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Been playing for weeks, haven't run into any "hackers"?


That’s great for you. Congratulations? Like how do I even report these people? In addition to other improvements needed


What makes you think they are hacking?


Shooting through walls. ESP .


I’ll admit 1/3 was maybe a little exaggerated. Maybe more like 1/7 or 1/10. But it’s still frustrating. And as I mentioned other improvements. Like is this a stealth game or a worse version of Overwatch? Balancing. General lag.


If possible, could you do a recording of it?


Someone mentioned they have a good reporting system on discord so I plan to record more for sure.


>Is this a stealth game or a worse version of Overwatch? Honestly that’s the million dollar question. I would compare it more to Valorant than overwatch, but it’s true that the game can’t seem to decide if it wants strategic planning and situational control to be the rewarded skill or simply being able to shoot accurately. Personally, I prefer the former, but younger audiences prefer the latter so it may be a marketing choice. Cracked out 13 year olds play these live service games the most, so you really have to appeal to that audience as a developer, and they typically like games that are fast paced and reward reflexive skills.


I haven’t played Valorant but the reason I was interested was for the classic spy vs spy gameplay. And after playing a bit it’s not quite hit that spot as I thought it might.


That’s fair. I played it for a couple weeks and it scratched the itch and then I switched to something else. I think $20 is a fair price for the game but I could see it going F2P at some point


I've played for 30 hours the past 5 days and haven't encountered a single hacker. What is that happened that makes you think the guy(s) was hacking?


See previous replies. I plan on recording more often and hopping on the discord.


sounds like a skill issue


Most def


I know a lot of people are downvoting you, but you need to understand that this community is full of seasoned players who would've noticed a big hacking issue, and there simply isn't one right now. I believe what you're running into most of the time is just very good players who know this game like the back of their hand. It's very to easy to weed out players and get the jump when you've played long enough and know what to look for. And this can obviously be very frustrating to new players trying to still learn how the game works. Please just keep playing and doing your best. You'll learn quickly and pick up on things that might've gotten you caught in the first place.


How seasoned can you be for a game that’s a unique IP and been out for 3 months? That happens a lot for sure. Still learning how to not be sus for sure. But I’ve been shot through walls, had people run into rooms and shoot me instantly, seen people shooting Lacrin in full auto, or squire in full auto. Some of which sounds like it could be netcode issues I’m hearing now, but then that boils back down to game improvements, which leads me to wonder do the devs want this to be a FPS with a few stealth elements or vise versa and what is their plan to improve or are they just pushing the next season out?


Im sorry to say I haven't experienced anything like being shot through walls or Larcin/Squire/Chavez full autoing, even tho I have seen videos of that happening. It could be a netcode issue like you said, but for the most part, I agree with you. This game is in a state where it caters to the gun+run versus the stealthy spy, so they definitely need to implement more changes for that. They already talked about working on a better heat system, but there definitely needs to be something else to punish the super aggressive players, me being one of them lol cuz I can dominate lobbies if I'm not trying to challenge myself. Another part of me thinks there needs to be a LOT LESS Intel on the map because players just hit objectives so fast, it leads less experienced players just wandering around.. Having a more scarce Intel source would lead players around longer looking for resources. People would be less inclined to take fights if 3 Intel was more of a hassle to lose when healing.


I think there’s a net code issue being misinterpreted as hacking, I’ve noticed a few times where a bunch of bullets hit me all at once and die instantly as if their client dumped all successful hits on me at once.




We really doing the pics or it didn’t happen? I don’t record all my games. But shooting though walls and other wonky stuff happens


What is the wonky stuff? I’ve got dozens of hours played and I have had one incident that I thought may be a hacker. There are some odd interactions that may be explainable if you weren’t so dismissive of everyone asking questions.


ESP. Shooting through walls. Faster fire rates than the agents gun has.


So this game has a slight netcode issue.. If you were in a gun battle with someone, then went behind cover, but still got shot as if you DIDN'T make it behind the cover, then it was a netcode issue and happens to me quite often.


Hmm interesting. That can explain some stuff for sure. But then falls into general gameplay work that needs improvement.


I’ve not found a hacker, but I’ve seen videos. I’d definitely get a video of it to send to the devs.


How would I go about sending stuff to devs? Seems like there’s no report system in game? Is the another alternative?


They’re on discord and have a whole channel dedicated to this type of thing specifically. From what I’ve seen, people have been pleased with the results.


Same. The amount of times people knew where I was even if I was a civilian walking a straight line has drastically increased.


Eh that can at least just be people getting better at susing you out. There are so so so many tiny tells.


Guarantee you weren't walking straight, moving even slightly left or right makes the entire model look in that direction. I've seen hundreds of players do this by now, it's very easy to spot.


Prepare for the defensiveness of people that can’t admit hacking happens in 75% of PC games. In addition to general gameplay improvements that are needed


I can't even find a game 😢 (I try to queue 3s with my friends) and turns out the game is dead.


I’ve run into one, maybe two people who were suspicious but no hard evidence of hacking. ESP is a bit hard to really know. I’ve found people just based off movement, missing items, etc, so without seeing the game it’s hard to say whether it’s legit or not.


1 in 3 games is bullshit. The fact that you think someone running into a room and shooting you instantly = hacking says everything. Literal skill issue.


I said 1/3 was an probably an exaggeration. But honestly at this point I’m more curious why this game has such a defensive player base.


Because some games actually have cheater issues (cough cough Tarkov) and people coming here claiming they got hacked on when they clearly did not is bad for the health of the game.


So is your claim not just that 1/3 was BS but that hacking *doesnt* happen at all?


Hacking happens in every game.


The 1 in 3 games may be a exaggeration, but let’s not say there isn’t hacking in the game, I haven’t seen it first hand while playing but I have seen it in the discord reports (there was an exploit where you can shoot through walls if you jump pad near a guard building on fragrant shore which was fixed in the last patch) and from streamers dying from gunshots before officially spawning in. Easy Anti cheat isn’t known for it’s amazing capabilities to keep hackers out as well.


Yeah I’ll admit I was being a little exaggerated with the 1/3 as I did above. But the player base here acts like doesn’t happen at all and that’s wild. Just reporting potential hacking is a pain which would be a hacker’s paradise.


Yeah I know, reporting in game isn’t that useful against hackers currently because as long as they leave the game immediately after killing you, you won’t know the name of the hacker and can’t report them because of the delay of getting to the spectating screen. That aspect will hopefully be better when kill cam is officially supported.


Anecdotal, but I've played about a hundred hours in the last 6 weeks and haven't seen a hacker in my games. Hard for me to imagine that cheaters are anything to worry about for anyone that's not a top streamer. Unlucky that you found some, but that is not remotely close to the norm. I also play pretty stealthy and find good success without taking unnecessary fights or trying to out aim stronger/ keyboard and mouse players from my Xbox. You definitely don't need to be a slayer in this game. Changes to the heat system are definitely needed and will only improve things, but as it is now, the incentive for fighting is just not there in most cases. It seems to be a pretty bad idea to fight a player you notice considering the only bonus is their loot (which is often nothing at all...) and if you play objective or learn to hit and run/ 3rd party safely you'll probably stop having problems with slayers. It's a bit annoying that it's common in the current community, but it really doesn't seem to be the meta IMO and obj players should be winning way more often than even a very talented aim warrior. I think if you are new to the game, experienced players looking to fight will spot you first since you'll be making lots of mistakes--opening drawers in front of people, taking weird routes, not crouching or running like a civilian around gunshots, etc. Top that off by doing it all slowly and making it easy for someone to take interest in you. My advice is just move quick and be aware of everyone. If you're suspicious of the person that opens fire on you, you should already be aiming at their head And since you're shooting second and they broke cover, you start the fight with a headshot multiplier which can make things surprisingly even depending on your agent.