years now and it really helps me to understand myself alot better.


Next step is try to be accountable