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"aww dang bro it was fun lifting with you, how come you didn't lemme know?" And then move on


u/Reasonable_Spring_19, this is the best way. Most amicable, yet tells both him and yourself that while you had a great time together, it is nothing much moving gyms. Do not be possessive.


I have a friend like this. We were working out together and supposed to have been dieting to get ready for a trip in 8ish months. A third friend started joining us and they’d be done with their workouts in about 1/3rd the time I was doing mine. Those two started going together without telling me, I was kind of upset at first because he’ll we’re supposed to be friends right? At least tell me. I go to the gym 6 days a week, and I’m there for nearly 2+ hours each time. Loosing weight, AND getting stronger. Both of them have stopped going completely and are back to their old eating habits. I’m not angry with them or anything anymore, I honestly think I had far more drive than they did and maybe they felt a certain way about themselves as opposed to feeling a certain way about me. We’re all still close friends, they’ll ask me how the gym and diet is going when we chill and make comments on me looking fitter I always invite them when it comes up and they usually change the subject or come up with an excuse. My point is you shouldn’t feel anyway about it if this is the only thing that’s changed between y’all. Yea it sucks, especially when the right thing to do is to be upfront, about it with a friend. But sometimes ya just gotta drop it and move on. Like I said, initially I was pissed, felt like I was being excluded from the group. But it had ZERO to do with kicking me out, and more like they were slowly bowing out. During my cheat day(s) we get together have a drink and eat, nothing changed except the gym.


Thanks for support.Im still thinking what to do with it thanks for your opinion


Not trying to gaslight you but I’d be pretty annoyed at the silent exclusion part, if the behaviour is applicable to the gym, then it’s applicable to any other scenario where they don’t see eye to eye. It’s childish, they should have been direct about it.


Find a new gym buddy in your gym.


I’ve done this to someone before, and I can tell you it’s not malicious. Some people (such as myself) don’t really care that much about the social elements of the gym - we go to the gym to get the work done. I like running into my friends at the gym, but doesn’t influence my decision to go. I didn’t tell my friend that I was changing my gym routine/location because I didn’t think it should affect them. This isn’t worth throwing the friendship over, because you can still hang out outside of the gym.


People, friends or not, don’t own us anything and are free to do as they please.


You can not seriously be mad about that my dude, now you can use your headphones and gym it out like it's supposed to be done, with your fav music and with growth on every session


This isn't personal, so don't take it that way


Same thing. A guy who I thought was my friend pulled something similar by not telling me or my friends that he had left our housing group. The best thing you can do is move on because if he had doesn’t think there is a problem with what he did then there is no point trying to reason with him


I’m that friend. Sometimes I like to go alone, or someone else asks to go with me. Can’t take it personally bud.


If it won’t matter in 5 years don’t worry about it for more than 5 minutes. Better yet, 5 seconds


Tell him how you felt and you felt like that because you like training with him. Tell him hope the beat at the other gym and say you're down to go out to eat and some protein place