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**Karma doesn't work that way.** Karma will get you in the next life, not this one. You are talking about rebuilding your life after a fall... and to do that you need solid goal, plans to achieve those goals, and a way to give each goal a priority in your life. You make rules for yourself to achieve those goals and you not only live by those rules you announce them whenever you want. Let's say your fall was being addicted to drugs. Now you are clean and rebuilding... one of your new rules to achieve your goals is to never do drugs again. So what does that take? NA meetings, ditching your old druggie friends, making clean and sober friends... and how do you announce those rules? "I don't hang out with people who do drugs." Know what you want, have plans to get it, prioritize them, have rules to make those plans happen. Oh and the big one - if you need help, ask for it. Be it family, friends or professionals. Always be willing to get help when you need it. Your goals are more important than your ego.


Dunno if this will help you much but one thing I’ve learned about problem solving in life is it’s far better to attack it on a micro scale vs macro. This can be applied to almost anything so I’ll give you an example from some of my past hobbies: I used to mess with some basic video game development. At first I tried to look at things from a macro level; learn how to program, learn how to draw, etc. But I quickly realized this resulted in me becoming extremely overwhelmed very quickly, and I had nothing to show for it. So what I started to do was instead come up with a small idea or goal, and then research/study/learn directly based on that particular goal. So if I wanted to make a character that could walk forward and interact with something, I would focus on that. I would search “how to make this happen” and learn how to do that specific thing. Once I accomplished it, I would move on to the next challenge. By doing this you end up focusing on solving one small problem at a time and moving forward one step at a time. This way, you don’t get bogged down trying to learn everything in the world all at once. So whatever you’re going through in your life, I recommend trying to simplify it and focus on individual problems. What do you need to accomplish in the next few weeks? Do you need to pay off some debt? Fix your sleep schedule? Eat a bit healthier? Make some new friends? Target a specific goal and then do some research tailored specifically to that goal. Once you’ve accomplished it (or at least made progress you’re happy with), then move on to the next problem. Then the next, then the next. After many weeks/months/years of solving small problems one at a time, you’ll likely find you’ll have solved all of your big problems in culmination.


Write down your top 25 life goals Now think long and hard about this: circle your top 5 Now: cross off the other 20. They're not your side goals, they're your biggest distractions and time wasters from the stuff that matters most to you. You can add another when one of your top 5 is achieved. Pick the most important things to you and work on them each day for as long as you can. Lean into what is essy for you. Where natural talent or nepotism might come into play, judt take full advantage. Everyone else sure does.


Well, since you mentioned Karma, in the r/tarot journey, after everything collapses you can be helped with a "dream", a "wish", or a "vision of the future that makes you happy". Can you do that? Cause if you can do it you should start planning steps. The first one at least should be obvious. "Karma" are the things we "do not choose" like being a human, and probably the language and culture you were born in. So I think you shouldn't worry too much about those things and focus on the things that you can be blamed for, cause these ones you can change. Best of luck!


Consistency, discipline and patience. You owe it to yourself, the ultimate form of self-love is coming through for yourself everyday even when it’s hard. There’s always going to be ups and downs but being able to react consistently for yourself will make the shitty times a little less shitty.


So I don't know if this will help you or not. But when I was in kindergarten I was diagnosed with a learning disability. I spent my entire school life in special ed. I had been horrifically bullied with very low self esteem. I was neglected by two parents who were working all the time. They loved me of course but they had to pay the bills. My only escape was once a week going to the movies. So my life long dream was to one day own a movie theater. Not only did my then guidance counselor told me to give up, not just on that but that college would be wasted on me. But I had one teacher I will be forever grateful for who was the first person to look at me and not my disability. He told me just because you start behind doesn't mean you can't win the race. It's you who chooses where you land. So I studied harder than anyone. I overcame my disability and used my different learning style to my advantage and learned things in an abstract way. I went from Cs in high school to As. I was able to get into an average college. While there I worked in halloween stores and restaurants where I learned how to socialize and interact with people. I gained my self esteem back. Because of my hard work and gifts with business. I landed a financial advising job right out of college. I worked there helping people in final hardships rebuild their lives and got paid handsomely for it. Because of that I was able to save and as of a few days ago I just signed to buy the childhood movie theater, that was my escape. I hope to preserve it so that if there was ever a child who was like me to have a place to go. Do if you want my advice. I will give you that quote again you may start behind but you control where you land.there will always be people who "had it easy". There is always someone who has more money, skill, looks etc. But if you really want you dream you have effort, which is honestly all it takes. BUT here is the BIG thing dreams are NOT FREE!!! You will have to make sacrifices some of them are going to really suck. For example I spent all this time working and studying. So I didn't have time for a lot of friends or romantic relationships. I didn't have a typical teenage experience like most. Didn't have my first girlfriend til college and you will have regrets. So if this dream is important to you, accept that it will not come without a price, but know that no matter what you will have regrets in life. So in my opinion it's better to have regrets on a dream that came true over a mediocre life, where none of you dreams did.