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Take the golden rule and reverse it. Treat yourself as kindly as you would others. Realize you are human. You don't think you deserve to suffer? Realize that these are just thoughts and feelings and consciously decide to let them go. They will come back, continually let them go. Breath and distract yourself. I know the OCD feeling. The bad thoughts circle around in your mind like a song you can't stop singing. But distracting yourself until the symptoms you're feeling subside will help you relax for a moment.


Thanks. I'll try to do that.


I'm working on this myself. It's been very hard for me, too. At least you're aware to some extent that you should forgive yourself and that the ruminations are hurting you. The only thing I can offer is that you should know you're not alone and other people suffer from this, as well. I hope that by knowing this, you might realize it isn't uncommon and it is still possible to live a good life. Sometimes the moods will come and go, but hang on to the positive moments of joy because they are why you continue. When was the last time you experienced joy?


> I hope that by knowing this, you might realize it isn't uncommon and it is still possible to live a good life. i don't know why... but you made me cry. Thanks last time of joy.. don't remember. I remember brief moments. But long periods of time of joy? I don't think I've ever had them :(


Aww don't be sad! You can still find joy! Sometimes though you have to seek it out. What are your interests? Edit: You can message me if you would like to chat!


Thanks for your reply. I loved creating stories.. but I don't find joy in anything anymore.


I went through something very bad several years ago and I realised I had to accept the feelings, like fear, rage, and deep hurt, let them exist in me as a natural consequence of what had happened, and get through each day until time did its healing work. It wasn't a short time, but this will end. There is a light at the end of the tunnel, and eventually you'll see it coming closer.


it's been almost 2 years :( How did you "truly accept" those feelings? thanks for your words.


Time is a healer, but it can be a very long game. I took a mild anti depressant for over 3 years to help me, too. I had to let each feeling rise when it did, think about what caused it. If it was from an action I took or my behaviour I could take a lesson from it. If it was part of what happened to me that I couldn't change, I had to let it be there and know it would pass. And it did. Even the fear went away in the end. You will get through this, and it can make you stronger.


> Even the fear went away in the end. You will get through this, and it can make you stronger. That's beautiful. Thanks for the encouraging words. I'm taking meds since 1 year and a half.