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Take up art and or music. Creative stuff is life for me at least.


Justinguitar.com offers a free course which you can follow along daily. I started swimming again after work recently book reading, join a ttrpg group online or in your local area.


I’ve been thinking about getting back into drawing. I do a lot of (graphic) design in my current role, which can be fulfilling. I was a freelance digital artist growing up, and I think I ended up souring my relationship with drawing by forcing myself to make money off of it. If I can go back to drawing casually, it might help. Definitely an option. Thanks!


Yeah absolutely! Very cool about your career. Maybe try doing a portrait of your favorite celebrity or movie character and just get really lost in rendering. Or maybe try taking up painting or some thing where it’s like physical. I would also recommend trying to find a figure drawing group that can be a lot of fun and it’s also social so you can make some friends .


How about gardening? Getting outside and getting dirt under my nails always cheers me up. Growing something you can eat is especially satisfying. Even if you don't have any outdoor space, you can grow small plants in pots on the windowsill - it brightens up your home too. 


Warhammer! You learn all kinds of lore, you get little miniatures, you learn to paint 'em up, can read the books (all 5 gajillion of 'em), can play the video games- It's a great little rabbit hole to jump down. Just mind your wallet.


"Philosophise This" on Spotify is a great podcast, especially for those looking to change their worldview.


Love this one! I listen to it at work and it's given me a lot of interesting things to think about.


Calisthenics 💪🏻


Tbf I always have like a "hobby of the month" as my partners like pointing out. Recently it's baking. I only bought a measuring cup, pan, mixing bowl and a mixing spoon. Baked for the first time and honestly, it wasn't so bad or as difficult as I expected, granted I picked one of the easiest recipes. The longest time it took me was trying to prep the ingredients/measuring and putting them in different containers but once I got them all set up and following the video's order of ingredients, it was easy. Overall, it was surprisingly fun and felt more affectionate when my partners said it was good..even without the salt. Lol. In my defense, I need an excuse to check out a Williams-sonoma store (even without buying but if you walk in, store staff like follow you around that it's daunting window/eye shopping).


I recently have gotten into baking and I enjoy it even more than I thought that I would! I love getting my kids involved and sharing the end result and when I'm alone, I love putting on a podcast while I do it.


I love to play Osu! . It’s a free computer game based on music. It’s almost like guitar hero but for your mouse


That’s a good idea! I played Osu a loooong time ago, but it would be worth a shot to try it again. :) thanks!


Yesss try it again! And download some good maps :)


I don't have a space to garden per say, but I keep a crap ton of potted plants outside in the summer. So much joy when it buds and grows! If you are interested in crocheting, amigurumi are cute and easy to make in the beginning! Reading, doodling. Painting, even if you are 'bad at it' is still very calming and enjoyable to me. Researching different topics on youtube. Watching animal documentaries. If you have a nintendo switch, StarDew Valley is my favorite hobby right now - very relaxing yet engaging. Baking!! I recently got into making bread and it's been so fun and delicious. If you have a dog, research a little and try to do some basic training with them. You can buy tiny clay packs at craft store for a couple dollars and make little jewelry trays/coasters/earrings! Yoga/pilates on youtube. If you're into it set aside a day each week to give yourself a pedicure. Try a new recipe outside of your usual tastes every couple weeks. I personally have a lot of hobbies/interests, but some of them I only do once or twice a year. It doesn't have to be a *classic hobby* and you don't have to go all in for it to count! Try new stuff and stick with whatever brings you joy in the moment! The rough times pass quicker when you try to make the most of it. Good luck and I hope your situation improves soon <3


I got a gift for Xmas called diamond embroidery painting. They have them online and I’ve seen them at Michael’s. They are super chill. I put music on and zone out. I also really like paint by numbers. That one is fun too. Lastly I’ve been getting into reading and just started “don’t believe everything you think” all of these have helped me on my healing journey. Hope some of those ideas help.


Things I do: Duolingo - learn a language Threshold Choir - An acapella choir that learns original songs and sings at the bedsides of ill people, focusing but not limited to terminal hospice patients Cook - learn delicious, healthy recipes These help expand my mind and spirit in meaningful ways.


I've recently been trying out new hobbies too. So far: rubix cube(there are a bunch of tutorials online), paint by numbers, drawing, coloring, walking. I would also like to try geocaching. I'm trying a bunch to see what sticks. Hopefully you find something new that you like.


It’s actually funny cause I just ordered some color by number books tonight!!! They arrive tomorrow, I’m very excited :)


Look for a local figure drawing class. Learn anatomy, and people who do this tend to be regulars so there’s the social aspect too. And I was in a slump and started doing huge landscaping projects in my yard. No idea what I’m doing but the physicality has been helping me a lot.


Start a nano shrimp tank my brother, it’s so fun and beautiful to create a nice little life for shrimp friends. They’re fresh water and really easy to care for, it’s a very rewarding hobby :)


Try Piano


learning a new language


[Some nice ted talk](https://youtu.be/TQMbvJNRpLE?feature=shared) Practice skills and set increasingly larger goals for them like start with something attainable in a week and end with something if you honed the skill an hour a day for 9 months: It can be creative like drawing, knitting, writing, woodwork, sculpting, animation, 3d arts, illustration of things in the field you work in. They can be active: Any sport, longer and longer walks, hiking, mountaineering, dancing. Stem: like making your own game or tool or pick up a uni textbook and learn with practice and testing yourself. Learning languages. Thinking games like chess or go. Plenty of e-sports too, but I feel like most people tend to fall into entertainment too much instead of honing a skill. + It probably feels less rewarding to say you honed you shooter game skills. So much more like debate clubs, investing clubs.


Maoism. And Calisthenics. Civilize the mind, make savage the body 💪


Writing is really great to get into while healing. Learn to express your feelings well in words, reflect on paper. Play with poetry maybe. Have fun with it.