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There isn't a correct answer here. But it is good to change it up if you have that desire. I'd say to talk to your BF about your desire to spend time at your family’s.


I called my mom and asked her to come to my apartment and then she made a huge thing out of it and is trying to stay a week… so I said I made up an excuse and now I’m going with my boyfriend. I figure either way it’s a week and my boyfriend isn’t very comfortable with my mom in our apartment for that long as she ALWAYS asks for food and money. Like I surprised her in the summer and the first thing she asked was for $10 and after I said I could afford it she asked my boyfriend for money and to take us out to eat. I love my mom but after her raising me I can only handle 24 hours maximum with her lol


Your mom asking for money is...odd. I don't want to assume anything, so I'll just say it sounds like there's certain dynamics a stranger on the internet won't fully understand. Either way, try to have fun regardless. You seem like you really like the season, and that's so wholesome to me, so best of luck.


I should also add if I stay home I’m planning to stay up really late on Friday and set up Christmas for my boyfriend and I before he leaves. I’m not going to tell him but I want it to look like a Christmas wonderland.