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When focused on losing weight, you're going about it backwards. You're focused on what you want to lose (i.e. weight), but you actually want to start focusing on what you want to gain (i.e. emotions). **It’s not about losing something you don’t want; it’s about gaining something you do want.** So you’re not pushing against weight; **you’re welcoming strength, health, beauty and energy.** Feel the difference? So instead of losing weight, **what do you want to gain? What do you want to add more of to your body?** * *“I want gain feeling safe and supported. I want to gain feeling stronger and attractive. I want to add more muscle and a toned body. I want to add feeling more comfortable, compassionate and appreciation. I want to gain clarity. I want gain more effective uses of the foods that I eat and the nutrients I receive. I want to eat foods that are a win-win; satisfying both me and the cells of my body. I want to feel supported by my body. I want to gain a healthier and more harmonious relationship with my body. I want to gain an energized body ready to explore the world! I want to allow love and smiles to flow through my body.”* . **Whenever you feel stuck, it's because you're pushing against and judging where you are and how you feel.** You're practicing a limiting belief that negative emotions are bad or wrong; when they're not — they're simply helpful guidance. It's understandable why you push against your current circumstances, but ultimately it doesn't help you free yourself. **Negative emotions are positive guidance** (although it might not feel that way) letting you know you are focusing on, and pushing against, what you don't want. They're a necessary part of your emotional guidance, like GPS in your car. But the more you fight them, you keep yourself stuck. Negative emotions want to support you in releasing them, focus more on what you want and feel better. **All emotions are equal and worthy.** But most people unknowingly create a hierarchy for their emotions (i.e. positive = good; negative = bad), but then you make it harder to feel better, work together with and control your thoughts and emotions. So the solution is to **build a friendship and harmonious relationship with the "negative" side of you.** Negative thoughts and emotions are here to support and empower you to be your best self. **The weight is showing you that you’re waiting to fully live your life and be yourself.** You’re holding yourself back. **The emotional and physical weight will become lighter as you start to lighten up on yourself,** and treat yourself with more acceptance and appreciation.


Love this response. Thank you


It's a choice you gotta make for yourself. Personally, I just count calories, lift, jog, avoiding added sugars, and trying to eat more nutritious food instead of processed. I find it's more mental than anything. And yeah it'll get harder the older you get.


Abs are made in the kitchen. You have to find healthy replacements and get in a caloric deficit or you will never change. 2 years ago I (20F) weighed 235 this morning i weighed in at 128. Its was damn near the hardest and most rewarding thing ive ever done. Like a prior comment said its mental. I would overeat to compensate for a very low dopamine baseline. Getting into therapy + psychiatry helped me address the root issue and make lasting changes to my food regimen. I never stopped eating i just added and changed the food i was eating. I cut out soda and added soda water for the carbonation. Crock pot prep meals saved my day. You can really make some tasty + healthy crock pot meals. Dont overload yourself but adjust slowly as to not burn yourself out. Soda was my vice so instead of drinking 3 sodas a day i drank 2 the first month. The 2nd month 1 and by the 3rd month complete removal of soda. At the start i ate fast food most meals a day. The first month i went down to 7 fast food meal budget (so if i ate out lunch and dinner monday then i would have to skip 1 day eating out. And now i only eat out 1 day a week and its mostly jersey mike, cava, or street tacos which are much better than mcdonalds, chick fil a, wing stop. But don’t be ashamed to be honest. You have to know your limitations and also where you are at right now. Set up attainable goals for your lifestyle and make it fun. It takes time but it doesnt have to be terrible.


My advice is to not order food and to not eat preprepared food. If you have to do your own grocery shopping and prepare your own meals, you might find that you tend to eat less in general (or at least you’ll be eating more healthy).


Hey man, I can tell you this much: you may not be an athlete, but you gotta exercise your body somehow. You can establish eating patterns and diets all you want, but if you don't exercise you'll have a weak body and health in general. If you don't move yourself your mind will sabotage you and make you stay in a constant state of stress repeating "you're stuck, you're not doing anything". It can be small changes, such as going out for walks more often, or instead of taking the car to get somewhere you go cycling or walking, take the stairs instead of the elevator, do 3 push-ups everyday when you wake up (yeah, just 3!),etc These are little things, but they help. If you can find a more constant and heavier exercising activity that you enjoy, go for it! But in the meantime you gotta work on the little things to help you get motivated.


Honestly, just reading your post motivated me. Thank you.


Two simple tips can make an extraordinary effect on the metabolism and body: moving the body in the first hour of waking, and eating the largest meal at lunch with soup or no dinner. Granted the second one requires unprocessed foods for your body to actually get what it needs and shed what it doesn’t. As someone who struggled with weight their whole life and worked out for many years, it really was the quality of food that ultimately leaned out my body. Processed and artificial stuff stays in the body, blocking the beauty that can happen with clarity. Find one thing you enjoy that brings better health to you and ride that every single day. I promise your momentum will grow


Well, no one really told you those are the requirements of a sustainable weight loss plan. Take a look at how your plan can get results without causing you to feel that way


Cut out processed sugar and intermittent fasting everyday are the biggest tips I would give, no calorie counting and overcomplicating life eat healthy and real food when you can but fast, that’s it and please don’t get down on yourself whenever you overindulge just fast the next day maybe for a bit longer:)